public void RenderScanline(
            IImageReaderWriter dest,
            ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
            Scanline scline,
            Color color)
            int dbugMinScanlineCount = 0;

            //1. ensure single line buffer width
            _grayScaleLine.EnsureLineStride(dest.Width + 4);
            //2. setup vars
            byte[] dest_buffer = dest.GetBuffer();
            int    dest_w      = dest.Width;
            int    dest_h      = dest.Height;
            int    dest_stride = dest.Stride;
            int    src_w       = dest_w;
            int    src_stride  = dest_stride;
            //*** set color before call Blend()
            this._color = color;

            byte color_alpha = color.alpha;
            //3. loop, render single scanline with subpixel rendering

            byte[] lineBuff = _grayScaleLine.GetInternalBuffer();

            while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                //3.1. clear
                //3.2. write grayscale span to temp buffer
                //3.3 convert to subpixel value and write to dest buffer
                //render solid single scanline
                int    num_spans = scline.SpanCount;
                byte[] covers    = scline.GetCovers();
                //render each span in the scanline
                for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                    ScanlineSpan span = scline.GetSpan(i);
                    if (span.len > 0)
                        //positive len
                        _grayScaleLine.SubPixBlendSolidHSpan(span.x, span.len, color_alpha, covers, span.cover_index);
                        //fill the line, same coverage area
                        int x  = span.x;
                        int x2 = (x - span.len - 1);
                        _grayScaleLine.SubPixBlendHL(x, x2, color_alpha, covers[span.cover_index]);
                BlendScanline(dest_buffer, dest_stride, scline.Y, src_w, src_stride, lineBuff);
 public AlphaMaskAdaptor(IImageReaderWriter image, IAlphaMask mask)
     : base(image)
     linkedImage = image;
     m_mask = mask;
     m_spans = new byte[256];
Exemple #3
        protected override void CustomRenderSingleScanLine(IImageReaderWriter destImage, Scanline scanline, Color color)
            int y         = scanline.Y;
            int num_spans = scanline.SpanCount;

            byte[] covers    = scanline.GetCovers();
            int    spanCount = scanline.SpanCount;
            var    ras       = gfx.ScanlineRasterizer;
            var    rasToBmp  = gfx.ScanlineRasToDestBitmap;

            for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                var span2      = scanline.GetSpan(i);
                int x          = span2.x;
                int num_pix    = span2.len;
                int coverIndex = span2.cover_index;
                    int a = (covers[coverIndex++] * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                  ras, m_sl, destImage,
                                  Color.FromArgb(a, color),
                                  x, y);
                }while (--num_pix > 0);
 public AlphaMaskAdaptor(IImageReaderWriter image, IAlphaMask mask)
     : base(image)
     linkedImage = image;
     m_mask      = mask;
     m_spans     = new byte[256];
 protected virtual void CustomRenderSingleScanLine(
     IImageReaderWriter dest,
     Scanline scline,
     ColorRGBA color)
        public void Sharpen(IImageReaderWriter img, int radius)
                TempMemPtr bufferPtr = img.GetBufferPtr();
                int[]      output    = new int[bufferPtr.LengthInBytes / 4]; //TODO: review here again

                fixed(int *outputPtr = &output[0])
                    byte *srcBuffer     = (byte *)bufferPtr.Ptr;
                    int * srcBuffer1    = (int *)srcBuffer;
                    int * outputBuffer1 = (int *)outputPtr;
                    int   stride        = img.Stride;
                    int   w             = img.Width;
                    int   h             = img.Height;

                    MemHolder srcMemHolder = new MemHolder((IntPtr)srcBuffer1, bufferPtr.LengthInBytes / 4);//
                    Surface   srcSurface   = new Surface(stride, w, h, srcMemHolder);
                    MemHolder destMemHolder = new MemHolder((IntPtr)outputPtr, bufferPtr.LengthInBytes / 4);
                    Surface   destSurface   = new Surface(stride, w, h, destMemHolder);
                    SharpenRenderer shRenderer1 = new SharpenRenderer();

                    shRenderer1.Amount = radius;
                    shRenderer1.Render(srcSurface, destSurface, new PixelFarm.Drawing.Rectangle[] {
                        new PixelFarm.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, w, h)
                    }, 0, 1);

