Exemple #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     poison     = FindObjectOfType <RaiseLair>();
     timer      = FindObjectOfType <TimerCountDown>();
     round      = FindObjectOfType <Round>();
     data       = FindObjectOfType <VariableData>();
     healthpack = FindObjectOfType <HealthPackSpawn>();
     floorFall  = FindObjectOfType <FallFloor>();
     doorsFall  = FindObjectsOfType <Fall>();
Exemple #2
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     poison        = FindObjectOfType <RaiseLair>();
     timer         = FindObjectOfType <TimerCountDown>();
     round         = FindObjectOfType <Round>();
     data          = FindObjectOfType <VariableData>();
     healthpack    = FindObjectOfType <HealthPackSpawn>();
     floorFall     = FindObjectOfType <FallFloor>();
     doorsFall     = FindObjectsOfType <Fall>();
     mouseSettings = FindObjectOfType <MouseSettings>();
     doorOpen      = FindObjectOfType <Door_Open>();
     for (int i = 0; i < doorTexts.Length; i++)
         doorTexts[i].text = "You need: " + data.GetDeurToll() + " coins to open the door";