Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostItemToList([FromBody] ItemListLink link, CancellationToken ct)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var currentUser  = HttpContext.User;
            var userclaim    = currentUser.Claims.First();
            var userId       = Guid.Parse(userclaim.Value);
            var shoppingUser = await _shoppingUserRepository.GetEntityAsync(userId, ct);

            if (shoppingUser == null)
                return(BadRequest("You are not a shopping user"));

            ItemShoppingListLinkEntity itemlistlink = new ItemShoppingListLinkEntity
                ItemId         = link.ItemId,
                ShoppingListId = link.ListId,
                ItemQuantity   = link.ItemQuantity

            // Look up item in the store and make sure it is there.
            var item = await _itemStoreLinkRepository.GetEntityAsync(link.ItemId, shoppingUser.HomeStoreId, ct);

            if (item == null)
                return(BadRequest("Item is not in the store"));

            var shoppingList = await _shoppingListRepository.GetEntityAsync(link.ListId, ct);

            if (shoppingList.StoreId != shoppingUser.HomeStoreId)
                return(BadRequest("List was not created for your current HomeStore"));

            var linkAdded = await _itemListLinkRepository.AddNewLink(itemlistlink, ct);

            //var linksToShoppingList = await _itemListLinkRepository.GetAllByShoppingListId(link.ListId, ct);

            ShoppingListItem newShoppingListItem = new ShoppingListItem
                LinkId = linkAdded.Id,

            if (linkAdded != null)

Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetHomeStoreShoppingLists(CancellationToken ct)
            var currentUser  = HttpContext.User;
            var userclaim    = currentUser.Claims.First();
            var userId       = Guid.Parse(userclaim.Value);
            var shoppingUser = await _shoppingUserRepository.GetEntityAsync(userId, ct);

            if (shoppingUser == null)
                return(BadRequest(new { error = "Not allowed to access shopping lists" }));

            var lists = await _shoppingListRepository.GetAllShoppingListsForUserForACertainStore(shoppingUser.Id, shoppingUser.HomeStoreId, ct);

            List <ShoppingList> usersShoppingLists = new List <ShoppingList>();

            foreach (var list in lists)
                ShoppingList sl = new ShoppingList();
                sl.Id             = list.Id;
                sl.Name           = list.Name;
                sl.TimeOfCreation = list.TimeOfCreation;

                var itemListLinks = await _itemListLinkRepository.GetAllByShoppingListId(list.Id, ct);

                //TODO: Look up item in shoppinglist item link repository
                foreach (var itemlistlink in itemListLinks)
                    ShoppingListItem item = await GetFullItemInfo(itemlistlink, list.StoreId, ct);


                sl.TotalCost  = sl.Items.Select(i => i.Price * i.ItemQuantity).ToList().Sum();
                sl.TotalItems = sl.Items.Select(i => i.ItemQuantity).ToList().Sum();


        public async Task <IActionResult> GetShoppingUser(string email, CancellationToken ct)
            var user = await _shoppingUserRepository.GetEntityAsync(email, ct);

            if (user == null)
                return(NotFound(new { error = "User Not Found with that email, Create a new user or Try Again!" }));

            // Get Home Store Information
            StoreEntity storeEntity = await _storeRepository.GetEntityAsync(user.HomeStoreId, ct);

            AddressEntity addressEntity = await _addressRepository.GetEntityAsync(storeEntity.AddressId, ct);

            Store   mappedStore = Mapper.Map <Store>(storeEntity);
            Address address     = Mapper.Map <Address>(addressEntity);

            mappedStore.Address = address;

            // Get Shopping Lists
            //var usersShoppingLists = await _shoppingListRepository.GetAllShoppingListsForUserForACertainStore(user.Id, user.HomeStoreId, ct);
            List <ShoppingList> list = new List <ShoppingList>();

            // sle = ShoppingListEntity
            foreach (var sle in user.ShoppingLists)
                ShoppingList sl = new ShoppingList
                    Name = sle.Name,
                    //Store = mappedStore,
                    TimeOfCreation = sle.TimeOfCreation,
                    Id             = sle.Id
                //var itemListLinkEntities = await _itemListLinkRepository.GetAllByShoppingListId(sle.Id, ct);
                foreach (var itemlistlink in sle.ListItemLinks)
                    ShoppingListItem item = await GetFullItemInfo(itemlistlink, sle.StoreId, ct);


            ShoppingUser theShoppingUser = Mapper.Map <ShoppingUser>(user);

            theShoppingUser.HomeStore     = mappedStore;
            theShoppingUser.ShoppingLists = list;
            // Grab all of the items for each of the shopping lists
        public async Task <IActionResult> ChangeHomeStore(int id, CancellationToken ct)
            var currentUser  = HttpContext.User;
            var userclaim    = currentUser.Claims.First();
            var userId       = Guid.Parse(userclaim.Value);
            var shoppingUser = await _shoppingUserRepository.GetEntityAsync(userId, ct);

            if (shoppingUser == null)
                return(BadRequest("You are not a shopping user"));

            var store = await _storeRepository.GetEntityAsync(id, ct);

            shoppingUser.HomeStoreId = store.Id;

            var updatedUser = await _shoppingUserRepository.UpdateEntity(shoppingUser, ct);

            if (updatedUser.HomeStoreId != store.Id)
                return(BadRequest("Error updating users store"));

            AddressEntity addressEntity = await _addressRepository.GetEntityAsync(store.AddressId, ct);

            Store   mappedStore = Mapper.Map <Store>(store);
            Address address     = Mapper.Map <Address>(addressEntity);

            mappedStore.Address = address;

            StoreMapEntity map = await _storeMapRepository.GetEntityAsync(store.StoreMapId, ct);

            StoreMap newMap = Mapper.Map <StoreMap>(map);

            mappedStore.StoreMap = newMap;

            var lists = await _shoppingListRepository.GetAllShoppingListsForUserForACertainStore(shoppingUser.Id, mappedStore.Id, ct);

            List <ShoppingList> newlist = new List <ShoppingList>();

            //sle = ShoppingListEntity
            foreach (var sle in lists)
                ShoppingList sl = new ShoppingList
                    Name = sle.Name,
                    //Store = mappedStore,
                    TimeOfCreation = sle.TimeOfCreation,
                    Id             = sle.Id

                var itemListLinkEntities = await _itemListLinkRepository.GetAllByShoppingListId(sle.Id, ct);

                foreach (var itemlistlink in itemListLinkEntities)
                    ShoppingListItem item = await GetFullItemInfo(itemlistlink, sle.StoreId, ct);


                sl.TotalCost  = sl.Items.Select(i => i.Price * i.ItemQuantity).ToList().Sum();
                sl.TotalItems = sl.Items.Select(i => i.ItemQuantity).ToList().Sum();


            var updatedUserApp = new ShoppingUser
                FullName      = $"{shoppingUser.FirstName} {shoppingUser.LastName}",
                Email         = shoppingUser.Email,
                HomeStore     = mappedStore,
                ShoppingLists = newlist,
                Role          = "Shopping"
