Exemple #1
            public void Resulting_spec_should_be_satisfied_if_call_method_and_arg_specs_are_satisfied()
                var specifiedMethod = _call.GetMethodInfo();
                var args            = CreateArgsThatMatchArgSpecsFromFactory();

                var callThatShouldMatch = CreateStubCall(specifiedMethod, args);

        private string FormatCall(ICall call, bool isAcrossMultipleTargets, TypeInstanceNumberLookup instanceLookup)
            var s = _callFormatter.Format(call.GetMethodInfo(), FormatArgs(call.GetArguments()));
            if (!isAcrossMultipleTargets) return s;

            var target = call.Target();
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            return FormatCallForInstance(instanceLookup, target, methodInfo, s);
        public TArgument Arg <TArgument>(int index)
            if (index < 0 || index >= _call.GetArguments().Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Method '" + _call.GetMethodInfo().Name + "' do not have that many arguments.");

            if (_call.GetArguments()[index] is TArgument)

            throw new InvalidOperationException("Argument " + index + " of '" + _call.GetMethodInfo().Name + "' cannot be converted to '" + typeof(TArgument) + "'.");
Exemple #4
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var eventInfo  = FindEventInfo(methodInfo);

            if (eventInfo == null)
                throw new CouldNotRaiseEventException();

            object?[] eventArguments = _getEventArguments(call);
            var       handlers       = _eventHandlerRegistry.GetHandlers(eventInfo.Name);

            foreach (Delegate handler in handlers)
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    throw e.InnerException !;

        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var eventInfo  = methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetEvents().FirstOrDefault(
                x => (x.GetAddMethod() == methodInfo) || (x.GetRemoveMethod() == methodInfo));

            if (eventInfo == null)
                throw new CouldNotRaiseEventException();
            var handlers       = _eventHandlerRegistry.GetHandlers(eventInfo.Name);
            var eventArguments = _getEventArguments(call);

            foreach (Delegate handler in handlers)
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    throw e.InnerException;
 public bool IsSatisfiedBy(ICall call)
     if (_methodInfo != call.GetMethodInfo()) return false;
     if (HasDifferentNumberOfArguments(call)) return false;
     if (NonMatchingArguments(call).Any()) return false;
     return true;
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            var mockedDbContext = call.Target();
            var invokedMethod   = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var arguments       = call.GetArguments();

            var modelType = GetModelType(invokedMethod);

            if (modelType == null)

            Logger.LogDebug("Setting up model '{type}'", modelType);

            var modelEntityType = _allModelEntityTypes.SingleOrDefault(x => x.ClrType.Equals(modelType));

            if (modelEntityType == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ExceptionMessages.CannotCreateDbSetTypeNotIncludedInModel,

            var setUpModelMethod = typeof(NoSetUpHandler <TDbContext>).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic)
                                   .Single(x => x.Name.Equals(modelEntityType.FindPrimaryKey() != null ? "SetUpModel" : "SetUpReadOnlyModel"));

            setUpModelMethod.MakeGenericMethod(modelType).Invoke(this, new[] { mockedDbContext });

            return(RouteAction.Return(invokedMethod.Invoke(mockedDbContext, arguments?.ToArray())));
    /// <summary>
    /// Assert that <paramref name="call"/> has one generic argument, of type <typeparamref name="TExpected"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TExpected">Generic argument</typeparam>
    /// <param name="call">Call</param>
    /// <exception cref="GenericArgumentException"></exception>
    internal static void AssertGenericArgument <TExpected>(ICall call)
        // Check correct number of generic arguments
        var args = call.GetMethodInfo().GetGenericArguments();

        if (args.Length == 0)
            throw new GenericArgumentException("Expected one generic argument but found none.");
        if (args.Length > 1)
            throw new GenericArgumentException($"Expected one generic argument but found {args.Length}.");

        // Check generic argument
        var expected = typeof(TExpected);
        var actual   = args[0];

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        catch (EqualException ex)
            throw new GenericArgumentException($"Expected type '{expected}' but found '{actual}'.", ex);
Exemple #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public CallResultData ResolveResult(ICall callInfo)
            var returnValue = this.ResolveReturnValue(callInfo);
            var returnMaybe = returnValue is OmitSpecimen?Maybe.Nothing <object>() : Maybe.Just(returnValue);

