Exemple #1
        void TestTime()
            int  hr;
            long TimeStart1, TimeEnd1;
            long TimeStart2, TimeEnd2;

            // Read the value
            hr = m_ims.GetTime(out TimeStart1, out TimeEnd1);

            // Change the value
            hr = m_ims.SetTime(new DsLong(TimeStart1 + 1), new DsLong(TimeEnd1 - 1));

            // Re-read the value
            hr = m_ims.GetTime(out TimeStart2, out TimeEnd2);

            // Check to see if the change took
            Debug.Assert(TimeStart1 + 1 == TimeStart2, "Get/Set time start");
            Debug.Assert(TimeEnd1 - 1 == TimeEnd2, "Get/Set time End");

            // Try using nulls
            hr = m_ims.SetTime(null, null);

            // Read the time, should fail (because of the nulls)
            hr = m_ims.GetTime(out TimeStart1, out TimeEnd1);
            Debug.Assert(hr == DsResults.E_SampleTimeNotSet, "Get/Set time null");

            // Put it back to where it started
            hr = m_ims.SetTime(new DsLong(TimeStart1), new DsLong(TimeEnd1));
Exemple #2
        override public int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(m_iFrameNumber * _fps);
            DsLong rtStop  = new DsLong(rtStart + _fps);

            int hr = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

Exemple #3
    override public int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample, int iFrameNumber)
        reader.ReadTimeStamps(iFrameNumber, out startFrameTime, out endFrameTime);

        DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(startFrameTime);
        DsLong rtStop  = new DsLong(endFrameTime);
        int    hr      = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

Exemple #4
        // Calculate the timestamps based on the frame number and the frames per second
        override public int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            // Calculate the start/end times based on the current frame number
            // and frame rate
            DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(m_iFrameNumber * m_FPS);
            DsLong rtStop  = new DsLong(rtStart + m_FPS);

            // Set the times into the sample
            int hr = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the timestamps based on the frame number and the frames per second.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sample">The <see cref="IMediaSample"/> to be timed.</param>
        /// <returns>0 = success, negative values for errors</returns>
        public override int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample sample)
            // Calculate the start/end times based on the current frame number
            // and frame rate
            DsLong start = new DsLong(this.FrameNumber * this.framesPerSecond);
            DsLong stop  = new DsLong(start + this.framesPerSecond);

            // Set the times into the sample
            int hr = sample.SetTime(start, stop);

        public static void CopySample(IMediaSample src, IMediaSample dest, bool copySamples)
            var sourceSize = src.GetActualDataLength();

            if (copySamples)
                IntPtr sourceBuffer;
                src.GetPointer(out sourceBuffer);

                IntPtr destBuffer;
                dest.GetPointer(out destBuffer);

                CopyMemory(destBuffer, sourceBuffer, sourceSize);

            // Copy the sample times
            long start, end;

            if (src.GetTime(out start, out end) == S_OK)
                dest.SetTime(start, end);

            if (src.GetMediaTime(out start, out end) == S_OK)
                dest.SetMediaTime(start, end);

            // Copy the media type
            AMMediaType mediaType;
            var         changed = src.GetMediaType(out mediaType) == 0;

            if (changed)

            dest.SetSyncPoint(src.IsSyncPoint() == S_OK);
            dest.SetPreroll(src.IsPreroll() == S_OK);
            dest.SetDiscontinuity(src.IsDiscontinuity() == S_OK);

            // Copy the actual data length
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate and populate the timestamps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pSample">The IMediaSample to set the timestamps on</param>
        /// <returns>HRESULT</returns>
        override public int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            // Time per frame
            int tpf = (UNIT / m_Fps);

            DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(m_rtSampleTime);

            m_rtSampleTime += tpf;

            DsLong rtStop = new DsLong(m_rtSampleTime);

            // Set the times into the sample
            int hr = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

            // Set TRUE on every sample for uncompressed frames
            if (hr >= 0)
                hr = pSample.SetSyncPoint(true);

