Exemple #1
        public IEnumerable <MessageTemplate> GetAllSettings()
            IEnumerable <MessageTemplate> result = null;

            string key = MessageTemplateAllCacheDependencyKey.FormatString(SystemSettings.ApplicationId);

            if (this.CacheEnabled && this.cacheManager.IsAdded(key))
                Debug.WriteLine("Get Message Template from Cache");

                result = this.cacheManager.Get(key) as IEnumerable <MessageTemplate>;


            result = this.messageTemplateRepository.GetAll().ToList();

            if (this.CacheEnabled)
                Debug.WriteLine("Insert Message Template on Cache");

                this.cacheManager.Add(key, result);

Exemple #2
        public IEnumerable <Setting> GetAllSettings()
            IEnumerable <Setting> result = null;

            string key = SettingsAllCacheDependencyKey.FormatString(SystemSettings.ApplicationId);

            if (this.CacheEnabled && this.cacheManager.IsAdded(key))
                Debug.WriteLine("Get Settings from Cache");

                // it seems result is NULL
                // result = this.cacheManager.Get(key) as IEnumerable<Setting>;
                result = (IEnumerable <Setting>) this.cacheManager.Get(key);

            result = this.settingRepository.GetAll().ToList();

            if (this.CacheEnabled)
                Debug.WriteLine("Insert Settings on Cache");

                this.cacheManager.Add(key, result);

        public List <Person> GetAnonymizedData(IEnumerable <Person> people)
            if (people == null || !people.Any())
                return(new List <Person>());

            if (people.Select(_anonymyzedProperty).Any(p => !int.TryParse(p.ToString(), out _)))
                throw new Exception("Anonymyzed property has to be integer");

            var groups = GetGroupedPeople(people);

            foreach (var algorithms in _algorithmsEnumerator)
                var anonymzedData = algorithms.Aggregate(people.Clone(), (acc, algo) => algo.GetAnonymizedData(acc));
                groups = GetGroupedPeople(anonymzedData);
                if (IsListAnonymized(groups))

            return(groups.SelectMany(x => x.People).ToList());
Exemple #4
        public static BlockTableRecord ToBlock(this IEnumerable <Entity> _entityList, string _blockName, Point3d _origin = default, bool redefine = false)
            Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;

            using (var tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                BlockTableRecord btr;
                var bt = tr.GetObject(doc.Database.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable;
                if (bt.Has(_blockName))
                    btr = bt[_blockName].GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTableRecord;
                    btr = new BlockTableRecord()
                        Name   = _blockName,
                        Origin = _origin
                    foreach (var e in _entityList.Clone())
                    tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(btr, true);

 public static ICollection<TValue> ToCollection<TValue, TCollectionType>(this IEnumerable<TValue> source, object[] newCollectionArgs = null)
     where TCollectionType : ICollection<TValue>
     TCollectionType coll = source.Clone(newCollectionArgs).Parse<TCollectionType>();
     source.ToList().ForEach(model => coll.Add(model));
     return coll;
        public static bool Compare(IEnumerable <T> first, IEnumerable <T> second, out string message)
            if (ReferenceEquals(first, second))
                message = equalString;

            if ((first == null) || (second == null))
                message = prepareMessage(first, second);

            //IEnumerable<T> UniqueItemsFromFirst = first.Except(second);
            //IEnumerable<T> UniqueItemsFromSecond = second.Except(first);

            var UniqueItemsFromFirst  = first.Clone();
            var UniqueItemsFromSecond = second.Clone();

            foreach (T item in first)
                if (second.Contains(item))

            message = prepareMessage(UniqueItemsFromFirst, UniqueItemsFromSecond);

            return(UniqueItemsFromFirst.Count() == 0 && UniqueItemsFromSecond.Count() == 0);
Exemple #7
        public static ISet <TValue> ToSet <TValue, TSetType>(this IEnumerable <TValue> source, object[] newSetArgs = null)
            where TSetType : ISet <TValue>
            TSetType set = source.Clone(newSetArgs).Parse <TSetType>();

            source.ToList().ForEach(model => set.Add(model));
Exemple #8
        public static IList <TValue> ToList <TValue, TListType>(this IEnumerable <TValue> source, object[] newListArgs = null)
            where TListType : IList <TValue>
            TListType list = source.Clone(newListArgs).Parse <TListType>();

