private IServiceConfiguration LoadConfiguration(ICDSExecutionContext executionContext, bool disableCache)
            var settings = SettingsFactory.Create(executionContext);

            if (!disableCache && executionContext.Cache.Exists(CACHE_KEY))
                return(executionContext.Cache.Get <IServiceConfiguration>(CACHE_KEY));

            IServiceConfiguration config = new ServiceConfiguration();

            //get all XML data configuration files located in the virtual configuration path.
            var qry = new QueryExpression
                EntityName = "webresource",
                ColumnSet  = new ColumnSet("name"),
                Criteria   = new FilterExpression
                    Conditions =
                        new ConditionExpression
                            AttributeName = "name",
                            Operator      = ConditionOperator.BeginsWith,
                            Values        = { settings.ConfigurationDataPath }

            var xmlDataResources = executionContext.OrganizationService.RetrieveMultiple(qry).Entities;

            executionContext.Trace(string.Format("Retrieved {0} XML Data resource records.", xmlDataResources.Count));

            // Process each named XML configuration resource to build out the field level configuration service configuration.
            foreach (var resource in xmlDataResources)
                var name = resource.GetAttributeValue <string>("name");
                    var xmlConfigData = executionContext.XmlConfigurationResources.Get(name, false);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    executionContext.Trace(Core.eSeverityLevel.Error, "Error processing entity file {0} - {1}", name, ex.Message);

            if (!disableCache && executionContext.Cache != null && settings.CacheTimeout != null)
                executionContext.Cache.Add <IServiceConfiguration>(CACHE_KEY, config, settings.CacheTimeout.Value);

Exemple #2
            public Guid[] GetLinkedIds(ICDSExecutionContext executionContext, string searchTerm, bool useElevatedAccess)
                var processName = $"{nameof(QuickFindQueryExpressionBuilder<TTarget>)}.{nameof(GetLinkedIds)}";

                executionContext.Trace($"Entered {processName}");

                var qry = QueryExpressionBuilder

                // execute the query and return a list of target ids found.
                var orgService = useElevatedAccess ? executionContext.ElevatedOrganizationService : executionContext.OrganizationService;
                var ids        = orgService.RetrieveMultiple(qry).Entities.Select(e => e.Id).ToArray();

                executionContext.Trace($"Exiting {processName} - Returning {ids.Length} record ids.");
Exemple #3
        public IQuickFindQueryBuilder <TEntity> SearchParent <TParent>(string fromAttribute, Action <IQuickFindParentEntity <TEntity, TParent> > expression) where TParent : Entity, new()
            var processName = $"{nameof(QuickFindQueryBuilder<TEntity>)}.{nameof(SearchParent)}";

            executionContext.Trace($"Entered {processName}");

            var linkedParent = new QuickFindParentEntity <TEntity, TParent>(fromAttribute);


            executionContext.Trace($"Exiting {processName} - Completed.");
Exemple #4
            public Guid[] GetLinkedIds(ICDSExecutionContext executionContext, string searchTerm, bool useElevatedAccess)
                var processName = $"{nameof(QuickFindParentEntity<TTarget, TParent>)}.{nameof(GetLinkedIds)}";

                executionContext.Trace($"Entered {processName}");

                if (linkingAttribute.Length == 0 || searchFields.Count == 0)
                    executionContext.Trace($"Exiting {processName} - No search fields or linking attribute.");
                    return(Array.Empty <Guid>());

                var targetLogicalName = new TTarget().LogicalName;
                var targetIdField     = targetLogicalName + "id";
                var parentLogicalName = new TParent().LogicalName;
                var parentIdField     = parentLogicalName + "id";

                // create a query that returns ids for the target entity that are joined to
                // the parent entity via the identified linking attribute where the parent entity
                // matches any of the search fields.
                var qry = new QueryExpression
                    EntityName   = targetLogicalName,
                    ColumnSet    = new ColumnSet(targetIdField),
                    Distinct     = true,
                    NoLock       = true,
                    TopCount     = topCount,
                    LinkEntities =
                        new LinkEntity
                            JoinOperator          = JoinOperator.Inner,
                            LinkFromEntityName    = targetLogicalName,
                            LinkFromAttributeName = linkingAttribute,
                            LinkToEntityName      = parentLogicalName,
                            LinkToAttributeName   = parentIdField,
                            LinkCriteria          = new FilterExpression
                                FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
                                Conditions     = {         },
                                Filters        =
                                    new FilterExpression
                                        FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.Or,
                                        Conditions     = { }

                // unless inactive parents are excluded then add a condition to the linked entity criteria to only
                // join active records.
                if (!includeInactiveRecords)
                    executionContext.Trace($"{processName}: Filtering on active records.");
                    qry.LinkEntities[0].LinkCriteria.Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression("statecode", ConditionOperator.Equal, 0));

                // add one condition for each search field to the linked entity search filter.
                foreach (var field in searchFields)
                    qry.LinkEntities[0].LinkCriteria.Filters[0].Conditions.Add(new ConditionExpression(field, ConditionOperator.Like, searchTerm + "%"));

                // execute the query and return a list of target ids found.
                var orgService = useElevatedAccess ? executionContext.ElevatedOrganizationService : executionContext.OrganizationService;
                var ids        = orgService.RetrieveMultiple(qry).Entities.Select(e => e.Id).ToArray();

                executionContext.Trace($"Exiting {processName} - Returning {ids.Length} record ids.");