void Awake()
        lightMesh = new Mesh();
        lightMesh.name = string.Format("Light Mesh ({0})", name);

        meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
        meshFilter.mesh = lightMesh;

        meshRenderer = GetComponent<MeshRenderer>();
        meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = lightMaterial;

        var container = transform.Find("LightMesh");
        if (!container)
            container = new GameObject("LightMesh").transform;
            container.SetParent(transform, true);
            container.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
            container.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer;

        lightMeshCollider = container.GetComponent<PolygonCollider2D>();
        if (lightMeshCollider == null)
            lightMeshCollider = container.gameObject.AddComponent<PolygonCollider2D>();

        lightMeshCollider.isTrigger = true;

        vertices = new List<Vertex>();

 static Transform GetOrCreateChild(Transform root, string name)
     var child = root.Find(name);
     if (!child) {
         child = new GameObject(name).transform;
         child.SetParent(root, false);
     return child;
 Transform LinkFolder(NodeInstance node)
     var linksFolder = node.transform.Find("Links");
     if (linksFolder == null) {
         linksFolder = new GameObject("Links").transform;
     return linksFolder;
    Transform GetNested(string name)
        if (nestedViewContainers.ContainsKey(name))
            return nestedViewContainers[name];

        var nestedView = new GameObject(name).transform;
        nestedView.SetParent(viewContainer, false);
        nestedViewContainers[name] = nestedView;
        return nestedView;
Exemple #5
	// BIG TODO: change the hierarchy to a messaging system
	void Start() {
		// TODO: make this read from a file instead of hardcoded ofc lol
		foodWeb = new RungeEcosystem();
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("grass",       -0.03f,  1.0f,  0f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("oak tree",    -0.03f,  0.8f, 10f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("berries",     -0.03f,  0.6f, 10f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("rabbit",      -0.01f, -0.1f,  0f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("caterpillar", -0.01f, -0.2f, 10f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("squirrel",    -0.01f, -0.2f, 10f);
		foodWeb.AddSpecies("fox",         -0.01f, -0.2f,  0f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("rabbit",      "grass",       0.05f, 0.8f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("rabbit",      "berries",     0.02f, 0.8f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("squirrel",    "berries",     0.02f, 0.8f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("squirrel",    "oak tree",    0.04f, 0.8f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("caterpillar", "oak tree",    0.04f, 0.8f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("fox",         "berries",     0.02f, 0.5f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("fox",         "squirrel",    0.02f, 0.6f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("fox",         "rabbit",      0.05f, 0.6f);
		foodWeb.AddInteraction("fox",         "caterpillar", 0.01f, 0.5f);
		// TODO: add humans hunting as the interesting bit of this ecosystem

		Transform iconTransform = new GameObject("Icon Manager").transform; // for organisation
		iconWeb = new IconManager(iconTransform, transferPrefab, interactionPrefab);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("grass",       'p',    0f,  0f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[0], Color.green);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("oak tree",    'p',    0f, 10f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[1], Color.black);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("berries",     'p',    0f, 10f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[2], Color.magenta);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("rabbit",      'h',    1f,  0f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[3], Color.grey);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("caterpillar", 'h', 0.03f, 10f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[4], Color.yellow);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("squirrel",    'h',  0.5f, 10f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[5], Color.white);
		iconWeb.AddSpecies("fox",         'o',    5f,  0f,  100f, 1f, iconPrefab, pictures[6], Color.red);

		speciesNames = new List<string>();
		speciesNames.Add("oak tree");
		foreach (string species in speciesNames) SetIconInteractionSprings(species);
		InvokeRepeating("UpdateIconPopulations", 0.7f, 2f);

		screenWidth = 2f * Camera.main.orthographicSize * Screen.width / Screen.height;
		screenHeight = screenWidth / Screen.width * Screen.height;

		gui = transform.Find("GUI").GetComponent<GUI>();
		gui.Init(screenWidth, screenHeight);
    void CreateSpawner(int index) {
        Transform rotater = new GameObject("Rotater").transform;
        rotater.SetParent(transform, false);
        rotater.localRotation =
            Quaternion.Euler(0f, index * (360f / numberOfSpawners), 0f);

        StuffSpawner spawner = Instantiate<StuffSpawner>(spawnerPrefab);
        spawner.transform.SetParent(rotater, false);
        spawner.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, radius);
        spawner.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(tiltAngle, 0f, 0f);

        spawner.stuffMaterial = stuffMaterials[index % stuffMaterials.Length];
    static Transform GetNested(string name,
                               Transform viewContainer,
                               IDictionary<string, Transform> nestedViewContainer)
        if (nestedViewContainer.ContainsKey(name))
            return nestedViewContainer[name];

        var nestedView = new GameObject(name).transform;
        nestedView.SetParent(viewContainer, false);
        nestedViewContainer[name] = nestedView;
        return nestedView;
 public static void CreateJoystick()
     GameObject joystick = new GameObject("Joystick", typeof(Image), typeof(EasyJoystick) , typeof(CanvasGroup));
     joystick.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Sprite>(kKnobPath);
     joystick.GetComponent<RectTransform> ().sizeDelta = Vector2.one * 150;
     joystick.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(kUILayerName);
     RectTransform stick = new GameObject("Stick", typeof(Image)).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
     stick.gameObject.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Sprite>(kKnobPath);
     stick.sizeDelta = Vector2.one * 60;
     stick.SetParent (joystick.transform, false);
     stick.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(kUILayerName);
     joystick.GetComponent<EasyJoystick> ().stick = stick;
     SetCanvas (joystick.transform);
     Debug.Log("Joystick has been created");
     Selection.activeGameObject = joystick;
	/// <summary>
	/// Spawn the GameObject of the blocks prefab
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="parent">Parent of GameObject</param>
	/// <param name="pos">Local position to spawn at</param>
	public override void InstantiateBlock(Transform parent, Vector3 pos, int x, int y, int z, Block[,,] blocks) {
		//Create parent gameobject to store position of block
		Transform posOffset = new GameObject(GetName()).transform;
		posOffset.localPosition = pos + new Vector3(0f, -0.5f, 0f);

		//Instantiate block
		gameObject = Object.Instantiate(GetPrefab()) as GameObject;
		transform = gameObject.transform;

		//Set parent
		transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

		//Create spawnable controller
		SpawnableController controller = gameObject.AddComponent<SpawnableController>();

 // Use this for initialization
 void Start () {
     m_animator = GetComponent<Animator>();
     GameObject baggage_obj = null;
     if (m_Baggages.Length > 0) {
         var i = Random.Range(0, m_Baggages.Length + 1);
         if (i < m_Baggages.Length) {
             baggage_obj = GameObject.Instantiate(m_Baggages[i]);
             var baggage = baggage_obj.transform;
             var seat = transform.Find(m_BaggageOriginName);
             var joint = new GameObject("Joint").transform;
             joint.localPosition = new Vector3(
                 m_BaggageOrigin.x / seat.localScale.x,
                 m_BaggageOrigin.z / seat.localScale.z,
                 m_BaggageOrigin.y / seat.localScale.y);
             joint.localScale = new Vector3(
                 1.0f / seat.localScale.x,
                 1.0f / seat.localScale.z,
                 1.0f / seat.localScale.y);
             joint.SetParent(seat, false);
             baggage.SetParent(joint, false);
        public static GameObject BuildActionProjectile(
            Game1 game,
            GameObject parent,
            ActionInfo actInfo,
            Vector2 position,
            Vector2 velocity,
            int lifetime,
            List<Shape> boundingBoxes)
            GameObject entity = new GameObject(game);