            //Resolve ref/out parameter values.
            var argumentValues = new List <CallResultData.ArgumentValue>();
            var parameterInfos = callInfo.GetMethodInfo().GetParameters();

            for (var i = 0; i < parameterInfos.Length; i++)
                var parameterInfo = parameterInfos[i];

                if (!parameterInfo.ParameterType.IsByRef)

                // Unwrap parameter type, because it is Type& for ref/out methods.
                var value = this.SpecimenContext.Resolve(parameterInfo.ParameterType.GetElementType());
                if (value is OmitSpecimen)

                argumentValues.Add(new CallResultData.ArgumentValue(i, value));

            return(new CallResultData(returnMaybe, argumentValues));
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            // We want the proxies to respond to the base object methods (e.g. Equals, GetHashCode)
            if (call.GetMethodInfo().GetBaseDefinition().DeclaringType == typeof(object))
                return RouteAction.Return(call.CallOriginalMethod());

            return RouteAction.Continue();
        public static string DiagName(this ICall call, DiagContextInternal ctx)
            var substituteId = call.Target().SubstituteId(ctx);
            var callArgs     = call.FormatArgs(ctx);
            var signature    = call.GetMethodInfo().DiagName();

            return($"<[{substituteId}].{callArgs} Signature: {signature}>");
        /// <summary>
        ///     Checks the last method invocation on the mock;
        ///     if Add was invoked the unexpected match is set up;
        ///     if GetOrAdd or GetOrAddAsync was invoked the unexpected match is set up and the addItemFactory result will be
        ///     returned;
        ///     otherwise the default value for the specified type will be returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="call"></param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     if GetOrAdd or GetOrAddAsync was invoked the unexpected match is set up and the addItemFactory result will be
        ///     returned;
        ///     otherwise the default value for the specified type will be returned if the last method invocation has a return
        ///     type.
        /// </returns>
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            Logger.LogDebug("NoSetUpHandler invoked");

            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var args       = call.GetArguments();

            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("Add"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key   = args[0].ToString();
                var value = args[1];

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(value.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, value });


            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("GetOrAdd"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key   = args[0].ToString();
                var value = args[1].GetType().GetMethod("Invoke").Invoke(args[1], new object[] { new CacheEntryFake(key) });

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(value.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, value });


            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("GetOrAddAsync"))
                //We have everything we need to set up a match, so let's do it
                var key        = args[0].ToString();
                var task       = args[1].GetType().GetMethod("Invoke").Invoke(args[1], new object[] { new CacheEntryFake(key) });
                var taskResult = task.GetType().GetProperty("Result").GetValue(task);

                ProjectReflectionShortcuts.SetUpCacheEntryMethod(taskResult.GetType()).Invoke(null, new[] { _mockedCachingService, key, taskResult });


            //void method
            if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void))

            //Return default values
            if (methodInfo.ReturnType.IsGenericType && methodInfo.ReturnType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Task <>))
                var genericArgument = methodInfo.ReturnType.GetGenericArguments().Single();
                var defaultValue    = genericArgument.GetDefaultValue();

                return(RouteAction.Return(CoreReflectionShortcuts.TaskFromResultMethod(genericArgument).Invoke(null, new[] { defaultValue })));

 public ICallSpecification CreateFrom(ICall call, MatchArgs matchArgs)
     var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
     var argumentSpecs = call.GetArgumentSpecifications();
     var arguments = call.GetOriginalArguments();
     var parameterInfos = call.GetParameterInfos();
     var argumentSpecificationsForCall = _argumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argumentSpecs, arguments, parameterInfos, matchArgs);
     return new CallSpecification(methodInfo, argumentSpecificationsForCall);
Exemple #14
            private string Format(ICall call)
                var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
                var args       = methodInfo.GetParameters()
                                 .Zip(call.GetArguments(), (p, a) => new ArgAndParamInfo(p, a))

                return(_callFormatter.Format(methodInfo, FormatArgs(args)));
Exemple #15
        public ICallSpecification CreateFrom(ICall call, MatchArgs matchArgs)
            var methodInfo     = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var argumentSpecs  = call.GetArgumentSpecifications();
            var arguments      = call.GetOriginalArguments();
            var parameterInfos = call.GetParameterInfos();
            var argumentSpecificationsForCall = _argumentSpecificationsFactory.Create(argumentSpecs, arguments, parameterInfos, methodInfo, matchArgs);