Exemple #8
        // Set the timestamps
        override public int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            int hr;

            int  iRead      = pSample.GetActualDataLength();
            long SampleTime = GetTimeFromBytes(iRead);
            long TimeStart  = m_FSampleTime;

            m_FSampleTime = m_FSampleTime + SampleTime;
            long TimeStop = m_FSampleTime;

            hr = pSample.SetTime(TimeStart, TimeStop);

            if (hr >= 0)
                TimeStart    = m_FMediaTime;
                m_FMediaTime = m_FMediaTime + SampleTime;
                TimeStop     = m_FMediaTime;
                hr           = pSample.SetMediaTime(TimeStart, TimeStop);

Exemple #9
        public static void CopySample(IMediaSample src, IMediaSample dest, bool copySamples)
            var sourceSize = src.GetActualDataLength();

            if (copySamples)
                IntPtr sourceBuffer;
                src.GetPointer(out sourceBuffer);

                IntPtr destBuffer;
                dest.GetPointer(out destBuffer);

                CopyMemory(destBuffer, sourceBuffer, sourceSize);

            // Copy the sample times
            long start, end;

            if (src.GetTime(out start, out end) == S_OK)
                dest.SetTime(start, end);

            if (src.GetMediaTime(out start, out end) == S_OK)
                dest.SetMediaTime(start, end);

            // Copy the media type
            AMMediaType mediaType;
            src.GetMediaType(out mediaType);

            dest.SetSyncPoint(src.IsSyncPoint() == S_OK);
            dest.SetPreroll(src.IsPreroll() == S_OK);
            dest.SetDiscontinuity(src.IsDiscontinuity() == S_OK);

            // Copy the actual data length
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate and populate the timestamps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pSample">The IMediaSample to set the timestamps on</param>
        /// <returns>HRESULT</returns>
        public override int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            // Time per frame
            int tpf = (UNIT / m_Fps);

            DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(m_rtSampleTime);
            m_rtSampleTime += tpf;

            DsLong rtStop = new DsLong(m_rtSampleTime);

            // Set the times into the sample
            int hr = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

            // Set TRUE on every sample for uncompressed frames
            if (hr >= 0)
                hr = pSample.SetSyncPoint(true);

            return hr;
        // Calculate the timestamps based on the frame number and the frames per second
        public override int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            // Calculate the start/end times based on the current frame number
            // and frame rate
            DsLong rtStart = new DsLong(m_iFrameNumber * m_FPS);
            DsLong rtStop  = new DsLong(rtStart + m_FPS);

            // Set the times into the sample
            int hr = pSample.SetTime(rtStart, rtStop);

            return hr;
        // Set the timestamps
        public override int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample pSample)
            int hr;

            int iRead = pSample.GetActualDataLength();
            long SampleTime = GetTimeFromBytes(iRead);
            long TimeStart = m_FSampleTime;
            m_FSampleTime = m_FSampleTime + SampleTime;
            long TimeStop = m_FSampleTime;
            hr = pSample.SetTime(TimeStart, TimeStop);

            if (hr >= 0)
                TimeStart = m_FMediaTime;
                m_FMediaTime = m_FMediaTime + SampleTime;
                TimeStop = m_FMediaTime;
                hr = pSample.SetMediaTime(TimeStart, TimeStop);

            return hr;
    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the timestamps based on the frame number and the frames per second.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sample">The <see cref="IMediaSample"/> to be timed.</param>
    /// <returns>0 = success, negative values for errors</returns>
    public override int SetTimeStamps(IMediaSample sample)
      // Calculate the start/end times based on the current frame number
      // and frame rate
      DsLong start = new DsLong(this.FrameNumber * this.framesPerSecond);
      DsLong stop = new DsLong(start + this.framesPerSecond);

      // Set the times into the sample
      int hr = sample.SetTime(start, stop);

      return hr;