protected override IEnumerable<ICommandFilter> BuildFilters(IEnumerable<CaptionFilter> filters)
            yield return new CommandFilter("[property_type]=1");

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[cube_name]='{0}'"
                                                           , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Perspectives).Caption

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[dimension_unique_name]='[{0}]'"
                                                            , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Dimensions).Caption

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[hierarchy_unique_name]='[{0}].[{1}]'"
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Dimensions).Caption
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Hierarchies).Caption

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[level_unique_name]='[{0}].[{1}].[{2}]'"
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Dimensions).Caption
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Hierarchies).Caption
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Levels).Caption

            var filter = filters.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Target == Target.Properties);
            if (filter!=null)
                yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[property_caption]='{0}'"
                                                           , filter.Caption
        public MessageBrokerConnection(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> rabbitEnvironment)
            this.Server = rabbitEnvironment.Single(kvp => kvp.Key == "RabbitMQServer").Value;
            this.Port = Convert.ToInt32(rabbitEnvironment.Single(kvp => kvp.Key == "RabbitMQPort").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            this.VHost = rabbitEnvironment.Single(kvp => kvp.Key == "RabbitMQVHost").Value;

            this.Connection = this.CreateConnection();
            this.Connection.ConnectionShutdown += Connection_ConnectionShutdown;
Exemple #3
 public static GameStatus CreateFromEntity(Entity.Game entity, IEnumerable<Player> players)
     return new Model.GameStatus(
                 players.Single(x => x.ID == entity.CurrentPlayerID),
                 players.Single(x => x.ID != entity.CurrentPlayerID),
                 players.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == entity.WinnerID),
        protected override IEnumerable<ICommandFilter> BuildFilters(IEnumerable<CaptionFilter> filters)
            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[routine_schema]='{0}'"
                                                            , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Perspectives).Caption

            var filter = filters.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Target == Target.Routines);
            if (filter != null)
                yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[routine_name]='{0}'"
                                                           , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Routines).Caption
Exemple #5
 public static ResourceSet GetResourceSet(IEnumerable<PlanetResource> resources)
     var metal = resources.Single(r => r.ResourceId == (int)ResourceItem.Metal);
     var crystal = resources.Single(r => r.ResourceId == (int)ResourceItem.Crystal);
     var deiterium = resources.Single(r => r.ResourceId == (int)ResourceItem.Deiterium);
     return new ResourceSet
         Metal = metal,
         Crystal = crystal,
         Deiterium = deiterium
Exemple #6
        public static KpisViewModel FromQueryModel(IEnumerable<Kpi> data)
            if (data == null || data.Count() == 0)
                return new KpisViewModel();

            return new KpisViewModel()
                Employees = data.Single(i => i.Id == "Employees").Value,
                GrossPay = data.Single(i => i.Id == "GrossPay").Value,
                Benefits = data.Single(i => i.Id == "Benefits").Value,
                NetPay = data.Single(i => i.Id == "NetPay").Value
        protected override IEnumerable<ICommandFilter> BuildFilters(IEnumerable<CaptionFilter> filters)
            yield return new CommandFilter("len(measuregroup_name)>0");

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[cube_name]='{0}'"
                                    , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Perspectives).Caption

            var mgFilter = filters.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Target == Target.MeasureGroups);
            if (mgFilter != null)
                yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[measuregroup_name]='{0}'"
                                                , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.MeasureGroups).Caption
        protected override IEnumerable<ICommandFilter> BuildFilters(IEnumerable<CaptionFilter> filters)
            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[table_schema]='{0}'"
                                                            , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Perspectives).Caption

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[table_name]='{0}'"
                                                           , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Tables).Caption

            yield return new CommandFilter(string.Format("[column_name]='{0}'"
                                                           , filters.Single(f => f.Target == Target.Columns).Caption
        public static Position GetCentralPosition(IEnumerable<Position> geoCoordinates)
            if (geoCoordinates.Count() == 1) {
                return geoCoordinates.Single ();

            double x = 0;
            double y = 0;
            double z = 0;

            foreach (var geoCoordinate in geoCoordinates) {
                var latitude = geoCoordinate.Latitude * Math.PI / 180;
                var longitude = geoCoordinate.Longitude * Math.PI / 180;

                x += Math.Cos (latitude) * Math.Cos (longitude);
                y += Math.Cos (latitude) * Math.Sin (longitude);
                z += Math.Sin (latitude);

            var total = geoCoordinates.Count();

            x = x / total;
            y = y / total;
            z = z / total;

            var centralLongitude = Math.Atan2 (y, x);
            var centralSquareRoot = Math.Sqrt (x * x + y * y);
            var centralLatitude = Math.Atan2 (z, centralSquareRoot);

            return new Position (
                centralLatitude * 180 / Math.PI,
                centralLongitude * 180 / Math.PI
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the effective domain name of an OrgUnit, based on it's own CustomUrl or it's ancestry.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="orgUnitId">The org unit id.</param>
 /// <param name="associations">The associations.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static string GetDomainName(int orgUnitId, IEnumerable<OrgUnitAssociationDto> associations)
     var association = associations.SingleOrDefault(a => a.SecondaryId == orgUnitId);
     if (association != null)
         var url = association.SecondaryCustomUrl;
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
             while (association.HasAscendant)
                 var ascendant = associations.Single(a => a.SecondaryId == association.PrimaryId);
                 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ascendant.SecondaryCustomUrl))
                     url = ascendant.SecondaryCustomUrl;
                 association = ascendant;
         if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(url, UriKind.Absolute))
             return new Uri(url).Host;
     return string.Empty;
Exemple #11
        IEnumerable<Price> IMarketPriceRepository.FetchPrices(IEnumerable<Item> items, SolarSystem system)
            string urlData = "";
            foreach (Item item in items)
                urlData += "typeid=" + item.ApiId + "&";
            urlData += "usesystem=" + system.ApiId;

            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(String.Format(String.Format(_priceURL, urlData)));
            IEnumerable<XElement> itemElements = doc.Element("evec_api").Element("marketstat").Elements("type");
            IList<Price> prices = new List<Price>();
            foreach (XElement itemElement in itemElements)
                string itemApi = itemElement.Attribute("id").Value;
                Item currentItem = items.Single(i => i.ApiId.Equals(itemApi));
                Price price = new Price
                    Item = currentItem,
                    SolarSystem = system,
                    Buy = Double.Parse(itemElement.Element("buy").Element("max").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    Sell = Double.Parse(itemElement.Element("sell").Element("min").Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
                    Date = DateTime.Today
            return prices.AsEnumerable();
 public Expr Convolute(IContext context, IEnumerable<Expr> args)
     var arg = args.Single();
     return EvalConvolution(arg) ??
         ConstantConvolution(arg) ??
         SpecificConvolution(context, arg);
        public void UpdateSession(IEnumerable<EventSourceSettings> updatedEventSources)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(updatedEventSources, "updatedEventSources");

            var eventSourceComparer = new EventSourceSettingsEqualityComparer(nameOnly: true);

            // updated sources
            foreach (var currentSource in this.eventSources.Intersect(updatedEventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
                var updatedSource = updatedEventSources.Single(s => s.Name == currentSource.Name);
                if (updatedSource.Level != currentSource.Level ||
                    updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword != currentSource.MatchAnyKeyword)
                    TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, updatedSource.EventSourceId, updatedSource.Level, updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword, sendManifest: false);
                    currentSource.Level = updatedSource.Level;
                    currentSource.MatchAnyKeyword = updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword;

            // new sources
            foreach (var newSource in updatedEventSources.Except(this.eventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
                TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, newSource.EventSourceId, newSource.Level, newSource.MatchAnyKeyword, sendManifest: true);