            Transform2DComponent transformComponent = new Transform2DComponent(

            BoundingBoxComponent bbComponent = new BoundingBoxComponent(entity, boundingBoxes, true);
            CurrentActionComponent caComponent = new CurrentActionComponent(
                new ActionComponent(DirectionalAction.Left, SecondaryAction.Stand, PrimaryAction.None),
                new Dictionary<ActionDefinition, ActionInfo>());
            LifetimeComponent lifetimeComponent = new LifetimeComponent(entity, lifetime);
            IsActionComponent isActionComponent = new IsActionComponent(entity, actInfo);
            MotionPropertiesComponent motionComponent = new MotionPropertiesComponent(entity, 1.0f);


            return entity;
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a toggle to this Screen Effects subcategory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Label text</param>
        /// <param name="setter">Method to be called when the toggle changes value</param>
        /// <param name="initialValue">Initial state of the toggle</param>
        /// <returns>Instance of the ToggleSet</returns>
        public SceneEffectsToggleSet AddToggleSet(string text, Action <bool> setter, bool initialValue)
            var containingElement = new GameObject().AddComponent <RectTransform>();

            containingElement.name = text;
            containingElement.SetParent(Content.transform, false);

            KoikatuAPI.Instance.StartCoroutine(SetPosDelayed(containingElement.transform, GetCurrentOffset()));

            var label = Object.Instantiate(_labelSource).GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>();

            label.transform.SetParent(containingElement.transform, false);
            label.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(4f, 0f, 0f);

            var toggle = Object.Instantiate(_toggleSource).GetComponent <Toggle>();

            toggle.transform.SetParent(containingElement.transform, false);
            toggle.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(160f, 0f, 0f);

            var toggleSet = new SceneEffectsToggleSet(label, toggle, text, setter, initialValue);

Exemple #13
 public void SetUI(List <SeatEntity> seatList)
     for (int i = 0; i < seatList.Count; i++)
         if (seatList[i].PlayerId == 0)
         if (seatList[i] == RoomGuPaiJiuProxy.Instance.PlayerSeat)
             string scoreText = string.Format(seatList[i].eamings >= 0 ? "+{0}" : "{1}", seatList[i].eamings, seatList[i].eamings);
             currPlayerScore.color = seatList[i].eamings >= 0 ? Color.white : Color.red;
             currPlayerScore.text  = scoreText;
             GameObject go = Instantiate(m_smallResultObj);
             go.GetComponent <UIItemGuPaiJiuSmallResult>().SetUI(seatList[i]);
Exemple #14
        // Will create proxy if does not exist
        private ProxyTransform GetProxyTransform(int charIndex)
            if (proxyTransformDict == null)
                proxyTransformDict = new Dictionary <int, ProxyTransform>(CharacterCount);
                proxyTransformList = new List <ProxyTransform>(CharacterCount);

            ProxyTransform proxy;

            if (!proxyTransformDict.TryGetValue(charIndex, out proxy))
                Transform t = new GameObject(charIndex.ToString()).transform;

                proxy = charIndex >= CharacterCount
                    ? new ProxyTransform(t, proxyTransformParent, charIndex)
                    : new ProxyTransform(t, proxyTransformParent, Text.textInfo.characterInfo[charIndex]);
                proxyTransformDict.Add(charIndex, proxy);

        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
            if (firstActivation && type == ActivationType.AddedToHierarchy)
                rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(74f, 0f);
                rectTransform.pivot     = new Vector2(0.4f, 0.5f);

                _pageUpButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageUpButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -14f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageUpButton.interactable = true;
                _pageUpButton.interactable = false;

                _pageDownButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageDownButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 8f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageDownButton.interactable = true;

                _sortByButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(15f, 36.25f), new Vector2(30f, 6f), () => { SelectTopButtons(TopButtonsState.SortBy); }, "Sort by");

                _topButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(-20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>


                _newButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(0f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Newest");


                _starButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Plays");


                _searchButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(-15, 36.25f), new Vector2(30f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Search");

                _loadingIndicator = BeatSaberUI.CreateLoadingSpinner(rectTransform);
                (_loadingIndicator.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                (_loadingIndicator.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                (_loadingIndicator.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f);

                _songListTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First(x => (x.name == "LevelListTableCell"));

                RectTransform container = new GameObject("CustomListContainer", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                container.sizeDelta = new Vector2(60f, 0f);

                _songsTableView = new GameObject("CustomTableView", typeof(RectTransform)).AddComponent <TableView>();
                _songsTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                _songsTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                _songsTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                _songsTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);

                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 60f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -3f);

                _songsTableView.dataSource = this;
                _songsTableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += _songsTableView_DidSelectRowEvent;
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
            if (firstActivation && type == ActivationType.AddedToHierarchy)
                SongDownloader.Instance.songDownloaded -= SongDownloaded;
                SongDownloader.Instance.songDownloaded += SongDownloaded;
                _songListTableCellInstance              = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First(x => (x.name == "LevelListTableCell"));

                RectTransform viewControllersContainer = FindObjectsOfType <RectTransform>().First(x => x.name == "ViewControllers");

                var headerPanelRectTransform = Instantiate(viewControllersContainer.GetComponentsInChildren <RectTransform>(true).First(x => x.name == "HeaderPanel" && x.parent.name == "PlayerSettingsViewController"), rectTransform);

                _titleText      = headerPanelRectTransform.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();
                _titleText.text = "DOWNLOAD QUEUE";

                _pageUpButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageUpButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -18f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageUpButton.interactable = true;

                _pageDownButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageDownButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 9f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageDownButton.interactable = true;

                RectTransform container = new GameObject("CustomListContainer", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                container.anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.2f, 0.5f);
                container.anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.8f, 0.5f);
                container.sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                container.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -4f);

                _queuedSongsTableView = new GameObject("CustomTableView", typeof(RectTransform)).AddComponent <TableView>();
                _queuedSongsTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                _queuedSongsTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                _queuedSongsTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                _queuedSongsTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);

                (_queuedSongsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_queuedSongsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                (_queuedSongsTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 54f);
                (_queuedSongsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 0f);

                ReflectionUtil.SetPrivateField(_queuedSongsTableView, "_pageUpButton", _pageUpButton);
                ReflectionUtil.SetPrivateField(_queuedSongsTableView, "_pageDownButton", _pageDownButton);

                _queuedSongsTableView.selectionType = TableViewSelectionType.None;
                _queuedSongsTableView.dataSource    = this;

                _abortButton = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CreditsButton", new Vector2(36f, -30f), new Vector2(20f, 10f), AbortDownloads, "Abort All");
Exemple #17
        private void OnLoadModelComplete(string renderModelName)

            if (loadedModelName == renderModelName)
            if (preferedModelName != renderModelName)
            if (!isActiveAndEnabled)
            //Debug.Log(transform.parent.parent.name + " OnLoadModelComplete " + renderModelName);

            VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.RenderModel renderModel;
            if (!VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.renderModelsCache.TryGetValue(renderModelName, out renderModel))

            if (loadedShader == null)
                loadedShader = preferedShader;

            if (renderModel.childCount == 0)
                VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.Model model;
                if (VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.modelsCache.TryGetValue(renderModelName, out model))
                    Material material;
                    if (!m_materials.TryGetValue(model.textureID, out material))
                        if (!renderModel.TryCreateMaterialForTexture(model.textureID, loadedShader, out material))
                            material = new Material(loadedShader);

                        m_materials.Add(model.textureID, material);

                    m_meshFilter                  = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
                    m_meshFilter.mesh             = model.mesh;
                    m_meshRenderer                = gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                    m_meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = material;
                for (int i = 0, imax = renderModel.childCount; i < imax; ++i)
                    var childName = renderModel.childCompNames[i];
                    var modelName = renderModel.childModelNames[i];
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(childName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName))

                    if (!m_chilTransforms.ContainsKey(childName))
                        var root = new GameObject(childName).transform;

                        root.SetParent(transform, false);
                        root.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer;

                        VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.Model model;
                        if (VIUSteamVRRenderModelLoader.modelsCache.TryGetValue(modelName, out model))
                            Material material;
                            if (!m_materials.TryGetValue(model.textureID, out material))
                                if (!renderModel.TryCreateMaterialForTexture(model.textureID, loadedShader, out material))
                                    material = new Material(loadedShader);

                                m_materials.Add(model.textureID, material);

                            root.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh             = model.mesh;
                            root.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterial = material;

                        // Also create a child 'attach' object for attaching things.
                        var attach = new GameObject(LOCAL_TRANSFORM_NAME).transform;
                        attach.SetParent(root, false);
                        attach.gameObject.layer = gameObject.layer;

                        m_chilTransforms.Add(childName, new ChildTransforms()
                            root   = root,
                            attach = attach,

            loadedModelName = renderModelName;
Exemple #18
        ///  General entry point for checking existing connection groups of elements.
        protected override void CheckConnectionsInConstruction()
            /// Some clean-up.
            if (GetComponentsInChildren <Element>(false).Length == 0)

            /// Refresh data.

