/* Overrides */
 protected override void Render(ICamera camera)
     #if DEBUG
     /* Draw a collision circle */
     camera.Renderer.DrawCircle(DebugTexture, Color.Yellow, 1, Parent.GetActualPosition(), mRadius, MathHelper.TwoPi, 0.0f, true);
Exemple #2
 public void SetCamera(ICamera camera)
     this.camera = camera;
     this.camera.Canvas = pictureBoxVideo;
        public override void Initialize()
            camera = (ICamera)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICamera));
            postprocessingManager = (IPostprocessingManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(IPostprocessingManager));

            projection = camera.Projection;
            view = camera.View;

            for (int i = 0; i < scenery.Length; ++i)
                scenery[i] = new List<SceneryComponent>();
                for (int j = 0; j < OBJ_PER_LAYER; ++j)

                    // Create initial scenery for each scenery channel, spawning them a random
                    // distance further behind the far plane.  This gives the impression that
                    // the scenery is coming in randomly, instead of initially appearing in a
                    // large group across the entire screen.
                    scenery[i].Add(CreateScenery(i == 0, j));
                    Vector3 pos = scenery[i][j].Position;
                    pos.Z -= (float)Utility.Prng.NextDouble() * 5000.0f;
                    scenery[i][j].Position = pos;

Exemple #4
        public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, ICamera cam, TextureCube skyTexture, Matrix proj)
            // start the shader

            // set the transforms

            // choose and set the ocean textures
            int oceanTexIndex = ((int)(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds) % 4);
            oceanEffect.Parameters["normalTex"].SetValue(OceanNormalMaps[(oceanTexIndex + 1) % 4]);
            oceanEffect.Parameters["normalTex2"].SetValue(OceanNormalMaps[(oceanTexIndex) % 4]);
            oceanEffect.Parameters["textureLerp"].SetValue((((((float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds) - (int)(gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds)) * 2 - 1) * 0.5f) + 0.5f);

            // set the time used for moving waves
            oceanEffect.Parameters["time"].SetValue((float)gameTime.TotalGameTime.TotalSeconds * 0.02f);

            // set the sky texture

            // draw our geometry
            //Global.Graphics.VertexDeclaration = OceanVD;
            Global.Graphics.DrawUserPrimitives<VertexPositionNormalTexture>(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, OceanVerts, 0, 2);

            // and we're done!
        protected override void Draw(GameTime gt, IObject obj, RenderHelper render, ICamera cam, IList<ILight> lights)
            Vector3 dir = cam.Target - cam.Position;
            render.Textures[0] = obj.Modelo.getTexture(TextureType.DIFFUSE, 0, 0);


            BatchInformation batchInfo = obj.Modelo.GetBatchInformation(0)[0];            
                render.RenderBatch(batchInfo, _shader);

        public static void Configure(ICamera camera, GestureSensor gestureSensor)
            var middleWidth = camera.ResolutionWidth/2;
            var middleHeight = camera.ResolutionHeight/2;
            var l = camera.LeftHand;
            var r = camera.RightHand;

            new GestureSlideLeft(l, middleWidth).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideLeft(new GestureEventArgs("Left Hand Slide Left"));
            new GestureSlideRight(l, middleWidth).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideRight(new GestureEventArgs("Left Hand Slide Right"));
            new GestureSlideUp(l, middleHeight).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideUp(new GestureEventArgs("Left Hand Slide Up"));
            new GestureSlideDown(l, middleHeight).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideDown(new GestureEventArgs("Left Hand Slide Down"));

            new GestureSlideLeft(r, middleWidth).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideLeft(new GestureEventArgs("Right Hand Slide Left"));
            new GestureSlideRight(r, middleWidth).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideRight(new GestureEventArgs("Right Hand Slide Right"));
            new GestureSlideUp(r, middleHeight).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideUp(new GestureEventArgs("Right Hand Slide Up"));
            new GestureSlideDown(r, middleHeight).SlideDetected += (s, a) =>
                gestureSensor.OnSlideDown(new GestureEventArgs("Right Hand Slide Down"));
Exemple #7
        public override void Load(IModel model, ICamera camera, int width, int height)
            _camera = camera;


            GL.Hint(HintTarget.LineSmooth, HintMode.Nicest);
            GL.BlendFunc(BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha, BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha);



            GL.PolygonMode(FaceMode.FrontAndBack, PolygonMode.Filled);

            _postProcesser = new PostProcesser(GL,width,height);

