public GestureViewModel(IGestureService gestureService, IShellEvents shellEvents)
            Switch = ReactiveCommand.Create(() => { Block = !Block; });

            this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposable) =>
                shellEvents.SetTitle("Gesture Example");

                Observable.FromEventPattern <GestureEventArgs>(
                    h => gestureService.GoBackRequested += h,
                    h => gestureService.GoBackRequested -= h)
                .Subscribe(e =>
                    if (!e.EventArgs.Handled && Block)
                        e.EventArgs.Handled = true;

                .Create(() =>
                    // This is called when the view model is out of view.

            Summary = "This sample shows the GesstureService.\nWhen the switch is ON navigation will not work.\n" +
                      "This is because we handle it inside the viewmodel and we use the service in our main activity for back navigation.";
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TraceOutputWindowPane"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
        /// <param name="outputPaneId">The output pane GUID, which must be unique and remain constant for a given pane.</param>
        /// <param name="outputPaneTitle">The output pane title.</param>
        /// <param name="traceSourceNames">The names of the trace sources to write to the output window pane.</param>
        public TraceOutputWindowPane(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Guid outputPaneId, string outputPaneTitle, params string[] traceSourceNames)
            Guard.NotNull(() => serviceProvider, serviceProvider);
            Guard.NotNull(() => shellEvents, shellEvents);
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(() => outputPaneTitle, outputPaneTitle);
            Guard.NotNull(() => traceSourceNames, traceSourceNames);

            this.serviceProvider  = serviceProvider;
            this.outputPaneGuid   = outputPaneId;
            this.outputPaneTitle  = outputPaneTitle;
            this.traceSourceNames = traceSourceNames;
            this.shellEvents      = shellEvents;

            this.shellEvents.ShellInitialized += this.OnShellInitialized;

            // Create a temporary writer that buffers events that happen
            // before shell initialization is completed, so that we don't
            // miss anything.
            this.temporaryWriter      = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.listener             = new TextWriterTraceListener(this.temporaryWriter, this.outputPaneTitle);
            this.listener.IndentLevel = 4;
            this.listener.Filter      = defaultFilter;

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TraceOutputWindowPane"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
        /// <param name="outputPaneId">The output pane GUID, which must be unique and remain constant for a given pane.</param>
        /// <param name="outputPaneTitle">The output pane title.</param>
        /// <param name="traceSourceNames">The names of the trace sources to write to the output window pane.</param>
        public TraceOutputWindowPane(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Guid outputPaneId, string outputPaneTitle, params string[] traceSourceNames)
            Guard.NotNull(() => serviceProvider, serviceProvider);
            Guard.NotNull(() => shellEvents, shellEvents);
            Guard.NotNullOrEmpty(() => outputPaneTitle, outputPaneTitle);
            Guard.NotNull(() => traceSourceNames, traceSourceNames);

            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            this.outputPaneGuid = outputPaneId;
            this.outputPaneTitle = outputPaneTitle;
            this.traceSourceNames = traceSourceNames;
            this.shellEvents = shellEvents;

            this.shellEvents.ShellInitialized += this.OnShellInitialized;

            // Create a temporary writer that buffers events that happen 
            // before shell initialization is completed, so that we don't 
            // miss anything.
            this.temporaryWriter = new StringWriter(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
            this.listener = new TextWriterTraceListener(this.temporaryWriter, this.outputPaneTitle);
            this.listener.IndentLevel = 4;
            this.listener.Filter = defaultFilter;

Exemple #4
        public PatternManager(
            [Import(typeof(SVsServiceProvider))] IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
            ISolution solution,
            IShellEvents shellEvents,
            ISolutionEvents solutionEvents,
            IItemEvents itemEvents,
            IEnumerable <IInstalledToolkitInfo> installedToolkits,
            IUserMessageService messageService)
            Guard.NotNull(() => serviceProvider, serviceProvider);
            Guard.NotNull(() => solution, solution);
            Guard.NotNull(() => shellEvents, shellEvents);
            Guard.NotNull(() => solutionEvents, solutionEvents);
            Guard.NotNull(() => itemEvents, itemEvents);
            Guard.NotNull(() => installedToolkits, installedToolkits);
            Guard.NotNull(() => messageService, messageService);