            // removed sources
            foreach (var removedSource in this.eventSources.Except(updatedEventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
Exemple #14
        public static void WriteSchedule(this ITestOutputHelper output, IEnumerable <Assignment> assignments, IEnumerable <Session> sessions)
            var names = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            foreach (var s in sessions)
                names.Add(s.Id, s.Name);

            var timeslots = assignments.Select(a => a.TimeslotId).Distinct().OrderBy(a => a);
            var rooms     = assignments.Select(a => a.RoomId).Distinct().OrderBy(a => a);

            var result = new StringBuilder();


            foreach (var timeslot in timeslots)
                result.Append($"{timeslot.ToString().PadRight(15, ' ')}\t");


            foreach (var room in rooms)
                foreach (var timeslot in timeslots)
                    if (assignments.Count(a => a.RoomId == room && a.TimeslotId == timeslot) > 1)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Multiple assignments to room {room} and timeslot {timeslot}.");
                        string name;

                        var session = assignments.Where(a => a.RoomId == room && a.TimeslotId == timeslot).SingleOrDefault();
                        if (session == null)
                            name = "(empty)".PadRight(15);
                        else if (names == null)
                            name = session.SessionId.ToString().PadRight(15);
                            var fullName       = names.Single(n => n.Key == session.SessionId).Value;
                            var currentSession = sessions?.Single(s => s.Id == session.SessionId);
                            name = $"{fullName.Substring(0, Math.Min(fullName.Length, 10)).PadRight(10)} ({ (currentSession == null ? session.SessionId.Value : currentSession.TopicId)})";

        private void EnsureNonDuplicationOfParty(IEnumerable<DataCollectionParty> dataCollectionParties)
            var newUrdmsParties = (from o in dataCollectionParties
                                    where o.Party.Id < 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(o.Party.UserId)
                                    select o.Party).ToList();
            if (newUrdmsParties.Count != 0)
                var parties = _session.QueryOver<Party>().List();

                foreach (var newUrdmsParty in newUrdmsParties)
                    var key = newUrdmsParty.UserId;
                    var existingParty = parties.Where(o => o.UserId == key).Take(1).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existingParty != null)
                        existingParty.FirstName = newUrdmsParty.FirstName;
                        existingParty.LastName = newUrdmsParty.LastName;
                        existingParty.FullName = newUrdmsParty.FullName;
                        existingParty.Email = newUrdmsParty.Email;
                        var dataCollectionParty = dataCollectionParties.Single(o => o.Party.UserId == key);
                        dataCollectionParty.Party = existingParty;
        public ParameterSetResolver(Object target, IEnumerable<ParameterSet> parameterSets)
            if (target == null)
                throw Logger.Fatal.ArgumentNull(nameof(target));

            if (parameterSets == null)
                throw Logger.Fatal.ArgumentNull(nameof(parameterSets));

            if (!parameterSets.Any())
                throw Logger.Fatal.ArgumentEmptySequence(nameof(parameterSets));

            DefaultParameterSet = parameterSets.Single(
                set => set.IsDefault

            ParameterSets = parameterSets.ToImmutableDictionary(
                set => set.Name,

            Target = target;
Exemple #17
 public override object SetIndex(Func<object> proceed, dynamic self, IEnumerable<object> keys, object value) {
     if (keys.Count() == 1) {
         var name = keys.Single().ToString();
         if (name.Equals("Id")) {
             // need to mutate the actual type
             var s = self as Shape;
             if (s != null) {
                 s.Id = System.Convert.ToString(value);
             return value;
         if (name.Equals("Classes")) {
             var args = Arguments.From(new[] { value }, Enumerable.Empty<string>());
             MergeClasses(args, self.Classes);
             return value;
         if (name.Equals("Attributes")) {
             var args = Arguments.From(new[] { value }, Enumerable.Empty<string>());
             MergeAttributes(args, self.Attributes);
             return value;
         if (name.Equals("Items")) {
             var args = Arguments.From(new[] { value }, Enumerable.Empty<string>());
             MergeItems(args, self);
             return value;
     return proceed();
 private void UpdateMenuCommandShortcutKeyDisplayString(IEnumerable<MenuCommand> targetList, IEnumerable<MenuCommand> sourceList)
     foreach (var sourceMc in sourceList.Where(mc => !mc.IsSeparator))
         var targetMc = targetList.Single(mc => !mc.IsSeparator && mc.Name == sourceMc.Name);
         targetMc.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = sourceMc.ShortcutKeyDisplayString;
        private string ReadAcceptType(IEnumerable<string> header)
            if (header == null || header.Count() == 0) return "*/*";

            if (header.Count() == 1) return header.Single();

            return header.Join(", ");
 public void DefaultUkIfUnselected(IEnumerable<CountryData> countries)
     if (Address != null && !Address.CountryId.HasValue)
         Address.CountryId =
             countries.Single(c => c.Name.Equals("United Kingdom", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Id;
Exemple #21
 private Card TrashAndDiscard(TurnContext context, RevealZone revealZone, IEnumerable<ITreasureCard> revealedTreasures)
     var trashedCard = revealedTreasures.Single();
     context.Game.Log.LogTrash(revealZone.Owner, trashedCard);
     return (Card) trashedCard;
Exemple #22
 private static RuntimeTransition BuildRuntimeTransition(IEnumerable <RuntimeStateBase> runtimeStates, Transition transition)
     return(new RuntimeTransition(
                runtimeStates?.Single(s => s.Name == transition.Target.Name),
        public override bool CallEquals(IEnumerable<Expression> Arguments, Expression E)
            if (base.CallEquals(Arguments, E))
                return true;

            MatchContext m = LogE.Matches(E);
            return m != null && m[x].Equals(Arguments.Single());
Exemple #24
 private static RuntimeTransition BuildExternalRuntimeTransition(IEnumerable <RuntimeStateBase> runtimeStates, ExternalTransition transition)
     return(new RuntimeTransition(
                runtimeStates?.Single(s => s.Name == transition.Target.Name),
    static IOperation VerifySingleMatch(IEnumerable<IOperation> operations)
      if (operations == null) return null;

      if (operations.Count() > 1)
        throw new AmbiguousRequestException(operations);
      return operations.Single();
        public IVirtualMachine Attach(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IConnectorArgument>> arguments)
            var pid = (IConnectorIntegerArgument)arguments.Single(i => i.Key == "pid").Value;
            var sourcePaths = (IConnectorStringArgument)arguments.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Key == "sourcePaths").Value;

            VirtualMachine virtualMachine = VirtualMachine.BeginAttachToProcess(pid.Value, sourcePaths.StringValue.Split(';'));
            virtualMachine.AttachComplete += OnAttachComplete;
            return virtualMachine;
        private static void CompareCollections(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> first, IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> second)
            foreach (var pair in second)
                string expected = first.Single(x => x.Key == pair.Key).Value;

                Assert.Equal(expected, pair.Value);
 public Expression Bind(ProjectionExpression projection, ProjectionBindingContext context, MethodCallExpression node, IEnumerable<Expression> arguments)
     return new ProjectionExpression(
         new SkipExpression(
        public static Maybe<object> ChangeType(IEnumerable<string> values, Type conversionType, bool scalar, CultureInfo conversionCulture)
            if (values == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("values");
            if (conversionType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("conversionType");
            if (conversionCulture == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("conversionCulture");

            return scalar
                ? ChangeType(values.Single(), conversionType, conversionCulture)
                : ChangeType(values, conversionType, conversionCulture);
        private static void CompareCollections(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string,string>> info, NameValueCollection error)
            foreach (string key in error.Keys)
                string expected = info.Single(x => x.Key == key).Value;
                string actual = error[key];

                Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #31
        private static JProperty GetProperty(string packageName, IEnumerable<string> versions)
            if (versions.Count() == 1)
                return GetProperty(new NuGetPackage(packageName, versions.Single()));

            var content = JArray.FromObject(versions.ToArray());
            return new JProperty(packageName, content);
 private static IEnumerable<MetaColumn> SortColumns(MetaTable table, IEnumerable<MetaColumn> columns)
     string[] order;
     if (!SortOrders.TryGetValue(table.Name, out order))
         order = new string[0];
     return Enumerable.Concat(
         order.Select(s => columns.Single(c => String.Equals(c.Name, s))),
         columns.Where(c => !order.Contains(c.Name)));
Exemple #33
 private string GetClaimValue(IEnumerable <Claim> claims, string claimType)
         return(claims?.Single(claim => claim.Type == claimType).Value);
Exemple #34
        public static void AssertItemWithErrorStatus(IEnumerable<ItemType> itemsType, Type expectedType, string expectedMessageChunk)
            Assert.IsNotNull(itemsType, "The return of GetItemsToCollect cannot be null.");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, itemsType.Count(), "Unexpected quantity of generated items.");

            var systemItem = itemsType.Single();
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(systemItem, expectedType, "Unxpected generated item type was found.");
            Assert.AreEqual(StatusEnumeration.error, systemItem.status, "An unexpected item status was found.");
            Assert.IsNotNull(systemItem.message, "The Entity Item Message Type cannot be null");
            Assert.IsTrue(systemItem.message.First().Value.Contains(expectedMessageChunk), string.Format("The exception message cannot be found in entity item message. Found message: '{0}'", systemItem.message.First().Value));
    // FIX ME: Shall we return an instance with no ctorArgs or explicitly fail when properties is null?
    private static VersionVariables FromDictionary(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, string> >?properties)
        var type         = typeof(VersionVariables);
        var constructors = type.GetConstructors();

        var ctor     = constructors.Single();
        var ctorArgs = ctor.GetParameters()
                       .Select(p => properties?.Single(v => string.Equals(v.Key, p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).Value)
                       .Cast <object>()

        return((VersionVariables)Activator.CreateInstance(type, ctorArgs));
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronizes the sevDesk contacts and the Exchange contacts of a single user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="syncStates">The sync states of the last synchronization.</param>
        /// <param name="exchangeUserId">The ID of the exchange user.</param>
        /// <param name="contactCategoryIds">The sevDesk categories of contacts that should be synchronized.</param>
        /// <param name="progress">The progress that emits status messages.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the new sync states.</returns>
        private async Task <IEnumerable <ContactSyncState> > SynchronizeContactsAsync(IEnumerable <ContactSyncState> syncStates, string exchangeUserId, IEnumerable <string> contactCategoryIds, IProgress <string> progress)
            // Initialiezs new the sync states
            List <ContactSyncState> newSyncStates = new List <ContactSyncState>();

            // Gets the sevDesk contacts and Exchange contacts
            List <SevDesk.Contacts.Person>   sevDeskContacts  = (await this.GetSevDeskContactsAsync(contactCategoryIds)).ToList();
            List <Exchange.Contacts.Contact> exchangeContacts = (await this.GetExchangeContactsAsync(exchangeUserId)).ToList();

            // Creates contacts that do not exist in Exchange yet
            foreach (SevDesk.Contacts.Person sevDeskContact in sevDeskContacts.Where(sevDeskContact => !syncStates.Any(state => state.SevDeskContactId == sevDeskContact.Id) || syncStates.Any(state => state.SevDeskContactId == sevDeskContact.Id && !exchangeContacts.Any(exchangeContact => state.ExchangeContactId == exchangeContact.Id))).ToList())
                // Creates the contact in Exchange
                progress.Report($"Adding new contact to Exchange (sevDESK user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\").");
                Exchange.Contacts.Contact newContact = await this.ExchangeService.CreateContactAsync(exchangeUserId, new Exchange.Contacts.ContactOptions
                    LastName  = sevDeskContact.LastName,
                    FirstName = sevDeskContact.FirstName

                // Synchronizes the data from sevDesk to Exchange
                newSyncStates.Add(await this.SynchronizeContactFromSevDeskToExchangeAsync(sevDeskContact, exchangeUserId, newContact.Id));

                // Removes the contact from the list

            // Removes the contacts that no longer exist in sevDesk
            foreach (Exchange.Contacts.Contact exchangeContact in exchangeContacts.Where(exchangeContact => syncStates.Any(state => state.ExchangeContactId == exchangeContact.Id && !sevDeskContacts.Any(sevDeskContact => state.SevDeskContactId == sevDeskContact.Id))).ToList())
                // Removes the contact from Exchange
                progress.Report($"Removing contact from Exchange (Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");
                await this.ExchangeService.RemoveContactAsync(exchangeUserId, exchangeContact.Id);

                // Removes the contact from the lsit

            // Cycles over all contacts and checks for updates
            foreach (SevDesk.Contacts.Person sevDeskContact in sevDeskContacts)
                // Gets the sync state and the exchange contact
                ContactSyncState          contactSyncState = syncStates.Single(state => state.SevDeskContactId == sevDeskContact.Id);
                Exchange.Contacts.Contact exchangeContact  = exchangeContacts.Single(contact => contact.Id == contactSyncState.ExchangeContactId);

                // Checks if both contacts have not changed
                if (contactSyncState.SevDeskContactUpdateDateTime == sevDeskContact.UpdateDateTime && contactSyncState.ExchangeContactLastModifiedDateTime == exchangeContact.LastModifiedDateTime)
                    progress.Report($"No changes for contact (sevDesk user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\", Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");

                // Checks if the sevDesk contact changed, but the Exchange contact did not
                if (contactSyncState.SevDeskContactUpdateDateTime != sevDeskContact.UpdateDateTime && contactSyncState.ExchangeContactLastModifiedDateTime == exchangeContact.LastModifiedDateTime)
                    progress.Report($"Synchronizing from sevDesk to Exchange (sevDesk user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\", Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");
                    newSyncStates.Add(await this.SynchronizeContactFromSevDeskToExchangeAsync(sevDeskContact, exchangeUserId, exchangeContact.Id));

                // Checks if the Exchange contact changed, but the sevDesk contact did not
                if (contactSyncState.SevDeskContactUpdateDateTime == sevDeskContact.UpdateDateTime && contactSyncState.ExchangeContactLastModifiedDateTime != exchangeContact.LastModifiedDateTime)
                    progress.Report($"Synchronizing from Exchange to sevDesk (sevDesk user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\", Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");
                    newSyncStates.Add(await this.SynchronizeContactFromExchangeToSevDeskAsync(exchangeUserId, exchangeContact, sevDeskContact));

                // As both contacts changed, checks which one is newer
                if (sevDeskContact.UpdateDateTime > exchangeContact.LastModifiedDateTime)
                    progress.Report($"Synchronizing from sevDesk to Exchange (sevDesk user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\", Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");
                    newSyncStates.Add(await this.SynchronizeContactFromSevDeskToExchangeAsync(sevDeskContact, exchangeUserId, exchangeContact.Id));
                    progress.Report($"Synchronizing from Exchange to sevDesk (sevDesk user with ID \"{sevDeskContact.Id}\", Exchange user with ID \"{exchangeContact.Id}\").");
                    newSyncStates.Add(await this.SynchronizeContactFromExchangeToSevDeskAsync(exchangeUserId, exchangeContact, sevDeskContact));