                //ActualImage.SaveImgBufferToPngFile(output, img.Stride, img.Width + 1, img.Height + 1, "d:\\WImageTest\\test_1.png");
Exemple #7
 public OutlineRenderer(IImageReaderWriter destImage, IPixelBlender destPixelBlender, LineProfileAnitAlias profile)
     destImageSurface      = destImage;
     lineProfile           = profile;
     clippingRectangle     = new RectInt(0, 0, 0, 0);
     doClipping            = false;
     this.destPixelBlender = destPixelBlender;
 void Attach(IImageReaderWriter imgRW)
     this.imgRW   = imgRW;
     m_buffer     = imgRW.GetBuffer();
     m_src_width  = imgRW.Width;
     m_src_height = imgRW.Height;
     m_distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive = imgRW.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
 public ImgSpanGenRGB_BilinearClip(IImageReaderWriter src,
                                   ColorRGBA back_color,
                                   ISpanInterpolator inter)
     : base(inter)
     m_bgcolor = back_color;
     srcRW     = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
 public ImgSpanGenRGB_BilinearClip(IImageReaderWriter src,
                                   Drawing.Color back_color,
                                   ISpanInterpolator inter)
     : base(inter)
     m_bgcolor = back_color;
     srcRW = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
 void Attach(IImageReaderWriter imgRW)
     this.imgRW = imgRW;
     m_buffer = imgRW.GetBuffer();
     m_src_width = imgRW.Width;
     m_src_height = imgRW.Height;
     m_distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive = imgRW.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
        public void RenderWithColor(IImageReaderWriter dest,
                                    ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
                                    Scanline scline,
                                    Color color)
            if (!sclineRas.RewindScanlines())
            }                                             //early exit
            scline.ResetSpans(sclineRas.MinX, sclineRas.MaxX);
            switch (this.ScanlineRenderMode)
                while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                    //render solid single scanline
                    int    y         = scline.Y;
                    int    num_spans = scline.SpanCount;
                    byte[] covers    = scline.GetCovers();
                    //render each span in the scanline
                    for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                        ScanlineSpan span = scline.GetSpan(i);
                        if (span.len > 0)
                            //positive len
                            dest.BlendSolidHSpan(span.x, y, span.len, color, covers, span.cover_index);
                            //fill the line, same coverage area
                            int x  = span.x;
                            int x2 = (x - span.len - 1);
                            dest.BlendHL(x, y, x2, color, covers[span.cover_index]);

            case Agg.ScanlineRenderMode.SubPixelRendering:
                scSubPixRas.RenderScanline(dest, sclineRas, scline, color);

            case Agg.ScanlineRenderMode.Custom:
                while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                    CustomRenderSingleScanLine(dest, scline, color);
        //typedef renderer_outline_image<BaseRenderer, ImagePattern> self_type;

        public ImageLineRenderer(IImageReaderWriter ren, LineImagePattern patt)
            m_ren      = ren;
            m_pattern  = patt;
            m_start    = (0);
            m_scale_x  = (1.0);
            m_clip_box = new RectInt(0, 0, 0, 0);
            m_clipping = (false);
Exemple #14
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image,
     IPixelBlender blender,
     int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
     int bufferOffset,
     int bitsPerPixel)
     Attach(image, blender, distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive, bufferOffset, bitsPerPixel);
 public ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(IImageReaderWriter src,
     Drawing.Color back_color,
     ISpanInterpolator inter)
     : base(inter)
     m_bgcolor = back_color;
     srcRW = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
     bytesBetweenPixelInclusive = srcRW.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
 public ImgSpanGenGray_NNStepXby1(IImageReaderWriter src, ISpanInterpolator spanInterpolator)
     : base(spanInterpolator)
     srcRW = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
     if (srcRW.BitDepth != 8)
         throw new NotSupportedException("The source is expected to be 32 bit.");
 public ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(IImageReaderWriter src,
                                    ColorRGBA back_color,
                                    ISpanInterpolator inter)
     : base(inter)
     m_bgcolor = back_color;
     srcRW     = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
     bytesBetweenPixelInclusive = srcRW.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive;
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image,
                   IPixelBlender blender,
                   int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
                   int bufferOffset,
                   int bitsPerPixel)
     Attach(image, blender, distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive, bufferOffset, bitsPerPixel);
Exemple #19
 public SubImageRW(IImageReaderWriter image,
                   IPixelBlender blender,
                   int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
                   int arrayOffset32,
                   int bitsPerPixel)
     Attach(image, blender, distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive, arrayOffset32, bitsPerPixel);
 public ImgSpanGenGray_NNStepXby1(IImageReaderWriter src, ISpanInterpolator spanInterpolator)
     : base(spanInterpolator)
     srcRW = (ImageReaderWriterBase)src;
     if (srcRW.BitDepth != 8)
         throw new NotSupportedException("The source is expected to be 32 bit.");
 public FilterRGBAImageSpanGen(IImageReaderWriter src,
                     ISpanInterpolator inter,
                     ImageFilterLookUpTable filter) :
     base(src, inter, filter)
     if (src.GetRecieveBlender().NumPixelBits != 32)
         throw new System.FormatException("You have to use a rgba blender with span_image_resample_rgba");
 public FilterRGBImageSpanGen(IImageReaderWriter src,
                              ISpanInterpolator inter,
                              ImageFilterLookUpTable filter) :
     base(src, inter, filter)
     if (src.GetRecieveBlender().NumPixelBits != 24)
         throw new System.FormatException("You have to use a rgb blender with span_image_resample_rgb");
        public void RenderWithSpan(IImageReaderWriter dest,
                                   ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
                                   Scanline scline,
                                   ISpanGenerator spanGenerator)
            if (!sclineRas.RewindScanlines())
            }                                             //early exit