            this.serviceProvider   = serviceProvider;
            this.solution          = solution;
            this.solutionEvents    = solutionEvents;
            this.shellEvents       = shellEvents;
            this.itemEvents        = itemEvents;
            this.installedToolkits = installedToolkits.ToArray();
            this.messageService    = messageService;

            this.solutionEvents.SolutionOpened  += this.OnSolutionOpened;
            this.solutionEvents.SolutionClosing += this.OnSolutionClosing;
            this.itemEvents.ItemRemoved         += OnItemRemoved;
Exemple #5
 public TraceOutputWindowManager(
     [Import(typeof(SVsServiceProvider))] IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
     [Import(typeof(IShellEvents))] IShellEvents shellEvents)
     this.tracePanes      = new List <TraceOutputWindowPane>();
     this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
     this.shellEvents     = shellEvents;
 public TraceOutputWindowManager(
     [Import(typeof(SVsServiceProvider))] IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
     [Import(typeof(IShellEvents))] IShellEvents shellEvents)
     this.tracePanes = new List<TraceOutputWindowPane>();
     this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
     this.shellEvents = shellEvents;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OutputWindowManager" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
        /// <param name="uiThread">The UI thread.</param>
        public OutputWindowManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Lazy <IUIThread> uiThread)
            Guard.NotNull(() => serviceProvider, serviceProvider);
            Guard.NotNull(() => shellEvents, shellEvents);
            Guard.NotNull(() => uiThread, uiThread);

            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            this.shellEvents     = shellEvents;
            this.uiThread        = uiThread;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="OutputWindowManager" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
        /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
        /// <param name="uiThread">The UI thread.</param>
        public OutputWindowManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Lazy<IUIThread> uiThread)
            Guard.NotNull(() => serviceProvider, serviceProvider);
            Guard.NotNull(() => shellEvents, shellEvents);
            Guard.NotNull(() => uiThread, uiThread);

            this.serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
            this.shellEvents = shellEvents;
            this.uiThread = uiThread;
Exemple #9
        public DevEnvImpl(
            ClideSettings settings,
            IServiceLocator serviceLocator,
            IEnumerable <Lazy <IToolWindow> > toolWindows,
            Lazy <IDialogWindowFactory> dialogFactory,
            Lazy <IUIThread> uiThread,
            Lazy <IMessageBoxService> messageBox,
            IShellEvents shellEvents,
            Lazy <IReferenceService> references,
            IErrorsManager errorsManager,
            Lazy <IOutputWindowManager> outputWindow)
            this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
            this.dialogFactory  = dialogFactory;
            this.toolWindows    = toolWindows;
            this.shellEvents    = shellEvents;
            this.uiThread       = uiThread;
            this.messageBox     = messageBox;
            this.status         = new Lazy <IStatusBar>(() => new StatusBar(this.ServiceLocator));
            this.references     = references;
            this.errorsManager  = errorsManager;
            this.outputWindow   = outputWindow;

            TracingExtensions.ErrorsManager = this.errorsManager;

            if (settings.Debug)
                                           new TextTraceListener(outputWindow.Value.GetPane(new Guid(Strings.Trace.OutputPaneId), Strings.Trace.OutputPaneTitle)));

            Tracer.Manager.SetTracingLevel(Strings.Trace.RootSource, settings.TracingLevel);

            this.isElevated = new Lazy <bool>(() =>
                var shell = this.ServiceLocator.TryGetService <SVsShell, IVsShell3>();
                if (shell == null)

                bool elevated;
                shell.IsRunningElevated(out elevated);
Exemple #10
        public TabsViewModel(IShellEvents shellEvents)
            this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposable) =>
                shellEvents.SetTitle("Tabs Example");

                .Create(() =>
                    // This is called when the view model is out of view.

            Summary = "This is an example of PagerTabsManager for android.\n" +
                      "We use a viewpager (PagerAdapter) and a tablayout.";
Exemple #11
        public DevEnvImpl(
            ClideSettings settings,
            IServiceLocator serviceLocator,
            IEnumerable<Lazy<IToolWindow>> toolWindows,
            Lazy<IDialogWindowFactory> dialogFactory,
            Lazy<IUIThread> uiThread,
            Lazy<IMessageBoxService> messageBox,
            IShellEvents shellEvents,
            Lazy<IReferenceService> references,
            IErrorsManager errorsManager, 
            Lazy<IOutputWindowManager> outputWindow)
            this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator;
            this.dialogFactory = dialogFactory;
            this.toolWindows = toolWindows;
            this.shellEvents = shellEvents;
            this.uiThread = uiThread;
            this.messageBox = messageBox;
            this.status = new Lazy<IStatusBar>(() => new StatusBar(this.ServiceLocator));
            this.references = references;
            this.errorsManager = errorsManager;
            this.outputWindow = outputWindow;

