private bool invadeCity(ICity city, IEarthDefender defender, StringBuilder outputText, bool singleWave)
            var random = new Random();

            for (int wave = 1; wave <= (singleWave? 1 : city.Waves); wave++)
                describeWave(wave, outputText, singleWave);

                AlienInvasionWave invasionWave = city.GetInvasionWave(random);
                outputText.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} alien invader{1} closing in on {2}...", invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length, (invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length > 1) ? "s are" : " is", city.Name));

                bool            systemFailed = false;
                DefenceStrategy strategy     = null;

                    strategy = defender.DefendEarth(invasionWave);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    outputText.AppendLine("The defence code threw an exception: " + ex);
                    outputText.AppendLine("The defence system is down ... we're all going to die!");
                    systemFailed = true;

                if (strategy == null && systemFailed == false)
                    outputText.AppendLine("We didn't get a defence strategy from the software!");

                int aliensLeft = invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length;

                if (systemFailed == false && strategy != null)
                    aliensLeft = executeDefenceStrategy(invasionWave, strategy, outputText);

                if (aliensLeft == 0)
                    outputText.AppendLine("All aliens in this wave were successfully destroyed!");
                    outputText.AppendLine(string.Format("Oh no! {0} alien{1} made it past our defences!", aliensLeft, (aliensLeft > 1) ? "s" : string.Empty));
                    outputText.AppendLine("A large part of " + city.Name + " has been destroyed!  We need better quality software ...");

                foreach (ExecutableDefenceWeapon asset in city.DefenceWeapons)

            outputText.AppendLine("You have successfully defended " + city.Name.ToUpper() + " from alien attack.");

        public void InvadeEarthCityWithDefender(string userNames, CompetitorType competitorType, IEarthDefender defender, bool simulationOnly)
            if (competitorType == CompetitorType.NotSpecified)
                throw new Exception("You need to specify what kind of competitor you are (testing manually, TDD, or continuous tester).  Please set the TypeOfCompetitor value!");

            if (userNames == "PLEASE FILL ME IN" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userNames))
                throw new Exception("You need to fill in your username(s)");

            userNames = string.Format("({0}) {1}", competitorType, userNames);


            var command = new ServerCommand();
            int currentCityId = command.GetCurrentCityId(userNames);

            if (currentCityId >= KnownCities.All.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("You have finished the game.");

            var outputText = new StringBuilder();
            bool defenceFailed = false;

            for (int cityId = 0; cityId <= currentCityId; cityId++)
                var city = KnownCities.All[cityId];
                defenceFailed = invadeCity(city, defender, outputText, cityId != currentCityId);

                if (defenceFailed)

            if (simulationOnly)
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation complete.");

            var nextCity = command.ReportInvasionResultAndGetNextCity(userNames, defenceFailed);


            if (defenceFailed == false)
                var briefing = new InvasionBriefing();
        public void InvadeEarthCityWithDefender(string userNames, CompetitorType competitorType, IEarthDefender defender, bool simulationOnly)
            if (competitorType == CompetitorType.NotSpecified)
                throw new Exception("You need to specify what kind of competitor you are (testing manually, TDD, or continuous tester).  Please set the TypeOfCompetitor value!");

            if (userNames == "PLEASE FILL ME IN" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userNames))
                throw new Exception("You need to fill in your username(s)");

            userNames = string.Format("({0}) {1}", competitorType, userNames);


            var command       = new ServerCommand();
            int currentCityId = command.GetCurrentCityId(userNames);

            if (currentCityId >= KnownCities.All.Length)
                Console.WriteLine("You have finished the game.");

            var  outputText    = new StringBuilder();
            bool defenceFailed = false;

            for (int cityId = 0; cityId <= currentCityId; cityId++)
                var city = KnownCities.All[cityId];
                defenceFailed = invadeCity(city, defender, outputText, cityId != currentCityId);

                if (defenceFailed)

            if (simulationOnly)
                Console.WriteLine("Simulation complete.");

            var nextCity = command.ReportInvasionResultAndGetNextCity(userNames, defenceFailed);


            if (defenceFailed == false)
                var briefing = new InvasionBriefing();
        private bool invadeCity(ICity city, IEarthDefender defender, StringBuilder outputText, bool singleWave)
            var random = new Random();
            for (int wave = 1; wave <= (singleWave? 1 : city.Waves); wave++)
                describeWave(wave, outputText, singleWave);

                AlienInvasionWave invasionWave = city.GetInvasionWave(random);
                outputText.AppendLine(string.Format("{0} alien invader{1} closing in on {2}...", invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length, (invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length > 1) ? "s are" : " is", city.Name));

                bool systemFailed = false;
                DefenceStrategy strategy = null;

                    strategy = defender.DefendEarth(invasionWave);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    outputText.AppendLine("The defence code threw an exception: " + ex);
                    outputText.AppendLine("The defence system is down ... we're all going to die!");
                    systemFailed = true;

                if (strategy == null && systemFailed == false)
                    outputText.AppendLine("We didn't get a defence strategy from the software!");

                int aliensLeft = invasionWave.AlienInvaders.Length;

                if (systemFailed == false && strategy != null)
                    aliensLeft = executeDefenceStrategy(invasionWave, strategy, outputText);

                if (aliensLeft == 0)
                    outputText.AppendLine("All aliens in this wave were successfully destroyed!");
                    outputText.AppendLine(string.Format("Oh no! {0} alien{1} made it past our defences!", aliensLeft, (aliensLeft > 1) ? "s" : string.Empty));
                    outputText.AppendLine("A large part of " + city.Name + " has been destroyed!  We need better quality software ...");
                    return true;

                foreach (ExecutableDefenceWeapon asset in city.DefenceWeapons)

            outputText.AppendLine("You have successfully defended " + city.Name.ToUpper() + " from alien attack.");

            return false;