            _backgroundRenderer = new BackgroundRenderer(GL);

            var octreeModel = model as OctreeModel;
            if (octreeModel != null)
                _octreeRenderer = new OctreeRenderer(octreeModel, GL);
Exemple #8
        public Window()
            : base(1280, 720, new GraphicsMode(32, 0, 0, 4), "OpenCAD")
            VSync = VSyncMode.On;

            _camera = new MainCamera();
Exemple #9
        public void Render(GameTime gameTime, ICamera camera)
            if (_basicEffect != null)
                // Set the effect's parameters.
                Matrix projectionMatrix, viewMatrix;
                camera.GetMatrices(out projectionMatrix, out viewMatrix);

                _basicEffect.Projection = projectionMatrix;
                _basicEffect.View = viewMatrix;
                _basicEffect.World = SceneNode.Transformation;

                // Set the rasterizer state.
                _graphics.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
                _graphics.BlendState = BlendState.AlphaBlend;
                _graphics.RasterizerState = _rasterizerState;

                // Draw the vertex buffer.
                foreach (var effectPass in _basicEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
                    _graphics.DrawUserPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, _particleVertices, 0, _particles.Length, VertexPositionColor.VertexDeclaration);
        public async Task Initialize(ICamera camera, IStorage storage)
            this.camera = camera;
            this.storage = storage;

            var cacheFolder = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary;
            this.dropFolder = await cacheFolder.GetFolderAsync("securitysystem-cameradrop");
            this.dropFolderWatcher = dropFolder.CreateFileQuery();

            var images = await this.dropFolderWatcher.GetFilesAsync();
            var orderedImages = images.OrderByDescending(x => x.DateCreated);
            this.newestImage = orderedImages.FirstOrDefault();

            this.dropFolderWatcher.ContentsChanged += DropFolderWatcher_ContentsChanged;

            this.allJoynBusAttachment = new AllJoynBusAttachment();
            this.producer = new SecuritySystemProducer(this.allJoynBusAttachment);
            this.allJoynBusAttachment.AboutData.DefaultAppName = Package.Current.DisplayName;
            this.allJoynBusAttachment.AboutData.DefaultDescription = Package.Current.Description;
            this.allJoynBusAttachment.AboutData.DefaultManufacturer = Package.Current.Id.Publisher;
            this.allJoynBusAttachment.AboutData.SoftwareVersion = Package.Current.Id.Version.ToString();
            this.allJoynBusAttachment.AboutData.IsEnabled = true;
            this.producer.Service = this;
Exemple #11
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime, ICamera camera)
            if (_spaceShip == null || !Enabled)

            var keyboard = Keyboard.GetState();
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.W) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Up))
                _spaceShip.Thrust(Vector2.UnitY * -2500.0f);
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Down))
                _spaceShip.Thrust(Vector2.UnitY * 2500.0f);

            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.E))
                _spaceShip.Thrust(Vector2.UnitX * 2000.0f);
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Q))
                _spaceShip.Thrust(Vector2.UnitX * -2000.0f);

            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.D) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Right))
            if (keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A) || keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Left))
Exemple #12
		public Terrain( Game game, IHeightMap heightMap, ICamera camera )
			: base( game ) {
			mGame = game;
			mHeightMap = heightMap;
			mCamera = camera;
			mTerrainCells = new List<TerrainCell>();
Exemple #13
 public SceneGraph(ICamera camera, IMap map)
     this._RootGraphList = new List<GameObject>();
     this.RootGraph = _RootGraphList.AsReadOnly();
     this.Camera = camera;
     this.Map = map;
Exemple #14
 public void Render(DeviceContext deviceContext, Matrix viewMatrix, Matrix projectionMatrix, Light light, ICamera camera)
     _shader.Render(deviceContext, _skydome.IndexCount,
         Matrix.Scaling(10000) * Matrix.RotationY(MathUtil.PiOverTwo - _angle / 8), viewMatrix,
         projectionMatrix, _skydome.Texture, light, camera);
Exemple #15
        public void LoadContent()
            _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(_graphics);

            _world = new StaticEntityWorld(_game.Services);

            var pp = _graphics.PresentationParameters;
            _camera = new DefaultCamera(null, new Viewport(0, 0, pp.BackBufferWidth, pp.BackBufferHeight));
            _cameraNode = _world.Scene.Root.CreateChild("Camera");
            _cameraNode.Position = new Vector3(_camera.ScreenSize / 2.0f, 0.0f);
            _cameraNode.Scale = new Vector3(.5f);

            // Create the tile map.
            _terrain = new Terrain(new Vector2(102.4f, 102.4f), 51.2f, 9);
            _terrain.DebugEnabled = true;

            // Create the circle brush.
            _circleBrush = new CircleBrush(2.5f);

