Exemple #1
 private void PopulateProperties( GraphicStructure paletteStructure, IList<GraphicStructure> pixelStructures )
     Palette = new Palette( paletteStructure.Pixels, Palette.ColorDepth._16bit );
     List<byte> pix = new List<byte>();
     pixelStructures.ForEach( p => pix.AddRange( p.Pixels ) );
     Pixels = pix.AsReadOnly();
        public static void FillActiveUserFilesListView(IList<ActiveUserFile> activeUserFiles, ListView target)
            target.Columns.Add("File Name");
            target.Columns.Add("Reference Computer");
            target.Columns.Add("Memory Use");
            target.Columns.Add("CPU Use");

            IList<String> images = new List<string>();
            PopulateListViewImages(images, target);
            activeUserFiles.ForEach(auf =>
                var item = new ListViewItem(auf.ReferenceComputer.ToString());
                item.Text = auf.FileName;
                item.SubItems.Add(auf.ReferenceComputer.Make + " " + auf.ReferenceComputer.Model);
                item.ImageIndex = 0;
 private static string get_lines(IList<FinishedAndRawInventoryCounted> counteds)
     var retVal = "Dell Part Number	Available FG Qty	Available RAW Qty\r\n";
         i => retVal += get_line(i) + "\r\n");
     return retVal;
        protected IList<ICountryDetails> GetContryDetailsModel(IList<Country> countries)
            var contryDetails = new List<ICountryDetails>();
            countries.ForEach(c => contryDetails.Add(GetContryDetailsModel(c)));

            return contryDetails;
 /// <summary>
 /// Function to append errors in validation error dictionary.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="errorsDictionary">Errors dictionary</param>
 /// <param name="errors">List of errors</param>
 public static void Append(this Dictionary<string, string> errorsDictionary, IList<ErrorListItem> errors)
     if (errors != null)
         errors.ForEach(item => Append(errorsDictionary, item));
Exemple #6
 private static bool AskOrBoolReturnHooks(CommandArgs args, IList<Func<CommandArgs, bool>> hooks)
     bool ret = false;
     hooks.ForEach(delegate(Func<CommandArgs, bool> a){
         ret |= a(args);
     return ret;
        /// <summary>
        /// Copies the validation errors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelState">State of the model.</param>
        /// <param name="validationErrors">The validation errors.</param>
        public static void CopyValidationErrors(this ModelStateDictionary modelState, IList<ValidationError> validationErrors)
            validationErrors.ForEach(error => modelState.AddModelError(error.Property, /* strValue, */ error.Message));

            //string strValue = null;
                //if (error.AttemptedValue != null)
                //    strValue = error.AttemptedValue.ToString();
 private void AddBuildings(TreeViewItem projectItem, IList<Web.Models.Building> buildings)
     buildings.ForEach(b =>
                               var buildingItem = new TreeViewItem() { };
Exemple #9
 private static IEnumerable<NodeData> EncodeNodes(
      IList<ExplorationNode> nodes,
      Dictionary<ExplorationEdge, uint> edgeToId)
     List<NodeData> nodeData = new List<NodeData>();
         (node) => nodeData.Add(new NodeData(node, edgeToId)));
     return nodeData.OrderBy((node) => node.NodeId);
Exemple #10
 public IList<Token> Scan(IList<Token> tokens, Options options)
     tokens.ForEach(token => token.Tag(
         new ITag[]
                 ScanOrdinal(token, options),
                 x => x != null).ToList()));
     return tokens;
        private IDictionary<GenusTypeDto, PhotoDto> BuildGenusTypeDictionary(IList<GenusTypeDto> dtoList)
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<GenusTypeDto, PhotoDto>();

            dtoList.ForEach(x =>
                    var photo = this.photosRepository.GetSingleForGenusType(x.Id);

                    dictionary.Add(x, photo == null ? null : DtoFactory.Build(photo));

            return dictionary;
Exemple #12
        public OrderLine(Product product, int quantity, IList<Outcome> outcomes):this()
            Product = product;
            Quantity = quantity;
            Price = product.Price;
            ProductName = product.Name;

            Outcomes = outcomes;
            outcomes.ForEach(x => x.OrderLine = this);

            Profit = Outcomes.Sum(outcome => outcome.Profit);
            SummWithDiscount = Outcomes.Sum(outcome => outcome.SummWithDiscount);

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Includes a style to the page with versioning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">Reference to the HtmlHelper object</param>
        /// <param name="url">URL of the style file</param>
        public static IHtmlString IncludeStyle(this HtmlHelper html, IList <string> Wurls)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            Wurls?.ForEach(s => sb.AppendLine("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" + GetPathWithVersioning(s) + "\" />"));
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the service and view model, and closes and removes and click-zone windows.
        /// </summary>
        private void ResetRecording()

            _managedClickZoneViews?.ForEach(v => v.Close());
            _managedClickZoneViews = new List <ClickZoneView>();
Exemple #15
        public static SwipeView SetItems(this SwipeView view, IList <SwipeItem> bottom = null, IList <SwipeItem> left = null, IList <SwipeItem> right = null, IList <SwipeItem> top = null)
            bottom?.ForEach(item => view.BottomItems.Add(item));
            left?.ForEach(item => view.LeftItems.Add(item));
            right?.ForEach(item => view.RightItems.Add(item));
            top?.ForEach(item => view.TopItems.Add(item));

Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Includes a style to the page with versioning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">Reference to the HtmlHelper object</param>
        /// <param name="url">URL of the style file</param>
        public static IHtmlString IncludeStyle(this HtmlHelper html, IList <LinkEntry> Wurls)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            Wurls?.ForEach(s =>
                s.Href = GetPathWithVersioning(s.Href);
Exemple #17
        void Dispose(bool _)
            if (disposed)
            disposed = true;

            allocatedItems?.ForEach(t => Prj.GetItems(t).ToArray().ForEach(i => Prj.RemoveItem(i)));
        protected override IHost CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder)
            var host         = base.CreateHost(builder);
            var testSettings = host.Services.GetRequiredService <TestSettings>();

            _userClaims?.ForEach(claim => testSettings.AddClaim(claim));


        public void ParseResult(IList<string> lines)
            lines.ForEach(l =>
                if (l.StartsWith("dangling commit "))
                    var commit = new BareCommitResult();
                    commit.ParseResult(new List<string>() { l.Remove(0, l.LastIndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1)});

        // clear is important to avoid mem leaks of event handlers
        // TODO: is everything cleared correct or are there leftover references?
        //       is this relevant here at all?
        //         see also ResetMenuCommandSets()?
        public void RemoveAdditionalMainMenuItems()

            // don't forget to clear old associated menu items
            if (_itemsRegisteredWithMenuCommand != null)
                _navigateMenuCommands?.ForEach(mc => mc.UnregisterMenuItems(_itemsRegisteredWithMenuCommand));

                _viewMenuCommands?.ForEach(mc => mc.UnregisterMenuItems(_itemsRegisteredWithMenuCommand));

        public InteractiveTests()

            _tests = AllTypes.InCurrentAssembly()
                .Where(x => x.IsConcrete() && x.IsAssignableTo<UiTest>())
                .Select(x => (UiTest)Activator.CreateInstance(x))

                .ForEach(x => x.Owner = this);

            _tests.Select(x => x.Module)
                .ForEach(x => _moduleNames.Add(x));

            _modules.DataSource = _moduleNames.ToList() ;
Exemple #22
        public UserListResponse GetUsersList()
                IList <User> users = UserRepository.FindAll();
                users?.ForEach(user => user.ClearPassword());

                UserListResponse userIndexResponse = new UserListResponse {
                    Success = true
                userIndexResponse.Users = users;

            catch (Exception e)
                return(new UserListResponse {
                    Success = false, Message = e.Message
        public void UpdateAttributeOptionDisplayOrder(Product product, IList<SortItem> options)
            if (product != null && options != null && options.Count > 0)
                _session.Transact(session =>
                    options.ForEach(item =>
                        var option = session.Get<ProductOption>(item.Id);

                        if (option == null)

                        product.Options.Insert(item.Order, option);
Exemple #24
 public GraphicsStructureImage( IList<GraphicStructureList> lists )
     List<GraphicStructure> structs = new List<GraphicStructure>();
     lists.ForEach( l => structs.AddRange( l.Structures ) );
     PopulateProperties( structs[0], structs.Sub( 1 ) );
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes the drop item groups for this map.
 /// By default, we add money and random items. On event or special maps, this can be overwritten.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual void InitializeDropItemGroups()
 protected void WriteStorageAccountList(IList<StorageModels.StorageAccount> storageAccounts)
     List<PSStorageAccount> output = new List<PSStorageAccount>();
     storageAccounts.ForEach(storageAccount => output.Add(PSStorageAccount.Create(storageAccount, this.StorageClient)));
     WriteObject(output, true);
        public ConnectionManager(IList <ConnectionEndpoint> endpoints, string inputQueueAddress, IRebusLoggerFactory rebusLoggerFactory, Func <IConnectionFactory, IConnectionFactory> customizer)
            if (endpoints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(endpoints));
            if (rebusLoggerFactory == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rebusLoggerFactory));

            _log = rebusLoggerFactory.GetLogger <ConnectionManager>();

            if (inputQueueAddress != null)
                _log.Info("Initializing RabbitMQ connection manager for transport with input queue {queueName}", inputQueueAddress);
                _log.Info("Initializing RabbitMQ connection manager for one-way transport");

            if (endpoints.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Please remember to specify at least one endpoints for a RabbitMQ server. You can also add multiple connection strings separated by ; or , which RabbitMq will use in failover scenarios");

            if (endpoints.Count > 1)
                _log.Info("RabbitMQ transport has {count} endpoints available", endpoints.Count);

            endpoints.ForEach(endpoint =>
                if (endpoint == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Provided endpoint collection should not contain null values");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endpoint.ConnectionString))
                    throw new ArgumentException("null or empty value is not valid for ConnectionString");

            _connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory
                Uri = endpoints.First().ConnectionUri, //Use the first URI in the list for ConnectionFactory to pick the AMQP credentials, VirtualHost (if any)
                AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
                NetworkRecoveryInterval  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
                ClientProperties         = CreateClientProperties(inputQueueAddress)

            if (customizer != null)
                _connectionFactory = customizer(_connectionFactory);

