WebStore.WebStoreCatalogResponse WebStore.IWebStoreCatalogManager.ShowCatalog(int catalogId)
                // Get the webstore catalog
                WebStore.WebStoreCatalog result          = new WebStore.WebStoreCatalog();
                ICatalogAccessor         catalogAccessor = AccessorFactory.CreateAccessor <ICatalogAccessor>();
                DTO.WebStoreCatalog      accCatalog      = catalogAccessor.Find(catalogId);

                // Get the webstore catalog products
                if (accCatalog != null)
                    DTOMapper.Map(accCatalog, result);

                    DTO.Product[] catalogProducts = catalogAccessor.FindAllProductsForCatalog(catalogId);
                    List <WebStore.ProductSummary> productList = new List <WebStore.ProductSummary>();

                    foreach (var catalogProduct in catalogProducts)
                        WebStore.ProductSummary product = new WebStore.ProductSummary();
                        DTOMapper.Map(catalogProduct, product);
                    result.Products = productList.ToArray();

                    return(new WebStore.WebStoreCatalogResponse()
                        Success = true,
                        Catalog = result
                return(new WebStore.WebStoreCatalogResponse()
                    Success = false,
                    Message = "Catalog not found"
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new WebStore.WebStoreCatalogResponse()
                    Success = false,
                    Message = "There was a problem accessing the catalog"
        public WebStoreCart GenerateCartPricing(Cart cart)
            WebStoreCart result = new WebStoreCart();

            // map the cart input to a webstore cart
            DTOMapper.Map(cart, result);

            // loop through all cart items, get the current price and apply to the cart item
            ICatalogAccessor catAccessor = AccessorFactory.CreateAccessor <ICatalogAccessor>();

            foreach (WebStoreCartItem item in result.CartItems)
                if (item.Quantity > 0)
                    // get the current unit price and update the cart item
                    var product = catAccessor.FindProduct(item.ProductId);
                    if (product != null)
                        decimal unitPrice     = product.Price;
                        decimal extendedPrice = Math.Round(unitPrice * item.Quantity, 2);

                        // update the web store cart
                        item.UnitPrice     = unitPrice;
                        item.ExtendedPrice = extendedPrice;

                        // add the amount to the subtotal
                        result.SubTotal += Math.Round(extendedPrice, 2);
                        Logger.Error("Invalid Product Id");
                        throw new ArgumentException("Invalid Product Id");
                    Logger.Error("Invalid item quantity");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Invalid item quantity");

            // set the cart total to the subtotal
            result.Total = result.SubTotal;

Exemple #3
 public CatalogProvider(ICatalogAccessor catalogAccessor, ILogger <CatalogProvider> logger)
     _catalog = catalogAccessor;
     _logger  = logger;
 public CatalogManager(ICatalogAccessor _catalogAccessor)
     this._catalogAccessor = _catalogAccessor;