            _circleBrushNode = _world.Scene.CreateSceneNode();
            _circleBrushNode.Attach(new CircleRenderable(2.5f, 64)
                Color = Vector3.One
Exemple #16
        public Main()
            graphics = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this);

            graphics.SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace = false;

            resolution = Settings.Default.WindowResolution;

            graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = resolution.X;
            graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = resolution.Y;

            Content.RootDirectory = "Content";

            camera = new FreeLookCamera(this);
            cameraHandler = new CameraHandler(this);
            fps = new FPS(this);
            hud = new HUD(this);


            Services.AddService(typeof(ICamera), camera);

            fakeViewFrustum = new BoundingFrustum(Matrix.Identity);
        public override void Initialize()
            collisionManager = (ICollisionManager)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICollisionManager));
            camera = (ICamera)Game.Services.GetService(typeof(ICamera));

 public void EnableCameraTracking(ICamera camera)
     this.AddLine("ViewPort: {0}", () => camera.SceneViewport);
     this.AddLine("Translation: {0}", () => camera.SceneTranslationVector);
     this.AddLine("Position: {0}", () => camera.Position);
     this.AddLine("Zooming: {0:f1}", () => camera.ZoomFactor);
		internal DrawTarget(ICamera camera, bool enabled)
			if (camera == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("camera");
			this.camera = camera;
			this.enabled = enabled;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages a scene to be rendered and updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera of the scene</param>
        /// <param name="canvas">Canvas that this scene binds to.</param>
        /// <param name="objects">Objects to be rendered</param>
        public Scene(ICamera camera, ICanvas canvas, params SceneObject[] objects)
            if (camera == null || canvas == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); }

            this.Canvas = canvas;
                this.rootUI = new SceneRootUI();
                var rootObject = new SceneRootObject(this);
                this.rootObject = rootObject;
                var rootViewPort = new SceneRootViewPort(
                     AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Top, new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0), canvas.Size);
                rootViewPort.Children.Add(new ViewPort(camera,
                    AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom,
                    new Padding(0, 0, 0, 0), canvas.Size));
                this.rootViewPort = rootViewPort;
            //var cursor = UICursor.CreateDefault();
            //cursor.Enabled = false;
            //this.Cursor = cursor;
 public void GenerateShadowMatrix(ICamera camera, ILight light, out Matrix view, out Matrix projection)
     /// view transforms into Lightspace. Depth is saved. The depth value is then written to the shadowmap position defined by projection (the normal modelviewprojection matrix)
     /// but this is nonsense cause projection will not generate the same position for every pixel across a ray originatin from the lightposition
     view = new Matrix();
     projection = new Matrix();
Exemple #22
        public void Draw(ICamera camera)

            _renderer.Draw(_location, camera.Location, camera.OriginBasedViewTransformation, camera.ProjectionTransformation);
            _terrain.Draw(camera.Location, camera.OriginBasedViewTransformation, camera.ProjectionTransformation);
        internal void Update(GameTime gameTime, ICamera Camera)
            ViewFrustrum.Matrix = Camera.ViewProjection;
            CameraPosition = Camera.Position;

            //Corners 0-3 = near plane clockwise, Corners 4-7 = far plane clockwise

            var clip = ClippingFrustrum.FromFrustrumCorners(VFCorners, CameraPosition);
            ClipShape = clip.ProjectToTargetY(_position.Y);

            _lastCameraPosition = _cameraPosition;
            IndexCount = 0;


            _activeNode = _rootNode.DeepestNodeWithPoint(ClipShape.ViewPoint);

            if (_activeNode != null)


            _buffers.UpdateIndexBuffer(Indices, IndexCount);
 public VisualisationWindow(ZArrayDescriptor desc, ICamera cam, int width, int height, int fsaa_samples, bool vsync)
     : base(width, height, new GraphicsMode(32, 24, 0, fsaa_samples))
     this.cam = cam;
         this.VSync = VSyncMode.Off;
Exemple #25
 public FollowCamera(ICamera camera, IWorldObject target)
     this.camera = camera;
     this.target = target;
     Distance = 1.0f;
     TicksToCatchUp = 200;
Exemple #26
        public Capture(string leftCamera, string rightCamera, Device d3dDevice)
            if (leftCamera.ToLower().StartsWith("udp://"))

                if (rightCamera != "" && rightCamera.ToLower().StartsWith("udp://"))
                    m_rightCamera = new StreamingCamera(rightCamera, d3dDevice, 1);
                DsDevice[] systemCamereas = DsDevice.GetDevicesOfCat(FilterCategory.VideoInputDevice);