            _amqpTcpEndpoints = endpoints
                                .Select(endpoint =>
                    return(new AmqpTcpEndpoint(new Uri(endpoint.ConnectionString), ToSslOption(endpoint.SslSettings)));
                catch (Exception exception)
                    throw new FormatException($"Could not turn the connection string '{endpoint.ConnectionString}' into an AMQP TCP endpoint", exception);
 static void DerivePageCountFromPageRange(IList <Reference> references) => references.ForEach(reference => DerivePageCountFromPageRange(reference));
Exemple #29
 private void GetSubmoduleStatus(IList<GitItemStatus> status, string from, string to)
     status.ForEach(item =>
         if (item.IsSubmodule)
             item.SubmoduleStatus = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                 Patch patch = GetSingleDiff(from, to, item.Name, item.OldName, "", SystemEncoding, true);
                 string text = patch != null ? patch.Text : "";
                 var submoduleStatus = GitCommandHelpers.GetSubmoduleStatus(text);
                 if (submoduleStatus.Commit != submoduleStatus.OldCommit)
                     var submodule = submoduleStatus.GetSubmodule(this);
                 return submoduleStatus;
Exemple #30
        public async Task Load(IList <Record> Spisok, CancellationToken token, IModel m)
            HtmlNodeCollection nodes;
            HtmlNode           root;
            HtmlDocument       document2, hDocument;
            Record             rec, rec2;
            //IEnumerable<Record> rec3;
            string        text;
            MyEventArgs   args   = new MyEventArgs();
            Random        rnd    = new Random();
            StringBuilder SBDesc = new StringBuilder();
            string        tmpString;
            char          searchChar1, searchChar2;

            //await GetDocument(webs);

            //text = hDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@data-qa='vacancies-total-found']")?.InnerText ?? "";
            //web = new HtmlWeb();
            //document = web.Load(webs);

            args.Value  = 0;
            args.Value2 = 0;
            Changed?.Invoke(this, args);
            await Task.Delay(100);

            Spisok.ForEach <Record>(s => s.Closed = true);

            hDocument = await GetDocument(webs);

            searchChar1 = '?'; searchChar2 = '=';
            text        = hDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//span[@data-qa='vacancies-total-found']")?.InnerText ?? "";
            text        = Regex.Match(text, @"\d+").Value;

            if (!Int32.TryParse(text, out int _p))
                searchChar1 = '&'; searchChar2 = '=';

                text = hDocument.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//h1[@data-qa='bloko-header-3']")?.InnerText ?? "";
                text = Regex.Replace(text, @"<[^>]+>|&nbsp;", "").Trim();
                text = Regex.Replace(text, @" ", "").Trim();
                text = Regex.Match(text, @"\d+").Value;
                if (!Int32.TryParse(text, out _p))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Vacancy count error");

            args.MaxValue = _p;

            _p    = 0;
            nodes = hDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='vacancy-serp-item' or @class='vacancy-serp-item vacancy-serp-item_premium']");
            while (nodes != null)
                foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
                    //text = node.SelectSingleNode(".//script[@data-name='HH/VacancyResponsePopup/VacancyResponsePopup']")?.Attributes["data-params"]?.Value ?? "0";

                    text = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy_response']")?.Attributes["href"]?.Value ?? "0";

                    text = Regex.Match(text, @"(?<=vacancyId.*)\d+").Value;

                    // теперь надо узнать есть ли уже такой Id в Spisok
                    rec2 = null;
                    //rec3 = null;
                    rec2 = (Spisok as List <Record>).Find(c => c.Id == text);
                    //rec3 = Spisok.Where(c => c.Id == text);

                    //if (rec3.Count<Record>() == 0)
                    if (rec2 == null)
                        // Новая запись
                        rec = new Record
                            Name    = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class='bloko-link']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            link    = node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class='bloko-link']")?.Attributes["href"].Value,
                            Zp      = node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy-compensation']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            Comp    = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='vacancy-serp-item__meta-info-company']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            Town    = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy-address']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            Resp1   = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy_snippet_responsibility']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            Req1    = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy_snippet_requirement']")?.InnerText ?? "",
                            Interes = null

                        rec.Zp2 = ExtractZp(rec.Zp);

                        tmpString = node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@class='vacancy-serp-item__publication-date vacancy-serp-item__publication-date_long']")?.InnerText ?? "";

                        if (Regex.Match(tmpString, @"\d+").Length == 1)
                            tmpString = "0" + tmpString;
                        if (DateTime.TryParseExact(Regex.Replace(tmpString, @"\u00A0", " "), "dd MMMMM", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out DateTime tmpDate))
                            rec.Dat = tmpDate;
                            rec.Dat = DateTime.Now;

                        rec.Id            = text;
                        rec.BeginingDate  = DateTime.Now;
                        rec.LastCheckDate = DateTime.Now;

                        if (rec.Dat > DateTime.Now)
                            rec.Dat = rec.Dat.AddYears(-1);

                        rec.DaysLong = (rec.LastCheckDate - rec.Dat).TotalDays;

                        // Случайная пауза.
                        StartPause?.Invoke(this, args);
                        await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(2000, 4000));