            scline.ResetSpans(sclineRas.MinX, sclineRas.MaxX);


            if (dest.Stride / 4 > (tempSpanColors.AllocatedSize))
                //if not enough -> alloc more
                tempSpanColors.Clear(dest.Stride / 4);

            ColorRGBA[] colorArray = tempSpanColors.Array;

            while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                //render single scanline
                int    y         = scline.Y;
                int    num_spans = scline.SpanCount;
                byte[] covers    = scline.GetCovers();

                for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                    ScanlineSpan span             = scline.GetSpan(i);
                    int          x                = span.x;
                    int          span_len         = span.len;
                    bool         firstCoverForAll = false;

                    if (span_len < 0)
                        span_len         = -span_len;
                        firstCoverForAll = true;
                    } //make absolute value

                    //1. generate colors -> store in colorArray
                    spanGenerator.GenerateColors(colorArray, 0, x, y, span_len);

                    //2. blend color in colorArray to destination image
                    dest.BlendColorHSpan(x, y, span_len,
                                         colorArray, 0,
                                         covers, span.cover_index,
 public FilterImageSpanGenerator(IImageReaderWriter src,
                     ISpanInterpolator inter,
                     ImageFilterLookUpTable filterLookup)
     : base(inter)
     this.imageBufferAccessor = new ImageBufferAccessor(src);
     m_scale_limit = 20;
     //m_blur_x = ((int)img_subpix_scale.SCALE);
     //m_blur_y = ((int)img_subpix_scale.SCALE);
     this.filterLookup = filterLookup;
 public FilterImageSpanGenerator(IImageReaderWriter src,
                                 ISpanInterpolator inter,
                                 ImageFilterLookUpTable filterLookup)
     : base(inter)
     this.imageBufferAccessor = new ImageBufferAccessor(src);
     m_scale_limit            = 20;
     //m_blur_x = ((int)img_subpix_scale.SCALE);
     //m_blur_y = ((int)img_subpix_scale.SCALE);
     this.filterLookup = filterLookup;
 int bufferOffset; // the beggining of the image in this buffer
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image,
                   int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel,
                   int width,
                   int height)
Exemple #27
 int bufferOffset; // the beggining of the image in this buffer 
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image,
     int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel,
     int width,
     int height)
Exemple #28
 public void Draw(
     ScanlineRasToDestBitmapRenderer sclineRasToBmp,
     ScanlineRasterizer ras,
     Scanline sl,
     IImageReaderWriter destImage, ColorRGBA color,
     double x, double y)
     ras.MoveTo(x * m_size, y * m_size);
     ras.LineTo(x * m_size + m_size, y * m_size);
     ras.LineTo(x * m_size + m_size, y * m_size + m_size);
     ras.LineTo(x * m_size, y * m_size + m_size);
     sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(destImage, ras, sl, color);
Exemple #29
 public SubImageRW(IImageReaderWriter image,
                   int arrayOffset32,
                   int width,
                   int height)
        public void Render(IImageReaderWriter source, AffinePlan[] affinePlans)
            VertexStore tmpImgBoundVxs    = GetFreeVxs();
            Affine      destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height, tmpImgBoundVxs, affinePlans);
            // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
            Affine sourceRectTransform = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
            var    imgSpanGen          = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                new SpanInterpolatorLinear(sourceRectTransform));

            Render(destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(tmpImgBoundVxs), imgSpanGen);
Exemple #31
        /// <summary>
        /// This will create a new ImageBuffer that references the same memory as the image that you took the sub image from.
        /// It will modify the original main image when you draw to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentImage"></param>
        /// <param name="childImageBounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChildImage CreateChildImage(IImageReaderWriter parentImage, RectInt childImageBounds)
            if (childImageBounds.Left < 0 || childImageBounds.Bottom < 0 || childImageBounds.Right > parentImage.Width || childImageBounds.Top > parentImage.Height
                || childImageBounds.Left >= childImageBounds.Right || childImageBounds.Bottom >= childImageBounds.Top)
                throw new ArgumentException("The subImageBounds must be on the image and valid.");

            int left = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Left);
            int bottom = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Bottom);
            int width = Math.Min(parentImage.Width - left, childImageBounds.Width);
            int height = Math.Min(parentImage.Height - bottom, childImageBounds.Height);
            int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel = parentImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(left, bottom);
            return new ChildImage(parentImage, bufferOffsetToFirstPixel, width, height);
Exemple #32
        Affine BuildImageBoundsPath(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                                    VertexStore drawImageRectPath, AffinePlan[] affPlans)
            int srcW = sourceImage.Width;
            int srcH = sourceImage.Height;

            drawImageRectPath.AddMoveTo(0, 0);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(srcW, 0);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(srcW, srcH);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(0, srcH);