                foreach (var device in systemCamereas)
                    if (device.DevicePath.Equals(leftCamera))
                        if (device.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("hauppauge"))
                            m_leftCamera = new AnalogCamera(device, d3dDevice);
                            m_leftCamera = new WebCamera(device, d3dDevice);
                    if (device.DevicePath.Equals(rightCamera))
                        m_rightCamera = new WebCamera(device, d3dDevice);
        public void UpdateBuffer(DeviceContext context, Matrix world, ICamera camera)
            var view = camera.CreateViewMatrix();
            var projection = camera.CreateProjectionMatrix(Resolution);
            Matrices[0] = Matrix.Transpose(world);
            Matrices[1] = Matrix.Transpose(view);
            Matrices[2] = Matrix.Transpose(projection);
            Matrices[3] = Matrix.Transpose(world * view);
            Matrices[4] = Matrix.Transpose(world * view * projection);
            Matrices[5] = Matrix.Transpose(view * projection);
            Matrices[6] = Matrix.Invert(world);
            Matrices[7] = Matrix.Invert(world * view);
            Matrices[8] = Matrix.Transpose(Matrix.Identity * Matrix.Scaling(LightPosition));
            Matrices[9] = new Matrix(new float[] 
                LerpTime, AbsoluteTime, Resolution.X, Resolution.Y,
                BeatTime, Lead,0,0,
                Nisse0, Nisse1, Nisse2, Nisse3,
            if (Buffer == null)
                Buffer = new Buffer(context.Device, Matrices.Length * Utilities.SizeOf<Matrix>(), ResourceUsage.Default, BindFlags.ConstantBuffer, CpuAccessFlags.None, ResourceOptionFlags.None, 0);

            context.UpdateSubresource(Matrices, Buffer);
Exemple #28
        public CameraTracker(Game game, ICamera camera)
            : base(game)
            Camera = camera;

            Tension = 0;
            Bias = 0;
            Continuity = 0;

            Waypoints = new List<Waypoint>();

            float time = 0.0f;
            float delta = 3.0f;

            // Waypoints und LookAt-Directions initialisieren
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(10.0f, 5.0f, 10.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(10.0f, 3.0f, -10.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(-10.0f, 5.0f, -10.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(-10.0f, 3.0f, 10.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(-15.0f, 10.0f, 15.0f), new Vector3(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(-15.0f, 10.0f, -15.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(1.0f, 5.0f, -1.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(15.0f, 10.0f, 15.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(10.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f), new Vector3(-1.0f, 0.2f, 0.0f), time += delta));
            Waypoints.Add(CreateWaypoint(new Vector3(-10.0f, 5.0f, 0.0f), new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), time += delta));
Exemple #29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="RenderEventArg"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="renderMode">render mode.</param>
 /// <param name="camera">camera used during rendering.</param>
 /// <param name="pickingGeometryType">Target geometry type(point, line, triangle, quad or polygon) for color-coded-picking when <paramref name="renderMode"/> is <see cref="RenderModes.ColorCodedPicking"/>; otherwise useless.</param>
 public RenderEventArg(RenderModes renderMode, Rectangle viewport, ICamera camera, GeometryType pickingGeometryType = GeometryType.Point)
     this.RenderMode = renderMode;
     this.CanvasRect = viewport;
     this.Camera = camera;
     this.PickingGeometryType = pickingGeometryType;
Exemple #30
 public LevelView(ILevel level, ISpriteBatch spriteBatch, ITexture texture, ICamera camera)
     _level = level;
     _spriteBatch = spriteBatch;
     _texture = texture;
     _camera = camera;
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns all objects needed for a level based on an XML file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filepath">Path to the XML file we should read from for this level</param>
        /// <param name="levelBackground">Sprite for background of level</param>
        /// <param name="mainCamera">Camera created for this level.</param>
        /// <param name="players">List of players spawned for this level</param>
        /// <param name="enemies">List of enemies spawned for this level</param>
        /// <param name="Tiles">List of tiles spawned for this level</param>
        /// <param name="items">List of items spawned for this level</param>
        /// <returns>True if level loading was successful, false if there was an error.</returns>
        public bool LoadLevelFromXML(string filepath, out ISprite levelBackground, out ICamera mainCamera, out List <IPlayer> players, out List <IEnemy> enemies, out List <ITile> tiles, out List <IItem> items)
            levelBackground = null;
            mainCamera      = null;
            players         = new List <IPlayer>();
            enemies         = new List <IEnemy>();
            tiles           = new List <ITile>();
            items           = new List <IItem>();

            //If we were given a bad file, exit.
            if (!filepath.EndsWith(XmlFileExtension) || !File.Exists(filepath))
                Debug.WriteLine(BadXmlError1 + filepath + BadXmlError2);

            XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(filepath);

            while (reader.Read())
                if (!reader.IsStartElement())

                if (reader.LocalName == RootLocalName)
                    LevelType t;
                    //Get level background
                    if (TryGetLevelTypeFromEnum(reader.GetAttribute(LevelTypeAttr), out t) && levelBackdrops.ContainsKey(t))
                        levelBackground = levelBackdrops[t];
                    //Create camera based on camera type
                    CameraType cType;
                    if (TryGetCameraTypeFromEnum(reader.GetAttribute(CameraTypeAttr), out cType) && cameraTypes.ContainsKey(cType))
                        int xPos, yPos;
                        if (int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(CameraXPosAttr), out xPos) && int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(CameraYPosAttr), out yPos))
                            mainCamera = cameraTypes[cType].Invoke(xPos, yPos);
                            mainCamera = cameraTypes[cType].Invoke(Zero, Zero);
                //NOTE: The order of players in the XML file is the player number they are (first occurence is player 1, second is player 2, etc.)
                else if (reader.LocalName == PlayersLocalName)
                    RetrieveAllChildElementsFromReader <IPlayer>(ref reader, PlayerChildElementName, TryCreatePlayerFromEnum, out players);
                else if (reader.LocalName == EnemiesLocalName)
                    RetrieveAllChildElementsFromReader <IEnemy>(ref reader, EnemyChildElementName, TryCreateEnemyFromEnum, out enemies);
                //Tile uses its own logic temporarily, until we add in optional parameters to RetrieveAllChildElementsFromReader() next sprint.
                else if (reader.LocalName == TilesLocalName)
                    if (!reader.ReadToDescendant(TileChildElementName))

                    //Add first tile element
                    List <ITile> newTiles = new List <ITile>();
                    List <IItem> newItems = new List <IItem>();
                    int          posX, posY;
                    if (int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(PosXAttr), out posX) &&
                        int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(PosYAttr), out posY) &&
                        TryCreateTileFromEnum(reader, reader.GetAttribute(TypeAttr), reader.GetAttribute(RepeatAttr), reader.GetAttribute(RepeatSpaceAttr), posX, posY, out newTiles, out newItems))

                    //Add all subsequent elements
                    while (reader.ReadToNextSibling(TileChildElementName))
                        if (int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(PosXAttr), out posX) &&
                            int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(PosYAttr), out posY) &&
                            TryCreateTileFromEnum(reader, reader.GetAttribute(TypeAttr), reader.GetAttribute(RepeatAttr), reader.GetAttribute(RepeatSpaceAttr), posX, posY, out newTiles, out newItems))
                else if (reader.LocalName == ItemsLocalName)
                    List <IItem> newItems;
                    RetrieveAllChildElementsFromReader <IItem>(ref reader, ItemChildElementName, TryCreateItemFromEnum, out newItems);
                    Debug.WriteLine(BadXmlElementError1 + filepath + BadXmlElementError2 + reader.LocalName);

Exemple #32
 public CameraThingLostListener(ICamera cameraThing)
     CameraThingy = cameraThing;
Exemple #33
 public CameraThingDiscoveredListener(ICamera cameraThing)
     CameraThingy = cameraThing;
Exemple #34
        private void start(bool isCameraStart = true)
            labelMsg.Visible = true;

#if (TRACE)
            ds     = new DataSet("trace");
            dtBlow = new DataTable("blow");
            dtBlow.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
            dtBlow.Columns.Add("valve", typeof(int));
            dtBlow.Columns.Add("sec", typeof(int));
            dtBlow.Columns.Add("milisec", typeof(int));

            dtSensor = new DataTable("sensor");
            dtSensor.Columns.Add("id", typeof(int));
            dtSensor.Columns.Add("valve", typeof(int));
            dtSensor.Columns.Add("sec", typeof(int));
            dtSensor.Columns.Add("milisec", typeof(int));


//            ds.Relations.Add("relation_id", dtBlow.Columns["id"], dtSensor.Columns["id"]);/**/

            // detectors

                if (true)
                    detectorMaster =
                        new detect_blobs(new ColorRange("Red"), (ThresholdType)cbBinMethodMaster.SelectedIndex,
                                         (byte)trBinValMaster.Value, 255, 2, true);
                    if (!checkBoxIsUseCore.Checked)
                        detectorMaster.NewBlobs += new detect_blobs.DetectNewBlobHandle(masterBlobsHaveAdded);
                        emulationZeroSample4Master(); // first sample detected long time -> emulate firs/t sample & delete  it .................