            source.ToList().ForEach(model => list.Add(model));
Exemple #9
 public LogItem(ActionType actionType, IEnumerable <T> data)
     CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
     ActionType = actionType;
     if (data != null)
         OldData = (T)data.Clone();
Exemple #10
 public EntittiesJig(IEnumerable <Entity> _entities, Point3d _originPoint, Point3d _basePoint = default, IEnumerable <IEntityConverter> _converters = null) : base()
     buffer      = _entities;
     entities    = _entities.Clone();
     originPoint = _originPoint;
     basePoint   = _basePoint;
     converters  = _converters;
     if (converters != null)
         converters.ForEach(x => entities = x.Convert(entities));
     transforms = new List <Matrix3d>();
Exemple #11
        public Tooltip(string text, Direction arrowsDirection, params int[] arrowsOffset) :
            this.arrowsDirection = arrowsDirection;
            this.arrowsOffset    = arrowsOffset.Clone();

            Control container = new Control("tooltip-container");

            label = new Label("tooltip-label")
                Text = text
            label.HtmlElement.Style.MinWidth = String.Format("{0}px", arrowsOffset.Max() + 8);


            arrows = arrowsOffset.Select(offset => new Control("tooltip-arrow")).ToArray();

            foreach (Control arrow in arrows)

            this.HtmlElement.Style.Visibility = "hidden";
            this.HtmlElement.Style.Opacity    = "0";

            int topMargin  = arrowsDirection == Direction.Top ? -15 : (arrowsDirection == Direction.Bottom ? 15 : 0);
            int leftMargin = arrowsDirection == Direction.Left ? -15 : (arrowsDirection == Direction.Right ? 15 : 0);

            string appearMargin    = String.Format("{0}px 0px 0px {1}px", topMargin, leftMargin);
            string disappearMargin = String.Format("{0}px 0px 0px {1}px", -topMargin, -leftMargin);

            this.HtmlElement.AddEventListener("mousedown", () => StartDisappearAnimation());

            appearTransition = new SequentialTransition(
                new Keyframe(this.HtmlElement, "visibility", "visible"),
                new ParallelTransition(
                    new Transition(this.HtmlElement, "opacity", new DoubleValueBounds(0, 1), new TransitionTiming(AppearDuration, TimingCurve.EaseIn)),
                    new Transition(this.HtmlElement, "margin", new ValueBounds(appearMargin, "0px 0px 0px 0px"), new TransitionTiming(AppearDuration, TimingCurve.EaseOut))));

            disappearTransition = new SequentialTransition(
                new ParallelTransition(
                    new Transition(this.HtmlElement, "opacity", new DoubleValueBounds(1, 0), new TransitionTiming(DisappearDuration, TimingCurve.EaseOut)),
                    new Transition(this.HtmlElement, "margin", new ValueBounds("0px 0px 0px 0px", disappearMargin), new TransitionTiming(DisappearDuration, TimingCurve.EaseOut))),
                new Keyframe(this.HtmlElement, "visibility", "hidden"));
        public static IEnumerable <SecretSantaPair> CreatePairs(this IEnumerable <Person> people)
            Random random = new Random();
            int    index  = -1;

            List <Person>          secondList = people.Clone().ToList();
            List <SecretSantaPair> list       = new List <SecretSantaPair>();

            foreach (Person person in people)
                index = random.Next(0, secondList.Count);
                list.Add(new SecretSantaPair(person, secondList[index]));

Exemple #13
        public List <Person> GetAnonymizedData(IEnumerable <Person> people)
            if (people == null || !people.Any())
                return(new List <Person>());

            var groups = GetGroupedPeople(people);

            foreach (var algorithms in _algorithmsEnumerator)
                var anonymzedData = algorithms.Aggregate(people.Clone(), (acc, algo) => algo.GetAnonymizedData(acc));
                groups = GetGroupedPeople(anonymzedData);
                if (IsListAnonymized(groups))

            return(groups.SelectMany(x => x.People).ToList());
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> which contains specified streams list compressed. The <paramref name="itemNames"/> contains the names for every stream entry in streams list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Elements to compress.</param>
        /// <param name="itemNames">The names for every stream entry in streams list.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A <see cref="T:System.String" /> than contains the path to created file.
        /// </returns>
        public static Stream AsZipStream(this IEnumerable <Stream> items, IEnumerable <string> itemNames)
            IList <Stream> elementList = items as IList <Stream> ?? items.Clone().ToList();