Exemple #33
        Affine BuildImageBoundsPath(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                                    VertexStore drawImageRectPath,
                                    double destX, double destY,
                                    double hotspotOffsetX, double hotSpotOffsetY,
                                    double scaleX, double scaleY,
                                    double angleRad)
            AffinePlan[] plan = new AffinePlan[4];
            int          i    = 0;

            if (hotspotOffsetX != 0.0f || hotSpotOffsetY != 0.0f)
                plan[i] = AffinePlan.Translate(-hotspotOffsetX, -hotSpotOffsetY);

            if (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1)
                plan[i] = AffinePlan.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);

            if (angleRad != 0)
                plan[i] = AffinePlan.Rotate(angleRad);

            if (destX != 0 || destY != 0)
                plan[i] = AffinePlan.Translate(destX, destY);

            int srcW = sourceImage.Width;
            int srcH = sourceImage.Height;

            drawImageRectPath.AddMoveTo(0, 0);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(srcW, 0);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(srcW, srcH);
            drawImageRectPath.AddLineTo(0, srcH);

Exemple #34
        /// <summary>
        /// This will create a new ImageBuffer that references the same memory as the image that you took the sub image from.
        /// It will modify the original main image when you draw to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentImage"></param>
        /// <param name="subImgBounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SubImageRW CreateSubImgRW(IImageReaderWriter parentImage, RectInt subImgBounds)
            if (subImgBounds.Left < 0 || subImgBounds.Bottom < 0 || subImgBounds.Right > parentImage.Width || subImgBounds.Top > parentImage.Height ||
                subImgBounds.Left >= subImgBounds.Right || subImgBounds.Bottom >= subImgBounds.Top)
                throw new ArgumentException("The subImageBounds must be on the image and valid.");

            int left   = Math.Max(0, subImgBounds.Left);
            int bottom = Math.Max(0, subImgBounds.Bottom);
            int width  = Math.Min(parentImage.Width - left, subImgBounds.Width);
            int height = Math.Min(parentImage.Height - bottom, subImgBounds.Height);
            int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel = parentImage.GetByteBufferOffsetXY(left, bottom);

            return(new SubImageRW(parentImage, bufferOffsetToFirstPixel / 4, width, height));
 public static void RenderSolidAllPaths(this ScanlineRasToDestBitmapRenderer sclineRasToBmp,
      IImageReaderWriter destImage,
       ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
       Scanline scline,
       VertexStore vxs,
       Drawing.Color[] colors,
       int[] path_id,
       int num_paths)
     for (int i = 0; i < num_paths; ++i)
         sclineRas.AddPath(new VertexStoreSnap(vxs, path_id[i]));
         sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(destImage, sclineRas, scline, colors[i]);
Exemple #36
        /// <summary>
        /// This will create a new ImageBuffer that references the same memory as the image that you took the sub image from.
        /// It will modify the original main image when you draw to it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentImage"></param>
        /// <param name="childImageBounds"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChildImage CreateChildImage(IImageReaderWriter parentImage, RectInt childImageBounds)
            if (childImageBounds.Left < 0 || childImageBounds.Bottom < 0 || childImageBounds.Right > parentImage.Width || childImageBounds.Top > parentImage.Height ||
                childImageBounds.Left >= childImageBounds.Right || childImageBounds.Bottom >= childImageBounds.Top)
                throw new ArgumentException("The subImageBounds must be on the image and valid.");

            int left   = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Left);
            int bottom = Math.Max(0, childImageBounds.Bottom);
            int width  = Math.Min(parentImage.Width - left, childImageBounds.Width);
            int height = Math.Min(parentImage.Height - bottom, childImageBounds.Height);
            int bufferOffsetToFirstPixel = parentImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(left, bottom);