                        if (cfg.isShowFrameRgb)
                            detectorMaster.ShowFrameRgb +=
                                new detect_blobs.ShowImageHandle(masterShowFrameRgb); // slowing - don't use
                        if (cfg.isShowFrameBin)
                            detectorMaster.ShowFrameBin += new detect_blobs.ShowImageHandle(masterShowFrameBin);


#if (DEMO)
                cbCamMS.Checked = true;

                if (cbCamMS.Checked)
                    if (MSLink == null)
                        MSLink = new List <long[]>();
                    linkMS = new comparator();
                    linkMS.ComplitParticle += new comparator.ComplitReorddHandle(complectMSCompare);

                    detectorSlave =
                        new detect_blobs(new ColorRange("Red"), (ThresholdType)cbBinMethodMaster.SelectedIndex,
                                         (byte)trBinValMaster.Value, 255, 2, false);
                    if (!checkBoxIsUseCore.Checked)
                        detectorSlave.NewBlobs += new detect_blobs.DetectNewBlobHandle(slaveBlobsHaveAdded);
                        emulationZeroSample4Slave(); // first sample detected long time -> emulate first sample & delete  it .................

                        if (cfg.isShowFrameRgb)
                            detectorSlave.ShowFrameRgb +=
                                new detect_blobs.ShowImageHandle(slaveShowFrameRgb); // slowing - don't use
                        if (cfg.isShowFrameBin)
                            detectorSlave.ShowFrameBin += new detect_blobs.ShowImageHandle(slaveShowFrameBin);


            cbBinMethodMaster.SelectedItem = detectorMaster.ThresholdType_METHOD;
            trBinValMaster.Value           = detectorMaster.ThresholdType_VAL;

            if (isCameraStart)
#if (DEMO)
                cbCamOne.Checked = true;
                // camera engine
                if (cbCamOne.Checked)
                    drv = new IDS();
                    drv.Init(((IDS)drv).GetNoInDeviceList(cfg.CameraMaster), -1, -1, 24, dpsMaster.pbLife, IntPtr.Zero);
                    drv = new IDSMS();
                    ((IDSMS)drv).SetCameraID(cfg.CameraMaster, 1);
                    drv.Init(0, -1, -1, 24, dpsSlave.pbLife, dpsMaster.pbLife.Handle);
                    ((IDSMS)drv).ImageCapturedSlave += new CameraBridgeEventHandler(cameraSlaveCapture);

                // device
                HidController.Controller.Start(cfg.FrontLight, (int)cfg.BackLigth,
                                               cfg.VibroVal, cfg.VibroVal2);

                drv.ImageCaptured += new CameraBridgeEventHandler(cameraMasterCapture);

                if (cbCamOne.Checked)
                    valves.init(((IDS)drv).GetWidth(), ((IDS)drv).GetWidth());
                    valves.init(((IDSMS)drv).GetMasterWidth(), ((IDSMS)drv).GetSlaveWidth());

#if (DEMO)
                cbCamMS.Checked = true;

                labelMsg.Visible = false;
#if (TRACE)
                cntBlow = 0;
 public void OnGainedCameraFocus(ICamera cam)
Exemple #36
 public PlanetView(ICamera camera)
     _camera = camera;
     Loaded  = false;
 public void UpdateInFrustum(ICamera par1ICamera)
     IsInFrustum = par1ICamera.IsBoundingBoxInFrustum(RendererBoundingBox);
Exemple #38
        public void Flight()
            //Get IMessageDispatcher interface
            IMessageDispatcher pMessageDispatcher;

            pMessageDispatcher = new MessageDispatcherClass();

            //Set the ESC key to be seen as a cancel action
            pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnClick    = false;
            pMessageDispatcher.CancelOnEscPress = true;

            //Get the scene graph
            ISceneGraph pSceneGraph = (ISceneGraph)m_pSceneHookHelper.SceneGraph;

            //Get the scene viewer
            ISceneViewer pSceneViewer = (ISceneViewer)m_pSceneHookHelper.ActiveViewer;

            //Get the camera
            ICamera pCamera = (ICamera)m_pSceneHookHelper.Camera;

            bCancel = false;

                //Get the elapsed time
                double dlastFrameDuration, dMeanFrameRate;

                pSceneGraph.GetDrawingTimeInfo(out dlastFrameDuration, out dMeanFrameRate);

                if (dlastFrameDuration < 0.01)
                    dlastFrameDuration = 0.01;

                if (dlastFrameDuration > 1)
                    dlastFrameDuration = 1;

                //Windows API call to get windows client coordinates
                Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
                if (GetClientRect(m_pSceneHookHelper.ActiveViewer.hWnd, ref rect) == 0)

                //Get normal vectors
                double dXMouseNormal, dYMouseNormal;

                dXMouseNormal = 2 * ((double)m_lMouseX / (double)rect.Right) - 1;
                dYMouseNormal = 2 * ((double)m_lMouseY / (double)rect.Bottom) - 1;

