Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method assumes that RemoteRepo.Load() was already called.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<RemoteVsLocalFile> GroupFilesByName
            (string localFoldrPath, IRepository<SyncableFileRemote> repo, SyncDirection syncDirection)
            var list   = new List<RemoteVsLocalFile>();
            var locals = _fileSeeker.GetFiles(localFoldrPath);

            foreach (var loc in locals)
                var rem = repo.One(x => x.Name == loc.Name);
                list.Add(RemVsLoc(loc, rem, syncDirection));

            foreach (var rem in repo.Any(r
                => !list.Has(l => l.Filename == r.Name)))
                var loc = locals.One(x => x.Name == rem.Name);
                list.Add(RemVsLoc(loc, rem, syncDirection));

            //  if no files in folder, or no folder at all,
            //    - assume that it's a first run : download all
            if (locals.Count == 0)
                list.ForEach(x => x.DoNext(Target.Local, FileTask.Create));

            return list;
        public TransactionRequestModule(IRepository<TransactionRequest> transactionRequestRepo)
            Get["/Transactions/Request/{requestId}"] = param =>
                var requestId = new Guid(param.requestId);

                if (!transactionRequestRepo.Any(x => x.RequestId == requestId && x.ExpirationDate > DateTime.UtcNow))
                    return Response.AsJson(new { Error = "Request expired" });

                if (transactionRequestRepo.Any(x => x.RequestId == requestId && x.UserState == ApiCommitRequestUserState.Cancelled))
                    return Response.AsJson(new { Error = "Request cancelled by user" });

                if (transactionRequestRepo.Any(x => x.RequestId == requestId && x.ExpirationDate > DateTime.UtcNow))
                    return Response.AsJson(new { Success = "Request valid" });

                return Response.AsJson(new { Error = "Technical error" });
 public bool CheckDiscountCode(string code, int boardGameId)
     return(discountCodeRepository.Any(dc => dc.Code == code && dc.BoardGameId == boardGameId));
Exemple #4
 public async Task <bool> Exists(Guid id)
     return(await _repository.Any(a => a.Id == id));
Exemple #5
 private bool InfrastructureComplexityRateExists(int id)
     return(_rates.Any(e => e.ID == id));
Exemple #6
 public bool Any(int id)
     return(productionEquipmentRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
Exemple #7
        public async Task <Response <PostEntity> > EditPost(EditPostRequest request)
            return(await TryExecuteAsync <PostEntity>(async() =>
                var postModel = _postRepository.Get(request.Id);
                if (null == postModel)
                    return new FailedResponse <PostEntity>((int)ResponseFailureCode.PostNotFound);

                postModel.CommentEnabled = request.EnableComment;
                postModel.PostContent = AppSettings.Editor == EditorChoice.Markdown ?
                                        request.EditorContent :
                postModel.ContentAbstract = Utils.GetPostAbstract(
                    AppSettings.Editor == EditorChoice.Markdown);

                // Address #221: Do not allow published posts back to draft status
                // postModel.PostPublish.IsPublished = request.IsPublished;
                // Edit draft -> save and publish, ignore false case because #221
                bool isNewPublish = false;
                if (request.IsPublished && !postModel.PostPublish.IsPublished)
                    postModel.PostPublish.IsPublished = true;
                    postModel.PostPublish.PublisherIp = request.RequestIp;
                    postModel.PostPublish.PubDateUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

                    isNewPublish = true;

                // #325: Allow changing publish date for published posts
                if (request.PublishDate != null && postModel.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.HasValue)
                    var tod = postModel.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.Value.TimeOfDay;
                    var adjustedDate = _dateTimeResolver.GetUtcTimeFromUserTZone(request.PublishDate.Value);
                    postModel.PostPublish.PubDateUtc = adjustedDate.AddTicks(tod.Ticks);

                postModel.Slug = request.Slug;
                postModel.Title = request.Title;
                postModel.PostPublish.ExposedToSiteMap = request.ExposedToSiteMap;
                postModel.PostPublish.LastModifiedUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
                postModel.PostPublish.IsFeedIncluded = request.IsFeedIncluded;
                postModel.PostPublish.ContentLanguageCode = request.ContentLanguageCode;