            Transform    newConstruction;
            Construction constrScript;

            /// Initialize bool array for check.
            isVisited = new bool[len];
            bool allAreVisited     = true;
            bool someoneWasVisited = false;
            bool firstTime         = true;

            /// If we're grounded (not divided in the air)...
            if (groundElements != null)
                /// We are trying to visit all elements from grounded ones.
                for (int i = 0; i < groundElements.Count; i++)
                    isTempVisited = new bool[len];

                    /// If groundElement was not visited in previous iterations...
                    if (!isVisited[groundElements[i].index])

                    allAreVisited     = true;
                    someoneWasVisited = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                        allAreVisited     &= isVisited[j];
                        someoneWasVisited |= isTempVisited[j];

                    if (allAreVisited)
                        /// Some clean-ups.
                        if (GetComponentsInChildren <Element>().Length == 0)

                        /// If firstTime, nothing really happens, Construction is still whole
                        /// and we don't need to change anything. In other cases, re-initialize (for safety).
                        if (!firstTime)
                            structure.connectionsFlag = true;

                        /// There may be cases when we didn't fire CheckConnections() method above,
                        /// but still getting there, so we check if there was graph bypass.
                        if (someoneWasVisited)
                            /// Create new grounded construction with founded elements.
                            newConstruction = new GameObject(
                                "New Construction", typeof(StructConstruction)
                            constrScript = newConstruction.GetComponent <Construction>();
                            bool isRoot = true;

                            for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                                if (isTempVisited[k])

                            /// After moving all Elements, handle information about connections.
                            for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                                if (isTempVisited[k])
                                    elements[k].connections.ForEach(c => {
                                        if (c.fragment1.element.construction != c.fragment2.element.construction)
                                            isRoot = false;
                                    if (!isRoot)

                            /// If we don't reassign any connection, this construction is now floating.
                            if (isRoot)
                                /// Cast to RootConstruction and reinitialize.
                                RootConstruction rc = CastFromStructToRootConstruction(newConstruction);

                                rc.rb = rc.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                                if (rc.groundElements == null || rc.groundElements.Count == 0)
                                    rc.rb.velocity    = structure.rb.velocity;
                                    rc.rb.isKinematic = false;

                                /// Else attach us [back] to structure.

                        firstTime = false;

            /// Note: we came here only if there are remaining spare elements w/o ground points.
            /// Now we check remaining elements (which we didn't find going from ground points).
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                if (!isVisited[i])
                    /// Found another spare element. Check its connections:
                    isTempVisited = new bool[len];

                    /// After graph bypassing:
                    allAreVisited     = true;
                    someoneWasVisited = false;
                    for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
                        allAreVisited     &= isVisited[j];
                        someoneWasVisited |= isTempVisited[j];
                    if (allAreVisited)
                        /// Maybe this condition is not needed... Just in case, okay?
                        if (someoneWasVisited)
                            /// Re-new this Construction (because these elements were the last ones).
                        /// And this also... But let it be, let it be~...
                        if (someoneWasVisited)
                            /// Someone's remaining; after creating a Construction, search again.
                            newConstruction = new GameObject(
                                "New Construction", typeof(StructConstruction)
                            constrScript = newConstruction.GetComponent <Construction>();
                            bool isRoot = true;

                            for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                                if (isTempVisited[k])

                            for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                                if (isTempVisited[k])
                                    elements[k].connections.ForEach(c => {
                                        if (c.fragment1.element.construction != c.fragment2.element.construction)
                                            isRoot = false;
                                    if (!isRoot)

                            /// If we don't reassign any connection, this construction is now floating.
                            if (isRoot)
                                /// Cast to RootConstruction and reinitialize.
                                RootConstruction rc = CastFromStructToRootConstruction(newConstruction);

                                rc.rb = rc.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                                if (rc.groundElements == null || rc.groundElements.Count == 0)
                                    rc.rb.velocity    = structure.rb.velocity;
                                    rc.rb.isKinematic = false;

                                /// Else attach us [back] to structure.

            /// Maybe we are floating now too?
            bool isFloating = true;

            for (int k = 0; k < transform.childCount; k++)
                if (transform.GetChild(k).GetComponent <Element>())
                    transform.GetChild(k).GetComponent <Element>().connections.ForEach(c => {
                        if (c.fragment1.element.construction != c.fragment2.element.construction)
                            isFloating = false;

                if (!isFloating)

            if (isFloating)
                /// Some clean-ups.
                if (GetComponentsInChildren <Element>().Length == 0)

                /// Cast to RootElement and reinitialize.
                RootConstruction rc = CastFromStructToRootConstruction(transform);

                rc.rb = rc.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                if (rc.groundElements == null || rc.groundElements.Count == 0)
                    rc.rb.velocity    = structure.rb.velocity;
                    rc.rb.isKinematic = false;


            /// Now we can check further.
            structure.connectionsFlag = true;

            /// Some clean-ups.
            if (GetComponentsInChildren <Element>().Length == 0)
Exemple #19
    private void SetUpSpawners(Level level)
        Debug.Log("Set Up Spawners");
        Transform levelSpawnersTransform = new GameObject("Level " + level.levelName + " Spawners").transform;

        for (int i = 0; i < level.spawners.Count; i++)
            Spawner spawner = Instantiate(level.spawners[i]) as Spawner;
            Debug.Log(spawner + " created");



        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
            if (firstActivation && type == ActivationType.AddedToHierarchy)
                _serverTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First(x => (x.name == "LevelListTableCell"));

                _pageUpButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageUpButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -4.5f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageUpButton.interactable = true;
                    _serverTableView.GetPrivateField <TableViewScroller>("_scroller").PageScrollUp();

                _pageDownButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageDownButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -1f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 10f);
                _pageDownButton.interactable = true;
                    _serverTableView.GetPrivateField <TableViewScroller>("_scroller").PageScrollDown();

                _refreshButton = this.CreateUIButton("PracticeButton", new Vector2(-25f, 36.5f), new Vector2(6.5f, 6.5f), () => { refreshPressed?.Invoke(); }, "", Sprites.refreshIcon);
                var _refreshIconLayout = _refreshButton.GetComponentsInChildren <HorizontalLayoutGroup>().First(x => x.name == "Content");
                _refreshIconLayout.padding = new RectOffset(0, 0, 1, 1);

                _createRoom = BeatSaberUI.CreateUIButton(rectTransform, "CancelButton");
                _createRoom.SetButtonText("Create room");
                (_createRoom.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(38f, 6f);
                (_createRoom.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 36.5f);

                RectTransform container = new GameObject("Container", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                container.anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.5f);
                container.anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.5f);
                container.sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 60f);
                container.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -3f);

                var tableGameObject = new GameObject("CustomTableView");
                _serverTableView = tableGameObject.AddComponent <TableView>();
                _serverTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                _serverTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                _serverTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                _serverTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);