                        EndPause?.Invoke(this, args);

                        document2 = await GetDocument(rec.link);

                        if (document2 != null)
                            rec.Opt = document2.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("(//div[@class='bloko-gap bloko-gap_bottom'])[14]")?.InnerText ?? "";
                            root    = document2.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[@class='g-user-content' or @data-qa='vacancy-description']");
                            foreach (HtmlNode node2 in root.DescendantsAndSelf())
                                if (!node2.HasChildNodes)
                                    text = node2.InnerText;
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            rec.Desc = ConvertToFlowDocumentString(SBDesc.ToString(), new String[] { "Требования" });

                        //rec.Desc = XamlWriter.Save(SBDesc.ToString());
                        //rec.Desc = SBDesc.ToString();
                        // Преобразовать SBDesc.ToString() во FlowDocument
                        //yap.ForEach<AnaliseType>(p => p.count = spisok.Count(t => t.AllInfo().СontainsCI(p.Name) || t.AllInfo().СontainsCI(p.NameRus())));
                        rec.Sharp      = rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("C#") || rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("С#") || rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI(".NET");
                        rec.JavaScript = rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("JavaScript");
                        rec.SQL        = rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("SQL");
                        rec._1C        = rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("1C") || rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("1С");
                        rec.Distant    = rec.AllInfo().ContainsCI("удал");
                        rec.Closed     = false;

                        //SC.Post(new SendOrPostCallback(o => { Spisok.Add(rec); }), 1);
                        // Уже есть
                        // rec2 = rec3.First<Record>();
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec2.Comp))
                            rec2.Comp = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='vacancy-serp-item__meta-info-company']")?.InnerText ?? "";
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(rec2.Town))
                            rec2.Town = node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@data-qa='vacancy-serp__vacancy-address']")?.InnerText ?? "";

                        rec2.LastCheckDate = DateTime.Now;
                        rec2.Closed        = false;

                        rec2.NewUpdates = false;
                        if (rec2.Closed && (DateTime.Now - rec2.LastCheckDate).TotalHours < 36)
                            rec2.NewUpdates = true;
                        if (!rec2.Closed && (DateTime.Now - rec2.BeginingDate).TotalHours < 12)
                            rec2.NewUpdates = true;

                        if (rec2.BeginingDate < rec2.Dat)
                            rec2.DaysLong = (rec2.LastCheckDate - rec2.BeginingDate).TotalDays;
                            rec2.DaysLong = (rec2.LastCheckDate - rec2.Dat).TotalDays;

                    //Dispatcher.Invoke(updProgress, new object[] { ProgressBar.ValueProperty, ++value });
                    //Pbprc = value / 350 * 100;

                    Changed?.Invoke(this, args);

                // Случайная пауза.
                StartPause?.Invoke(this, args);
                await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(2000, 4000));

                EndPause?.Invoke(this, args);

                hDocument = await GetDocument(webs + searchChar1 + "page" + searchChar2 + ++_p);

                nodes = hDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//div[@class='vacancy-serp-item' or @class='vacancy-serp-item vacancy-serp-item_premium']");

            args.Value  = 0;
            args.Value2 = 0;
            Changed?.Invoke(this, args);
            await Task.Delay(100);
Exemple #31
 public Rule(T defaultRule, IList <T> others) : this(defaultRule)
     others.ForEach(x => Strategies.Push(x));
Exemple #32
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Entity"/> class with a name and a list of
        /// properties that are defined locally on the entity (and are not part of incoming associations).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domainModel">The incoming <seealso cref="DomainModel"/></param>
        /// <param name="entityDefinition">The incoming <seealso cref="EntityDefinition"/></param>
        internal Entity(DomainModel domainModel, EntityDefinition entityDefinition)
            DomainModel = domainModel;

            Schema = entityDefinition.Schema;
            Name   = entityDefinition.Name;

            TableNameByDatabaseEngine = new Dictionary <DatabaseEngine, string>(entityDefinition.TableNames);

            Description        = entityDefinition.Description?.Trim();
            IsAbstract         = entityDefinition.IsAbstract;
            IsDeprecated       = entityDefinition.IsDeprecated;
            DeprecationReasons = entityDefinition.DeprecationReasons;

            _locallyDefinedProperties = entityDefinition.LocallyDefinedProperties.Select(x => new EntityProperty(x))

            _identifiers = entityDefinition.Identifiers.Select(x => new EntityIdentifier(x))

            // Assign entity references to the identifiers, properties
            _identifiers.ForEach(i => i.Entity = this);
            _locallyDefinedProperties.ForEach(p => p.Entity = this);

            _properties = new Lazy <IReadOnlyList <EntityProperty> >(
                () =>
                // All properties, identifying ones first
                var properties =
                    IncomingAssociations.Where(a => a.IsIdentifying)
                    .SelectMany(x => x.ThisAssociationProperties.Cast <DomainPropertyBase>())
                    .Concat(_locallyDefinedProperties.Where(p => p.IsIdentifying))
                        IncomingAssociations.Where(a => !a.IsIdentifying)
                        .SelectMany(x => x.ThisAssociationProperties))
                    .Concat(_locallyDefinedProperties.Where(p => !p.IsIdentifying))

                var distinctProperties = properties

                // Return the distinct set of EntityProperty instances,
                // constructing new EntityProperty instances for the "winning" AssociationProperty
                var entityProperties = distinctProperties.Select(dp =>
                                                                 (dp as EntityProperty) ?? new EntityProperty(dp as AssociationProperty))

