public override void Add(TValue value)
            // Get position for the new point.
            TMath position = default(TMath);

            if (_data.Count > 0)
                // Add the new key point, with the accumulated distance since the last key point.
                KeyPoint last     = _data[_data.Count - 1];
                TMath    distance = DistanceBetween(last.Value, value);
                position = Operator <TMath> .Add(last.Position, distance);

            // Create new key point.
            var newKeyPoint = new KeyPoint
                Position = position,
                Value    = value

            // Update data range.
            if (_dataRange == null)
                // First object has zero distance.
                _dataRange = new Interval <TMath>(_zero, _zero);
                _dataRange = _dataRange.ExpandTo(position);