                RectTransform viewport = new GameObject("Viewport").AddComponent <RectTransform>();
                viewport.SetParent(_serverTableView.transform, false);
                (viewport.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta       = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (viewport.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin       = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (viewport.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax       = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                _serverTableView.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().viewport = viewport;

                (_serverTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_serverTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                (_serverTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_serverTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f);


                _serverTableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += ServerTableView_DidSelectRow;
                _serverTableView.dataSource = this;
        public void Button_MakeIt()
            Mesh         _mesh     = GetComponent <MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
            MeshRenderer _renderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();

            Mesh[] _made_meshes = new Mesh[_mesh.subMeshCount];

            // go through the sub indices
            for (int sub = 0; sub < _mesh.subMeshCount; sub++)
                Mesh_Maker maker     = new Mesh_Maker();
                int[]      trinagles = _mesh.GetTriangles(sub);

                // go through the triangles
                for (int i = 0; i < trinagles.Length; i += 3)
                    maker.AddTriangle(new Vector3[] {
                        _mesh.vertices[trinagles[i]], _mesh.vertices[trinagles[i + 1]], _mesh.vertices[trinagles[i + 2]]
                    }, new Vector2[] {
                        _mesh.uv[trinagles[i]], _mesh.uv[trinagles[i + 1]], _mesh.uv[trinagles[i + 2]]
                    }, new Vector3[] {
                        _mesh.normals[trinagles[i]], _mesh.normals[trinagles[i + 1]], _mesh.normals[trinagles[i + 2]]
                    }, 0);


                _made_meshes[sub] = maker.GetMesh();

            // too many
            while (transform.childCount > _mesh.subMeshCount)
                Transform obj = transform.GetChild(transform.childCount - 1);
                obj.parent = null;

            // too little
            while (transform.childCount < _mesh.subMeshCount)
                Transform obj = new GameObject("child").transform;
                obj.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
                obj.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                obj.gameObject.AddComponent <MeshCollider>();

            for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
                Transform obj = transform.GetChild(i);

                obj.gameObject.name = _renderer.sharedMaterials[i].name;

                _made_meshes[i].name = obj.gameObject.name;

                obj.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = _made_meshes[i];
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="BasicGadgetConfigMenu.Build"/> is called on the config menu containing this component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Build(RectTransform parent)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                StringBuilder nameString  = new StringBuilder();
                int           spacesAdded = 0;
                foreach (char c in Name)
                    if (nameString.Length > 0 && char.IsUpper(c) && !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 1]) && (Name.Length == 1 || !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 2]) || (Name.Length > 2 && !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 3]))))
                        nameString.Append(' ');
                    nameString.Append(nameString.Length > 0 ? c : char.ToUpper(c));
                Text label = new GameObject("Label", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();
                label.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                label.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.25f, 1f);
                label.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                label.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10, 0);
                label.text               = nameString + ":";
                label.font               = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
                label.fontSize           = 12;
                label.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
                label.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            InputField textbox = new GameObject("Textbox", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image), typeof(InputField)).GetComponent <InputField>();

            textbox.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetParent(parent);
            textbox.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0.25f, 0f);
            textbox.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
            textbox.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
            textbox.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            textbox.GetComponent <Image>().sprite            = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
            textbox.GetComponent <Image>().type       = Image.Type.Sliced;
            textbox.GetComponent <Image>().fillCenter = true;
            Text placeholder = new GameObject("Placeholder", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();

            placeholder.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            placeholder.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            placeholder.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
            placeholder.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10f, 0f);
            placeholder.text               = (DefaultValue != null ? "Default: " + DefaultValue + " " : "") + (VanillaValue != null ? "Vanilla: " + VanillaValue : "");
            placeholder.font               = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
            placeholder.fontSize           = 12;
            placeholder.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
            placeholder.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            placeholder.color              = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
            textbox.placeholder            = placeholder;
            Text text = new GameObject("Text", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();

            text.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            text.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            text.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
            text.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10f, 0f);
            text.font                   = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
            text.fontSize               = 12;
            text.horizontalOverflow     = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
            text.supportRichText        = true;
            text.alignment              = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            textbox.textComponent       = text;
            textbox.readOnly            = ReadOnly;
            textbox.interactable        = !ReadOnly;
            textbox.text                = Value.ToString();
            textbox.characterValidation = InputField.CharacterValidation.Decimal;
            if (MaxValue > MinValue && MinValue > double.MinValue && MaxValue < double.MaxValue)
                Slider slider = new GameObject("Slider", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(Slider)).GetComponent <Slider>();
                slider.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
                slider.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 0.5f);
                slider.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, -10f);
                slider.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMax = new Vector2(-10f, 10f);
                Image sliderBackground = new GameObject("Background", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <Image>();
                sliderBackground.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0.25f);
                sliderBackground.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 0.75f);
                sliderBackground.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
                sliderBackground.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                sliderBackground.sprite     = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
                sliderBackground.type       = Image.Type.Sliced;
                sliderBackground.fillCenter = true;
                RectTransform sliderHandleArea = new GameObject("Handle Slide Area", typeof(RectTransform)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();
                sliderHandleArea.anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
                sliderHandleArea.anchorMax = Vector2.one;
                sliderHandleArea.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
                sliderHandleArea.offsetMax = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                Image sliderHandle = new GameObject("Handle", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <Image>();
                sliderHandle.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                sliderHandle.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0f, 1f);
                sliderHandle.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(-10f, 0f);
                sliderHandle.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(10f, 0f);
                sliderHandle.sprite     = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
                sliderHandle.type       = Image.Type.Sliced;
                sliderHandle.fillCenter = true;
                slider.minValue         = (float)MinValue;
                slider.maxValue         = (float)MaxValue;
                slider.wholeNumbers     = false;
                slider.value            = (float)Value;
                slider.handleRect       = sliderHandle.rectTransform;
                slider.onValueChanged.AddListener((value) =>
                    Value        = Decimals > -1 ? Math.Round(value, Decimals) : value;
                    Value        = Value <MinValue?MinValue : Value> MaxValue ? MaxValue : Value;
                    textbox.text = Value.ToString();
                    slider.value = (float)Value;
                textbox.onEndEdit.AddListener((value) =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        if (double.TryParse(value, out double parsedValue))
                            Value        = Decimals > -1 ? Math.Round(double.Parse(value), Decimals) : double.Parse(value);
                            Value        = Value <MinValue?MinValue : Value> MaxValue ? MaxValue : Value;
                            textbox.text = Value.ToString();
                            slider.value = (float)Value;
                            textbox.text = value[0] == '-' ? MinValue.ToString() : MaxValue.ToString();
                textbox.onEndEdit.AddListener((value) =>
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                        if (double.TryParse(value, out double parsedValue))
                            Value = Decimals > -1 ? Math.Round(double.Parse(value), Decimals) : double.Parse(value);
                            if (MaxValue > MinValue)
                                Value = Value <MinValue?MinValue : Value> MaxValue ? MaxValue : Value;
                            textbox.text = Value.ToString();
                            textbox.text = value[0] == '-' ? MaxValue > MinValue ? MinValue.ToString() : double.MinValue.ToString() : MaxValue > MinValue ? MaxValue.ToString() : double.MinValue.ToString();
Exemple #23
 public void RemoveChild(GameObject child)
    public void ResetLocks()
        // create new locks/medals if necessary
        if (unlockedLevels==null || unlockedLevels.Count==0 || locks.Count==0) {
            unlockedLevels = new HashSet<int>(_unlockedLevels);
            brokenLevels = new HashSet<int>(_brokenLevels);
            for (int i=0; i<levels.Count; ++i) {
                RectTransform t = levels[i].GetComponent<RectTransform>();
                RectTransform levelLock = new GameObject("Level "+(i+1)+" Lock").AddComponent<RectTransform>();
                levelLock.sizeDelta = t.sizeDelta;
                levelLock.localScale = t.localScale;
                levelLock.localPosition = t.localPosition;
                Image img = levelLock.gameObject.AddComponent<Image>();
                img.sprite = locked;

