Exemple #1
 public byte[] Write(IDigitalOut DeviceSelect, byte[] Data, int DataLength)
     byte[] DataReturn = RaspberryPi.SPIRW(BusNum, Data, DataLength);
Exemple #2
 public HX711(IDigitalOut Clock, IDigitalIn Data)
     this.Clock = Clock;
     this.Data  = Data;
     this.Offset      = 0;
     this.ScaleFactor = 1;
Exemple #3
 public CytronMD30C(IPWMOutput PWMOut, IDigitalOut GPIOOut, float MaxSpeed, IFilter <float> SpeedFilter = null)
     this.PWMOut   = PWMOut;
     this.MaxSpeed = MaxSpeed;
     this.Filter   = SpeedFilter;
     this.GPIOOut = GPIOOut;
Exemple #4
 /// <summary> Prepares a TI TLV2544 ADC for use. </summary>
 /// <remarks> If <c>ConversionClockSource.INTERNAL</c> is used, there must be at least 4us or 8us of delay between SPI transactions for short and long sampling respectively. </remarks>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> The SPI bus used to communicate with the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> The output used as chip select for the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ExtRefVoltage"> Set this to the reference voltage only if using an external voltage reference. Expected values are between 0 and 5.5V. Leave as NaN if using internal reference, then select your desired reference via <c>Configure(...)</c>. </param>
 public TLV2544(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect, double ExtRefVoltage = double.NaN)
     this.Bus           = SPIBus;
     this.CS            = ChipSelect;
     this.ExtRefVoltage = ExtRefVoltage;
     this.Inputs        = new AnalogueInTLV254x[4];
     for (byte i = 0; i < this.Inputs.Length; i++)
         this.Inputs[i] = new AnalogueInTLV254x(this, i);
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the SPI slave device which uses a GPIO pin as a slave select.
        /// NOTE on how this works. When using a GPIO pin as a slave select line
        ///   we still need to open a SPIDev device because we need a device to
        ///   send the data to. The way SPIDev works each spidev device is
        ///   fundamentally associated with a particular slave select line and
        ///   this cannot be changed. The GPIO line will be used as a separate
        ///   slave select but the spidev device specific slave select will also
        ///   be asserted whenever the device is writtent to.
        ///   In order to use a GPIO as a slave select you must ignore and not
        ///   electrically attach anything to the slave select pin the SPIDEV
        ///   device uses as it will be asserted on each write.
        ///   In other words, the SPIDev device is needed to shift the data in
        ///   and out, however you must ignore its internal slave select line
        ///   entirely if you wish to use GPIO based slave selects. Otherwise
        ///   any device attached to it will be receive every write to the
        ///   SPIPort no matter which GPIO slave select is also asserted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ssHandle - the handle for the Slave Device or null for fail</returns>
        ///// <param name="spiSlaveDeviceIn">The GPIO of the pin we use as the slave select</param>
        /// <param name="output"> The <see cref="IDigitalOut"/> to prepare for SPI CS use. </param>
        /// <history>
        ///    16 Sep 17  Cai Biesinger - Modified for Scarlet: Switched from direct GPIO control to IDigitalOut.
        ///    21 Dec 14  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public void EnableSPIGPIOSlaveDevice(IDigitalOut output)
            // get first slave device. We need to check we have one
            SPISlaveDeviceHandle ssHandle = PortDevice;

            // sanity check
            if (ssHandle == null)
                throw new Exception("At least one non GPIO Slave Device must be enabled first.");

            // set this high by default, most modes have slave selects high and go low to activate

            //Console.WriteLine("SPIPort GPIO Slave Device Enabled: "+ gpioEnum.ToString());

            // record that we opened this slave device (so we can close it later)
Exemple #6
 /// <summary> WARNING: <c>BME280</c> has not been tested with SPI. </summary>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> The SPI bus used to communicate with the device. </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> The output to use to signal chip select to the device. </param>
 public BME280(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect)
     this.IsSPI  = true;
     this.SPIBus = SPIBus;
     this.SPICS  = ChipSelect;
Exemple #7
 /// <summary> Initializes the LS7366R SPI encoder counter chip. </summary>
 /// <param name="SPIBus"> SPI Bus to communicate with </param>
 /// <param name="ChipSelect"> Chip Select to use with SPI </param>
 /// <param name="CountEnable"> Digital Out to enable the counters </param>
 public LS7366R(ISPIBus SPIBus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect, IDigitalOut CountEnable = null)
     this.ChipSelect  = ChipSelect;
     this.CountEnable = CountEnable;
     this.SPIBus      = SPIBus;
Exemple #8
 /// <summary> Simultaneously writes/reads data to/from the device. </summary>
 public byte[] Write(IDigitalOut DeviceSelect, byte[] Data, int DataLength)
     byte[] ReceivedData = new byte[DataLength];
     this.Port.SPITransfer(DeviceSelect, Data, ReceivedData, DataLength);
Exemple #9
 public MAX31855(ISPIBus Bus, IDigitalOut ChipSelect)
     this.Bus        = Bus;
     this.ChipSelect = ChipSelect;
Exemple #10
        public static void Start(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 2)
                TestMain.ErrorExit("Device testing needs device to test.");
            switch (args[1].ToLower())
            case "hx711":
                if (args.Length < 5)
                    TestMain.ErrorExit("Insufficient info to run HX711 test. See help.");
                IDigitalIn  DataPin  = null;
                IDigitalOut ClockPin = null;
                if (args[2].Equals("pi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    DataPin  = new DigitalInPi(int.Parse(args[3]));
                    ClockPin = new DigitalOutPi(int.Parse(args[4]));
                else if (args[2].Equals("bbb", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    BeagleBone.Initialize(SystemMode.DEFAULT, true);
                    BBBPin DataBBBPin  = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[3]);
                    BBBPin ClockBBBPin = IOBBB.StringToPin(args[4]);
                    BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(DataBBBPin, false, ResistorState.NONE);
                    BBBPinManager.AddMappingGPIO(ClockBBBPin, true, ResistorState.NONE);
                    DataPin  = new DigitalInBBB(DataBBBPin);
                    ClockPin = new DigitalOutBBB(ClockBBBPin);
                    TestMain.ErrorExit("HX711 test: Unknown platform. See help.");
                HX711 DUT = new HX711(ClockPin, DataPin);
                while (Console.KeyAvailable)
                Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "[w] to increase gain, [s] to decrease. [z] to zero.");
                Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.GUI, "Press any other key to exit.");