                // 1. Add new tags to tag lib
                foreach (var item in request.Tags.Where(item => !_tagRepository.Any(p => p.DisplayName == item)))
                    _tagRepository.Add(new TagEntity
                        DisplayName = item,
                        NormalizedName = Utils.NormalizeTagName(item)

                    await _moongladeAudit.AddAuditEntry(EventType.Content, EventId.TagCreated,
                                                        $"Tag '{item}' created.");

                // 2. update tags
                if (request.Tags.Any())
                    foreach (var tagName in request.Tags)
                        if (!Utils.ValidateTagName(tagName))

                        var tag = _tagRepository.Get(t => t.DisplayName == tagName);
                        if (tag != null)
                            postModel.PostTag.Add(new PostTagEntity
                                PostId = postModel.Id,
                                TagId = tag.Id

                // 3. update categories
                if (null != request.CategoryIds && request.CategoryIds.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var cid in request.CategoryIds)
                        if (_categoryRepository.Any(c => c.Id == cid))
                            postModel.PostCategory.Add(new PostCategoryEntity
                                PostId = postModel.Id,
                                CategoryId = cid

                await _postRepository.UpdateAsync(postModel);

                await _moongladeAudit.AddAuditEntry(
                    isNewPublish ? EventId.PostPublished : EventId.PostUpdated,
                    $"Post updated, id: {postModel.Id}");

                return new SuccessResponse <PostEntity>(postModel);
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(tvSerieRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(certificateRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
Exemple #10
 public bool Any(int id)
     return(businessAreaRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
Exemple #11
 public bool Any(Expression <Func <T, bool> > filter)
Exemple #12
        public ActionResult Menu(MenuDto model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // 菜单时间在今天之前的菜单不可更新
                    if (model.MenuDate < DateTime.Today)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "此菜单日期早于今天,无法添加或修改");


                    // 如存在同天且相同午餐或晚餐的同套餐则提示重复
                    if (model.ID <= 0 && _repo.Any <Menu>(x =>
                                                          x.MenuDate == model.MenuDate.Value &&
                                                          x.MenuType == (MenuTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(MenuTypeEnum), model.Name) &&
                                                          // ReSharper disable once RedundantBoolCompare
                                                          // Shsict.Core.ConditionBuilder
                                                          x.MenuFlag == model.Flag && x.IsActive == true))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "已存在同一时间段的重复套餐,无法添加");


                    // 如该菜单已有订单,则不能修改,只能删除
                    // ReSharper disable once RedundantBoolCompare
                    // Shsict.Core.ConditionBuilder
                    if (_repo.Any <Order>(x => x.MenuID == model.ID && x.IsActive == true))
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Error", "此菜单已存在订餐申请,无法修改");


                    var menu = _repo.Single <Menu>(model.ID);

                    if (menu != null)
                        menu = model.MapTo(menu);
                        menu            = model.MapTo <MenuDto, Menu>();
                        menu.CreateUser = _authorizedUser.UserId;
                        menu.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
                        menu.IsActive   = true;
                        menu.Remark     = string.Empty;

                    menu.MenuType = (MenuTypeEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(MenuTypeEnum), model.Name);
                    menu.MenuFlag = model.Flag;

                    // 更新菜单信息
                    object key;

                    _repo.Save(menu, out key);


                    ModelState.AddModelError("Success", "保存成功");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Warn", ex.Message);

Exemple #13
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(contactRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
 public bool Any(int id)
     return(changeQualityPlanRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
 public bool IsAvailable(int boardGameId)
     return(boardGameRepository.Any(bg => bg.BoardGameId == boardGameId && bg.Quantity > 0));
        public UserAliasModule(IBus bus, IRepository<ClientUserAlias> userAliasRepository, IRepository<User> usereRepository)
            Get["/UserAliases/{clientId:guid}"] = _ =>
                var clientId = (Guid)_.clientId;
                var aliases = userAliasRepository.Where(x => x.Client.Id == clientId);
                return Response.AsJson(Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<ClientUserAlias>, IEnumerable<UserAliasDto>>(aliases));

            //TODO: Error checking for file type. Allow csv only
            Post["/UserAliases/ImportUsers/FilesUpload/{clientId:guid}"] = _ =>
                var clientId = (Guid)_.clientId;
                var filesUploaded = Request.Files;
                var files = new List<FileUploadDto>();
                var clientImportUsers = new List<UserAliasDto>();

                foreach (var httpFile in filesUploaded)
                    //if (httpFile.ContentType != "text/csv")
                    //    // Response for file upload component
                    //    files.Add(new FileUploadDto
                    //    {
                    //        name = httpFile.Name,
                    //        size = Convert.ToInt32(httpFile.Value.Length),
                    //        error = "File type not allowed"
                    //    });