            // Returns the new sync states
Exemple #37
 public AbstractQuotaMonitor(IQuotaRepository quotaRepository, IEnumerable <IQuotaConfig> configs, string type)
     _quotaRepository = quotaRepository;
     _config          = configs.Single(x => x.Type == type);
     Type             = type;
 public TObj GetScalar()
Exemple #39
 public void FilesOfClassTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(1, assembliesWithoutPreprocessing.Single(a => a.Name == "Test").Classes.Single(c => c.Name == "Test.TestClass").Files.Count(), "Wrong number of files");
     Assert.AreEqual(2, assembliesWithoutPreprocessing.Single(a => a.Name == "Test").Classes.Single(c => c.Name == "Test.PartialClass").Files.Count(), "Wrong number of files");
            protected override void Execute(ConfuserContext context, ProtectionParameters parameters)
                TypeDef        runtimeType = context.Registry.GetService <IRuntimeService>().GetRuntimeType("Confuser.Runtime.ModuleFlood");
                IMarkerService service     = context.Registry.GetService <IMarkerService>();
                INameService   service2    = context.Registry.GetService <INameService>();

                foreach (ModuleDef moduleDef in parameters.Targets.OfType <ModuleDef>())
                    var r = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
                    IEnumerable <IDnlibDef> enumerable = Core.Helpers.InjectHelper.Inject(runtimeType, moduleDef.GlobalType, moduleDef);
                    MethodDef methodDef = moduleDef.GlobalType.FindStaticConstructor();
                    for (int i = 0; i < r.Next(100, 200); i++)
                        methodDef.Body.Instructions.Insert(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, (MethodDef)enumerable.Single((IDnlibDef method) => method.Name == "Initialize")));
                    foreach (IDnlibDef def in enumerable)
                        service2.MarkHelper(def, service, (Protection)base.Parent);
            protected override void Execute(ConfuserContext context, ProtectionParameters parameters)
                var rt     = context.Registry.GetService <IRuntimeService>();
                var marker = context.Registry.GetService <IMarkerService>();
                var name   = context.Registry.GetService <INameService>();

                foreach (ModuleDef module in parameters.Targets.OfType <ModuleDef>())
                    AntiMode mode = parameters.GetParameter(context, module, "mode", AntiMode.Ultimate);

                    TypeDef      rtType;
                    TypeDef      attr     = null;
                    const string attrName = "System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute";
                    switch (mode)
                    case AntiMode.Ultimate:
                        rtType = rt.GetRuntimeType("Confuser.Runtime.AntiDebugUltimate");

                    case AntiMode.Safe:
                        rtType = rt.GetRuntimeType("Confuser.Runtime.AntiDebugSafe");

                    case AntiMode.Win32:
                        rtType = rt.GetRuntimeType("Confuser.Runtime.AntiDebugWin32");

                    case AntiMode.Antinet:
                        rtType = rt.GetRuntimeType("Confuser.Runtime.AntiDebugAntinet");

                        attr = rt.GetRuntimeType(attrName);
                        module.Types.Add(attr = InjectHelper.Inject(attr, module));
                        foreach (IDnlibDef member in attr.FindDefinitions())
                            marker.Mark(member, (Protection)Parent);
                        name.SetCanRename(attr, false);

                        throw new UnreachableException();

                    IEnumerable <IDnlibDef> members = InjectHelper.Inject(rtType, module.GlobalType, module);

                    MethodDef cctor = module.GlobalType.FindStaticConstructor();
                    var       init  = (MethodDef)members.Single(method => method.Name == "Initialize");
                    cctor.Body.Instructions.Insert(0, Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, init));

                    foreach (IDnlibDef member in members)
                        marker.Mark(member, (Protection)Parent);

                        bool ren = true;
                        if (member is MethodDef)
                            var method = (MethodDef)member;
                            if (method.Access == MethodAttributes.Public)
                                method.Access = MethodAttributes.Assembly;
                            if (!method.IsConstructor)
                                method.IsSpecialName = false;
                                ren = false;

                            CustomAttribute ca = method.CustomAttributes.Find(attrName);
                            if (ca != null)
                                ca.Constructor = attr.FindMethod(".ctor");
                        else if (member is FieldDef)
                            var field = (FieldDef)member;
                            if (field.Access == FieldAttributes.Public)
                                field.Access = FieldAttributes.Assembly;
                            if (field.IsLiteral)
                        if (ren)
                            member.Name = name.ObfuscateName(member.Name, RenameMode.Unicode);
                            name.SetCanRename(member, false);
Exemple #42
 public Person Read(Guid identifier)
     return(_people.Single(p => p.Identifier == identifier));
Exemple #43
        public override void WriteToXml(XmlWriter writer)
            var xmlType = new XmlType
                Name     = Parser.Class.Name,
                Id       = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == "protocolId").Value,
                Heritage = Parser.Class.Heritage,
            var xmlFields = new List <XmlField>();

            MethodInfo deserializeAsMethod = Parser.Methods.Find(entry => entry.Name.Contains("deserializeAs"));
            string     type  = null;
            int        limit = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < deserializeAsMethod.Statements.Count; i++)
                if (deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i] is AssignationStatement &&
                    var statement = ((AssignationStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]);
                    type = Regex.Match(statement.Value, @"Read([\w\d_]+)\(").Groups[1].Value.ToLower();
                    var name = statement.Name;

                    if (type == "bytes")
                        type = "byte[]";

                    Match match = Regex.Match(name, @"^([\w\d]+)\[.+\]$");
                    if (match.Success)
                        IEnumerable <string> limitLinq = from entry in Parser.Constructors[0].Statements
                                                         entry is AssignationStatement &&
                                                         ((AssignationStatement)entry).Name == match.Groups[1].Value
                                                         let entryMatch =
                                        @"new List<[\d\w\._]+>\(([\d]+)\)")
                            where entryMatch.Success
                            select entryMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                        if (limitLinq.Count() == 1)
                            limit = int.Parse(limitLinq.Single());

                        type += "[]";
                        name  = name.Split('[')[0];

                    FieldInfo field = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == name);

                    if (field != null)
                        string condition = null;

                        if (i + 1 < deserializeAsMethod.Statements.Count &&
                            deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1] is ControlStatement &&
                            ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).ControlType == ControlType.If)
                            condition = ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).Condition;

                        xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                            Name      = field.Name,
                            Type      = type,
                            Limit     = limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : null,
                            Condition = condition,

                        limit = 0;
                        type  = null;

                if (deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i] is InvokeExpression &&
                    ((InvokeExpression)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]).Name == "deserialize")
                    var       statement = ((InvokeExpression)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]);
                    FieldInfo field     = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == statement.Target);

                    if (field != null && xmlFields.Count(entry => entry.Name == field.Name) <= 0)
                        type = "Types." + field.Type;

                        string condition = null;

                        if (i + 1 < deserializeAsMethod.Statements.Count &&
                            deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1] is ControlStatement &&
                            ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).ControlType == ControlType.If)
                            condition = ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).Condition;

                        xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                            Name      = field.Name,
                            Type      = type,
                            Limit     = limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : null,
                            Condition = condition,

                        limit = 0;
                        type  = null;
                    else if (i > 0 &&
                             deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i - 1] is AssignationStatement)
                        var   substatement = ((AssignationStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i - 1]);
                        var   name         = substatement.Name;
                        Match match        = Regex.Match(substatement.Value, @"new ([\d\w]+)");

                        if (match.Success)
                            type = "Types." + match.Groups[1].Value;

                            Match arrayMatch = Regex.Match(name, @"^([\w\d]+)\[.+\]$");
                            if (arrayMatch.Success)
                                IEnumerable <string> limitLinq = from entry in Parser.Constructors[0].Statements
                                                                 entry is AssignationStatement &&
                                                                 ((AssignationStatement)entry).Name == arrayMatch.Groups[1].Value
                                                                 let entryMatch =
                                                @"new List<[\d\w\._]+>\(([\d]+)\)")
                                    where entryMatch.Success
                                    select entryMatch.Groups[1].Value;