            return(new ChildImage(parentImage, bufferOffsetToFirstPixel, width, height));
Exemple #37
 public static void RenderSolidAllPaths(this ScanlineRasToDestBitmapRenderer sclineRasToBmp,
                                        IImageReaderWriter destImage,
                                        ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
                                        Scanline scline,
                                        VertexStore vxs,
                                        Drawing.Color[] colors,
                                        int[] path_id,
                                        int num_paths)
     for (int i = 0; i < num_paths; ++i)
         sclineRas.AddPath(new VertexStoreSnap(vxs, path_id[i]));
         sclineRasToBmp.RenderWithColor(destImage, sclineRas, scline, colors[i]);
        public void Render(IImageReaderWriter source, AffinePlan[] affinePlans)
            VertexStore v1 = GetFreeVxs();
            Affine      destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height, affinePlans, v1);
            // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
            Affine sourceRectTransform = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
            var    imgSpanGen          = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                new SpanInterpolatorLinear(sourceRectTransform));
            VertexStore v2 = destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(v1, GetFreeVxs());

            Render(v2, imgSpanGen);
            ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
            ReleaseVxs(ref v2);
        void Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                    IPixelBlender recieveBlender,
                    int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
                    int bufferOffset,
                    int bitsPerPixel)
            int offset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, 0);

            byte[] buffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
            SetBuffer(buffer, offset + bufferOffset);
        public override void CopyFrom(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                                      RectInt sourceImageRect,
                                      int destXOffset,
                                      int destYOffset)
            RectInt destRect = sourceImageRect;

            destRect.Offset(destXOffset, destYOffset);
            RectInt clippedSourceRect = new RectInt();

            if (clippedSourceRect.IntersectRectangles(destRect, m_ClippingRect))
                // move it back relative to the source
                clippedSourceRect.Offset(-destXOffset, -destYOffset);
                base.CopyFrom(sourceImage, clippedSourceRect, destXOffset, destYOffset);
Exemple #41
        void Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
                    IPixelBlender recieveBlender,
                    int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
                    int arrayElemOffset,
                    int bitsPerPixel)
            _sourceImage = sourceImage;

            int srcOffset32 = sourceImage.GetByteBufferOffsetXY(0, 0) / 4;

            int[] buffer = sourceImage.GetInt32Buffer();
            SetBuffer(buffer, srcOffset32 + arrayElemOffset);
 public void AttachImage(IImageReaderWriter image)
     linkedImage = image;
 protected virtual void CustomRenderSingleScanLine(
     IImageReaderWriter dest,
     Scanline scline,
     Color color)
Exemple #44
        //public static readonly int cover_shift = 8;
        //public static readonly int cover_none = 0;
        //public static readonly int cover_full = 255;

        public AlphaMaskByteClipped(IImageReaderWriter rbuf, uint step, uint offset)
            m_Step = step;
            m_Offset = offset;
            m_rbuf = rbuf;
        public void BlurX(IImageReaderWriter img, double radius)
            if (radius < 0.62) return;
            if (img.Width < 3) return;
            double s = (double)(radius * 0.5);
            double q = (double)((s < 2.5) ?
                                    3.97156 - 4.14554 * Math.Sqrt(1 - 0.26891 * s) :
                                    0.98711 * s - 0.96330);
            double q2 = (double)(q * q);
            double q3 = (double)(q2 * q);
            double b0 = (double)(1.0 / (1.578250 +
                                            2.444130 * q +
                                            1.428100 * q2 +
                                            0.422205 * q3));
            double b1 = (double)(2.44413 * q +
                                      2.85619 * q2 +
                                      1.26661 * q3);
            double b2 = (double)(-1.42810 * q2 +
                                     -1.26661 * q3);
            double b3 = (double)(0.422205 * q3);
            double b = (double)(1 - (b1 + b2 + b3) * b0);
            b1 *= b0;
            b2 *= b0;
            b3 *= b0;
            int w = img.Width;
            int h = img.Height;
            int wm = (int)w - 1;
            int x, y;
            int startCreatingAt = (int)m_sum1.Count;
            RecursizeBlurCalculator[] Sum1Array = m_sum1.Array;
            RecursizeBlurCalculator[] Sum2Array = m_sum2.Array;
            Color[] BufferArray = m_buf.Array;
            for (int i = startCreatingAt; i < w; i++)
                Sum1Array[i] = m_RecursizeBlurCalculatorFactory.CreateNew();
                Sum2Array[i] = m_RecursizeBlurCalculatorFactory.CreateNew();

            for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
                RecursizeBlurCalculator c = m_RecursizeBlurCalculatorFactory;
                c.FromPix(img.GetPixel(0, y));
                Sum1Array[0].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, c, c, c);
                c.FromPix(img.GetPixel(1, y));
                Sum1Array[1].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, Sum1Array[0], Sum1Array[0], Sum1Array[0]);
                c.FromPix(img.GetPixel(2, y));
                Sum1Array[2].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, Sum1Array[1], Sum1Array[0], Sum1Array[0]);
                for (x = 3; x < w; ++x)
                    c.FromPix(img.GetPixel(x, y));
                    Sum1Array[x].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, c, Sum1Array[x - 1], Sum1Array[x - 2], Sum1Array[x - 3]);