                //Set elevation and azimuth in radians for normal rotation
                m_dElevation = m_dElevation - (dlastFrameDuration * dYMouseNormal * Math.Abs(dYMouseNormal));
                m_dAzimut    = m_dAzimut - (dlastFrameDuration * dXMouseNormal * Math.Abs(dXMouseNormal));
                if (m_dElevation > 0.45 * 3.141592)
                    m_dElevation = 0.45 * 3.141592;

                if (m_dElevation < -0.45 * 3.141592)
                    m_dElevation = -0.45 * 3.141592;

                if (m_dAzimut < 0)
                    m_dAzimut = m_dAzimut + (2 * 3.141592);

                if (m_dAzimut > 2 * 3.141592)
                    m_dAzimut = m_dAzimut - (2 * 3.141592);

                double dx, dy, dz;

                dx = Math.Cos(m_dElevation) * Math.Cos(m_dAzimut);
                dy = Math.Cos(m_dElevation) * Math.Sin(m_dAzimut);
                dz = Math.Sin(m_dElevation);

                //Change the viewing directions (target)
                m_pPointTgt.X = m_pPointObs.X + (m_dDistance * dx);
                m_pPointTgt.Y = m_pPointObs.Y + (m_dDistance * dy);
                m_pPointTgt.Z = m_pPointObs.Z + (m_dDistance * dz);

                //Move the camera in the viewing directions
                m_pPointObs.X = m_pPointObs.X + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dx);
                m_pPointObs.Y = m_pPointObs.Y + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dy);
                m_pPointTgt.X = m_pPointTgt.X + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dx);
                m_pPointTgt.Y = m_pPointTgt.Y + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dy);
                m_pPointObs.Z = m_pPointObs.Z + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dz);
                m_pPointTgt.Z = m_pPointTgt.Z + (dlastFrameDuration * (2 ^ m_iSpeed) * m_dMotion * dz);

                pCamera.Observer = m_pPointObs;
                pCamera.Target   = m_pPointTgt;

                //Set the angle of the camera about the line of sight between the observer and target
                pCamera.RollAngle = 10 * dXMouseNormal * Math.Abs(dXMouseNormal);

                //Redraw the scene viewer

                object objCancel;

                //Dispatch any waiting messages: OnMouseMove / OnMouseUp / OnKeyUp events
                //object objCancel = bCancel as object;
                pMessageDispatcher.Dispatch(m_pSceneHookHelper.ActiveViewer.hWnd, false, out objCancel);

                //End flight if ESC key pressed
                if (bCancel == true)
            }while(m_bInUse == true && bCancel == false);

            bCancel = false;
 public void Draw(GameTime gameTime, ICamera camera)
     model.Draw(LocalToWorld, camera.View, camera.Projection);
Exemple #40
 public SpriteRenderLayer(ICamera camera)
     m_camera = camera;
Exemple #41
 public void SetMatrices(Matrix objectTransform, ICamera camera)
     _effect.FxWorldViewProj.SetMatrix(objectTransform * camera.ViewProj);
     // _effect.FxWorld.SetMatrix(objectTransform);
 protected void AddToWorld(ICamera obj)
Exemple #43
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the axis
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graphicsDevice">Used to create the graphics objects</param>
        /// <param name="axisLenght">Positive lenght of the axis</param>
        /// <param name="coloAxisX">Color of the x axis</param>
        /// <param name="coloAxisY">Color of the y axis</param>
        /// <param name="coloAxisZ">Color of the z axis</param>
        /// <param name="camera">Camera used to draw the axis in projection</param>
        public CartesianAxis(GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, float axisLenght, Color coloAxisX, Color coloAxisY, Color coloAxisZ, ICamera camera)
            this.camera = camera;