                // Ensure back-references to the Entity are set
                entityProperties.ForEach(p => p.Entity = this);


            _nonIdentifyingProperties = new Lazy <IReadOnlyList <EntityProperty> >(
                () =>
                Properties.Where(p => !p.IsIdentifying)

            _derivedEntities = new Lazy <Entity[]>(
                () =>
                AssociationView[] associations;

                if (!DomainModel.AssociationViewsByEntityFullName.TryGetValue(FullName, out associations))
                    return(new Entity[0]);

                       .Where(x => x.AssociationType == AssociationViewType.ToDerived)
                       .Select(x => x.OtherEntity)

            _propertyByName = new Lazy <IReadOnlyDictionary <string, EntityProperty> >(
                () =>
                Properties.ToDictionary(x => x.PropertyName, x => x, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));

            _primaryIdentifier = new Lazy <EntityIdentifier>(
                () =>
                _identifiers.SingleOrDefault(x => x.IsPrimary));

            _alternateIdentifiers = new Lazy <IReadOnlyList <EntityIdentifier> >(
                () =>
                _identifiers.Where(x => !x.IsPrimary)

            _baseAssociation = new Lazy <AssociationView>(
                () =>
                AssociationView[] associations;

                if (!DomainModel.AssociationViewsByEntityFullName.TryGetValue(FullName, out associations))

                return(associations.SingleOrDefault(a => a.AssociationType == AssociationViewType.FromBase));

            _isEntityExtension = new Lazy <bool>(
                () => EdFiStandardEntityAssociation != null);

            _extensions = new Lazy <Entity[]>(
                () =>
                AssociationView[] associations;

                if (!DomainModel.AssociationViewsByEntityFullName.TryGetValue(FullName, out associations))
                    return(new Entity[0]);

                       .Where(x => x.AssociationType == AssociationViewType.ToExtension)
                       .Select(x => x.OtherEntity)

            _extensionAssociations = new Lazy <AssociationView[]>(
                () =>
                AssociationView[] associations;

                if (!DomainModel.AssociationViewsByEntityFullName.TryGetValue(FullName, out associations))
                    return(new AssociationView[0]);

                       .Where(x => x.AssociationType == AssociationViewType.ToExtension)

            _aggregateExtensionOneToOnes = new Lazy <AssociationView[]>(
                () =>
                return(NavigableOneToOnes.Where(a => a.ThisEntity.Schema != a.OtherEntity.Schema)

            _aggregateExtensionChildren = new Lazy <AssociationView[]>(
                () =>
                return(NavigableChildren.Where(a => a.ThisEntity.Schema != a.OtherEntity.Schema)

            _edFiStandardEntity = new Lazy <Entity>(
                () =>
                if (EdFiStandardEntityAssociation == null)


            _edFiStandardEntityAssociation = new Lazy <AssociationView>(
                () =>
                .SingleOrDefault(a => a.AssociationType == AssociationViewType.FromCore)

            _childToAggregateRootIdentifierPropertyMappings =
                new Lazy <IReadOnlyList <PropertyMapping> >(() => BuildChildToAggregateRootPropertyMappings(this));
Exemple #33
        public static IList<GoodsDetail> GetItems(IList<int> ids)
            var r = new List<GoodsDetail>();
            if (ids != null && ids.Any())
                ids.ForEach(id =>
                    var rData = Commodity.GetShopItemDetail(id);

                    if (rData != null)
                        r.Add(new GoodsDetail
                            Picture = rData.Picture,
                            Pictures = rData.Pictures,
                            MarketPrice = rData.MarketPrice,
                            Partners = rData.Partners,
                            Price = rData.Price,
                            Id = rData.Id,
                            ItemTitle = rData.ItemTitle,
                            Sales = rData.Sales


            return r;
Exemple #34
        private static IDisposable MapIndexingInProgress(IList <IndexToWorkOn> indexesToWorkOn)
            indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = true);

            return(new DisposableAction(() => indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = false)));
Exemple #35
 public void Store(IList<MarkdownFile> files)
Exemple #36
        // GET: Book
        public ActionResult Index(string bookGenre, string searchString, string author, string bookPrice)
            IList <BookViewModel> books = null;

            using (var client = new HttpClient())
                client.BaseAddress = new Uri("http://localhost:1786/api/");

                var responseTask = client.GetAsync("booksearch");
                var result = responseTask.Result;

                if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var readTask = result.Content.ReadAsAsync <IList <BookViewModel> >();

                    books = readTask.Result;


                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                        var searchStringsTrimmed = TrimSearchKeyword(searchString);

                        var idTitlestringDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                        books.ForEach(b => idTitlestringDictionary.Add(b.Id, b.Title.ToLower().Split(' ')));

                        books = GetMatchedItems(idTitlestringDictionary, searchStringsTrimmed.ToArray(), books);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author))
                        var authorStringsTrimmed = TrimSearchKeyword(author);