                                if (limitLinq.Count() == 1)
                                    limit = int.Parse(limitLinq.Single());

                                type += "[]";
                                name  = name.Split('[')[0];

                        field = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == name);

                        if (field != null && xmlFields.Count(entry => entry.Name == field.Name) <= 0)
                            string condition = null;

                            if (i + 1 < deserializeAsMethod.Statements.Count &&
                                deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1] is ControlStatement &&
                                ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).ControlType == ControlType.If)
                                condition = ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).Condition;

                            xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                                Name      = field.Name,
                                Type      = type,
                                Limit     = limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : null,
                                Condition = condition,

                            limit = 0;
                            type  = null;

                if (deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i] is AssignationStatement &&
                    var       statement = ((AssignationStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]);
                    FieldInfo field     = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == statement.Name);

                    var match = Regex.Match(statement.Value, @"getFlag\([\w\d]+,(\d+)\)");

                    if (match.Success)
                        type = "flag(" + match.Groups[1].Value + ")";

                        if (field != null)
                            xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                                Name = field.Name,
                                Type = type,

                            type = null;

                if (deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i] is AssignationStatement &&
                    var       statement = ((AssignationStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]);
                    FieldInfo field     = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == statement.Name);

                    type = "instance of Types." + Regex.Match(statement.Value, @"getInstance\(([\w\d_\.]+),").Groups[1].Value;

                    if (field != null)
                        xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                            Name = field.Name,
                            Type = type,

                        type = null;

                if (deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i] is InvokeExpression &&
                    ((InvokeExpression)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]).Name == "Add" &&
                    type != null)
                    var statement = ((InvokeExpression)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i]);

                    FieldInfo field = Parser.Fields.Find(entry => entry.Name == statement.Target);

                    string condition = null;

                    if (i + 1 < deserializeAsMethod.Statements.Count &&
                        deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1] is ControlStatement &&
                        ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).ControlType == ControlType.If)
                        condition = ((ControlStatement)deserializeAsMethod.Statements[i + 1]).Condition;

                    xmlFields.Add(new XmlField
                        Name      = field.Name,
                        Type      = type + "[]",
                        Limit     = limit > 0 ? limit.ToString() : null,
                        Condition = condition,

                    limit = 0;
                    type  = null;

            xmlType.Fields = xmlFields.ToArray();

            var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(XmlType));

            serializer.Serialize(writer, xmlType);
Exemple #44
        protected void CreateTreeView()

            var newsEnglish = from n in newsValues
                              where n.CultureCode == BRITISH_CULTURE
                              orderby n.NewsKey.NewsDate descending
                              select n;

            var numOfCultures = cultures.Count();

            // top level nodes in tree view
            var nodeTop    = new TreeNode("Top news");
            var nodeNonTop = new TreeNode("Other news");
            var nodeHidden = new TreeNode("Hidden news");

            nodeTop.SelectAction    = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
            nodeNonTop.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;
            nodeHidden.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;

            // Node header
            string header;

            foreach (var n in newsEnglish)
                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(n.HeaderText, n.NewsKeyID.ToString());
                node.ToolTip      = String.Format("{0:D}", n.NewsKey.NewsDate);
                node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.Expand;

                // distrubute news items between 'hidden', 'top' and 'other'
                if (!n.NewsKey.Visible)
                else if (n.NewsKey.TopNewsIndicator)

                // add a child node for each available translation
                foreach (var localizedNewsItem in newsValues.Where(x => x.NewsKeyID == n.NewsKeyID))
                    string language     = cultures.Single(x => x.Code == localizedNewsItem.CultureCode).EnglishName;
                    var    languageNode = new TreeNode(language, localizedNewsItem.CultureCode);

                // add a link to add a new translation
                if (node.ChildNodes.Count < numOfCultures)
                    var addLanugageNode = new TreeNode("Add new language", NEW_LANGUAGE);

            // add all top level nodes, if not empty
            if (nodeTop.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
            if (nodeNonTop.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
            if (nodeHidden.ChildNodes.Count > 0)

Exemple #45
        private void LoadNewsItem()
            if (HiddenCultureCode.Value == NEW_LANGUAGE)

                // Language always English for new news items
                LanguageList.Visible   = true;
                lbLanguageList.Visible = true;

                var key = newsKeys.Single(x => x.NewsKeyID == int.Parse(HiddenSubmitID.Value));

                NewsCalender.SelectedDate = key.NewsDate;
                NewsCalender.VisibleDate  = key.NewsDate;

                cbTopNews.Checked = key.TopNewsIndicator;

                cbHideNews.Checked = false;

                lbEnglishTitle.Visible = true;
                tbEnglishTitle.Visible = true;
                tbEnglishTitle.Text    = GetEnglishNewsTitle(key.NewsKeyID);

                lbWorkingLanguage.Text =
                    String.Format("You are about to add a new translation for the chosen news story. Choose a language from the drop down list.");
                var newsItems = from val in newsValues
                                join key in newsKeys on val.NewsKeyID equals key.NewsKeyID
                                val.CultureCode == HiddenCultureCode.Value &&
                                key.NewsKeyID == int.Parse(HiddenSubmitID.Value)

                                select new
                    NewsId      = key.NewsKeyID,
                    NewsDate    = key.NewsDate,
                    TopNews     = key.TopNewsIndicator,
                    TitleText   = val.HeaderText,
                    ContentText = val.BodyText,
                    CultureCode = val.CultureCode,
                    Visible     = key.Visible

                var item = newsItems.First();

                // set text boxes
                TextEditorNews.Value   = item.ContentText;
                tbNewsTitleEditor.Text = item.TitleText;

                if (item.CultureCode.Equals(BRITISH_CULTURE))
                    tbEnglishTitle.Visible = false;
                    lbEnglishTitle.Visible = false;
                    lbEnglishTitle.Visible = true;
                    tbEnglishTitle.Visible = true;

                    tbEnglishTitle.Text = GetEnglishNewsTitle(item.NewsId);

                // set top news
                cbTopNews.Checked = item.TopNews;

                // set 'hide news story'
                cbHideNews.Checked = !item.Visible;

                // set calendar
                NewsCalender.SelectedDate = item.NewsDate;
                NewsCalender.VisibleDate  = item.NewsDate;

                lbWorkingLanguage.Text =
                    String.Format("Current working language is {0}", GetEnglishLanguageName(item.CultureCode));

                LanguageList.Visible   = false;
                lbLanguageList.Visible = false;

            NewsEditorFuncDisplay.Visible = true;
Exemple #46
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public virtual TestProcessStartInfo GetTestHostProcessStartInfo(
            IEnumerable <string> sources,
            IDictionary <string, string> environmentVariables,
            TestRunnerConnectionInfo connectionInfo)
            var startInfo = new TestProcessStartInfo();

            // .NET core host manager is not a shared host. It will expect a single test source to be provided.
            var args            = string.Empty;
            var sourcePath      = sources.Single();
            var sourceFile      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourcePath);
            var sourceDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(sourcePath);

            // Probe for runtimeconfig and deps file for the test source
            var runtimeConfigPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, string.Concat(sourceFile, ".runtimeconfig.json"));

            if (this.fileHelper.Exists(runtimeConfigPath))
                string argsToAdd = " --runtimeconfig " + runtimeConfigPath.AddDoubleQuote();
                args += argsToAdd;
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Adding {0} in args", argsToAdd);
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: File {0}, doesnot exist", runtimeConfigPath);

