Exemple #1
 public AstBuilder(
     IAstFactory astFactory,
     IDomainItemLocator domainItemLocator)
     m_astFactory        = astFactory;
     m_domainItemLocator = domainItemLocator;
 public BuildAstVisitor(
     IAstFactory astFactory,
     IDomainItemLocator domainItemLocator)
     m_astFactory        = astFactory;
     m_domainItemLocator = domainItemLocator;
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a new macro expansion session for the specified compiler target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "target">The target to expand macros in.</param>
        public MacroSession([NotNull] CompilerTarget target)
            if(target == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("target");

            _target = target;
            _astFactory = _target.Factory;
            _globalSymbols = SymbolStore.Create(_target.Loader.TopLevelSymbols);
            _outerVariables = new ReadOnlyCollectionView<string>(_target.OuterVariables);

            _buildCommandToken = target.Loader.RequestBuildCommands();
Exemple #4
 public Parser(ParsingTable parsingTable, IAstFactory astFactory)
     this.parsingTable = parsingTable;
     this.astFactory   = astFactory;