                RectTransform medal = new GameObject("Level "+(i+1)+" Medal").AddComponent<RectTransform>();
                medal.sizeDelta = t.sizeDelta/2;
                medal.localScale = medalSize;
                medal.localPosition = t.localPosition + medalOffset;

        // lock all levels
        for (int i=0; i<levels.Count; ++i)
            UnlockLevel(i, false);

        // unlock preselected levels
        for (int i=0; i<levels.Count; ++i) {
            if (unlockedLevels.Contains(i+1)) {
                for (int remaining=1; i<levels.Count&&remaining>0; ++i) {
                    if (unlockedLevels.Contains(i+2)) ++remaining;
                    if (brokenLevels.Contains(i+1)) continue;
                    if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level "+(i+1))) ++remaining;
                    UnlockLevel(i, true);

        // unlock special levels
        bool l46=true, l48=true, l49=true;
        for (int i=0; i<14; ++i)
            l46 = l46 && PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level "+(i+1));
        for (int i=0; i<15; ++i)
            l48 = l48 && PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level "+(i+16));
        for (int i=0; i<10; ++i)
            l49 = l49 && PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level "+(i+31));
        UnlockLevel(45, l46);
        UnlockLevel(46, PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level 46"));
        UnlockLevel(47, false);//l48);
        UnlockLevel(48, l49);
        UnlockLevel(49, PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level 47") /*&& PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level 48")*/ && PlayerPrefs.HasKey("Level 49"));

        // add medals
        for (int i=0; i<levels.Count; ++i) {
            if (!locks[i].gameObject.activeSelf) {
                float time = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Level "+(i+1));
                float bronze = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Level "+(i+1)+" Bronze");
                float silver = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Level "+(i+1)+" Silver");
                float gold = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Level "+(i+1)+" Gold");
                if (time!=0) medals[i].gameObject.SetActive(true);
                if (time>bronze || time==0) medals[i].gameObject.SetActive(false);
                if (time<=bronze && time!=0) medals[i].GetComponent<Image>().sprite = this.bronze;
                if (time<=silver && time!=0) medals[i].GetComponent<Image>().sprite = this.silver;
                if (time<=gold && time!=0) medals[i].GetComponent<Image>().sprite = this.gold;
Exemple #25
 public void AddChild(GameObject child)
Exemple #26
 CanvasElement GetNewLayer(string name)
     var newLayer = new GameObject(name).AddComponent<RectTransform>();
     newLayer.anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
     newLayer.anchorMax = Vector2.one;
     newLayer.sizeDelta = Vector2.zero;
     newLayer.SetParent(BranchRoot.transform, false);
     return new CanvasElement(newLayer);
Exemple #27
	void CreateGraph() {
		Transform graphTransform = new GameObject("Graph").transform; // for organisation
		graph = new Graph(graphTransform);
		graph.AddLine("grass", Color.green);
		graph.AddLine("oak tree", Color.black);
		graph.AddLine("berries", Color.magenta);
		graph.AddLine("rabbit", Color.grey);
		graph.AddLine("caterpillar", Color.yellow);
		graph.AddLine("squirrel", Color.white);
		graph.AddLine("fox", Color.red);

		// TODO: scale this according to screen width
		InvokeRepeating("UpdateGraph", 0.5f, 0.5f);
    private void createMonsters()
        if (monsters.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("No monsters defined!");
        GameObject[] floorTiles = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Floor");
        if (floorTiles.Length == 0)
            Debug.LogError("Not a single floor tile to put monsters!");

        // Only take the tiles that are far enough from the hero
        List<GameObject> floorTilesToPutMonster = new List<GameObject>();
        foreach (GameObject tile in floorTiles)
            if ((tile.transform.position - hero.transform.position).magnitude > 10)      // Arbritrary safe distance value (greater than vision distance of mobs)

        Transform monsterHolder = new GameObject("Monsters").transform;
        for (int i = 0; i < monsterNumber; i++)
            Vector3 positionToPutMonster = Utils.pickRandom(floorTilesToPutMonster).transform.position;
            GameObject newMonster = Instantiate(Utils.pickRandom(monsters), positionToPutMonster, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Exemple #29
        private static Transform SyncKernel(MVVMNode node, GameObject uFrameMVVMKernel)
            var servicesContainer = uFrameMVVMKernel.transform.FindChild("Services");

            if (servicesContainer == null)
                servicesContainer = new GameObject("Services").transform;

            var systemLoadersContainer = uFrameMVVMKernel.transform.FindChild("SystemLoaders");

            if (systemLoadersContainer == null)
                systemLoadersContainer = new GameObject("SystemLoaders").transform;

            var sceneLoaderContainer = uFrameMVVMKernel.transform.FindChild("SceneLoaders");

            if (sceneLoaderContainer == null)
                sceneLoaderContainer = new GameObject("SceneLoaders").transform;

            //var servicesNodes = InvertApplication.Container.Resolve<WorkspaceService>().CurrentWorkspace.Graphs
            //                                               .SelectMany(g => g.AllGraphItems.OfType<ServiceNode>());
            var servicesNodes = InvertApplication.Container.Resolve <WorkspaceService>()
                                .Workspaces.SelectMany(w => w.Graphs)
                                .SelectMany(g => g.AllGraphItems.OfType <ServiceNode>());

            foreach (var serviceNode in servicesNodes)
                //var type = InvertApplication.FindType(serviceNode.FullName);
                var type = InvertApplication.FindRuntimeType(serviceNode.FullName);
                if (type != null && servicesContainer.GetComponent(type) == null)

            //var systemNodes = InvertApplication.Container.Resolve<WorkspaceService>().CurrentWorkspace.Graphs
            //                                   .SelectMany(g => g.AllGraphItems.OfType<SubSystemNode>());
            var systemNodes = InvertApplication.Container.Resolve <WorkspaceService>()
                              .Workspaces.SelectMany(w => w.Graphs)
                              .SelectMany(g => g.AllGraphItems.OfType <SubSystemNode>());

            foreach (var systemNode in systemNodes)
                //var type = InvertApplication.FindType(string.Format("{0}Loader", systemNode.FullName));
                var type = InvertApplication.FindRuntimeType(string.Format("{0}Loader", systemNode.FullName));
                if (type != null && systemLoadersContainer.GetComponent(type) == null)

            //var sceneNodes = node.Graph.AllGraphItems.OfType<SceneTypeNode>();
            var sceneNodes = InvertApplication.Container.Resolve <WorkspaceService>()
                             .Workspaces.SelectMany(w => w.Graphs)
                             .SelectMany(g => g.AllGraphItems.OfType <SceneTypeNode>());

            foreach (var sceneNode in sceneNodes)
                //var type = InvertApplication.FindType(string.Format("{0}Loader", sceneNode.FullName));
                var type = InvertApplication.FindRuntimeType(string.Format("{0}Loader", sceneNode.FullName));
                if (type != null && sceneLoaderContainer.GetComponent(type) == null)

Exemple #30
 public static Transform AddChild(this Transform tr, GameObject child)
        public void SetupRig()
            var rigAnimator         = this.GetComponent <Animator>();
            var rigNameToTransform  = new Dictionary <string, Transform>();
            var humanNameToBoneName = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Making a quick dictionary lookup for transforms and their names
            foreach (var transform in this.root.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>())
                rigNameToTransform.Add(transform.name, transform);