            return(new CallSpecification(methodInfo, argumentSpecificationsForCall));
 public ICall CreateCallToPropertyGetterFromSetterCall(ICall callToSetter)
     var propertyInfo = GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(callToSetter);
     if (!PropertySetterExistsAndHasAGetMethod(propertyInfo))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find a GetMethod for \"" + callToSetter.GetMethodInfo() + "\"");
     var getter = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
     return new CallToPropertyGetter(getter, callToSetter.Target());
Exemple #17
        private static string DumpCallInfo(ICall cur)
            var methodName = cur.GetMethodInfo().Name;
            var args       = cur.GetArguments()
                             .Select(a => a is string
                                     : a)
                             .JoinWith(", ");

 public ICall CreateCallToPropertyGetterFromSetterCall(ICall callToSetter)
     var propertyInfo = GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(callToSetter);
     if (!PropertySetterExistsAndHasAGetMethod(propertyInfo))
         throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find a GetMethod for \"" + callToSetter.GetMethodInfo() + "\"");
     var setterArgs = callToSetter.GetArguments();
     var getter = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
     var getterArgs = setterArgs.Take(setterArgs.Length - 1).ToArray();
     return new Call(getter, getterArgs, callToSetter.Target(), callToSetter.GetArgumentSpecifications());
 public bool IsSatisfiedBy(ICall call)
     if (MethodInfo != call.GetMethodInfo()) return false;
     var arguments = call.GetArguments();
     if (arguments.Length != ArgumentSpecifications.Count) return false;
     for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Length; i++)
         var argumentMatchesSpecification = ArgumentSpecifications[i].IsSatisfiedBy(arguments[i]);
         if (!argumentMatchesSpecification) return false;
     return true;
Exemple #20
        private static ParameterInfo[] GetMethodParameters(ICall call)
            // A workaround for the older versions of NSubstitute to retrieve the original delegate signature.
            // The related issue has been fixed in v4, so no tweaks are required there.
            // The workaround will be self disabled in v4+ due to the internal NSubstitute refactoring.
            if (call.Target().GetType() == DelegateCallType && DelegateTypeFieldInfo != null)
                var delegateType = (Type)DelegateTypeFieldInfo.GetValue(call.Target());

            static bool LogOneWarning(ICall call)
                if (call.GetMethodInfo().Name != "Log")

                var args      = call.GetArguments();
                var logLevel  = (LogLevel)args[0];
                var exception = (Exception)args[3];

                return(logLevel == LogLevel.Warning && exception.Message.Contains("null"));
Exemple #22
        private static bool CanBeSubscribeUnsubscribeCall(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var methodName = methodInfo.Name;

            // It's safe to verify method prefix and signature as according to the ECMA-335 II.22.28:
            // 18. Any AddOn method for an event whose Name is xxx shall have the signature: void add_xxx (<DelegateType> handler) (§I.10.4) [CLS]
            // 19. Any RemoveOn method for an event whose Name is xxx shall have the signature: void remove_xxx(<DelegateType> handler) (§I.10.4) [CLS]
            return(methodInfo.IsSpecialName &&
                   methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void) &&
                   (methodName.StartsWith("add_", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    methodName.StartsWith("remove_", StringComparison.Ordinal)));
Exemple #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Assert that <paramref name="call"/> is a call to a method called <paramref name="expected"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="call">Call</param>
    /// <param name="expected">Expected method name</param>
    /// <exception cref="MethodNameException"></exception>
    internal static void AssertMethodName(ICall call, string expected)
        var actual = call.GetMethodInfo().Name;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        catch (EqualException ex)
            throw new MethodNameException($"Expected call to '{expected}' but received call to '{actual}'.", ex);
 public object Handle(ICall call)
     var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
     var eventInfo = methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetEvents().First(
         x => (x.GetAddMethod() == methodInfo) || (x.GetRemoveMethod() == methodInfo));
     var handlers = _eventHandlerRegistry.GetHandlers(eventInfo.Name);
     var eventArguments = _getEventArguments(call);
     foreach (Delegate handler in handlers)
     return null;
Exemple #25
        private bool ReturnsDynamic(ICall call)
            var returnParameter = call.GetMethodInfo().ReturnParameter;

            if (returnParameter == null)
            var dynamicAttribute = typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute);
            var customAttributes = returnParameter.GetCustomAttributes(dynamicAttribute, false);
            var isDynamic        = customAttributes != null && customAttributes.Any();

        private static bool CanBeSubscribeUnsubscribeCall(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();