            // Use the deps.json for test source
            var depsFilePath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, string.Concat(sourceFile, ".deps.json"));

            if (this.fileHelper.Exists(depsFilePath))
                string argsToAdd = " --depsfile " + depsFilePath.AddDoubleQuote();
                args += argsToAdd;
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Adding {0} in args", argsToAdd);
                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: File {0}, doesnot exist", depsFilePath);

            var    runtimeConfigDevPath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, string.Concat(sourceFile, ""));
            string testHostPath         = string.Empty;

            // If testhost.exe is available use it
            bool testHostExeFound = false;

            if (this.platformEnvironment.OperatingSystem.Equals(PlatformOperatingSystem.Windows))
                var exeName     = this.architecture == Architecture.X86 ? "testhost.x86.exe" : "testhost.exe";
                var fullExePath = Path.Combine(sourceDirectory, exeName);

                // check for testhost.exe in sourceDirectory. If not found, check in nuget folder.
                if (this.fileHelper.Exists(fullExePath))
                    EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostManager: Testhost.exe/testhost.x86.exe found at path: " + fullExePath);
                    startInfo.FileName = fullExePath;
                    testHostExeFound   = true;
                    // Check if testhost.dll is found in nuget folder.
                    testHostPath = this.GetTestHostPath(runtimeConfigDevPath, depsFilePath, sourceDirectory);
                    if (testHostPath.IndexOf("microsoft.testplatform.testhost", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                        // testhost.dll is present in path {testHostNugetRoot}\lib\netcoreapp2.1\testhost.dll
                        // testhost.(x86).exe is present in location {testHostNugetRoot}\build\netcoreapp2.1\{x86/x64}\{testhost.x86.exe/testhost.exe}
                        var folderName           = this.architecture == Architecture.X86 ? "x86" : "x64";
                        var testHostNugetRoot    = new DirectoryInfo(testHostPath).Parent.Parent.Parent;
                        var testHostExeNugetPath = Path.Combine(testHostNugetRoot.FullName, "build", "netcoreapp2.1", folderName, exeName);

                        if (this.fileHelper.Exists(testHostExeNugetPath))
                            EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostManager: Testhost.exe/testhost.x86.exe found at path: " + testHostExeNugetPath);
                            startInfo.FileName = testHostExeNugetPath;
                            testHostExeFound   = true;

            if (!testHostExeFound)
                var currentProcessPath = this.processHelper.GetCurrentProcessFileName();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(testHostPath))
                    testHostPath = this.GetTestHostPath(runtimeConfigDevPath, depsFilePath, sourceDirectory);

                // This host manager can create process start info for dotnet core targets only.
                // If already running with the dotnet executable, use it; otherwise pick up the dotnet available on path.
                // Wrap the paths with quotes in case dotnet executable is installed on a path with whitespace.
                if (currentProcessPath.EndsWith("dotnet", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
                    currentProcessPath.EndsWith("dotnet.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    startInfo.FileName = currentProcessPath;
                    startInfo.FileName = this.dotnetHostHelper.GetDotnetPath();

                EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Full path of testhost.dll is {0}", testHostPath);
                args  = "exec" + args;
                args += " " + testHostPath.AddDoubleQuote();

            EqtTrace.Verbose("DotnetTestHostmanager: Full path of host exe is {0}", startInfo.FileName);

            args += " " + connectionInfo.ToCommandLineOptions();

            // Create a additional probing path args with Nuget.Client
            // args += "--additionalprobingpath xxx"
            // TODO this may be required in, requires validation

            // Sample command line for the spawned test host
            // "D:\dd\gh\Microsoft\vstest\tools\dotnet\dotnet.exe" exec
            // --runtimeconfig G:\tmp\netcore-test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\netcore-test.runtimeconfig.json
            // --depsfile G:\tmp\netcore-test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\netcore-test.deps.json
            // --additionalprobingpath C:\Users\username\.nuget\packages\
            // G:\nuget-package-path\microsoft.testplatform.testhost\version\**\testhost.dll
            // G:\tmp\netcore-test\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.0\netcore-test.dll
            startInfo.Arguments            = args;
            startInfo.EnvironmentVariables = environmentVariables ?? new Dictionary <string, string>();
            startInfo.WorkingDirectory     = sourceDirectory;

Exemple #47
 private static InvalidOperationException CreatePackageConflictException(IPackage resolvedPackage, IPackage package, IEnumerable <IPackage> dependents)
     if (dependents.Count <IPackage>() == 1)
         object[] objArray1 = new object[] { package.GetFullName(), resolvedPackage.GetFullName(), dependents.Single <IPackage>().Id };
         return(new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.ConflictErrorWithDependent, objArray1)));
     object[] args = new object[] { package.GetFullName(), resolvedPackage.GetFullName(), string.Join(", ", (IEnumerable <string>)(from d in dependents select d.Id)) };
     return(new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, NuGetResources.ConflictErrorWithDependents, args)));
Exemple #48
        public void Write <TValue>(DataAddress address, IEnumerable <TValue> values)
            if (address.Equals(DataAddress.Empty))
                throw new ApplicationException("地址为空");
            if (values == null || !values.Any())
                throw new ApplicationException($"参数异常,values为null或空");

            var valueType = typeof(TValue);

                var modbusAddress = ModbusAddress.Parse(address);

                switch (address.Type)
                case DataAddressType.Boolean:
                    var datas = values.Select(e => (bool)Convert.ChangeType(e, valueType)).ToArray();

                    if (modbusAddress.IOType == IOType.DO)
                        master.WriteMultipleCoils(modbusAddress.SlaveNumber, modbusAddress.StartAddress, datas);

                case DataAddressType.Short:
                    var datas = new List <ushort>();

                    values.ToList().ForEach(e =>
                            var value = (short)Convert.ChangeType(e, valueType);
                            var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);

                            datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes.Reverse().ToArray(), 0));

                    Write(address, datas);

                case DataAddressType.Ushort:
                    var datas = values.Select(e => (ushort)Convert.ChangeType(e, valueType)).ToArray();

                    if (modbusAddress.IOType == IOType.AO)
                        master.WriteMultipleRegisters(modbusAddress.SlaveNumber, modbusAddress.StartAddress, datas);

                case DataAddressType.Int:
                    var datas = new List <ushort>();

                    values.ToList().ForEach(e =>
                            var value = (int)Convert.ChangeType(e, valueType);
                            var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);

                            datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] {
                            }, 0));
                            datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] {
                            }, 0));

                    Write(address, datas);

                case DataAddressType.Float:
                    var datas = new List <ushort>();

                    values.ToList().ForEach(e =>
                            var value = (float)Convert.ChangeType(e, valueType);
                            var bytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);

                            datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] {
                            }, 0));
                            datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(new byte[] {
                            }, 0));

                    Write(address, datas);

                case DataAddressType.String:
                    var datas = new List <ushort>();
                    var value = (string)Convert.ChangeType(values.Single(), valueType);
                    var bytes = new List <byte>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(value));
                    var count = ((int)Math.Ceiling((address.Offset + 1) / 2d)) * 2 - bytes.Count;
                    while (count-- > 0)

                    for (int i = 0; i < modbusAddress.Length; i++)
                        datas.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes.Skip(i * 2).Take(2).Reverse().ToArray(), 0));