            // Setting up the Bone Renderer
            var boneTransforms = new List <Transform>();

            foreach (var humanBone in rigAnimator.avatar.humanDescription.human)
                humanNameToBoneName.Add(humanBone.humanName, humanBone.boneName);

            var boneRenderer = GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <BoneRenderer>(this.gameObject);

            boneRenderer.transforms = boneTransforms.ToArray();

            // Setting up Rig
            var vrConstraints = GetOrCreateChildGameObject(this.gameObject, "VR Constraints");
            var rig           = GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <Rig>(vrConstraints);

            // Setting up Rig Builder
            var rigBuilder = GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <RigBuilder>(this.gameObject);

            if (rigBuilder.layers == null || rigBuilder.layers.Count == 0 || rigBuilder.layers[0].rig != rig)
                rigBuilder.layers = new List <RigLayer> {
                    new RigLayer(rig)

            // Setting Two Bone IK Constraints (Arms)
            SetupTwoBoneContraint(vrConstraints, "Right Arm IK", "RightUpperArm", "RightLowerArm", "RightHand", this.rightHand);
            SetupTwoBoneContraint(vrConstraints, "LeftArm IK", "LeftUpperArm", "LeftLowerArm", "LeftHand", this.leftHand);

            // Setting up Head Constraint
            var headBone = rigNameToTransform[humanNameToBoneName["Head"]];

            var headConstraint = GetOrCreateChildGameObject(vrConstraints, "Head Constraint");

            headConstraint.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(headBone.position, headBone.rotation);

            var multiParentConstraint = GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <MultiParentConstraint>(headConstraint);

            multiParentConstraint.data.constrainedObject = headBone;
            multiParentConstraint.data.sourceObjects     = new WeightedTransformArray
                new WeightedTransform {
                    transform = headConstraint.transform, weight = 1.0f

            // Storing Head Constraint for Start/LateUpdate function
            this.headConstraint = headConstraint.transform;

            void SetupTwoBoneContraint(GameObject parent, string gameObjectName, string rootName, string midName, string tipName, VRMap vrMap)
                var armIk           = GetOrCreateChildGameObject(parent, gameObjectName);
                var armIkConstraint = GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <TwoBoneIKConstraint>(armIk);

                armIkConstraint.data.root = rigNameToTransform[humanNameToBoneName[rootName]];
                armIkConstraint.data.mid  = rigNameToTransform[humanNameToBoneName[midName]];
                armIkConstraint.data.tip  = rigNameToTransform[humanNameToBoneName[tipName]];

                // Setup Target
                var target = GetOrCreateChildGameObject(armIk, "Target");

                target.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(armIkConstraint.data.tip.position, armIkConstraint.data.tip.rotation);
                armIkConstraint.data.target = target.transform;

                // Setup Hint
                Vector3 rootToMid    = armIkConstraint.data.root.position - armIkConstraint.data.mid.position;
                Vector3 tipToMid     = armIkConstraint.data.tip.position - armIkConstraint.data.mid.position;
                Vector3 average      = (rootToMid.normalized + tipToMid.normalized) / -2.0f;
                Vector3 hintPosition = armIkConstraint.data.mid.position + (average * 0.1f);

                var hint = GetOrCreateChildGameObject(armIk, "Hint");

                hint.transform.position   = hintPosition;
                armIkConstraint.data.hint = hint.transform;

                // Updating VR Map object
                vrMap.RigTarget = target.transform;

            T GetOrAddComponentToGameObject <T>(GameObject gameObject)
                where T : Component
                var component = gameObject.GetComponent <T>();

                if (component == null)
                    return(gameObject.AddComponent <T>());


            GameObject GetOrCreateChildGameObject(GameObject gameObject, string name)
                var childTransform = gameObject.transform.Find(name);

                if (childTransform == null)
                    childTransform = new GameObject(name).transform;
                    childTransform.SetPositionAndRotation(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);
                    childTransform.localScale = Vector3.one;

Exemple #32
            public void AlignTestItem()
                if (grabItem)
                    grabHandle = ragdollHand.side == Side.Right ? grabItem.mainHandleRight : grabItem.mainHandleLeft;
                if (!grabHandle)

                if (previousHandle && previousHandle != grabHandle)
                    Item previousItem = previousHandle.GetComponentInParent <Item>();
                    if (previousItem)
                        previousItem.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
                        previousItem.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                        previousHandle.transform.root.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 100, 0);
                        previousHandle.transform.root.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                if (useGripFrom == Grip.OpenPose)
                else if (useGripFrom == Grip.ClosePose)

                HandleOrientation handleOrientation = grabHandle.orientationDefaultRight;

                if (ragdollHand.side == Side.Left)
                    handleOrientation = grabHandle.orientationDefaultLeft;

                if (handleOrientationIndex > 0)
                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (HandleOrientation ho in grabHandle.orientations)
                        if (grabHandle.orientationDefaultLeft == ho)
                        if (grabHandle.orientationDefaultRight == ho)
                        if (ho.side == ragdollHand.side)
                            if ((handleOrientationIndex - 1) == i)
                                handleOrientation = ho;

                Item      item        = grabHandle.GetComponentInParent <Item>();
                Transform alignObject = grabHandle.transform.root;

                if (item != null)
                    alignObject = item.transform;

                Transform objectGrip = new GameObject("ObjectGrip").transform;

                objectGrip.SetParent(item ? item.transform : grabHandle.transform.root);
                objectGrip.position = handleOrientation.transform.position + (handleOrientation.handle.transform.up * handleOrientation.handle.GetDefaultAxisLocalPosition());
                objectGrip.rotation = handleOrientation.transform.rotation;

                alignObject.MoveAlign(objectGrip, ragdollHand.grip.position, ragdollHand.grip.rotation);

                previousHandle = grabHandle;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when <see cref="BasicGadgetConfigMenu.Build"/> is called on the config menu containing this component.
        /// </summary>
        public override void Build(RectTransform parent)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                StringBuilder nameString  = new StringBuilder();
                int           spacesAdded = 0;
                foreach (char c in Name)
                    if (nameString.Length > 0 && char.IsUpper(c) && !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 1]) && (Name.Length == 1 || !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 2]) || (Name.Length > 2 && !char.IsUpper(Name[nameString.Length - spacesAdded - 3]))))
                        nameString.Append(' ');
                    nameString.Append(nameString.Length > 0 ? c : char.ToUpper(c));
                Text label = new GameObject("Label", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();
                label.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                label.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.25f, 1f);
                label.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
                label.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10, 0);
                label.text               = nameString + ":";
                label.font               = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
                label.fontSize           = 12;
                label.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
                label.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            Text defaults = new GameObject("Defaults", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();

            defaults.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
            defaults.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            defaults.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(10, 0);
            defaults.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0);
            defaults.text               = (DefaultValue != null ? "Default: " + DefaultValue + " " : "") + (VanillaValue != null ? "Vanilla: " + VanillaValue : "");
            defaults.font               = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
            defaults.fontSize           = 12;
            defaults.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Wrap;
            defaults.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft;
            ToggleGroup toggleGroup = new GameObject("ToggleGroup", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(ToggleGroup)).GetComponent <ToggleGroup>();

            toggleGroup.GetComponent <RectTransform>().SetParent(parent);
            toggleGroup.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMin = new Vector2(0.25f, 0f);
            toggleGroup.GetComponent <RectTransform>().anchorMax = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
            toggleGroup.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMin = new Vector2(10, 0);
            toggleGroup.GetComponent <RectTransform>().offsetMax = new Vector2(-10, 0);
            RectTransform trueButton = new GameObject("True", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(Toggle), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image), typeof(Mask)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            trueButton.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            trueButton.anchorMax = new Vector2(Math.Max(Math.Min(Height * 3f, 0.5f), 0.25f), 1f);
            trueButton.offsetMin = new Vector2(0, 0);
            trueButton.offsetMax = new Vector2(-2.5f, 0);
            Toggle trueToggle   = trueButton.GetComponent <Toggle>();
            Image  trueSelected = new GameObject("Selected", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <Image>();