            // It's safe to verify method prefix and signature as according to the ECMA-335 II.22.28:
            // 18. Any AddOn method for an event whose Name is xxx shall have the signature: void add_xxx (<DelegateType> handler) (§I.10.4) [CLS]
            // 19. Any RemoveOn method for an event whose Name is xxx shall have the signature: void remove_xxx(<DelegateType> handler) (§I.10.4) [CLS]
            // Notice, even though it's correct to check the SpecialName flag, we don't do that deliberately.
            // The reason is that some compilers (e.g. F#) might not emit this attribute and our library
            // misbehaves in those cases. We use slightly slower, but robust check.
            return(methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void) &&
                   (methodInfo.Name.StartsWith("add_", StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                    methodInfo.Name.StartsWith("remove_", StringComparison.Ordinal)));
        public object Route(ICall call)
            Trace($"Route(call: {call.DiagName(_ctx)})");
            Log($"[Received call] " +
                $"Substitute: {call.Target().SubstituteId(_ctx)} " +
                $"Call: {call.FormatArgs(_ctx)} " +
                $"Signature: {call.GetMethodInfo().DiagName()} " +
                $"Argument specifications: {call.GetArgumentSpecifications().Print(s => s.DiagName())}");

            using (new LoggingScope())
        private bool ReturnsDynamic(ICall call)
#if (NET4 || NET45)
            var returnParameter = call.GetMethodInfo().ReturnParameter;
            if (returnParameter == null)
            var dynamicAttribute = typeof(System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute);
            var isDynamic        = returnParameter.GetCustomAttributes(dynamicAttribute, false).Any();
Exemple #29
 public bool IsSatisfiedBy(ICall call)
     if (!AreComparable(GetMethodInfo(), call.GetMethodInfo()))
     if (HasDifferentNumberOfArguments(call))
     if (NonMatchingArguments(call).Any())
Exemple #30
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();

            if (methodInfo.Name.Equals("Query") || methodInfo.Name.Equals("Set"))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(ExceptionMessages.CannotCreateDbSetTypeNotIncludedInModel, methodInfo.GetGenericArguments().Single().Name));

            if (methodInfo.ReturnType == typeof(void))

Exemple #31
        private object ResolveReturnValue(ICall call)
            if (call.GetReturnType() == typeof(void))

            // If this is a call to a property getter, we resolve value via the 'PropertyInfo' request.
            var propertyInfo = call.GetMethodInfo().GetPropertyFromGetterCallOrNull();

            if (propertyInfo != null)

Exemple #32
            public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
                var property = call.GetMethodInfo().GetPropertyFromGetterCallOrNull();

                if (property is null)

                var service = _context.ResolveOptional(call.GetReturnType());

                if (service is null)

Exemple #33
        public void MoveLogsSuccessfulMove()
            // Arrange
            GroupFile file = new GroupFile();
            ILogger <FileModifier> logger = Substitute.For <ILogger <FileModifier> >();

            FileModifier uut = this.FileModifierWithDefaultMocks(
                logger: logger);

            // Act
            uut.Move(file, "destination");

            // Assert
            ICall loggerCall = Assert.Single(logger.ReceivedCalls());

            Assert.Equal("Log", loggerCall.GetMethodInfo().Name);
            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Information, loggerCall.GetOriginalArguments().First());
        private bool ReturnsDynamic(ICall call)
            var returnParameter = call.GetMethodInfo().ReturnParameter;

            if (returnParameter == null)

            bool isDynamic;