                HX711.Gain Gain     = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x;
                bool       Continue = true;
                while (Continue)
                    if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                        char Key = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
                        switch (Key)
                        case 'w':
                            if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x)
                                Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x;
                            else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x)
                                Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x;
                                Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at maximum already.");
                            Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain);

                        case 's':
                            if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_128x)
                                Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x;
                            else if (Gain == HX711.Gain.GAIN_64x)
                                Gain = HX711.Gain.GAIN_32x;
                                Log.Output(Log.Severity.ERROR, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain at minimum already.");
                            Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Gain now at " + Gain);

                        case 'z':
                            Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "Tared.");

                            Continue = false;
                    Log.Output(Log.Severity.INFO, Log.Source.SENSORS, "HX711 readings: Raw: " + DUT.GetRawReading() + ", Adjusted: " + DUT.GetAdjustedReading());

                TestMain.ErrorExit("Unknown device.");
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes/Reads a buffer out/in to/from an SPI Slave Device.
        /// Note that the TO/FROM's and IN/OUT's in the above line are there because
        /// the SPI protocol always reads a byte for every byte sent. If you send a
        /// byte you get a byte. If you do not sent a byte you will never receive
        /// a byte since this code operates as an SPI Master. Thus if you only
        /// wish to receive you must send an equivalent number of bytes. The
        /// bytes you send are determined by the Slave. Sometimes this is just
        /// 0x00 and sometimes it represents an address to read - exactly what you,
        /// send is entirely slave device implementation dependent.
        /// If you only wish to transmit, not receive, just use NULL for your
        /// rxBuffer. The SPI port will still receive, of course, but you will
        /// not be bothered by it.
        /// NOTE: the Slave Select is set when you opened the port. The rule is
        /// one slave to one SPISlaveDeviceHandle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ssHandle">The SPI Slave Device handle to write to</param>
        /// <param name="txByteBuf">The buffer with bytes to write</param>
        /// <param name="rxByteBuf">The buffer with bytes to receive. Can be NULL</param>
        /// <param name="numBytes">The number of bytes to send/receive
        /// <history>
        ///    16 Sep 17  Cai Biesinger - Modified for Scarlet: switching from file descriptor GPIO to IDigitalOut.
        ///    21 Dec 14  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public void SPITransfer(IDigitalOut output, byte[] txByteBuf, byte[] rxByteBuf, int numBytes)
            int spiFileDescriptor = -1;
            int ioctlRetVal       = -1;

            // sanity check
            if (output == null)
                throw new Exception("Null IDigitalOut object");
            if (txByteBuf == null)
                throw new Exception("Null tx buffer");
            if (numBytes <= 0)
                throw new Exception("numBytes <= 0");

            // set up our file descriptor

            // use the descriptor of the first non-GPIO slave select
            // we find.

            // get first slave device. We need the file descriptor
            SPISlaveDeviceHandle firstHandle = PortDevice;

            // sanity check
            if (firstHandle == null)
                throw new Exception("At least one non GPIO Slave Device must be enabled.");
            // use this descriptor
            spiFileDescriptor = firstHandle.SpiDevFileDescriptor;

            // the data needs to be in unmanaged global memory
            // so the spidev driver can see it. This allocates
            // that memory. We MUST release this!
            IntPtr txBufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(numBytes + 1);
            IntPtr rxBufPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(numBytes + 1);

                // copy the data from the tx buffer to our pointer
                Marshal.Copy(txByteBuf, 0, txBufPtr, numBytes);

                // create and fill in the contents of our transfer struct
                spi_ioc_transfer xfer = new spi_ioc_transfer();
                xfer.tx_buf        = txBufPtr;
                xfer.rx_buf        = rxBufPtr;
                xfer.len           = (UInt32)numBytes;
                xfer.speed_hz      = 0; //(UInt16)ssHandle.SpeedInHz;
                xfer.delay_usecs   = 0; // ssHandle.DelayUSecs;
                xfer.bits_per_word = 0; // ssHandle.BitsPerWord;
                xfer.cs_change     = 0; // ssHandle.CSChange;
                xfer.pad           = 0;

                // lower the slave select
                    // this is an external call to the libc.so.6 library
                    ioctlRetVal = ExternalIoCtl(spiFileDescriptor, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE_1, ref xfer);
                    // raise the slave select
                    // CaiB 2017-09-16: Chenged this to true, BBBCSIO never released SS.

                // did the call succeed?
                if (ioctlRetVal < 0)
                    // it failed
                    throw new Exception("ExternalIoCtl on device " + output + " failed. retval=" + ioctlRetVal.ToString());

                // did the caller supply a receive buffer
                if (rxByteBuf != null)
                    // yes they did, copy the returned data in
                    Marshal.Copy(rxBufPtr, rxByteBuf, 0, numBytes);
                // Free the unmanaged memory.