Exemple #1
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private static Edge GetEdge(IFSurface lusasSurf, int lineIndex, Dictionary <string, Edge> bars)
            Edge   edge;
            IFLine lusasEdge = lusasSurf.getLOFs()[lineIndex];

            bars.TryGetValue(lusasEdge.getID().ToString(), out edge);
Exemple #2
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private IFLocalCoord CreateLocalCoordinate(IFLine lusasLine)
            object lineXAxis = null;
            object lineYAxis = null;
            object lineZAxis = null;
            object origin    = null;

            lusasLine.getAxesAtNrmCrds(0, ref origin, ref lineXAxis, ref lineYAxis, ref lineZAxis);

            double[] localXAxis = Adapters.Lusas.Convert.ToDouble(lineXAxis);
            double[] localYAxis = Adapters.Lusas.Convert.ToDouble(lineYAxis);
            double[] localZAxis = Adapters.Lusas.Convert.ToDouble(lineZAxis);

            IF3dCoords barStart = lusasLine.getStartPositionCoords();

            double[] worldXAxis = new double[] { 1, 0, 0 };
            double[] worldYAxis = new double[] { 0, 1, 0 };
            double[] worldZAxis = new double[] { 0, 0, 1 };

            double[] barorigin = new double[] { barStart.getX(), barStart.getY(), barStart.getZ() };

            double[] matrixCol0 = new double[]
                worldXAxis.Zip(localXAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldYAxis.Zip(localXAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldZAxis.Zip(localXAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),

            double[] matrixCol1 = new double[]
                worldXAxis.Zip(localYAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldYAxis.Zip(localYAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldZAxis.Zip(localYAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),

            double[] matrixCol2 = new double[]
                worldXAxis.Zip(localZAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldYAxis.Zip(localZAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),
                worldZAxis.Zip(localZAxis, (d1, d2) => d1 * d2).Sum(),

            string lusasName = "L" + lusasLine.getID().ToString() + "/ Local Axis";

            IFLocalCoord barLocalAxis = d_LusasData.createLocalCartesianAttr(
                lusasName, barorigin,
                matrixCol0, matrixCol1, matrixCol2);

Exemple #3
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private IFLine CreateEdge(Edge edge, IFPoint startPoint, IFPoint endPoint)
            IFLine lusasLine = d_LusasData.createLineByPoints(startPoint, endPoint);

            int adapterIdName = lusasLine.getID();

            edge.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterIdName);

            if (!(edge.Tags.Count == 0))
                AssignObjectSet(lusasLine, edge.Tags);

            if (!(edge.Support == null))
                IFAttribute lusasSupport = d_LusasData.getAttribute("Support", edge.Support.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId)));

        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private static IEnumerable <Bar> GetLineAssignments(IEnumerable <IFAssignment> lusasAssignments,
                                                            Dictionary <string, Bar> bars)
            List <Bar> assignedBars = new List <Bar>();
            Bar        bar;

            foreach (IFAssignment lusasAssignment in lusasAssignments)
                if (lusasAssignment.getDatabaseObject() is IFLine)
                    IFLine lusasLine = (IFLine)lusasAssignment.getDatabaseObject();
                    bars.TryGetValue(lusasLine.getID().ToString(), out bar);

Exemple #5
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static Edge ToEdge(this IFLine lusasLine,
                                  Dictionary <string, Node> nodes, HashSet <string> groupNames)
            Node startNode = GetNode(lusasLine, 0, nodes);
            Node endNode   = GetNode(lusasLine, 1, nodes);

            Point startPoint = startNode.Position;
            Point endPoint   = endNode.Position;

            HashSet <string> tags = new HashSet <string>(IsMemberOf(lusasLine, groupNames));

            Line line = new Line {
                Start = startPoint, End = endPoint
            Edge edge = new Edge {
                Curve = line, Tags = tags

            string adapterID = lusasLine.getID().ToString();

            edge.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterID);

Exemple #6
        /**** Private Methods                           ****/

        private IFLine CreateLine(Bar bar)
            if (!CheckPropertyError(bar, b => b.StartNode, true) || !CheckPropertyError(bar, b => b.EndNode, true) ||
                !CheckPropertyError(bar, b => b.StartNode.Position, true) || !CheckPropertyError(bar, b => b.EndNode.Position, true))

            if (
                bar.FEAType == BarFEAType.CompressionOnly ||
                bar.FEAType == BarFEAType.TensionOnly)
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("Lusas does not support " + bar.FEAType.ToString() + " Bars");

            string startNodeId = GetAdapterId <string>(bar.StartNode);
            string endNodeId   = GetAdapterId <string>(bar.EndNode);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(startNodeId) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(endNodeId))
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("Could not find the ids for at least one end node for at least one Bar. Bar not created.");