                Sum2Array[wm].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, Sum1Array[wm], Sum1Array[wm], Sum1Array[wm], Sum1Array[wm]);
                Sum2Array[wm - 1].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, Sum1Array[wm - 1], Sum2Array[wm], Sum2Array[wm], Sum2Array[wm]);
                Sum2Array[wm - 2].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, Sum1Array[wm - 2], Sum2Array[wm - 1], Sum2Array[wm], Sum2Array[wm]);
                Sum2Array[wm].ToPix(ref BufferArray[wm]);
                Sum2Array[wm - 1].ToPix(ref BufferArray[wm - 1]);
                Sum2Array[wm - 2].ToPix(ref BufferArray[wm - 2]);
                for (x = wm - 3; x >= 0; --x)
                    Sum2Array[x].Calc(b, b1, b2, b3, Sum1Array[x], Sum2Array[x + 1], Sum2Array[x + 2], Sum2Array[x + 3]);
                    Sum2Array[x].ToPix(ref BufferArray[x]);

                img.CopyColorHSpan(0, y, w, BufferArray, 0);
 public void Blur(IImageReaderWriter img, double radius)
     BlurX(img, radius);
     BlurY(img, radius);
 public void BlurY(IImageReaderWriter img, double radius)
     FormatTransposer img2 = new FormatTransposer(img);
     BlurX(img2, radius);
Exemple #48
        //public static readonly int cover_shift = 8;
        //public static readonly int cover_none = 0;
        //public static readonly int cover_full = 255;

        public AlphaMaskByteUnclipped(IImageReaderWriter rbuf, uint Step, uint Offset)
            m_Step = Step;
            m_Offset = Offset;
            m_rbuf = rbuf;
        public void Render(IImageReaderWriter source, AffinePlan[] affinePlans)
            VertexStore v1 = GetFreeVxs();
            Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height, v1, affinePlans);
            // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
            Affine sourceRectTransform = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
            var imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                new SpanInterpolatorLinear(sourceRectTransform));

            var v2 = destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(v1, GetFreeVxs());
            Render(v2, imgSpanGen);
            ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
            ReleaseVxs(ref v2);
Exemple #50
 public void attach(IImageReaderWriter rbuf) { m_rbuf = rbuf; }
Exemple #51
 void Attach(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage,
   IPixelBlender recieveBlender,
   int distanceBetweenPixelsInclusive,
   int bufferOffset,
   int bitsPerPixel)
     int offset = sourceImage.GetBufferOffsetXY(0, 0);
     byte[] buffer = sourceImage.GetBuffer();
     SetBuffer(buffer, offset + bufferOffset);
        public void RenderWithSpan(IImageReaderWriter dest,
                ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
                Scanline scline,
                ISpanGenerator spanGenerator)
            if (!sclineRas.RewindScanlines()) { return; } //early exit

            scline.ResetSpans(sclineRas.MinX, sclineRas.MaxX);
            if (dest.Stride / 4 > (tempSpanColors.AllocatedSize))
                //if not enough -> alloc more
                tempSpanColors.Clear(dest.Stride / 4);

            Color[] colorArray = tempSpanColors.Array;
            while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                //render single scanline 
                int y = scline.Y;
                int num_spans = scline.SpanCount;
                byte[] covers = scline.GetCovers();
                for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                    ScanlineSpan span = scline.GetSpan(i);
                    int x = span.x;
                    int span_len = span.len;
                    bool firstCoverForAll = false;
                    if (span_len < 0)
                        span_len = -span_len;
                        firstCoverForAll = true;
                    } //make absolute value

                    //1. generate colors -> store in colorArray
                    spanGenerator.GenerateColors(colorArray, 0, x, y, span_len);
                    //2. blend color in colorArray to destination image
                    dest.BlendColorHSpan(x, y, span_len,
                        colorArray, 0,
                        covers, span.cover_index,
        public void RenderWithColor(IImageReaderWriter dest,
                ScanlineRasterizer sclineRas,
                Scanline scline,
                Color color)
            if (!sclineRas.RewindScanlines()) { return; } //early exit
            scline.ResetSpans(sclineRas.MinX, sclineRas.MaxX);
            switch (this.ScanlineRenderMode)
                        //prev mode  
                        //this mode 
                        while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                            //render solid single scanline
                            int y = scline.Y;
                            int num_spans = scline.SpanCount;
                            byte[] covers = scline.GetCovers();
                            //render each span in the scanline
                            for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                                ScanlineSpan span = scline.GetSpan(i);
                                if (span.len > 0)
                                    //positive len 
                                    dest.BlendSolidHSpan(span.x, y, span.len, color, covers, span.cover_index);
                                    //fill the line, same coverage area
                                    int x = span.x;
                                    int x2 = (x - span.len - 1);
                                    dest.BlendHL(x, y, x2, color, covers[span.cover_index]);
                case Agg.ScanlineRenderMode.SubPixelRendering:
                        int dbugMinScanlineCount = 0;