                    Write(address, datas);

                default: throw new NotImplementedException();
            catch (Exception e)

                throw new ApplicationException($"写入失败,地址:{address }", e);
Exemple #49
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="ReferenceLink"/> with the rel value of of type TLink pluralized using the Single System.Linq method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="links">The <see cref="ReferenceLink"/>s to query.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ReferenceLink"/>.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If zero or more than one results are found.</exception>
 /// <seealso cref="Relationships">For details of how the rel values relate to the type TLink.</seealso>
 public static ReferenceLink ListRelSingle <TLink>(this IEnumerable <ReferenceLink> links)
     return(links.Single(l => l.Rel == typeof(TLink).ListRel()));
Exemple #50
 private bool PersonIdCheck(IEnumerable <string> ids, string checksum)
     return(ids.Single() == checksum);
Exemple #51
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the <see cref="ReferenceLink"/> with the rel value of "self" using the Single System.Linq method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="links">The <see cref="ReferenceLink"/>s to query.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ReferenceLink"/>.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If zero or more than one results are found.</exception>
 public static ReferenceLink SelfLinkSingle(this IEnumerable <ReferenceLink> links)
     return(links.Single(l => l.Rel == Relationships.Self));
Exemple #52
 private bool TodoCheck(IEnumerable <TodoItem> entities, string checksum)
     return(entities.Single().Description == checksum);
 public static T?SingleOrNullable <T>(this IEnumerable <T> enumerable)
     where T : struct
     return(enumerable.IsNullOrEmpty() ? new T?() : enumerable.Single());
 private static FileAnalysis GetFileAnalysis(IEnumerable <Assembly> assemblies, string className, string fileName) => assemblies
 .Single(a => a.Name == "test.exe").Classes
 .Single(c => c.Name == className).Files
 .Single(f => f.Path == fileName)
 .AnalyzeFile(new CachingFileReader(new LocalFileReader(), 0, null));
Exemple #55
        private static async Task Seed_Database(ISchoolRepository repository)
            if ((await repository.CountAsync <StudentModel, Student>()) > 0)
                return;//database has been seeded
            InstructorModel[] instructors = new InstructorModel[]
                new InstructorModel {
                    FirstName = "Roger", LastName = "Zheng", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2004-02-12"), EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new InstructorModel {
                    FirstName = "Kim", LastName = "Abercrombie", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1995-03-11"), EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new InstructorModel {
                    FirstName = "Fadi", LastName = "Fakhouri", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2002-07-06"), OfficeAssignment = new OfficeAssignmentModel {
                        Location = "Smith 17"
                    }, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new InstructorModel {
                    FirstName = "Roger", LastName = "Harui", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("1998-07-01"), OfficeAssignment = new OfficeAssignmentModel {
                        Location = "Gowan 27"
                    }, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new InstructorModel {
                    FirstName = "Candace", LastName = "Kapoor", HireDate = DateTime.Parse("2001-01-15"), OfficeAssignment = new OfficeAssignmentModel {
                        Location = "Thompson 304"
                    }, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
            await repository.SaveGraphsAsync <InstructorModel, Instructor>(instructors);

            DepartmentModel[] departments = new DepartmentModel[]
                new DepartmentModel
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    Name         = "English", Budget = 350000,
                    StartDate    = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"),
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.FirstName == "Kim" && i.LastName == "Abercrombie").ID,
                    Courses      = new HashSet <CourseModel>
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 2021, Title = "Composition", Credits = 3
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 2042, Title = "Literature", Credits = 4
                new DepartmentModel
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    Name         = "Mathematics",
                    Budget       = 100000,
                    StartDate    = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"),
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.FirstName == "Fadi" && i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID,
                    Courses      = new HashSet <CourseModel>
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 1045, Title = "Calculus", Credits = 4
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 3141, Title = "Trigonometry", Credits = 4
                new DepartmentModel
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    Name         = "Engineering", Budget = 350000,
                    StartDate    = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"),
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.FirstName == "Roger" && i.LastName == "Harui").ID,
                    Courses      = new HashSet <CourseModel>
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 1050, Title = "Chemistry", Credits = 3
                new DepartmentModel
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    Name         = "Economics",
                    Budget       = 100000,
                    StartDate    = DateTime.Parse("2007-09-01"),
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.FirstName == "Candace" && i.LastName == "Kapoor").ID,
                    Courses      = new HashSet <CourseModel>
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 4022, Title = "Microeconomics", Credits = 3
                        new CourseModel {
                            CourseID = 4041, Title = "Macroeconomics", Credits = 3
            await repository.SaveGraphsAsync <DepartmentModel, Department>(departments);

            IEnumerable <CourseModel> courses = departments.SelectMany(d => d.Courses);

            CourseAssignmentModel[] courseInstructors = new CourseAssignmentModel[]
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Chemistry").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Kapoor").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Chemistry").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Harui").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Microeconomics").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Macroeconomics").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Zheng").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Calculus").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Fakhouri").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Trigonometry").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Harui").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Composition").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Abercrombie").ID
                new CourseAssignmentModel {
                    EntityState  = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    CourseID     = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Literature").CourseID,
                    InstructorID = instructors.Single(i => i.LastName == "Abercrombie").ID
            await repository.SaveGraphsAsync <CourseAssignmentModel, CourseAssignment>(courseInstructors);

            StudentModel[] students = new StudentModel[]
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Carson", LastName = "Alexander",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Chemistry").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.A
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Microeconomics").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.C
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Macroeconomics").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Meredith", LastName = "Alonso",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Calculus").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Trigonometry").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Composition").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Arturo", LastName = "Anand",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Chemistry").CourseID
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Microeconomics").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Gytis", LastName = "Barzdukas",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Chemistry").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Yan", LastName = "Li",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2012-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Composition").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Peggy", LastName = "Justice",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2011-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = courses.Single(c => c.Title == "Literature").CourseID,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Laura", LastName = "Norman",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2013-09-01")
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Nino", LastName = "Olivetto",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2005-09-01")
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Tom",
                    LastName       = "Spratt",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = 1045,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Billie",
                    LastName       = "Spratt",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2010-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = 1050,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B
                new StudentModel
                    EntityState    = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added,
                    FirstName      = "Jackson",
                    LastName       = "Spratt",
                    EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse("2017-09-01"),
                    Enrollments    = new HashSet <EnrollmentModel>
                        new EnrollmentModel
                            CourseID = 2021,
                            Grade    = Contoso.Domain.Entities.Grade.B

            await repository.SaveGraphsAsync <StudentModel, Student>(students);

            LookUpsModel[] lookups = new LookUpsModel[]
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "A", Value = "A", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "B", Value = "B", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "C", Value = "C", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "D", Value = "D", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "E", Value = "E", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Grades", Text = "F", Value = "F", EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Credits", Text = "One", NumericValue = 1, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Credits", Text = "Two", NumericValue = 2, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Credits", Text = "Three", NumericValue = 3, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Credits", Text = "Four", NumericValue = 4, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
                new  LookUpsModel {
                    ListName = "Credits", Text = "Five", NumericValue = 5, EntityState = LogicBuilder.Domain.EntityStateType.Added
            await repository.SaveGraphsAsync <LookUpsModel, LookUps>(lookups);
 private static CodeFile GetFile(IEnumerable <Assembly> assemblies, string className, string fileName) => assemblies
 .Single(a => a.Name == "test.exe").Classes
 .Single(c => c.Name == className).Files
 .Single(f => f.Path == fileName);
Exemple #57
        public bool Apply(IEnumerable <ITypedDeclaration> others, ITypedDeclaration source, MemberPatternContext context, MemberPatternInfo info)
            if (source.Dimensions != null)
                string typeName = this.nameLookup.Lookup(source.Type, true);

                info.Interop = new TypedDefinition
                    Name = source.Name,
                    Type = typeName

                if (source.Dimensions.Length == 2)
                    info.Public.Add(new TypedDefinition
                        Name         = source.Name,
                        Type         = "ArrayProxy<string>" + (context.IsMethod ? "?" : ""),
                        DefaultValue = source.IsOptional ? Null : null,
                        Comment      = this.commentGenerator.Lookup(context.VkName, source.VkName)

                    info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) =>
                        return(new AssignAction
                            ValueExpression = StaticCall("Interop.HeapUtil", "MarshalTo", getValue(source.Name)),
                            TargetExpression = getTarget(source.Name),
                            MemberType = this.nameLookup.Lookup(source.Type, false),
                            Type = AssignActionType.Assign
                else if (source.Dimensions.Length == 1)
                    switch (source.Dimensions[0].Type)
                    case LenType.NullTerminated:
                        info.Public.Add(new TypedDefinition
                            Name    = source.Name,
                            Comment = this.commentGenerator.Lookup(context.VkName, source.VkName),
                            Type    = "string"