            SentinelHelper.ArgumentNull(elementList, nameof(elementList));

            IList <string> elementNamesList = itemNames as IList <string> ?? itemNames.ToList();

            SentinelHelper.ArgumentNull(elementNamesList, nameof(elementNamesList));

            SentinelHelper.IsTrue(elementList.Count != elementNamesList.Count, "The parameter 'itemsNames' must have the same number of elements as the 'items' list");

                Stream zippedStream = new MemoryStream();

                string tempDirectory   = iTinIO.File.TempDirectoryFullName;
                Uri    tempFilenameUri = iTinIO.File.GetUniqueTempRandomFile();
                string tempFilename    = Path.GetFileName(tempFilenameUri.AbsolutePath);
                string fullTempPath    = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, tempFilename);
                using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(fullTempPath))
                    int currentFile = 0;
                    foreach (Stream element in elementList)
                        element.Position = 0;
                        zip.AddEntry(elementNamesList[currentFile], element);


        public BlockDetailsForm(IEnumerable<SaveBlock> blocks, Point popupLocation, BlockViewWrapperControl Wrapper)
            this.wrapper = Wrapper;
            StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;
            Location = popupLocation;

            blockTypesDropDown.Items.Remove(Enum.GetName(typeof(BlockType), BlockType.OUT_OF_BOUNDS));
            blockTypesDropDown.Items.Remove(Enum.GetName(typeof(BlockType), BlockType.EMPTY));

            if (this.blocks.All(block => block.Type == this.blocks.First().Type))
                oldBlockType.Text = blockTypesDropDown.Text = System.Enum.GetName(typeof(BlockType), this.blocks.First().Type);
                oldBlockType.Text = blockTypesDropDown.Text = MULTIPLE_ENTRY_TEXT;

            if (this.blocks.All(block => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(block.Script)))
                scriptNameBox.Text = "";
                oldScriptName.Text = NO_SCRIPT_NAME_TEXT;
            else if (this.blocks.All(block => block.Script == this.blocks.First().Script))
                oldScriptName.Text = scriptNameBox.Text = this.blocks.First().Script;
                oldScriptName.Text = scriptNameBox.Text = MULTIPLE_ENTRY_TEXT;

            setupDone = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// 从传入的元素集合 fullItems 中随机选择出 count 个元素,并组成新的泛型列表来返回。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fullItems">将要从中随机选择元素的泛型集合。</param>
        /// <param name="count">最终要保留的元素个数。</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IEnumerable <string> RandomSelectSomeItems(IEnumerable <string> fullItems, int count)
            if (fullItems == null || fullItems.Count() < 1)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fullItems");
            if (count < 1)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "要求保留的元素个数不能少于 1 个!");
            if (count > fullItems.Count())
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", "要求保留的元素个数不能超过源集合的元素总数!");

            List <string> remainItems = fullItems.Clone().ToList();// new List<string>(fullItems);
            Random        r           = new Random();

            while (remainItems.Count() > count)
                remainItems.RemoveAt(r.Next(0, remainItems.Count));
Exemple #17
        public void ScheduleByAddingConstraints()
            bool disableTrace = true;

            var engine    = (null as IConferenceOptimizer).Create(disableTrace);
            var sessions  = new SessionsCollection();
            var rooms     = new List <Room>();
            var timeslots = new List <Timeslot>();

            #region Presenters
            // No restrictions on when they present
            var presenterJustinJames     = Presenter.Create(10, "Justin James");
            var presenterWendySteinman   = Presenter.Create(12, "Wendy Steinman");
            var presenterHattanShobokshi = Presenter.Create(16, "Hattan Shobokshi");
            var presenterRyanMilbourne   = Presenter.Create(22, "Ryan Milbourne");
            var presenterIotLaboratory   = Presenter.Create(27, "IOT Laboratory");

            // Prefers the last 2 sessions of the day
            var preferredTimeslotsMaxNodland = new int[] { 3, 4 };
            var presenterMaxNodland          = Presenter.Create(23, "Max Nodland", new int[] { }, preferredTimeslotsMaxNodland);

            // Doesn't like morning sessions
            var preferredTimeslotsBarryStahl = new int[] { 3, 4 };
            var presenterBarryStahl          = Presenter.Create(24, "Barry Stahl", new int[] { }, preferredTimeslotsBarryStahl);