                        while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                            SubPixRender(dest, scline, color);
                case Agg.ScanlineRenderMode.Custom:
                        while (sclineRas.SweepScanline(scline))
                            CustomRenderSingleScanLine(dest, scline, color);
Exemple #54
 public virtual void CopyFrom(IImageReaderWriter sourceImage, RectInt sourceImageRect, int destXOffset, int destYOffset)
     linkedImage.CopyFrom(sourceImage, sourceImageRect, destXOffset, destYOffset);
Exemple #55
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image, IPixelBlender blender, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
     Attach(image, x1, y1, x2, y2);
        void SubPixRender(IImageReaderWriter dest, Scanline scanline, Color color)
            byte[] covers = scanline.GetCovers();
            int num_spans = scanline.SpanCount;
            int y = scanline.Y;
            byte[] buffer = dest.GetBuffer();
            IPixelBlender blender = dest.GetRecieveBlender();
            int last_x = int.MinValue;
            int bufferOffset = 0;
            Color bgColor = Color.White;
            float cb_R = bgColor.R / 255f;
            float cb_G = bgColor.G / 255f;
            float cb_B = bgColor.B / 255f;
            float cf_R = color.R / 255f;
            float cf_G = color.G / 255f;
            float cf_B = color.B / 255f;
            int prevCover = -1;
            for (int i = 1; i <= num_spans; ++i)
                //render span by span  
                ScanlineSpan span = scanline.GetSpan(i);
                if (span.x != last_x + 1)
                    bufferOffset = dest.GetBufferOffsetXY(span.x, y);

                last_x = span.x;
                int num_pix = span.len;
                if (num_pix < 0)
                    //special encode***
                    num_pix = -num_pix; //make it positive value
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    //long span with coverage
                    int coverageValue = covers[span.cover_index];
                    if (coverageValue >= 255)
                        //100% cover
                        int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        Color todrawColor = Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B));
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                        int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                        Color newc = Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B);
                        Color todrawColor = Color.FromArgb(a, newc);
                        while (num_pix > 0)
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, todrawColor);
                            bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bytes
                    prevCover = coverageValue;
                    int coverIndex = span.cover_index;
                    last_x += (num_pix - 1);
                    while (num_pix > 0)
                        int coverageValue = covers[coverIndex++];
                        if (coverageValue >= 255)
                            //100% cover
                            Color newc = Color.FromArgb(color.R, color.G, color.B);
                            int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                            blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, newc));
                            prevCover = coverageValue;
                            //check direction : 

                            bool isUpHill = coverageValue >= prevCover;
                            //if (isUpHill != ((coverageValue % 2) > 0))
                            byte c_r = 0, c_g = 0, c_b = 0;
                            //assume lcd screen is RGB
                            float subpix_percent = ((float)(coverageValue) / 256f);
                            if (coverageValue < cover_1_3)
                                //assume LCD color arrangement is BGR                            
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = bgColor.R;
                                    c_g = bgColor.G;
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_g = bgColor.G;
                                    c_b = bgColor.B;

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                            else if (coverageValue < cover_2_3)
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = bgColor.R;
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, 1) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, 1) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_b = bgColor.B;

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                                //cover > 2/3 but not full 
                                if (isUpHill)
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, subpix_percent) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, 1) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, 1) * 255);
                                    c_r = (byte)(mix(cb_R, cf_R, 1) * 255);
                                    c_g = (byte)(mix(cb_G, cf_G, 1) * 255);
                                    c_b = (byte)(mix(cb_B, cf_B, subpix_percent) * 255);