                        var idAuthorDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string[]>();
                        foreach (var b in books)
                            //Trim "," from the author's names and save them in idAuthorDictionary
                            char[] toTrim    = { ',' };
                            var    nameSplit = b.Author.ToLower().Split(' ');
                            var    nameArray = new List <string>();
                            nameSplit.ForEach(n => { nameArray.Add(n.TrimEnd(toTrim)); });

                            idAuthorDictionary.Add(b.Id, nameArray.ToArray());
                        books = GetMatchedItems(idAuthorDictionary, authorStringsTrimmed.ToArray(), books);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookGenre))
                        books = books.Where(b => b.Genre.Equals(bookGenre)).ToList();

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookPrice))
                        var    words     = bookPrice.Split(' ');
                        char[] toTrim    = { '€' };
                        var    fromPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(words[0].Trim(toTrim));
                        var    toPrice   = words.Length == 2 ? -99m :  Convert.ToDecimal(words[2].Trim(toTrim));
                        books = toPrice < 0 ? books.Where(b => b.Price > fromPrice).ToList() : books.Where(b => b.Price > fromPrice && b.Price < toPrice).ToList();
                    books = Enumerable.Empty <BookViewModel>().ToList();
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Web api error.");
Exemple #37
 public void AddEventForManyWithEmail(IUserEvent userEvent, IList <string> userEmails)
     userEmails.ForEach(email => AddEventWithEmail(userEvent, email));
 public void UpdateOnJavascriptContext(BridgeUpdater updater, IList <IJsCsGlue> values)
Exemple #39
 public void AddEventForMany(IUserEvent userEvent, IList <string> userIds)
     userIds.ForEach(id => AddEventWithId(userEvent, ObjectId.Parse(id)));
 public IList <Token> Scan(IList <Token> tokens, Options options)
Exemple #41
 private void AddPayloads(IO.StringWriter writer, IList <Payload> payloads)
     payloads.ForEach(payload => AddFileCommand(writer, payload.SourceFile, payload.Name));
 public void Reset()
     _controls.ForEach(item => item.Reset());
Exemple #43
        private static IDisposable MapIndexingInProgress(IList<IndexToWorkOn> indexesToWorkOn)
            indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = true);

            return new DisposableAction(() => indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = false));
 /// <summary>
 /// Assigns the persons list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="presenter">The presenter.</param>
 /// <param name="projectPerson">The project person.</param>
 private void AssignPersonsList(ProjectPresenter presenter, IList<ProjectPersonListItem> projectPerson)
     projectPerson.ForEach(p => presenter.Project.ProjectPersons.Add(this.MapProjectListItemToProjectPerson(p, presenter)));
Exemple #45
 public IList<Token> Scan(IList<Token> tokens, Options options)
     return tokens;
        private void UnpackResponsePackage(Guid requestId, Document zipDoc)
            IList <DnsRequestSearchTerm> searchTerms = null;

            using (var db = new DataContext())
                using (var dbStream = zipDoc.GetStream(db))
                    if (dbStream.Length <= 0)

                    using (ZipInputStream zf = new ZipInputStream(dbStream))
                        ZipEntry zipEntry = null;
                        while ((zipEntry = zf.GetNextEntry()) != null)
                            if (!zipEntry.IsFile)

                            // Look for csv version first. Done if found.
                            if (zipEntry.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("allrun_signature.csv"))
                                //searchTerms = GetSearchTerms(requestId, zf.GetInputStream(zipEntry));
                                searchTerms = GetSearchTerms(requestId, zf);
                            else if (zipEntry.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("allrun_signature.sas7bdat"))
                                //searchTerms = GetSASSearchTerms(requestId, zf.GetInputStream(zipEntry));
                                searchTerms = GetSearchTerms(requestId, zf);

            using (var db = new DataContext())
                if (searchTerms != null)
                    // Store the first one only.
                    IList <RequestSearchTerm> requestSearchTerms = new List <RequestSearchTerm>();
                    if (db.RequestSearchTerms.Where(t => t.RequestID == requestId).Count() <= 0)
                        searchTerms.ForEach(t =>
                                            requestSearchTerms.Add(new RequestSearchTerm
                            RequestID   = requestId,
                            Type        = (int)t.Type,
                            DateFrom    = t.DateFrom,
                            DateTo      = t.DateTo,
                            NumberFrom  = t.NumberFrom,
                            NumberTo    = t.NumberTo,
                            NumberValue = t.NumberValue,
                            StringValue = t.StringValue
        private IList <Produto> FiltrarPreco(IList <Produto> produtos, int lojaId)
            produtos.ForEach(p => p.Precos = p.Precos.Where(pp => pp.Loja.Id == lojaId).ToList());

Exemple #48
        public dtoFileDetail GetDetailFile(IList <Int32> UsersId, Int64 FileId, IDictionary <String, String> translateServiceCode)
            dtoFileDetail FileInfo = new dtoFileDetail();

            // 1. Col_Manager -> ColBaseCommunityFile (per le info sul file).
            //      La proprietà IsInternal mi dice se appartiene ad un servizio o alla comunità.
            BaseCommunityFile File = Manager.Get <BaseCommunityFile>(FileId);