            // Doesn't like 1st session of morning & afternoon
            var preferredTimeslotsJustineCocci = new int[] { 2, 4 };
            var presenterJustineCocci          = Presenter.Create(25, "Justine Cocci", new int[] { }, preferredTimeslotsJustineCocci);

            // Prefers 1st session of the day
            var preferredTimeslotsChrisGriffith = new int[] { 1 };
            var presenterChrisGriffith          = Presenter.Create(26, "Chris Griffith", new int[] { }, preferredTimeslotsChrisGriffith);

            // Flying in and out so only available during the middle of the day
            var unavailableTimeslotsScottGu = new int[] { 1, 4 };
            var presenterScottGu            = Presenter.Create(28, "Scott Guthrie", unavailableTimeslotsScottGu);

            // Flying in together so only available toward the end of the day
            var unavailableTimeslotsScottHanselman = new int[] { 1, 2 };
            var presenterScottHanselman            = Presenter.Create(29, "Scott Hanselman", unavailableTimeslotsScottHanselman);
            var unavailableTimeslotsDamianEdwards  = new int[] { 1, 2 };
            var presenterDamianEdwards             = Presenter.Create(30, "Damian Edwards", unavailableTimeslotsDamianEdwards);


            #region Sessions
            var sessionPublicSpeaking      = sessions.Add(12, "Everyone is Public Speaker", (int)Topic.None, presenterJustinJames);
            var sessionTimeyWimey          = sessions.Add(14, "Timey-Wimey Stuff", null, presenterWendySteinman);
            var sessionBitcoin101          = sessions.Add(24, "Bitcoin 101", (int)Topic.None, presenterRyanMilbourne);
            var sessionBlockchain101       = sessions.Add(25, "Blockchain 101", (int)Topic.None, presenterRyanMilbourne);
            var sessionRapidRESTDev        = sessions.Add(26, "Rapid REST Dev w/Node & Sails", (int)Topic.None, presenterJustinJames);
            var sessionNativeMobileDev     = sessions.Add(27, "Native Mobile Dev With TACO", (int)Topic.None, presenterJustinJames);
            var sessionReduxIntro          = sessions.Add(28, "Redux:Introduction", (int)Topic.None, presenterMaxNodland);
            var sessionReactGettingStarted = sessions.Add(29, "React:Getting Started", (int)Topic.None, presenterMaxNodland);
            var sessionDevSurveyOfAI       = sessions.Add(30, "Devs Survey of AI", (int)Topic.None, presenterBarryStahl);
            var sessionMLIntro             = sessions.Add(31, "ML:Intro to Image & Text Analysis", (int)Topic.None, presenterJustineCocci);
            var sessionChatbotsIntroInNode = sessions.Add(32, "ChatBots:Intro using Node", (int)Topic.None, presenterJustineCocci);
            var sessionAccidentalDevOps    = sessions.Add(33, "Accidental DevOps:CI for .NET", (int)Topic.None, presenterHattanShobokshi);
            var sessionWhatIsIonic         = sessions.Add(34, "What is Ionic", (int)Topic.None, presenterChrisGriffith);

            var sessionEverythingCloud       = sessions.Add(41, "Everything about Cloud", (int)Topic.None, presenterScottGu);
            var sessionFunnyMobileDev        = sessions.Add(42, "Funny Mobile Development", (int)Topic.None, presenterScottHanselman);
            var sessionMobileForNerdz        = sessions.Add(43, "Mobile for Nerdz", (int)Topic.None, presenterScottHanselman);
            var sessionDotNetCoreAwesomeness = sessions.Add(44, ".NET Core Awesomeness", (int)Topic.None, presenterDamianEdwards);
            var sessionDotNetStandard20      = sessions.Add(45, ".NET Standard 2.0", (int)Topic.None, presenterDamianEdwards);


            #region Session dependencies



            #region Timeslots

            timeslots.Add(Timeslot.Create(1, 9.5));
            timeslots.Add(Timeslot.Create(2, 11));
            timeslots.Add(Timeslot.Create(3, 13));
            timeslots.Add(Timeslot.Create(4, 14.5));


            #region Rooms

            rooms.Add(Room.Create(1, 10));                     // Unex 127
            rooms.Add(Room.Create(2, 10));                     // Unex 126
            rooms.Add(Room.Create(3, 10, new int[] { 3, 4 })); // Unex 110  -- Only available in AM
            rooms.Add(Room.Create(4, 10));                     // Unex 107
            rooms.Add(Room.Create(5, 10));                     // Unex 106