            isDynamic = returnParameter.GetCustomAttributes(DynamicAttributeType, inherit: false).Length != 0;
            var customAttributes = returnParameter.GetCustomAttributes(DynamicAttributeType, inherit: false);
            isDynamic = customAttributes != null && customAttributes.Any();
 public ICallSpecification CreateFrom(ICall call)
     var result = new CallSpecification(call.GetMethodInfo());
     var argumentSpecs = _context.DequeueAllArgumentSpecifications();
     var arguments = call.GetArguments();
     if (argumentSpecs.Count == 0)
         AddArgumentSpecsToCallSpec(result, arguments.Select(x => (IArgumentSpecification) new ArgumentEqualsSpecification(x)));
     else if (argumentSpecs.Count == arguments.Length)
         AddArgumentSpecsToCallSpec(result, argumentSpecs);
         throw new AmbiguousArgumentsException(
             "Cannot determine argument specifications to use. Please use specifications for all arguments.");
     return result;
        public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
            var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
            var eventInfo = methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetEvents().First(
                x => (x.GetAddMethod() == methodInfo) || (x.GetRemoveMethod() == methodInfo));
            var handlers = _eventHandlerRegistry.GetHandlers(eventInfo.Name);
            var eventArguments = _getEventArguments(call);
            foreach (Delegate handler in handlers)
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)

                    throw e.InnerException;
            return RouteAction.Continue();
Exemple #37
        public void MoveLogsFailedMove()
            // Arrange
            GroupFile file = new GroupFile();
            ILogger <FileModifier>     logger = Substitute.For <ILogger <FileModifier> >();
            IFileOperationsAbstraction ops    = Substitute.For <IFileOperationsAbstraction>();

            ops.When((x) => x.MoveFile(Arg.Any <string>(), Arg.Any <string>()))
            .Do((callInfo) => throw new Exception());

            FileModifier uut = this.FileModifierWithDefaultMocks(
                logger: logger,
                fileOps: ops);

            // Act
            uut.Move(file, "destination");

            // Assert
            ICall loggerCall = Assert.Single(logger.ReceivedCalls());

            Assert.Equal("Log", loggerCall.GetMethodInfo().Name);
            Assert.Equal(LogLevel.Error, loggerCall.GetOriginalArguments().First());
 private Predicate<EventInfo> IsEventUnsubscription(ICall call)
     return x => call.GetMethodInfo() == x.GetRemoveMethod();
Exemple #39
 public void Should_set_required_call_properties()
     Assert.That(_result.GetMethodInfo(), Is.EqualTo(_method));
     Assert.That(_result.GetArguments(), Is.EqualTo(_args));
     Assert.That(_result.Target(), Is.SameAs(_target));
 public RouteAction Handle(ICall call)
     var returnValue = _defaultForType.GetDefaultFor(call.GetMethodInfo().ReturnType);
     return RouteAction.Return(returnValue);
 private string Format(ICall call)
     return _callFormatter.Format(call.GetMethodInfo(), FormatArgs(call.GetArguments()));
Exemple #42
        public ICall CreateCallToPropertyGetterFromSetterCall(ICall callToSetter)
            var propertyInfo = GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(callToSetter);

            if (!PropertySetterExistsAndHasAGetMethod(propertyInfo))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find a GetMethod for \"" + callToSetter.GetMethodInfo() + "\"");
            var setterArgs = callToSetter.GetArguments();
            var getter     = propertyInfo.GetGetMethod();
            var getterArgs = setterArgs.Take(setterArgs.Length - 1).ToArray();

            return(new Call(getter, getterArgs, callToSetter.Target(), callToSetter.GetArgumentSpecifications()));
Exemple #43
 private PropertyInfo GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(ICall call)
 private PropertyInfo GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(ICall call)
     var methodInfo = call.GetMethodInfo();
     var properties = methodInfo.DeclaringType.GetProperties();
     return properties.FirstOrDefault(x => x.GetSetMethod() == methodInfo);
 private IEnumerable<EventInfo> GetEvents(ICall call, Func<ICall, Predicate<EventInfo>> createPredicate)
     var predicate = createPredicate(call);
     return call.GetMethodInfo().DeclaringType.GetEvents().Where(x => predicate(x));
 private Predicate<EventInfo> IsEventSubscription(ICall call)
     return x => call.GetMethodInfo() == x.GetAddMethod();
 private PropertyInfo GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull(ICall call)
     return call.GetMethodInfo().GetPropertyFromSetterCallOrNull();
 public string Format(ICall call, ICallSpecification withRespectToCallSpec)
     return Format(call.GetMethodInfo(), call.GetArguments(), withRespectToCallSpec.NonMatchingArgumentIndicies(call));
 public string Format(ICall call)
     return CallFormatter.Format(call.GetMethodInfo(), FormatArguments(call.GetArguments()));