/// <summary>
    /// Find the best target and turn the missile for a head-on collision.
    /// </summary>

    void Update()
        float time = Time.time;

        if (mNextUpdate < time)
            mNextUpdate = time + updateFrequency;

            // Find the most optimal target ahead of the missile
            if (currentTarget == null || !oneTarget)
                currentTarget = HeatSource.Find(mTrans.position, mTrans.rotation * Vector3.forward, sensorRange, sensorAngle);

            if (currentTarget != null)
                // Calculate local space direction
                Vector3 dir  = (currentTarget.transform.position - mTrans.position);
                float   dist = dir.magnitude;

                dir *= 1.0f / dist;
                dir  = Quaternion.Inverse(mTrans.rotation) * dir;

                // Make the missile turn slower if it's far away from the target, and faster when it's close
                float turnSensivitity = 0.5f + 2.5f * (1.0f - dist / sensorRange);

                // Calculate the turn amount based on the direction
                mTurn.x = Mathf.Clamp(dir.y * turnSensivitity, -1f, 1f);
                mTurn.y = Mathf.Clamp(dir.x * turnSensivitity, -1f, 1f);

                // Locked on target
                mTimeSinceTarget = 0f;
                // No target lock -- keep track of how long it has been
                mTimeSinceTarget += updateFrequency + Time.deltaTime;

            mControl.turningInput = mTurn;
            mControl.moveInput    = Vector3.forward;

        // If it has been too long
        if (mTimeSinceTarget > 2f)
            Explosive exp = mControl.GetComponentInChildren <Explosive>();

            if (exp != null)
Exemple #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Keep the reticle updated
    /// </summary>

    void Update()
        if (!mIsPlayerControlled)

        // Find the target in front of the missile launcher that the missile would lock on
        if (mMissile != null && base.canFire)
            mTarget = HeatSource.Find(mTrans.position, mTrans.rotation * Vector3.forward,
                                      mMissile.sensorRange, mMissile.sensorAngle);
            mTarget = null;

        // Update the player target if this is the player's missile launcher
        Player.target = (mTarget == null) ? null : mTarget.transform;