            trueSelected.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            trueSelected.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            trueSelected.rectTransform.offsetMin = Vector2.zero;
            trueSelected.rectTransform.offsetMax = Vector2.zero;
            trueSelected.sprite = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
            trueSelected.type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            Text trueLabel = new GameObject("Label", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();

            trueLabel.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            trueLabel.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            trueLabel.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(2.5f, 2.5f);
            trueLabel.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-2.5f, -2.5f);
            trueLabel.font = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
            trueLabel.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
            trueLabel.verticalOverflow   = VerticalWrapMode.Overflow;
            trueLabel.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            trueLabel.text = "T";
            trueToggle.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
            trueToggle.GetComponent <Image>().type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            trueToggle.GetComponent <Image>().color  = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.25f);
            trueToggle.transition       = Selectable.Transition.None;
            trueToggle.isOn             = Value;
            trueToggle.interactable     = !ReadOnly;
            trueToggle.toggleTransition = Toggle.ToggleTransition.None;
            trueToggle.graphic          = trueSelected;
            trueToggle.group            = toggleGroup;
            trueToggle.onValueChanged.AddListener((toggled) => { if (toggled)
            RectTransform falseButton = new GameObject("False", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(Toggle), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image), typeof(Mask)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            falseButton.anchorMin = new Vector2(Math.Max(Math.Min(Height * 3f, 0.5f), 0.25f), 0f);
            falseButton.anchorMax = new Vector2(Math.Max(Math.Min(Height * 3f, 0.5f), 0.25f) * 2, 1f);
            falseButton.offsetMin = new Vector2(2.5f, 0);
            falseButton.offsetMax = new Vector2(0, 0);
            Toggle falseToggle   = falseButton.GetComponent <Toggle>();
            Image  falseSelected = new GameObject("Selected", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <Image>();

            falseSelected.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            falseSelected.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            falseSelected.rectTransform.offsetMin = Vector2.zero;
            falseSelected.rectTransform.offsetMax = Vector2.zero;
            falseSelected.sprite = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
            falseSelected.type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            Text falseLabel = new GameObject("Label", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(CanvasRenderer), typeof(Text)).GetComponent <Text>();

            falseLabel.rectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            falseLabel.rectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            falseLabel.rectTransform.offsetMin = new Vector2(2.5f, 2.5f);
            falseLabel.rectTransform.offsetMax = new Vector2(-2.5f, -2.5f);
            falseLabel.font = SceneInjector.ModConfigMenuText.GetComponent <TextMesh>().font;
            falseLabel.horizontalOverflow = HorizontalWrapMode.Overflow;
            falseLabel.verticalOverflow   = VerticalWrapMode.Overflow;
            falseLabel.alignment          = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
            falseLabel.text = "F";
            falseToggle.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = SceneInjector.BoxSprite;
            falseToggle.GetComponent <Image>().type   = Image.Type.Sliced;
            falseToggle.GetComponent <Image>().color  = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.25f);
            falseToggle.transition       = Selectable.Transition.None;
            falseToggle.isOn             = !Value;
            falseToggle.interactable     = !ReadOnly;
            falseToggle.toggleTransition = Toggle.ToggleTransition.None;
            falseToggle.graphic          = falseSelected;
            falseToggle.group            = toggleGroup;
            falseToggle.onValueChanged.AddListener((toggled) => { if (toggled)
        public static void SetTranform(Transform item, UILayerType layer, int layerIndex, Transform parent)
            if (parent == null)

            string rootName = LayerToString(layer);
            var    root     = parent.transform.Find(rootName);

            if (root == null)
                root = new GameObject(rootName).transform;
                if (parent is RectTransform)
                    var rectParent = root.gameObject.AddComponent <RectTransform>();
                    rectParent.anchorMin = Vector2.zero;
                    rectParent.anchorMax = Vector2.one;
                    rectParent.offsetMin = Vector3.zero;
                    rectParent.offsetMax = Vector3.zero;
                    root = rectParent;
                    root.SetParent(parent, false);
                    root.SetParent(parent, true);

                if (rootName.StartsWith("-1"))
                    int i = 0;
                    for (; i < parent.childCount; i++)
                        var ritem = parent.GetChild(i);
                        if (ritem.name.StartsWith("-1"))
                        if (string.Compare(rootName, ritem.name) < 0)

            item.transform.SetParent(root, !(item.GetComponent <Transform>() is RectTransform));

            var childCount = root.childCount;
            int id         = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++)
                var obj   = root.GetChild(i);
                var panel = obj.GetComponent <IUIPanel>();
                if (panel == null || obj == item || panel.UType.layerIndex <= layerIndex)
                    id = i;

 /// <summary>
 /// This method creates the containers for the pooling system to use.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreatePoolContainers()
     SoundsPool = new GameObject().transform;
     SoundsPool.name = "SoundsPool";
     SoundsPlaying = new GameObject().transform;
     SoundsPlaying.name = "SoundsPlaying";
        // トップレベルのMonoBehaviourを移植する
        public static void CopyVRMComponents(GameObject go, GameObject root,
                                             Dictionary <Transform, Transform> map)
                // blendshape
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
                if (src != null)
                    var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
                    dst.BlendShapeAvatar = src.BlendShapeAvatar;

                var secondary = go.transform.Find("secondary");
                if (secondary == null)
                    secondary = go.transform;

                var dstSecondary = root.transform.Find("secondary");
                if (dstSecondary == null)
                    dstSecondary = new GameObject("secondary").transform;
                    dstSecondary.SetParent(root.transform, false);

                // 揺れモノ
                foreach (var src in go.transform.Traverse().Select(x => x.GetComponent <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>()).Where(x => x != null))
                    var dst = map[src.transform];
                    var dstColliderGroup = dst.gameObject.AddComponent <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>();
                    dstColliderGroup.Colliders = src.Colliders.Select(y =>
                        var offset = dst.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint(src.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(y.Offset));
                        return(new VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup.SphereCollider
                            Offset = offset,
                            Radius = y.Radius

                foreach (var src in go.transform.Traverse().SelectMany(x => x.GetComponents <VRMSpringBone>()))
                    var dst = dstSecondary.gameObject.AddComponent <VRMSpringBone>();
                    dst.m_comment = src.m_comment;
                    dst.RootBones = src.RootBones.Select(x => map[x]).ToList();
                    if (src.ColliderGroups != null)
                        dst.ColliderGroups = src.ColliderGroups.Select(x => map[x.transform].GetComponent <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>()).ToArray();

                // meta(obsolete)
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMMetaInformation>();
                if (src != null)
                // meta
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMMeta>();
                if (src != null)
                    var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMMeta>();
                    dst.Meta = src.Meta;

                // firstPerson
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMFirstPerson>();
                if (src != null)
                    src.CopyTo(root, map);

                // lookAt
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMLookAt>();
                if (src != null)
                    src.CopyTo(root, map);

                // humanoid
                var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMHumanoidDescription>();
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMHumanoidDescription>();
                if (src != null)
                    dst.Avatar      = src.Avatar;
                    dst.Description = src.Description;
                    var animator = go.GetComponent <Animator>();
                    if (animator != null)
                        dst.Avatar = animator.avatar;
    private void Reset()
        if (_waveContainer == null)
            _waveContainer = new GameObject("WaveContainer").transform;
            _waveContainer.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

            // Add an initial wave
            var wave = new GameObject("Wave").transform;
            wave.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
Exemple #38
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
                if (firstActivation)
                    //Largely unchanged from CustomListController. Keep all of this.
                    Instance = this;
                    levelPackTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelPackTableCell>().First(x => x.name == "LevelPackTableCell");
                    levelPackTableCellInstance.reuseIdentifier = ReuseIdentifier;