                                int a = ((coverageValue + 1) * color.Alpha0To255) >> 8;
                                blender.BlendPixel(buffer, bufferOffset, Color.FromArgb(a, Color.FromArgb(c_r, c_g, c_b)));
                        bufferOffset += 4; //1 pixel 4 bits 
                        prevCover = coverageValue;
Exemple #57
 public ChildImage(IImageReaderWriter image, IPixelBlender blender)
     Attach(image, blender, image.BytesBetweenPixelsInclusive, 0, image.BitDepth);
Exemple #58
 public ProxyImage(IImageReaderWriter linkedImage)
     this.linkedImage = linkedImage;
Exemple #59
 public FormatTransposer(IImageReaderWriter pixelFormat)
     : base(pixelFormat)
        public void Render(IImageReaderWriter source, double destX, double destY)
            int inScaleX = 1;
            int inScaleY = 1;
            int angleRadians = 0;
            // exit early if the dest and source bounds don't touch.
            // TODO: <BUG> make this do rotation and scalling
            RectInt sourceBounds = source.GetBounds();
            RectInt destBounds = this.destImageReaderWriter.GetBounds();
            sourceBounds.Offset((int)destX, (int)destY);
            if (!RectInt.DoIntersect(sourceBounds, destBounds))
                //if (inScaleX != 1 || inScaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                //    throw new NotImplementedException();

            double scaleX = inScaleX;
            double scaleY = inScaleY;
            Affine graphicsTransform = this.CurrentTransformMatrix;
            if (!graphicsTransform.IsIdentity())
                if (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1 || angleRadians != 0)
                    throw new NotImplementedException();
                graphicsTransform.Transform(ref destX, ref destY);

#if false // this is an optomization that eliminates the drawing of images that have their alpha set to all 0 (happens with generated images like explosions).
	        MaxAlphaFrameProperty maxAlphaFrameProperty = MaxAlphaFrameProperty::GetMaxAlphaFrameProperty(source);

	        if((maxAlphaFrameProperty.GetMaxAlpha() * color.A_Byte) / 256 <= ALPHA_CHANNEL_BITS_DIVISOR)
            bool isScale = (scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1);
            bool isRotated = true;
            if (Math.Abs(angleRadians) < (0.1 * MathHelper.Tau / 360))
                isRotated = false;
                angleRadians = 0;

            //bool IsMipped = false;
            //double ox, oy;
            //source.GetOriginOffset(out ox, out oy);

            bool canUseMipMaps = isScale;
            if (scaleX > 0.5 || scaleY > 0.5)
                canUseMipMaps = false;

            bool needSourceResampling = isScale || isRotated || destX != (int)destX || destY != (int)destY;
            VertexStore imgBoundsPath = GetFreeVxs();
            // this is the fast drawing path
            if (needSourceResampling)
#if false // if the scalling is small enough the results can be improved by using mip maps
		        CMipMapFrameProperty* pMipMapFrameProperty = CMipMapFrameProperty::GetMipMapFrameProperty(source);
		        double OldScaleX = scaleX;
		        double OldScaleY = scaleY;
		        const CFrameInterface* pMippedFrame = pMipMapFrameProperty.GetMipMapFrame(ref scaleX, ref scaleY);
		        if(pMippedFrame != source)
			        IsMipped = true;
			        source = pMippedFrame;
			        sourceOriginOffsetX *= (OldScaleX / scaleX);
			        sourceOriginOffsetY *= (OldScaleY / scaleY);

			    HotspotOffsetX *= (inScaleX / scaleX);
			    HotspotOffsetY *= (inScaleY / scaleY);

                Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height, imgBoundsPath,
                    destX, destY, ox, oy, scaleX, scaleY, angleRadians);
                // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                Affine sourceRectTransform = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
                var imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_BilinearClip(
                    new SpanInterpolatorLinear(sourceRectTransform));

                var v1 = destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, GetFreeVxs());
                Render(v1, imgSpanGen);
                ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
#if false // this is some debug you can enable to visualize the dest bounding box
		        LineFloat(BoundingRect.left,, BoundingRect.right,, WHITE);
		        LineFloat(BoundingRect.right,, BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
		        LineFloat(BoundingRect.right, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, WHITE);
		        LineFloat(BoundingRect.left, BoundingRect.bottom, BoundingRect.left,, WHITE);
            else // TODO: this can be even faster if we do not use an intermediat buffer
                Affine destRectTransform = BuildImageBoundsPath(source.Width, source.Height,
                    destX, destY);
                // We invert it because it is the transform to make the image go to the same position as the polygon. LBB [2/24/2004]
                Affine sourceRectTransform = destRectTransform.CreateInvert();
                var interpolator = new SpanInterpolatorLinear(sourceRectTransform);
                ImgSpanGen imgSpanGen = null;
                switch (source.BitDepth)
                    case 32:
                        imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGBA_NN_StepXBy1(source, interpolator);
                    case 24:
                        imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenRGB_NNStepXby1(source, interpolator);
                    case 8:
                        imgSpanGen = new ImgSpanGenGray_NNStepXby1(source, interpolator);
                        throw new NotImplementedException();

                var v1 = destRectTransform.TransformToVxs(imgBoundsPath, GetFreeVxs());
                Render(v1, imgSpanGen);
                ReleaseVxs(ref v1);
                unchecked { destImageChanged++; };
            ReleaseVxs(ref imgBoundsPath);