                    //    break;

                    // CSV to object
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(httpFile.Value))
                        var contents = reader.ReadToEnd().Split('\n');
                        var csv = from line in contents select line.Split(',').ToArray();

                        clientImportUsers.AddRange(csv.Skip(1).TakeWhile(r => r.Length > 1 && r.Last().Trim().Length > 0)
                            .Select(row => new UserAliasDto
                                UuId = row[0],
                                FirstName = row[1],
                                LastName = row[2],
                                UserName = row[3].Replace("\r", ""),
                                ClientId = clientId

                        foreach (var clientImportUser in clientImportUsers)
                            var exists = userAliasRepository.Any(x => x.Client.Id == clientId && x.UserName.Trim().ToLower() == clientImportUser.UserName.Trim().ToLower());
                            if (exists)
                                throw new LightstoneAutoException("{0} already exists".FormatWith(clientImportUser.UserName));
                            var entity = Mapper.Map(clientImportUser, new ClientUserAlias());
                            bus.Publish(new CreateUpdateEntity(entity, "Create"));

                    // Response for file upload component
                    files.Add(new FileUploadDto
                        name = httpFile.Name,
                        size = Convert.ToInt32(httpFile.Value.Length),
                        thumbnailUrl = "http://icons.iconarchive.com/icons/custom-icon-design/pretty-office-2/72/success-icon.png",
                        deleteType = "DELETE"

                var fileResponseJsonObject = new JObject(new JProperty("files", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(files)));

                return Response.AsJson(fileResponseJsonObject);

            Post["/UserAliases/LinkAlias"] = _ =>
                var dto = this.Bind<AliasDto>();
                var command = new LinkUserAliasCommand(dto.AliasId, dto.CustomerId, dto.UserId);

                return Response.AsJson("Saved!");
 public bool UserExists(string username)
     return(_userRepository.Any(p => p.UserName.Equals(username)));
Exemple #18
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(supplierRepository.Any(a => a.Id == id));
 private bool TestsCoverageLevelExists(int id)
     return(_levels.Any(e => e.ID == id));
Exemple #20
        public async Task <Response <PostEntity> > CreateNewPost(CreatePostRequest request)
            return(await TryExecuteAsync <PostEntity>(async() =>
                var postModel = new PostEntity
                    CommentEnabled = request.EnableComment,
                    Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    PostContent = AppSettings.Editor == EditorChoice.Markdown ?
                                  request.EditorContent :
                    ContentAbstract = Utils.GetPostAbstract(
                        AppSettings.Editor == EditorChoice.Markdown),
                    CreateOnUtc = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Slug = request.Slug.ToLower().Trim(),
                    Title = request.Title.Trim(),
                    PostPublish = new PostPublishEntity
                        IsDeleted = false,
                        IsPublished = request.IsPublished,
                        PubDateUtc = request.IsPublished ? DateTime.UtcNow : (DateTime?)null,
                        ExposedToSiteMap = request.ExposedToSiteMap,
                        IsFeedIncluded = request.IsFeedIncluded,
                        Revision = 0,
                        ContentLanguageCode = request.ContentLanguageCode,
                        PublisherIp = request.RequestIp
                    PostExtension = new PostExtensionEntity
                        Hits = 0,
                        Likes = 0

                // check if exist same slug under the same day
                // linq to sql fix:
                // cannot write "p.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.GetValueOrDefault().Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date"
                // it will not blow up, but can result in select ENTIRE posts and evaluated in memory!!!
                // - The LINQ expression 'where (Convert([p.PostPublish]?.PubDateUtc?.GetValueOrDefault(), DateTime).Date == DateTime.UtcNow.Date)' could not be translated and will be evaluated locally
                // Why EF Core this diao yang?
                if (_postRepository.Any(p =>
                                        p.Slug == postModel.Slug &&
                                        p.PostPublish.PubDateUtc != null &&
                                        p.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.Value.Year == DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Year &&
                                        p.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.Value.Month == DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Month &&
                                        p.PostPublish.PubDateUtc.Value.Day == DateTime.UtcNow.Date.Day))
                    var uid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    postModel.Slug += $"-{uid.ToString().ToLower().Substring(0, 8)}";
                    Logger.LogInformation($"Found conflict for post slug, generated new slug: {postModel.Slug}");