            TracingExtensions.ErrorsManager = this.errorsManager;

            if (settings.Debug)
                    new TextTraceListener(outputWindow.Value.GetPane(new Guid(Strings.Trace.OutputPaneId), Strings.Trace.OutputPaneTitle)));

            Tracer.Manager.SetTracingLevel(Strings.Trace.RootSource, settings.TracingLevel);

            this.isElevated = new Lazy<bool>(() =>
                var shell = this.ServiceLocator.TryGetService<SVsShell, IVsShell3>();
                if (shell == null)
                    return false;

                bool elevated;
                shell.IsRunningElevated(out elevated);
                return elevated;
Exemple #12
        public ThemeViewModel(IThemeService themeService, IShellEvents shellEvents)
            ThemeChange = ReactiveCommand.Create <int>(
                code => themeService.SetTheme((AppTheme)code));

            this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposable) =>
                shellEvents.SetTitle("Theme Example");

                .Create(() =>
                    // This is called when the view model is out of view.

            Summary = "This sample shows the ThemeService.\n" +
                      "When the switch is ON navigation will not work.\nThis is because we handle it inside the viewmodel.";
Exemple #13
        public FilesViewModel(IShellEvents shellEvents, IFileService fileService, IPermissionsService permissionsService)
            this.permissionsService = permissionsService;
            this.fileService        = fileService;

            Save = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(ExecuteSave, CanExecuteSave, RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);
            Read = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(ExecuteRead, outputScheduler: RxApp.MainThreadScheduler);

            this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposable) =>
                shellEvents.SetTitle("Files Example");

                .Create(() =>
                    // This is called when the view model is out of view.

            Summary = "This sample saves or reads a string from a file using the FileService.\n" +
                      "It also uses the PermissionsService to ask for read and write permissions.";
Exemple #14
        public HomeViewModel(IShellEvents shellEvents, INavigationService navigationService)
            Destinations = new ObservableCollection <string>();

            foreach (string str in PageKeys.GetValues())

            Navigate = ReactiveCommand.Create <string>(
                page => navigationService.NavigateTo(page));

            this.WhenActivated((CompositeDisposable disposable) =>

                .Create(() =>
                    // This is called when the view model is out of view.
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TraceOutputWindowPane"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
 /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
 /// <param name="outputPaneId">The output pane GUID, which must be unique and remain constant for a given pane.</param>
 /// <param name="outputPaneTitle">The output pane title.</param>
 /// <param name="traceSourceName">The name of the trace source to write to the output window pane.</param>
 public TraceOutputWindowPane(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Guid outputPaneId, string outputPaneTitle, string traceSourceName)
     : this(serviceProvider, shellEvents, outputPaneId, outputPaneTitle, new[] { traceSourceName })
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TraceOutputWindowPane"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceProvider">The service provider.</param>
 /// <param name="shellEvents">The shell events.</param>
 /// <param name="outputPaneId">The output pane GUID, which must be unique and remain constant for a given pane.</param>
 /// <param name="outputPaneTitle">The output pane title.</param>
 /// <param name="traceSourceName">The name of the trace source to write to the output window pane.</param>
 public TraceOutputWindowPane(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, IShellEvents shellEvents, Guid outputPaneId, string outputPaneTitle, string traceSourceName)
     : this(serviceProvider, shellEvents, outputPaneId, outputPaneTitle, new[] { traceSourceName })
 public TestPatternManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ISolution solution, IShellEvents shellEvents, ISolutionEvents solutionEvents, IItemEvents itemEvents, IEnumerable <IInstalledToolkitInfo> installedFactories, IUserMessageService messageService)
     : base(serviceProvider, solution, shellEvents, solutionEvents, itemEvents, installedFactories, messageService)
 public TestPatternManager(IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ISolution solution, IShellEvents shellEvents, ISolutionEvents solutionEvents, IItemEvents itemEvents, IEnumerable<IInstalledToolkitInfo> installedFactories, IUserMessageService messageService)
     : base(serviceProvider, solution, shellEvents, solutionEvents, itemEvents, installedFactories, messageService)