private static NdArray <T> Dot2x2 <T>(IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> x, IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> yT)
            // x .Shape = [m, p]
            // yT.Shape = [n, p]
            // retval.Shape = [m, n]
            var p = x.Shape[1];

                p == yT.Shape[1],
                $"x.Shape[1] = {p}, y.Shape[0] = {yT.Shape[1]}");
            var m = x.Shape[0];
            var n = yT.Shape[0];

            var resImpl = new RawNdArrayImpl <T>(new IndexArray(m, n));
            var xBuff   = x.Buffer;
            var yTBuff  = yT.Buffer;
            var resBuff = resImpl.Buffer.Span;

            for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                for (var j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                    resBuff[n * i + j] = VectorOperation.Dot(xBuff.Slice(i * p, p), yTBuff.Slice(j * p, p));

            return(new NdArray <T>(resImpl));
Exemple #2
 public static bool TryGetBufferImpl <T>(this INdArray <T> array, [NotNullWhen(true)] out IBufferNdArrayImpl <T>?result)
     if ((array as INdArrayInternal <T>)?.Entity is IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> xresult)
         result = xresult;
     result = default;
        /// <summary>
        ///     [Pure] Projects each element of a NdArray into a new form.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="ndarray"> A NdArray for values to invoke a transform function on. </param>
        /// <param name="selector"> A transform function to apply to each element. </param>
        /// <returns> [<c>$ReturnValue.Shape == NdArray.Shape</c>] </returns>
        public static NdArray <T> Select <T>(
            this NdArray <T> ndarray,
            Expression <Func <T, T> > selector)
            where T : unmanaged
            Guard.AssertArgumentNotNull(ndarray, nameof(ndarray));
            Guard.AssertArgumentNotNull(selector, nameof(selector));

            ReadOnlyMemory <T> source = ndarray.Entity switch
                IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> romProvider => romProvider.Buffer,
                               _ => default(ReadOnlyMemory <T>?),
            } ?? throw new NotSupportedException();
 /// <summary>
 ///     [Pure] Applies selector against each corresponding element set of input NdArrays.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="ndarray1"></param>
 /// <param name="ndarray2"> [<c>ndarray1.Shape == ndarray2.Shape</c>] </param>
 /// <param name="selector"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static NdArray <T> Zip <T>(this
                                   NdArray <T> ndarray1,
                                   NdArray <T> ndarray2,
                                   Expression <Func <T, T, T> > selector
     where T : unmanaged
     ReadOnlyMemory <T> getSource(NdArray <T> ndarray)
     => ndarray.Entity switch
         IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> romProvider => romProvider.Buffer,
                                _ => default(ReadOnlyMemory <T>?),
        private static NdArray <T> Dot1x1 <T>(IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> x, IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> y)
            // x.Shape = [p]
            // y.Shape = [p]
            // retval.Shape = [1]
            var p = x.Shape[0];

            Guard.AssertShapeMatch(p == y.Shape[0], $"x.Shape[0] = {p}, y.Shape[0] = {y.Shape[0]}");

            var resImpl = new RawNdArrayImpl <T>(new IndexArray(1));
            var xBuff   = x.Buffer;
            var yBuff   = y.Buffer;
            var resBuff = resImpl.Buffer.Span;

            resBuff[0] = VectorOperation.Dot(xBuff, yBuff);
            return(new NdArray <T>(resImpl));
        private static NdArray <T> Dot2x1 <T>(IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> x, IBufferNdArrayImpl <T> y)
            // x.Shape = [m, p]
            // y.Shape = [p]
            // retval.Shape = [m]
            var p = x.Shape[1];

            Guard.AssertShapeMatch(p == y.Shape[0], $"x.Shape[1] = {p}, y.Shape[0] = {y.Shape[0]}");
            var m = x.Shape[0];

            var resImpl = new RawNdArrayImpl <T>(new IndexArray(m));
            var xBuff   = x.Buffer;
            var yBuff   = y.Buffer;
            var resBuff = resImpl.Buffer.Span;

            for (var i = 0; i < m; ++i)
                resBuff[i] = VectorOperation.Dot(xBuff.Slice(i * p, p), yBuff);

            return(new NdArray <T>(resImpl));