            FileInfo.FileName = File.Name;

            if (File.IsInternal)
                FileInfo.ComService = "Service";
                FileInfo.Path       = "";
                FileInfo.ComService = File.CommunityOwner.Name;
                FileInfo.Path       = File.FilePath;

            FileInfo.Size      = File.Size;
            FileInfo.LoadedBy  = File.Owner.SurnameAndName;
            FileInfo.LoadedOn  = File.CreatedOn;
            FileInfo.Downloads = File.Downloads;

            FileInfo.isInternal = File.IsInternal;

            // 2. da filelink recupero le info sui download (riferiti ad un singolo file)

            //var x = (from f in Manager.GetAll<FileDownloadInfo>(f => (FilesIds.Contains(f.File.Id) && UsersIds.Contains(f.Downloader.Id)))
            //         select new { Key = f.Downloader.Id.ToString() + "-" + f.File.Id.ToString() });

            IList <Person> Users = Manager.GetAll <Person>(p => (UsersId.Contains(p.Id))).ToList();

            FileInfo.DownDetails = new List <dtoUserDownInfo>();

            Users.ForEach(delegate(Person prsn)
                dtoUserDownInfo UDI = new dtoUserDownInfo();
                UDI.downBy          = prsn.SurnameAndName;
                UDI.downOnList      = GetdtoDownInfos(prsn.Id, FileId, translateServiceCode);
                if (UDI.downOnList == null)
                    UDI.downOnList = new List <dtoDownInfo>();
                UDI.TotalDownload = UDI.downOnList.Count(); //Eventualmente metterlo "fuori" o toglierlo del tutto...

            // 3. Prendere dalla View un iDictionary(String, String) -> Dictionary(Service.Code, ServiceTranslateName)
            //      per tradurre i nomi dei servizi.

Exemple #49
 public IList<Token> Scan(IList<Token> tokens, Options options)
     tokens.ForEach((token, nextToken) => token.Tag(
         new ITag[]
                 Scan(token, nextToken, options),
                 ScanDay(token, nextToken, options),
                 ScanMonth(token, nextToken, options),
                 ScanYear(token, nextToken, options),
                 x => x != null).ToList()));
     return tokens;
 private void DeleteSourceMessages(CloudQueue sourceQueue, IList<CloudQueueMessage> inboundMessages, Stopwatch stopWatch)
     inboundMessages.ForEach(inMsg => sourceQueue.DeleteMessage(inMsg));
     this.LogInformation("Done deleting {0} messages from {1} queue. Elapsed {2}.", inboundMessages.Count, sourceQueue.Name, stopWatch.Elapsed);
 public void UpdateSpecificationAttributeDisplayOrder(IList<SortItem> options)
     _session.Transact(session => options.ForEach(item =>
         var formItem =
         formItem.DisplayOrder = item.Order;
Exemple #52
        public IList<Token> Scan(IList<Token> tokens, Options options)
            tokens.ForEach(token =>
                    foreach (var scanner in _scanners)
                        var tag = scanner(token, options);
                        if (tag != null)

            return tokens;
Exemple #53
        protected override void Init()
            var actionGrid = new Grid()
                Padding         = new Thickness(10),
                BackgroundColor = Color.Aquamarine

            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "Index desc",
                Command = new Command(() => IndexDesc())
            }, 0, 0);
            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "All indexes equal 0",
                Command = new Command(() => listViews.ForEach(c => c.TabIndex = 0))
            }, 1, 0);
            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "Negative indexes",
                Command = new Command(() => IndexNegative())
            }, 2, 0);
            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "TabStops = True",
                Command = new Command(() => listViews.ForEach(c => c.IsTabStop = true))
            }, 0, 1);
            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "TabStops = False",
                Command = new Command(() => listViews.ForEach(c => c.IsTabStop = false))
            }, 1, 1);
            actionGrid.AddChild(new Button()
                Text    = "TabStops every second",
                Command = new Command(() =>
                    for (int i = 0; i < listViews.Count; i++)
                        listViews[i].IsTabStop = i % 2 == 0;
            }, 2, 1);

            var pickerStopped = new Picker
                Title     = $"[+] Picker - Tab stop enable",
                IsTabStop = true
            var pickerNotStopped = new Picker
                Title     = "[-] Picker - Tab stop disable",
                IsTabStop = false

            for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++)
                pickerNotStopped.Items.Add("Sample Option " + i);
                pickerStopped.Items.Add("Sample Option " + i);

            var stack = new StackLayout
                Children =
                    new Button
                        Text      = $"TabIndex 90",
                        IsTabStop = true,
                        TabIndex  = 90
                    new Button
                        Text      = $"TabIndex 100",
                        IsTabStop = true,
                        TabIndex  = 100
                    new Button
                        Text      = $"TabIndex 100",
                        IsTabStop = true,
                        TabIndex  = 100
                    new Button
                        Text      = $"TabIndex 90",
                        IsTabStop = true,
                        TabIndex  = 90
                    new Button
                        Text      = $"[+] Button - TabStop enable",
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Button
                        Text      = "Button - Non stop",
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new CheckBox
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new CheckBox
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new DatePicker
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new DatePicker
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new Editor
                        Text      = $"[+] Editor - Tab stop enable",
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Editor
                        Text      = "Editor - Non stop",
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new Entry
                        Text      = $"[+] Entry - Tab stop enable",
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Entry
                        Text      = "Entry - Non stop",
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new ProgressBar
                        IsTabStop     = true,
                        HeightRequest = 40,
                        Progress      = 80
                    new ProgressBar
                        IsTabStop     = false,
                        HeightRequest = 40,
                        Progress      = 40
                    new SearchBar
                        Text      = $"[+] SearchBar - TabStop enable",
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new SearchBar
                        Text      = "SearchBar - TabStop disable",
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new Slider
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Slider
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new Stepper
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Stepper
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new Switch
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new Switch
                        IsTabStop = false
                    new TimePicker
                        IsTabStop = true
                    new TimePicker
                        IsTabStop = false