            IFPoint startPoint = d_LusasData.getPointByNumber(bar.StartNode.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId)));
            IFPoint endPoint   = d_LusasData.getPointByNumber(bar.EndNode.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId)));
            IFLine  lusasLine  = d_LusasData.createLineByPoints(startPoint, endPoint);

            int adapterIdName = lusasLine.getID();

            bar.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterIdName);

            if (bar.Tags.Count != 0)
                AssignObjectSet(lusasLine, bar.Tags);

            if (CheckPropertyWarning(bar, b => b.SectionProperty) && !Engine.Adapters.Lusas.Query.InvalidSectionProperty(bar.SectionProperty))
                if (!Engine.Adapters.Lusas.Query.InvalidSectionProfile(bar.SectionProperty))
                    //Needed in case the SectionProfile is null and was not created
                    if (d_LusasData.existsAttribute("Line Geometric", bar.SectionProperty.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId))))
                        IFAttribute lusasGeometricLine = d_LusasData.getAttribute("Line Geometric", bar.SectionProperty.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId)));

                    if (CheckPropertyWarning(bar, b => b.SectionProperty.Material))
                        if (bar.SectionProperty.Material is IOrthotropic)
                            Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning($"Orthotropic Material {bar.SectionProperty.Material.DescriptionOrName()} cannot be assigned to Bar {bar.AdapterId<int>(typeof(LusasId))}, " +
                                                              $"orthotropic materials can only be applied to 2D and 3D elements in Lusas.");
                        else if (bar.SectionProperty.Material is IIsotropic)
                            if (d_LusasData.existsAttribute("Material", bar.SectionProperty.Material.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId))))
                                IFAttribute lusasMaterial = d_LusasData.getAttribute("Material", bar.SectionProperty.Material.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId)));

            if (bar.Support != null)
                IFAttribute lusasSupport = d_LusasData.getAttribute("Support", System.Convert.ToInt32(bar.Support.AdapterId <int>(typeof(LusasId))));
                IFLocalCoord barLocalAxis = CreateLocalCoordinate(lusasLine);

            if (bar.Fragments.Contains(typeof(MeshSettings1D)))
                IFAssignment meshAssignment = m_LusasApplication.newAssignment();
                if (bar.OrientationAngle != 0 && bar.FEAType == BarFEAType.Axial)
                        "Orientation angle not supported in Lusas for " + bar.FEAType +
                        " element types, this information will be lost when pushed to Lusas");


                MeshSettings1D meshSettings1D = bar.FindFragment <MeshSettings1D>();
                IFMeshAttr     mesh           = d_LusasData.getMesh(
                    meshSettings1D.Name + "\\" + bar.FEAType.ToString() + "|" + CreateReleaseString(bar.Release));
                mesh.assignTo(lusasLine, meshAssignment);

            if (bar.Offset != null)
                Engine.Base.Compute.RecordWarning("Offsets are currently unsupported.");

Exemple #7
        /**** Public Methods                            ****/

        public static Bar ToBar(this IFLine lusasLine,
                                Dictionary <string, Node> nodes,
                                Dictionary <string, Constraint4DOF> supports,
                                HashSet <string> lusasGroups,
                                Dictionary <string, IMaterialFragment> materials,
                                Dictionary <string, ISectionProperty> sections,
                                Dictionary <string, MeshSettings1D> meshes

            Node startNode = GetNode(lusasLine, 0, nodes);
            Node endNode   = GetNode(lusasLine, 1, nodes);

            HashSet <string> tags = new HashSet <string>(IsMemberOf(lusasLine, lusasGroups));

            List <string> supportAssignments = GetAttributeAssignments(lusasLine, "Support");

            Constraint4DOF barConstraint = null;

            if (!(supportAssignments.Count() == 0))
                supports.TryGetValue(supportAssignments[0], out barConstraint);

            Bar bar = new Bar
                StartNode = startNode,
                EndNode   = endNode,
                Tags      = tags,
                Support   = barConstraint

            List <string> geometricAssignments = GetAttributeAssignments(lusasLine, "Geometric");
            List <string> materialAssignments  = GetAttributeAssignments(lusasLine, "Material");

            IMaterialFragment lineMaterial;
            ISectionProperty  lineSection;

            if (!(geometricAssignments.Count() == 0))
                sections.TryGetValue(geometricAssignments[0], out lineSection);
                if (lineSection != null)
                    if (!(materialAssignments.Count() == 0))
                        materials.TryGetValue(materialAssignments[0], out lineMaterial);
                        if (lineMaterial != null)
                            lineSection.Material = lineMaterial;
                    bar.SectionProperty = lineSection;

            MeshSettings1D lineMesh;
            List <string>  meshSettings = GetAttributeAssignments(lusasLine, "Mesh");

            if (!(meshSettings.Count() == 0))
                meshes.TryGetValue(meshSettings[0], out lineMesh);

            Tuple <bool, double, BarRelease, BarFEAType> barMeshProperties = GetMeshProperties(lusasLine);

            if (barMeshProperties.Item1)
                bar.OrientationAngle = barMeshProperties.Item2;
                bar.Release          = barMeshProperties.Item3;
                bar.FEAType          = barMeshProperties.Item4;

            string adapterID = lusasLine.getID().ToString();

            bar.SetAdapterId(typeof(LusasId), adapterID);
