/// <summary>
        /// 获取客户端综合文章(普通文章+健康管理文章)分页列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="requestDto"></param>
        public async Task <GetClientArticlePageListResponseDto> GetClientArticlePageListAsync(GetClientArticlePageListRequestDto requestDto)
            var whereSql = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestDto.ArticleTypeDic))
                whereSql = "and article.article_type_dic=@ArticleTypeDic";
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestDto.AuthorGuid))
                whereSql = $"{whereSql} and article.author_guid=@AuthorGuid";

            #region MyRegion
            //var sql = $@"SELECT
            //             article.article_guid AS ArticleGuid,
            //             article.title AS Title,
            //             article.last_updated_date AS LastUpdatedDate,
            //             article.author_guid AS AuthorGuid,
            //             u.user_name AS AuthorName,
            //             CONCAT( acce.base_path, acce.relative_path ) AS Picture,
            //             article.article_type_dic AS ArticleTypeDic,
            //             articleType.config_name AS ArticleType,
            //             article.source_type AS ArticleSource,
            //             count( DISTINCT l.like_guid ) AS LikeTotal,
            //             count( DISTINCT av.view_guid ) AS PageView
            //            FROM
            //             t_utility_article AS article
            //             LEFT JOIN t_utility_user u ON u.user_guid = article.author_guid
            //             LEFT JOIN t_utility_accessory AS acce ON acce.accessory_guid = article.picture_guid
            //             AND acce.`enable` = 1
            //             LEFT JOIN t_manager_dictionary AS articleType ON articleType.dic_guid = article.article_type_dic
            //             AND articleType.`enable` = 1
            //             LEFT JOIN t_consumer_like l ON article.article_guid = l.target_guid
            //             AND l.`enable` = 1
            //             LEFT JOIN t_consumer_article_view av ON article.article_guid = av.target_guid
            //             AND av.`enable` = 1
            //            WHERE
            //             article.`enable` = 1
            //             AND article.`actcle_release_status` = 'Release'
            //             AND article.visible = 1 {whereSql}
            //            GROUP BY
            //             article.article_guid,
            //             article.title,
            //             article.last_updated_date,
            //             u.user_name,
            //             Picture,
            //             article.article_type_dic,
            //             articleType.config_name ,
            //                article.source_type
            //            ORDER BY
            //             LastUpdatedDate DESC";
            var sql = $@"SELECT
	                        article.article_guid AS ArticleGuid,
	                        article.title AS Title,
                            article.external_link as ExternalLink,
	                        article.last_updated_date AS LastUpdatedDate,
	                        article.author_guid AS AuthorGuid,
	                        u.user_name AS AuthorName,
	                        CONCAT( acce.base_path, acce.relative_path ) AS Picture,
	                        article.article_type_dic AS ArticleTypeDic,
	                        articleType.config_name AS ArticleType,
	                        article.source_type AS ArticleSource,
	                        IFNULL(hot.like_count, 0) AS LikeTotal,
                            IFNULL(hot.visit_count, 0) AS PageView
	                        t_utility_article AS article
	                        LEFT JOIN t_utility_user u ON u.user_guid = article.author_guid
	                        LEFT JOIN t_utility_accessory AS acce ON acce.accessory_guid = article.picture_guid 
	                        AND acce.`enable` = 1
	                        LEFT JOIN t_manager_dictionary AS articleType ON articleType.dic_guid = article.article_type_dic 
	                        AND articleType.`enable` = 1
	                        LEFT JOIN t_utility_hot hot ON hot.owner_guid = article.article_guid
                                AND hot.`enable` = 1
	                        article.`enable` = 1 
	                        AND article.`actcle_release_status` = 'Release' 
	                        AND article.visible = 1 {whereSql}
                        ORDER BY
	                        LastUpdatedDate DESC"    ;
            return(await MySqlHelper.QueryByPageAsync <GetClientArticlePageListRequestDto, GetClientArticlePageListResponseDto, GetClientArticlePageListItemDto>(sql, requestDto));
Exemple #2
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetClientArticlePageListAsync([FromBody] GetClientArticlePageListRequestDto requestDto)
            var response = await new UnionArticleBiz().GetClientArticlePageListAsync(requestDto);