            listViews = stack.Children;

            foreach (var item in listViews)
                item.Focused += (_, e) =>
                    BackgroundColor       = e.VisualElement.IsTabStop ? Color.Transparent : Color.OrangeRed;
                    Title                 = $"{e.VisualElement.TabIndex} - " + (e.VisualElement.IsTabStop ? "[+]" : "WRONG");
                    e.VisualElement.Scale = 0.7;
                item.Unfocused += (_, e) =>
                    BackgroundColor       = Color.Transparent;
                    Title                 = string.Empty;
                    e.VisualElement.Scale = 1;


            Content = new ScrollView()
                Content = stack
Exemple #54
 public void AddEventForMany(IUserEvent userEvent, IList <ObjectId> userIds)
     userIds.ForEach(id => AddEventWithId(userEvent, id));
Exemple #55
        /// <summary>
        /// Compresses the specified file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Must be <see cref="IStringSectioned"/> and <see cref="ICompressed"/></typeparam>
        /// <param name="file">The file to compress.</param>
        /// <param name="ignoreSections">A dictionary indicating which entries to not compress, with each key being the section that contains the ignored
        /// entries and each item in the value being an entry to ignore</param>
        /// <param name="callback">The progress callback.</param>
        public static CompressionResult Compress( IList<IList<string>> sections, byte terminator, GenericCharMap charmap, IList<bool> allowedSections )
            int length = 0;
            sections.ForEach( s => length += charmap.StringsToByteArray( s, terminator ).Length );

            byte[] result = new byte[length];
            int[] lengths = new int[sections.Count];

            int pos = 0;
            for( int section = 0; section < sections.Count; section++ )
                int oldPos = pos;

                if ( allowedSections == null || allowedSections[section] )
                    CompressSection( charmap.StringsToByteArray( sections[section], terminator ), result, ref pos );
                    byte[] secResult = charmap.StringsToByteArray( sections[section], terminator );
                    secResult.CopyTo( result, pos );
                    pos += secResult.Length;

                lengths[section] = pos - oldPos;


            return new CompressionResult( result.Sub( 0, pos - 1 ), lengths );
Exemple #56
 public void SetSslOptions(SslSettings ssl)
     _amqpTcpEndpoints.ForEach(endpoint => { endpoint.Ssl = ToSslOption(ssl); });
Exemple #57
        protected override void ExecuteIndexingWork(IList<IndexToWorkOn> indexesToWorkOn, Etag synchronizationEtag)
			indexesToWorkOn = context.Configuration.IndexingScheduler.FilterMapIndexes(indexesToWorkOn);

            var lastIndexedGuidForAllIndexes =
                   indexesToWorkOn.Min(x => new ComparableByteArray(x.LastIndexedEtag.ToByteArray())).ToEtag();
            var startEtag = CalculateSynchronizationEtag(synchronizationEtag, lastIndexedGuidForAllIndexes);


			var operationCancelled = false;
			TimeSpan indexingDuration = TimeSpan.Zero;
			List<JsonDocument> jsonDocs = null;
			var lastEtag = Etag.Empty;

			indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = true);

				jsonDocs = prefetchingBehavior.GetDocumentsBatchFrom(startEtag);

				if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
					Log.Debug("Found a total of {0} documents that requires indexing since etag: {1}: ({2})",
							  jsonDocs.Count, startEtag, string.Join(", ", jsonDocs.Select(x => x.Key)));


				if (jsonDocs.Count <= 0)

				var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
				lastEtag = DoActualIndexing(indexesToWorkOn, jsonDocs);
				indexingDuration = sw.Elapsed;
			catch (OperationCanceledException)
				operationCancelled = true;
				if (operationCancelled == false && jsonDocs != null && jsonDocs.Count > 0)
					prefetchingBehavior.UpdateAutoThrottler(jsonDocs, indexingDuration);


				indexesToWorkOn.ForEach(x => x.Index.IsMapIndexingInProgress = false);
Exemple #58
 public void Reset()
     _controls.ForEach(item => item.Reset());
Exemple #59
 public void UpdateDisplayOrder(IList<SortItem> options)
     _session.Transact(session => options.ForEach(item =>
         var formItem = session.Get<Country>(item.Id);
         formItem.DisplayOrder = item.Order;
Exemple #60
 public void AddBusinessForManyWithEmail(IUserBusiness userBusiness, IList <string> userEmails)
     userEmails.ForEach(email => AddBusinessWithEmail(userBusiness, email));