                // add categories
                if (null != request.CategoryIds && request.CategoryIds.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var cid in request.CategoryIds)
                        if (_categoryRepository.Any(c => c.Id == cid))
                            postModel.PostCategory.Add(new PostCategoryEntity
                                CategoryId = cid,
                                PostId = postModel.Id

                // add tags
                if (null != request.Tags && request.Tags.Length > 0)
                    foreach (var item in request.Tags)
                        if (!Utils.ValidateTagName(item))

                        var tag = _tagRepository.Get(q => q.DisplayName == item);
                        if (null == tag)
                            var newTag = new TagEntity
                                DisplayName = item,
                                NormalizedName = Utils.NormalizeTagName(item)

                            tag = _tagRepository.Add(newTag);
                            await _moongladeAudit.AddAuditEntry(EventType.Content, EventId.TagCreated,
                                                                $"Tag '{tag.NormalizedName}' created.");

                        postModel.PostTag.Add(new PostTagEntity
                            TagId = tag.Id,
                            PostId = postModel.Id

                await _postRepository.AddAsync(postModel);

                Logger.LogInformation($"New Post Created Successfully. PostId: {postModel.Id}");
                await _moongladeAudit.AddAuditEntry(EventType.Content, EventId.PostCreated, $"Post created, id: {postModel.Id}");

                return new SuccessResponse <PostEntity>(postModel);
Exemple #21
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(projectRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
        public bool Exist(string username)
            var exist = _accountRepo.Any(p => p.Username == username.ToLower());

Exemple #23
        public async Task <PingbackResponse> ReceivePingAsync(string requestBody, string ip, Action <PingbackEntity> pingSuccessAction)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestBody))
                    _logger.LogError("Pingback requestBody is null");

                var valid = ValidateRequest(requestBody);
                if (!valid)

                _logger.LogInformation($"Processing Pingback from: {_sourceUrl} ({ip}) to {_targetUrl}");

                var pingRequest = await _pingSourceInspector.ExamineSourceAsync(_sourceUrl, _targetUrl);

                if (null == pingRequest)
                if (!pingRequest.SourceHasLink)
                    _logger.LogError("Pingback error: The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI.");
                if (pingRequest.ContainsHtml)
                    _logger.LogWarning("Spam detected on current Pingback...");

                var(slug, pubDate) = GetSlugInfoFromUrl(pingRequest.TargetUrl);
                var spec = new PostSpec(pubDate, slug);
                var(id, title) = await _postRepo.SelectFirstOrDefaultAsync(spec, p => new Tuple <Guid, string>(p.Id, p.Title));

                if (id == Guid.Empty)
                    _logger.LogError($"Can not get post id and title for url '{pingRequest.TargetUrl}'");

                _logger.LogInformation($"Post '{id}:{title}' is found for ping.");

                var pinged = _pingbackRepo.Any(p =>
                                               p.TargetPostId == id &&
                                               p.SourceUrl == pingRequest.SourceUrl &&
                                               p.SourceIp.Trim() == ip);

                if (pinged)

                _logger.LogInformation("Adding received pingback...");

                var uri = new Uri(_sourceUrl);
                var obj = new PingbackEntity
                    Id              = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    PingTimeUtc     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    Domain          = uri.Host,
                    SourceUrl       = _sourceUrl,
                    SourceTitle     = pingRequest.Title,
                    TargetPostId    = id,
                    TargetPostTitle = title,
                    SourceIp        = ip

                await _pingbackRepo.AddAsync(obj);


            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, nameof(ReceivePingAsync));
Exemple #24
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(companyRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
 private bool StandardModulesUsingRateExists(int id)
     return(_rates.Any(e => e.ID == id));
Exemple #26
 public bool Any(Guid id)
     return(feedRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// 处理作业单流程
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="flow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult <bool> FlowResult(OpreateBillFlowResult flow)
                if (flow == null)
                    throw new Exception("参数有误");
                if ((int)flow.FlowResult == 0)
                    throw new Exception("处理结果数据有误");
                var oflow = _work.Repository <Basic_OpreationFlow>().GetModel(q => q.ID == flow.OpreationFlowID);
                if (oflow == null)
                    throw new Exception("作业流程节点不存在");
                var opreationflow = _work.Repository <Basic_Opreation>().GetModel(oflow.OpreationID);
                if (opreationflow == null)
                    throw new Exception("作业流程不存在");