                        info.InteropFullType = typeName;

                        info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new AssignAction
                            ValueExpression  = StaticCall("Interop.HeapUtil", "MarshalTo", getValue(source.Name)),
                            TargetExpression = getTarget(source.Name),
                            MemberType       = this.nameLookup.Lookup(source.Type, false),
                            Type             = AssignActionType.Assign

                        info.MarshalFrom.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new AssignAction
                            ValueExpression  = StaticCall("Interop.HeapUtil", "MarshalStringFrom", getValue(source.Name)),
                            TargetExpression = getTarget(source.Name),
                            MemberType       = this.nameLookup.Lookup(source.Type, false),
                            Type             = AssignActionType.Assign


                    case LenType.Expression:
                        var    elementType        = source.Type.Deref();
                        bool   isDoubleMarshalled = false;
                        string semiMarshalledName = "semiMarshalled" + source.Name.FirstToUpper();
                        string semiMarshalType    = this.nameLookup.Lookup(elementType, true);

                        if (elementType.PointerType.IsPointer())
                            info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new DeclarationAction
                                MemberType = semiMarshalType,
                                MemberName = semiMarshalledName

                            isDoubleMarshalled = true;
                            elementType        = elementType.Deref();

                        if (elementType.VkName == "void")
                            elementType.VkName = "uint8_t";

                        var marshalling = this.marshallingRules.ApplyFirst(elementType);

                        info.Interop.Type    = marshalling.InteropType + "*";
                        info.InteropFullType = marshalling.InteropType;

                        if (source.Type.PointerType.IsPointer())
                            info.InteropFullType += new string('*', source.Type.PointerType.GetPointerCount());

                        string arrayType = $"{marshalling.MemberType}[]";

                        if (context.IsMethod)
                            info.Public.Add(new TypedDefinition
                                Name         = source.Name,
                                Type         = $"ArrayProxy<{marshalling.MemberType}>?",
                                Comment      = new[] { "" }.ToList(),
                                DefaultValue = source.IsOptional ? Null : null

                            info.ReturnType = arrayType;

                            info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) =>
                                var proxyValue = Member(getValue(source.Name), "Value");

                                var isNullOptional = new OptionalAction
                                    CheckExpression = Call(getValue(source.Name), "IsNull")

                                var isSingleOptional = new OptionalAction
                                    CheckExpression = IsEqual(Member(proxyValue, "Contents"), EnumField("ProxyContents", "Single"))

                                var loopAssign = new AssignAction
                                    TargetExpression = isDoubleMarshalled ? Variable(semiMarshalledName) : getTarget(source.Name),
                                    MemberType       = marshalling.InteropType,
                                    IsLoop           = true,
                                    IndexName        = "index",
                                    Type             = marshalling.MarshalToActionType,
                                    LengthExpression = StaticCall("Interop.HeapUtil", "GetLength", proxyValue),
                                    ValueExpression  = marshalling.BuildMarshalToValueExpression(Index(proxyValue, Variable("index")), context.GetHandle)

                                isSingleOptional.Actions.Add(new AssignAction
                                    Type             = AssignActionType.Alloc,
                                    TargetExpression = isDoubleMarshalled ? Variable(semiMarshalledName) : getTarget(source.Name),
                                    MemberType       = marshalling.InteropType

                                isSingleOptional.Actions.Add(new AssignAction
                                    Type             = marshalling.MarshalToActionType,
                                    MemberType       = marshalling.InteropType,
                                    ValueExpression  = marshalling.BuildMarshalToValueExpression(Call(proxyValue, "GetSingleValue"), context.GetHandle),
                                    TargetExpression = Deref(Cast(marshalling.InteropType + "*", isDoubleMarshalled ? Variable(semiMarshalledName) : getTarget(source.Name)))


                                if (isDoubleMarshalled)
                                    isSingleOptional.ElseActions.Add(new AssignAction
                                        TargetExpression = getTarget(source.Name),
                                        MemberType       = semiMarshalType,
                                        IsLoop           = true,
                                        IndexName        = "index",
                                        Type             = AssignActionType.Assign,
                                        LengthExpression = StaticCall("Interop.HeapUtil", "GetLength", proxyValue),
                                        ValueExpression  = AddressOf(Index(Variable(semiMarshalledName), Variable("index"))),
                                        FieldPointerName = "marshalledFieldPointer"

                                isNullOptional.Actions.Add(new AssignAction
                                    TargetExpression = getTarget(source.Name),
                                    ValueExpression  = Null


                            info.Public.Add(new TypedDefinition
                                Name    = source.Name,
                                Comment = this.commentGenerator.Lookup(context.VkName, source.VkName),
                                Type    = arrayType

                            info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new AssignAction
                                TargetExpression    = isDoubleMarshalled ? Variable(semiMarshalledName) : getTarget(source.Name),
                                MemberType          = marshalling.InteropType,
                                IsLoop              = true,
                                IndexName           = "index",
                                Type                = marshalling.MarshalToActionType,
                                NullCheckExpression = IsNotEqual(getValue(source.Name), Null),
                                LengthExpression    = Member(getValue(source.Name), "Length"),
                                ValueExpression     = marshalling.BuildMarshalToValueExpression(Index(getValue(source.Name), Variable("index")), context.GetHandle)

                            if (isDoubleMarshalled)
                                info.MarshalTo.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new AssignAction
                                    TargetExpression    = getTarget(source.Name),
                                    MemberType          = semiMarshalType,
                                    IsLoop              = true,
                                    IndexName           = "index",
                                    Type                = AssignActionType.Assign,
                                    NullCheckExpression = IsNotEqual(getValue(source.Name), Null),
                                    LengthExpression    = Member(getValue(source.Name), "Length"),
                                    ValueExpression     = AddressOf(Index(Variable(semiMarshalledName), Variable("index")))

                        Func <Func <string, Action <ExpressionBuilder> >, Action <ExpressionBuilder> > lenValue = null;

                        if (source.Dimensions[0].Value is LenExpressionToken lenToken)
                            lenValue = getValue => getValue(others.Single(x => x.VkName == lenToken.Value).Name);
                            lenValue = getValue => this.expressionBuilder.Build(source.Dimensions[0].Value, x => others.Single(y => y.VkName == x));

                        info.MarshalFrom.Add((getTarget, getValue) => new AssignAction
                            TargetExpression    = getTarget(source.Name),
                            MemberType          = marshalling.MemberType,
                            IsLoop              = true,
                            IsArray             = true,
                            IndexName           = "index",
                            Type                = marshalling.MarshalFromActionType,
                            NullCheckExpression = IsNotEqual(getValue(source.Name), Null),
                            LengthExpression    = lenValue(getValue),
                            ValueExpression     = marshalling.BuildMarshalFromValueExpression(Index(getValue(source.Name), Variable("index")), context.GetHandle)

Exemple #58
 public Ninja GetNinja(string id)
     return(_ninjas.Single(n => n.Id == id));
Exemple #59
 internal static Body get(CelestialBody b)
     return(ALL.Single(body => body.isSame(b)));
Exemple #60
 private static FileAnalysis GetFileAnalysis(IEnumerable <Assembly> assemblies, string className, string fileName) => assemblies
 .Single(a => a.Name == "Test").Classes
 .Single(c => c.Name == className).Files
 .Single(f => f.Path == fileName)