            #region Timeslots out-of-favor for each presenter

            var presenterUnfavoredTimeslots = new List <Tuple <Presenter, int> >();

            // This list is built separately so it maintains the order
            // in which the requests were submitted.  It could also be built
            // by negating the list of preferred timeslots for each presenter

            // Prefers the last 2 sessions of the day
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterMaxNodland, 1);
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterMaxNodland, 2);

            // Doesn't like morning sessions
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterBarryStahl, 1);
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterBarryStahl, 2);

            // Doesn't like 1st session of morning & afternoon
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterJustineCocci, 1);
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterJustineCocci, 3);

            // Prefers 1st session of the day
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterChrisGriffith, 2);
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterChrisGriffith, 3);
            presenterUnfavoredTimeslots.Add(presenterChrisGriffith, 4);


            #region Create the schedule

            // Note: We want this to throw an exception here if it is infeasible
            // since this is the least restrictive it could ever be.
            IEnumerable <Assignment> assignments = engine.Process(sessions, rooms, timeslots);
            var lastSuccessfulAssignments        = assignments.Clone();

            foreach (var unfavoredTimeslot in presenterUnfavoredTimeslots)
                int currentPresenterId  = unfavoredTimeslot.Item1.Id;
                var currentPresenter    = sessions.First(s => s.Presenters.Any(p => p.Id == currentPresenterId)).Presenters.First(p => p.Id == currentPresenterId);
                int unfavoredTimeslotId = unfavoredTimeslot.Item2;

                    currentPresenter.UnavailableForTimeslots = currentPresenter.UnavailableForTimeslots.Add(unfavoredTimeslotId);
                    assignments = engine.Process(sessions, rooms, timeslots);
                    lastSuccessfulAssignments = assignments;
                    Console.WriteLine($"Successfully prevented assignment of {unfavoredTimeslot.Item1.Name} to Timeslot {unfavoredTimeslotId}");
                catch (NoFeasibleSolutionsException nfs)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unable to prevent assignment of {unfavoredTimeslot.Item1.Name} to Timeslot {unfavoredTimeslotId}");
                    currentPresenter.UnavailableForTimeslots = currentPresenter.UnavailableForTimeslots.Remove(unfavoredTimeslotId);


            // Display the results
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind this instance to a new DomFragment created from a sequence of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements">
        /// The elements to provide the source for this object's DOM.
        /// </param>

        protected void CreateNewFragment(IEnumerable <IDomObject> elements)
            Document = DomDocument.Create(elements.Clone(), HtmlParsingMode.Fragment);
 public void AddRange(IEnumerable <T> entities)
 /// <summary>
 /// Return a non memory reference copy of enumeration. <b>The type must be serializables</b>.
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <T> Copy <T>(this IEnumerable <T> @this)
 => @this.Clone();
 private static IEnumerable <T> CloneEntities <T>(this IEnumerable <T> items)
     where T : class, ITrackable
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind this instance to a new DomFragment created from a sequence of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements">
        /// The elements to provide the source for this object's DOM.
        /// </param>

        protected void CreateNewFragment(IEnumerable <IDomObject> elements)
            Document = new DomFragment(elements.Clone());
 public StoreModel RefillStock(StoreModel currentStore, IEnumerable <ItemModel> initialStock)
     _logger.WriteLog("Refilling all stock items.");
     currentStore.Items = initialStock.Clone();
Exemple #24
 public void SetNewData(IEnumerable <T> data)
     NewData = (T)data.Clone();
Exemple #25
 public void SetOldData(IEnumerable <T> data)
     OldData = (T)data.Clone();
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind this instance to a new DomFragment created from a sequence of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements">
        /// The elements to provide the source for this object's DOM.
        /// </param>

        protected void CreateNewFragment(IEnumerable<IDomObject> elements)

            Document = DomDocument.Create(elements.Clone(), HtmlParsingMode.Fragment);
Exemple #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind this instance to a new DomFragment created from a sequence of elements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elements">
        /// The elements to provide the source for this object's DOM.
        /// </param>

        protected void CreateNewFragment(IEnumerable<IDomObject> elements)
            Document = new DomFragment(elements.Clone());