                if (flow.FlowResult == PublicEnum.OpreateFlowResult.reback && !opreationflow.IsBackReturn)
                    throw new Exception("作业流和不支持回退");
                var checkflow = rpsBillFlow.Any(q => q.FlowResult == (int)flow.FlowResult && q.OpreationFlowID == flow.OpreationFlowID && q.BillID == flow.BillID);
                if (checkflow)
                    throw new Exception("该作业单已经提交了该节点的处理结果");
                var billmodel = rpsOpreateBill.GetModel(flow.BillID);
                if (billmodel == null)
                    throw new Exception("业务单据不存在");
                if (billmodel.State != (int)PublicEnum.BillFlowState.audited)
                    throw new Exception("作业单状态不允许");

                IEnumerable <Basic_OpreationFlow> points = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IEnumerable <Basic_OpreationFlow> >(billmodel.FlowsJson);

                bool writbill = false;

                switch (flow.FlowResult)
                case PublicEnum.OpreateFlowResult.stop:     //终止
                    billmodel.State = (int)PublicEnum.BillFlowState.stop;
                    writbill        = true;

                case PublicEnum.OpreateFlowResult.over:     //完成,如果是最后一步则修改单据状态
                    var lastpointid = points.OrderByDescending(o => o.PointIndex).FirstOrDefault().ID;
                    if (flow.OpreationFlowID == lastpointid)
                        billmodel.State = (int)PublicEnum.BillFlowState.Over;
                        writbill        = true;
                    var nextpoint = points.OrderBy(o => o.PointIndex).FirstOrDefault(p => p.PointIndex > oflow.PointIndex);

                    var empsIds    = _work.Repository <Basic_PostEmployees>().Queryable(p => p.PostID == nextpoint.PostID).Select(s => s.EmployeeID);
                    var ctrp       = _work.Repository <Basic_Employee>().Queryable(p => empsIds.Contains(p.ID)).Select(s => s.Login);
                    var msgToUsers = _work.Repository <Auth_User>().Queryable(p => ctrp.Contains(p.Login));

                    foreach (var item in msgToUsers)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.openID))
                        var sendData = new Dictionary <string, MessageDataBase>();
                        sendData.Add("first", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "请尽快完成当前节点的类容"
                        sendData.Add("keyword1", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.BillName
                        sendData.Add("keyword2", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "作业流程"
                        sendData.Add("keyword3", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = nextpoint.PointName
                        sendData.Add("keyword4", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.CreateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                        sendData.Add("keyword5", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                        sendData.Add("remark", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "ESF微服为安全护航。"
                        var Msg = new TemplateMessagePara
                            template_id = "6HzNyomBRZiKo5u-JgJFbr2ygqdQ-n7wq3c5obqQpY0",
                            touser      = item.openID,
                            data        = sendData,
                            url         = "http://weixin.bjjtza.com/MyWork/Doingwork"


                case PublicEnum.OpreateFlowResult.reback:    //退回到最后一步时则退回完成
                    var relastpointid = points.OrderBy(o => o.PointIndex).FirstOrDefault().ID;
                    if (flow.OpreationFlowID == relastpointid)
                        billmodel.State = (int)PublicEnum.BillFlowState.Reback;
                        writbill        = true;
                    var lastpoint   = points.OrderByDescending(o => o.PointIndex).FirstOrDefault(p => p.PointIndex < oflow.PointIndex);
                    var empsIds1    = _work.Repository <Basic_PostEmployees>().Queryable(p => p.PostID == lastpoint.PostID).Select(s => s.EmployeeID);
                    var ctrp1       = _work.Repository <Basic_Employee>().Queryable(p => empsIds1.Contains(p.ID)).Select(s => s.Login);
                    var msgToUsers1 = _work.Repository <Auth_User>().Queryable(p => ctrp1.Contains(p.Login));

                    foreach (var item in msgToUsers1)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.openID))

