Exemple #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> Post([FromBody] ContactModel model) // FromBody allows us to map request bodies to .NET Objects
                _logger.LogInformation("Creating a contact");

                var contact = _mapper.Map <Contact>(model);// map back to contact enitity for DB; have to do ReverseMap in mappings profile

                var result = await _contactStore.InsertAsync(contact);

                // don't assume the insert worked...
                if (result != null &&
                    result.New != null &&
                    result.New.Name == model.Name &&
                    var contactModel = _mapper.Map <ContactModel>(result.New); // back to ContactModel for the end user
                    var newUri       = Url.Link("ContactGet", new { key = result.New.Key });

                    return(Created(newUri, contactModel));

                _logger.LogWarning("Could not save contact to the database");
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Threw exception while saving contact: {ex}");