            axisX          = new VertexPositionColor[2];
            axisX[0]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), coloAxisX);
            axisX[1]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(axisLenght, 0.0f, 0.0f), coloAxisX);
            axisY          = new VertexPositionColor[2];
            axisY[0]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), coloAxisY);
            axisY[1]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(0.0f, axisLenght, 0.0f), coloAxisY);
            axisZ          = new VertexPositionColor[2];
            axisZ[0]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), coloAxisZ);
            axisZ[1]       = new VertexPositionColor(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, axisLenght), coloAxisZ);
            this.IsEnabled = true;
            basicEffect    = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice);
Exemple #44
 public virtual void Render(ICamera camera)
Exemple #45
 public void Begin(ICamera camera)
     _viewProjection = camera.ViewProjection;
Exemple #46
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ICamera camera)
     this.Sprite.Draw(spriteBatch, camera);
 public void StartFrame(ICamera cam, RenderState rs)
     camera       = cam;
     rstate       = rs;
     lineVertices = 0;
Exemple #48
        private void axSceneControl_OnMouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
                System.Drawing.Point pSceLoc = axSceneControl1.PointToScreen(this.axSceneControl1.Location);
                System.Drawing.Point Pt      = this.PointToScreen(e.Location);
                if (Pt.X < pSceLoc.X || Pt.X > pSceLoc.X + axSceneControl1.Width || Pt.Y < pSceLoc.Y || Pt.Y > pSceLoc.Y + axSceneControl1.Height)
                double scale = 0.2;
                if (e.Delta < 0)
                    scale = -0.2;
                ICamera pCamera = axSceneControl1.Camera;
                IPoint  pPtObs  = pCamera.Observer;
                IPoint  pPtTar  = pCamera.Target;

                IPoint point;
                //point= pCamera.Target;
                point = pCamera.Observer;
                IEnvelope pEnv = new EnvelopeClass();
                pEnv.XMax = point.X + 5;
                pEnv.XMin = point.X - 5;
                pEnv.YMax = point.Y + 5;
                pEnv.YMin = point.Y - 5;

                pPtObs.X        += (pPtObs.X - pPtTar.X) * scale;
                pPtObs.Y        += (pPtObs.Y - pPtTar.Y) * scale;
                pPtObs.Z        += (pPtObs.Z - pPtTar.Z) * scale;
                pCamera.Observer = pPtObs;

                //pEnv.XMax = e.X + 5;
                //pEnv.XMin = e.X - 5;
                //pEnv.YMax = e.Y + 5;
                //pEnv.YMin = e.Y - 5;

                IRectangleElement pRectangleEle = new RectangleElementClass();
                IElement          pEle          = pRectangleEle as IElement;
                pEle.Geometry = pEnv;

                IRgbColor pColor = new RgbColorClass();
                pColor.Red          = 238;
                pColor.Green        = 99;
                pColor.Blue         = 99;
                pColor.Transparency = 255;
                // 产生一个线符号对象
                ILineSymbol pOutline = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                pOutline.Width = 2;
                pOutline.Color = pColor;

                // 设置颜色属性
                pColor.Red          = 238;
                pColor.Green        = 99;
                pColor.Blue         = 99;
                pColor.Transparency = 0;

                // 设置线框填充符号的属性
                IFillSymbol pFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                pFillSymbol.Color   = pColor;
                pFillSymbol.Outline = pOutline;
                IFillShapeElement pFillShapeEle = pEle as IFillShapeElement;
                pFillShapeEle.Symbol = pFillSymbol;

                // 得到鹰眼视图中的图形元素容器
                IGraphicsContainer pGra = axMapControl1.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
                IActiveView        pAv  = pGra as IActiveView;
                // 在绘制前,清除 axMapControl1 中的任何图形元素
                // 鹰眼视图中添加线框
                pGra.AddElement((IElement)pFillShapeEle, 0);
                // 刷新鹰眼
                pAv.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
 public void OnLostCameraFocus(ICamera cam)
		public void SetCamera(ICamera cam)
			camera = cam;
 public override bool OutOfView(ICamera camera)
 public override bool PrepareRender(ICamera camera, NebulaRenderer nr, SystemRenderer sys)
 void tea_OnUpdate(IObject obj, GameTime gt, ICamera cam)
     obj.PhysicObject.Rotation *= Matrix.CreateRotationY(0.02f);
     obj.PhysicObject.Rotation *= Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0.02f);
Exemple #54
 protected SamplerIntegrator(ICamera camera, ISampler sampler, in PixelArea pixelBounds)
Exemple #55
        public Executor(IJavaScriptExecutor javaScriptExecutor, IElementFinder finder, ICamera camera)
            if (javaScriptExecutor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("javaScriptExecutor");
            if (finder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("finder");
            if (camera == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("camera");

            _javaScriptExecutor = javaScriptExecutor;
            _finder             = finder;
            _camera             = camera;
 protected abstract bool Is2Add(int i, MyPMX pmx, VertexSelect vS, ICamera camera);
Exemple #57
 public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, ICamera camera)
     this.CurrentState.Draw(spriteBatch, camera);
 public void Update(ICamera camera, TimeSpan delta, TimeSpan totalTime)
     Levels[0].Update(camera, delta);
Exemple #59
 public void Update(ICamera camera, double delta)
     if (ready) foreach (FaceGroup faceGroup in FaceGroups) faceGroup.Update (camera);
Exemple #60
 public ViewTransformProvider(ICamera camera)
     Camera = camera;