                        var sendData = new Dictionary <string, MessageDataBase>();
                        sendData.Add("first", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "请尽快完成当前节点的类容"
                        sendData.Add("keyword1", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.BillName
                        sendData.Add("keyword2", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "作业流程"
                        sendData.Add("keyword3", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = lastpoint.PointName
                        sendData.Add("keyword4", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.CreateDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                        sendData.Add("keyword5", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = billmodel.EndTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                        sendData.Add("remark", new MessageDataBase {
                            value = "ESF微服为安全护航。"
                        var Msg = new TemplateMessagePara
                            template_id = "6HzNyomBRZiKo5u-JgJFbr2ygqdQ-n7wq3c5obqQpY0",
                            touser      = item.openID,
                            data        = sendData,
                            url         = "http://weixin.bjjtza.com/MyWork/Doingwork"



                var dbflow = flow.MAPTO <Bll_OpreateionBillFlow>();
                dbflow.BillID         = billmodel.ID;
                dbflow.FlowEmployeeID = AppUser.EmployeeInfo.ID;
                dbflow.FlowTime       = DateTime.Now;
                dbflow.ID             = Guid.NewGuid();

                if (writbill)

                return(new ActionResult <bool>(true));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new ActionResult <bool>(ex));
 private bool NirSoftwareDevLaborGroupExists(int id)
     return(_groups.Any(e => e.ID == id));
 public bool Any(int id)
     return(stockLocationRepository.Any(x => x.Id == id));
Exemple #30
 /// <summary>
 /// 判断分类是否重复。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="category">当前分类实例对象。</param>
 /// <returns>返回判断结果。</returns>
 protected virtual bool IsDuplicate(TCategory category)
     return(Database.Any(c => c.Name == category.Name && c.Id != category.Id));
Exemple #31
        public void SaveTimetableForUser(Timetable timetable)
            DateTime dateTimeFriday = timetable.DateTime.AddDays(4);
            int      currentUserId  = timetable.WorkingUsers.First().UserId;
            IEnumerable <Timetable> existingTimetables = timetableRepository.FindBy(t => t.DateTime.Year == timetable.DateTime.Year &&
                                                                                    t.DateTime.Month == timetable.DateTime.Month &&
                                                                                    t.DateTime.Day >= timetable.DateTime.Day &&
                                                                                    t.DateTime.Day <= dateTimeFriday.Day &&
                                                                                    t.WorkingUsers.Any(u => u.UserId == currentUserId));

            foreach (Timetable item in existingTimetables)
                timetableRepository.RemoveManyToMany <User>(t => t.TimetableId == item.TimetableId
                                                            , nameof(timetable.WorkingUsers)
                                                            , nameof(User.UserId)
                                                            , new User[] { timetable.WorkingUsers.First() });

            IList <Timetable> newTimetables = new List <Timetable>();

            for (int d = timetable.DateTime.Day; d < timetable.DateTime.Day + 5; d++)
                for (int h = timetable.DateTime.Hour; h < timetable.DateTime.Hour + 8; h++)
                    if (!timetableRepository.Any(t => t.DateTime.Year == timetable.DateTime.Year &&
                                                 t.DateTime.Month == timetable.DateTime.Month &&
                                                 t.DateTime.Day == d &&
                                                 t.DateTime.Hour == h))
                        Timetable newTimetable = new Timetable
                            DateTime = new DateTime(timetable.DateTime.Year, timetable.DateTime.Month, d, h, 0, 0),
                            NumberOfEmployeesForCustomer         = timetable.NumberOfEmployeesForCustomer,
                            NumberOfEmployeesForManager          = timetable.NumberOfEmployeesForManager,
                            NumberOfEmployeesReservedForCustomer = timetable.NumberOfEmployeesReservedForCustomer,
                            NumberOfEmployeesReservedForManager  = timetable.NumberOfEmployeesReservedForManager

            if (newTimetables.Count > 0)

            for (int d = timetable.DateTime.Day; d < timetable.DateTime.Day + 5; d++)
                for (int h = timetable.DateTime.Hour; h < timetable.DateTime.Hour + 8; h++)
                    timetableRepository.EditManyToMany <User>(t => t.DateTime.Year == timetable.DateTime.Year &&
                                                              t.DateTime.Month == timetable.DateTime.Month &&
                                                              t.DateTime.Day == d &&
                                                              t.DateTime.Hour == h
                                                              , nameof(timetable.WorkingUsers)
                                                              , nameof(User.UserId)
                                                              , new User[] { timetable.WorkingUsers.First() });
Exemple #32
 public bool AlreadyExistsAccount(string numero)
     return(cuentasRepository.Any(a => a.Id == numero));
Exemple #33
 /// <summary>
 /// 数据是否存在
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="where"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool Any(Expression <Func <T, bool> > @where = null)