public override CollisionProxy CreateBoxCollision(IBoxShape shape, int layer = 1, int mask = -1)
            CollisionObject co = new CollisionObject();

            co.CollisionShape = new BoxShape(shape.HalfSize.ToBullet());
            world.AddCollisionObject(co, (short)layer, (short)mask);
            return(new BulletCollision(co, null));
    public AutoMesh SpawnMesh(IBoxShape shape)
        GameObject go   = new GameObject();
        BoxMesh    mesh = go.AddComponent <BoxMesh>();

        mesh.material = defaultMaterial;
        mesh.SetHalfSize(shape.HalfSize.x, shape.HalfSize.y, shape.HalfSize.z);
        void ILeafVisitorOf <IBoxShape> .Visit(IBoxShape boxShape)
            IModel model;

            if (!_allocatedModels.TryGetValue(boxShape, out model))
                model = _allocatedModels[boxShape] = Models.Cube.Translated(-0.5f, -0.5f, -0.5f).Scaled(boxShape.Descriptor.WidthX,
            DrawShape(boxShape, model);
 /// <summary>
 /// Create standard box collision
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="shape">box shape interface</param>
 /// <param name="layer">layer of collision</param>
 /// <param name="mask">mask of collision</param>
 public abstract CollisionProxy CreateBoxCollision(IBoxShape shape, int layer = 1, int mask = -1);
 public void CopyStateTo(IBoxShape element)
     element.Descriptor = Descriptor;
Exemple #6
 public void CopyStateTo(IBoxShape element)
     element.Descriptor = Descriptor;