Exemple #1
 public UrlService(
     UrlContext context,
     IKeyConverter keyConverter,
     ILogger <UrlService> logger)
     _context      = context;
     _keyConverter = keyConverter;
     _logger       = logger;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new cached identity information structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI for the identifier</param>
 /// <param name="identityProperty">The property that will hold the entity key</param>
 /// <param name="keyProperties">The property or properties that together are used to construct the entity key</param>
 /// <param name="keySeparator">The string separator to insert between key values in a composite key</param>
 /// <param name="keyConverter">The converter responsible for converting key property values into a single composite key string</param>
 public IdentityInfo(string baseUri, PropertyInfo identityProperty, PropertyInfo[] keyProperties, string keySeparator,
                     IKeyConverter keyConverter)
     BaseUri          = baseUri;
     IdentityProperty = identityProperty;
     KeyProperties    = keyProperties;
     KeySeparator     = keySeparator;
     KeyConverter     = keyConverter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new cached identity information structure
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI for the identifier</param>
 /// <param name="identityProperty">The property that will hold the entity key</param>
 /// <param name="keyProperties">The property or properties that together are used to construct the entity key</param>
 /// <param name="keySeparator">The string separator to insert between key values in a composite key</param>
 /// <param name="keyConverter">The converter responsible for converting key property values into a single composite key string</param>
 public IdentityInfo(string baseUri, PropertyInfo identityProperty, PropertyInfo[] keyProperties, string keySeparator,
                          IKeyConverter keyConverter)
     BaseUri = baseUri;
     IdentityProperty = identityProperty;
     KeyProperties = keyProperties;
     KeySeparator = keySeparator;
     KeyConverter = keyConverter;
Exemple #4
        public SqlDynamicStorage(string tableName, string connectionString, IConcurrencyControl concurrency, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            SqlMapper.AddTypeMap(typeof(DateTime), DbType.DateTime2);

            _tableName        = tableName;
            _connectionString = connectionString;
            _cc               = concurrency;
            _keyConverter     = keyConverter;
            _defaultSelection = new[] { new StorageSelection <TKey, TEntry, IDynamicStorage <TKey, TEntry> >(this) };
Exemple #5
        public TemporaryFileStorage(string directory, int maxFileSize, long maxStorageSize, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            _directory      = new DirectoryInfo(directory);
            _maxFileSize    = maxFileSize;
            _maxStorageSize = maxStorageSize;
            _keyConverter   = keyConverter;
            _sem            = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1);

Exemple #6
        public S3ObjectStore(IAmazonS3 s3Client, S3ObjectStoreSettings settings, IKeyConverter <I> converter)
            Guard.NotNull(s3Client, nameof(s3Client));
            Guard.NotNull(settings, nameof(settings));
            Guard.NotNull(converter, nameof(converter));

            _s3Client  = s3Client;
            _settings  = settings;
            _converter = converter;
Exemple #7
 public AssociationService(
     AssociationContext associationContext,
     IKeyRepository keysRepository,
     IKeyConverter keyConverter,
     ILogger <AssociationService> logger)
     _logger             = logger;
     _associationContext = associationContext;
     _keyRepository      = keysRepository;
     _keyConverter       = keyConverter;
Exemple #8
        public AtsVolumeStorage(string tableName, string connectionString, IConcurrencyControl concurrency, IPartitionProvider <TKey> provider, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            _cc                   = concurrency;
            _tableName            = tableName;
            _account              = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
            _client               = _account.CreateCloudTableClient();
            _partitioningProvider = provider;
            _keyConverter         = keyConverter;
            _defaultSelection     = new[] { new StorageSelection <TKey, TEntry, IStorage <TKey, TEntry> >(this) };

            _client.DefaultRequestOptions.PayloadFormat = TablePayloadFormat.JsonNoMetadata;
Exemple #9
        public InfluxStorage(Uri endpoint, string database, string username, string password, IConcurrencyControl concurrency, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            _client   = new InfluxClient(endpoint, username, password);
            _database = database;

            _client.DefaultQueryOptions.Precision = TimestampPrecision.Nanosecond;
            _client.DefaultWriteOptions.Precision = TimestampPrecision.Nanosecond;

            _keyConverter = keyConverter;
            _cc           = concurrency;

            _defaultSelection = new[] { new StorageSelection <TKey, TEntry, IStorage <TKey, TEntry> >(this) };
        public RedisPublishSubscribe(string connectionString, string prefix, ITsdbLogger logger, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            : base(false)
            _connection            = new RedisConnection(connectionString, prefix, logger);
            _waitWhileDisconnected = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            _keyConverter          = keyConverter;
            _logger = logger;

            ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
                var ignore = ConnectWithRetry();
Exemple #11
        public Task SubscribeAsync <TKey, TEntry>(string id, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter, SubscriptionType subscribe, Action <Serie <TKey, TEntry> > onMessage)
            where TEntry : IRedisEntry, new()
            if (_redisSubscriber == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The redis connection has not been started.");

            var key = CreateSubscriptionKey(id, subscribe);

            return(_redisSubscriber.SubscribeAsync(key, async(channel, data) =>
                    var entries = await RedisSerializer.Deserialize <TKey, TEntry>(data, keyConverter).ConfigureAwait(false);
                catch (Exception e)
                    _logger.Error(e, "An error ocurred while deserializing subscription message.");
        private static IdentityInfo GetIdentityInfo(AssemblyMappingInfo assemblyMappingInfo, Type entityType,
                                                    PropertyInfo identityProperty, IdentifierAttribute identifierAttr)
            string baseUri = identifierAttr == null || identifierAttr.BaseAddress == null
                                 ? Constants.GeneratedUriPrefix
                                 : assemblyMappingInfo.ResolveIdentifier(identifierAttr.BaseAddress);

            if (identifierAttr != null && identifierAttr.KeyProperties != null && identifierAttr.KeyProperties.Length > 0)
                var keyProperties = new PropertyInfo[identifierAttr.KeyProperties.Length];
                for (var i = 0; i < identifierAttr.KeyProperties.Length; i++)
                    var property = entityType.GetProperty(identifierAttr.KeyProperties[i]);
                    if (property == null)
                        throw new ReflectionMappingException(
                                  String.Format("Could not find key property {0} on type {1}.", identifierAttr.KeyProperties[i], entityType.FullName));
                    keyProperties[i] = property;
                IKeyConverter keyConverter = null;
                if (identifierAttr.KeyConverterType != null)
                    keyConverter = Activator.CreateInstance(identifierAttr.KeyConverterType) as IKeyConverter;
                    if (keyConverter == null)
                        throw new ReflectionMappingException(
                                  String.Format("Could not instantiate type {0} as a key converter for entity type {1}. Ensure that this type implements the IKeyConverter interface.",
                                                identifierAttr.KeyConverterType.FullName, entityType.FullName));
                return(new IdentityInfo(baseUri, identityProperty, keyProperties,
                                        identifierAttr.KeySeparator ?? Constants.DefaultKeySeparator,
                                        keyConverter ?? new DefaultKeyConverter()));
            return(new IdentityInfo(baseUri, identityProperty, null, null, null));
Exemple #13
        public CosmosTablesStorage(string tableName, string connectionString, int throughputUnits, IConcurrencyControl concurrency, IPartitionProvider <TKey> partitioningProvider, ITableProvider tableProvider, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            _cc        = concurrency;
            _tableName = tableName;
            _account   = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);
            var policy = new TableConnectionPolicy
                EnableEndpointDiscovery             = true,
                MaxConnectionLimit                  = 1000,
                MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 5,
                MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds           = 10,
                UseDirectMode  = false,
                UseTcpProtocol = false

            _client = _account.CreateCloudTableClient(policy, ConsistencyLevel.Eventual);
            _partitioningProvider = partitioningProvider;
            _tableProvider        = tableProvider;
            _keyConverter         = keyConverter;
            _defaultSelection     = new[] { new StorageSelection <TKey, TEntry, IStorage <TKey, TEntry> >(this) };
            _tables = new Dictionary <string, CloudTable>();
            _client.DefaultRequestOptions.PayloadFormat = TablePayloadFormat.JsonNoMetadata;
            _throughputUnits = throughputUnits;
Exemple #14
 public InfluxTypedStorage(Uri endpoint, string database, string username, string password, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter, ITypedKeyStorage <TKey, TMeasureType> typeStorage)
     : this(endpoint, database, username, password, new ConcurrencyControl(DefaultReadParallelism, DefaultWriteParallelism), keyConverter, typeStorage)
Exemple #15
        public static async Task <Serie <TKey, TEntry> > Deserialize <TKey, TEntry>(byte[] bytes, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
            where TEntry : IRedisEntry, new()
            var stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
            var reader = CreateReader(stream);

            var id  = reader.ReadString();
            var key = await keyConverter.ConvertAsync(id).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var serie = new Serie <TKey, TEntry>(key);

            while (stream.Length != stream.Position)
                var entry = DeserializeEntry <TKey, TEntry>(reader);

 public HandshakeResponseFactory(IKeyConverter[] keyConverters)
     _keyConverters = keyConverters;
Exemple #17
 public InfluxStorage(Uri endpoint, string database, string username, string password, IKeyConverter <TKey> keyConverter)
     : this(endpoint, database, username, password, new ConcurrencyControl(DefaultReadParallelism, DefaultWriteParallelism), keyConverter)
Exemple #18
 public RepoService(IRepository <TKey, TData> repository, IKeyConverter <TKey> converter)
     this.repository = repository;
     this.converter  = converter;