                    RectTransform container = new GameObject("HorizontalListContainer", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                    container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                    container.sizeDelta = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    container.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.1f, 0); //Squish the list container a little bit
                    container.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.9f, 1); //To make room for the forward/backward buttons

                    var go = new GameObject("CustomListTableView");
                    CustomListTableView = go.AddComponent <TableView>();
                    CustomListTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                    CustomListTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);
                    CustomListTableView.SetPrivateField("_tableType", TableView.TableType.Horizontal);

                    (CustomListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    (CustomListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1, 1);
                    (CustomListTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    (CustomListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0, 0);

                    CustomListTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);
                    CustomListTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                    CustomListTableView.dataSource = this;

                    //Code copied from monkeymanboy's Beat Saber Custom Campaigns mod. Keep these too.
                    PageLeftButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageLeftButton")), transform);
                    RectTransform buttonTransform = PageLeftButton.transform.Find("BG") as RectTransform;
                    RectTransform glow            = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>().Last(x => (x.name == "GlowContainer")), PageLeftButton.transform).transform as RectTransform;
                    glow.localPosition    = buttonTransform.localPosition;
                    glow.anchoredPosition = buttonTransform.anchoredPosition;
                    glow.anchorMin        = buttonTransform.anchorMin;
                    glow.anchorMax        = buttonTransform.anchorMax;
                    glow.sizeDelta        = buttonTransform.sizeDelta;
                    PageLeftButton.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-80, 2.5f, -5);
                    PageLeftButton.interactable            = true;
                    PageLeftButton.onClick.AddListener(() => CustomListTableView.PageScrollUp());
                    PageRightButton       = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageRightButton")), transform);
                    buttonTransform       = PageRightButton.transform.Find("BG") as RectTransform;
                    glow                  = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <GameObject>().Last(x => (x.name == "GlowContainer")), PageRightButton.transform).transform as RectTransform;
                    glow.localPosition    = buttonTransform.localPosition;
                    glow.anchoredPosition = buttonTransform.anchoredPosition;
                    glow.anchorMin        = buttonTransform.anchorMin;
                    glow.anchorMax        = buttonTransform.anchorMax;
                    glow.sizeDelta        = buttonTransform.sizeDelta;
                    PageRightButton.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(80, 2.5f, -5);
                    PageRightButton.interactable            = true;
                    PageRightButton.onClick.AddListener(() => CustomListTableView.PageScrollDown());

                    //Now load my Counter settings and data. The rest from here on out is mainly copied from
                    //the old CountersPlusSettingsViewController, and can be safely removed.
                    foreach (var kvp in AdvancedCounterSettings.counterUIItems)
                    foreach (CustomConfigModel potential in ConfigLoader.LoadCustomCounters())
                        counterInfos.Add(new SettingsInfo()
                            Name        = potential.DisplayName,
                            Description = $"A custom counter added by {potential.ModCreator}!",
                            Model       = potential,
                            IsCustom    = true,

                    //Reload the data, and select the first cell in the list.
                    CustomListTableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += OnCellSelect;
                    CustomListTableView.SelectCellWithIdx(0, false);
            } catch (Exception e)
            {  //Edit this with your logging system of choice, or delete it altogether (As this shouldn't really cause Exceptions)
                Plugin.Log(e.ToString(), Plugin.LogInfo.Error, "Report this as an issue on the Counters+ GitHub.");
Exemple #39
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, bool addedToHierarchy, bool screenSystemEnabling)
            if (firstActivation)
                if (!SongCore.Loader.AreSongsLoaded)
                    SongCore.Loader.SongsLoadedEvent += SongLoader_SongsLoadedEvent;

                Plugin.Log("DidActivate 001");

                // get table cell instance
                _requestListTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First((LevelListTableCell x) => x.name == "LevelListTableCell");

                // initialize Yes/No modal

                Plugin.Log("DidActivate 002");

                _songPreviewPlayer = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <SongPreviewPlayer>().FirstOrDefault();

                RectTransform container = new GameObject("RequestBotContainer", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);

                #region TableView Setup and Initialization
                var go = new GameObject("SongRequestTableView", typeof(RectTransform));

                go.AddComponent <ScrollRect>();
                go.AddComponent <Touchable>();
                go.AddComponent <EventSystemListener>();

                ScrollView scrollView = go.AddComponent <ScrollView>();

                _songListTableView = go.AddComponent <TableView>();
                go.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                _songListTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                _songListTableView.SetField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);
                _songListTableView.SetField("_isInitialized", false);
                _songListTableView.SetField("_scrollView", scrollView);

                var viewport = new GameObject("Viewport").AddComponent <RectTransform>();
                viewport.SetParent(go.GetComponent <RectTransform>(), false);
                go.GetComponent <ScrollRect>().viewport         = viewport;
                (viewport.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta = new Vector2(70f, 70f);

                RectTransform content = new GameObject("Content").AddComponent <RectTransform>();
                content.SetParent(viewport, false);

                scrollView.SetField("_contentRectTransform", content);
                scrollView.SetField("_viewport", viewport);

                _songListTableView.SetDataSource(this, false);



                (_songListTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(70f, 70f);
                (_songListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(3f, 0f);

                _songListTableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += DidSelectRow;

                _pageUpButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMPageUpButton",
                                                        new Vector2(0f, 38.5f),
                                                        new Vector2(15f, 7f),
                                                        () => { scrollView.PageUpButtonPressed(); },
                Destroy(_pageUpButton.GetComponentsInChildren <ImageView>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == "Underline"));

                _pageDownButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMPageDownButton",
                                                          new Vector2(0f, -38.5f),
                                                          new Vector2(15f, 7f),
                                                          () => { scrollView.PageDownButtonPressed(); },
                Destroy(_pageDownButton.GetComponentsInChildren <ImageView>().FirstOrDefault(x => x.name == "Underline"));

                CenterKeys = new KEYBOARD(container, "", false, -15, 15);

                // BUG: Need additional modes disabling one shot buttons
                // BUG: Need to make sure the buttons are usable on older headsets

                Plugin.Log("DidActivate 005");

                _CurrentSongName                    = BeatSaberUI.CreateText(container, "", new Vector2(-35, 37f));
                _CurrentSongName.fontSize           = 3f;
                _CurrentSongName.color              = Color.cyan;
                _CurrentSongName.alignment          = TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
                _CurrentSongName.enableWordWrapping = false;
                _CurrentSongName.text               = "";

                _CurrentSongName2                    = BeatSaberUI.CreateText(container, "", new Vector2(-35, 34f));
                _CurrentSongName2.fontSize           = 3f;
                _CurrentSongName2.color              = Color.cyan;
                _CurrentSongName2.alignment          = TextAlignmentOptions.Left;
                _CurrentSongName2.enableWordWrapping = false;
                _CurrentSongName2.text               = "";

                if (!RequestBot.AddKeyboard(CenterKeys, "mainpanel.kbd"))

                ColorDeckButtons(CenterKeys, Color.white, Color.magenta);

                RequestBot.AddKeyboard(CenterKeys, "CenterPanel.kbd");


                #region History button
                // History button
                _historyButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMHistory", container, "PracticeButton", new Vector2(53f, 30f),
                                                         new Vector2(25f, 15f),
                                                         () =>
                    isShowingHistory = !isShowingHistory;
                    RequestBot.SetTitle(isShowingHistory ? "Song Request History" : "Song Request Queue");
                    if (NumberOfCells() > 0)
                        _songListTableView.ScrollToCellWithIdx(0, TableView.ScrollPositionType.Beginning, false);
                        _selectedRow = 0;
                        _selectedRow = -1;
                    _lastSelection = -1;
                }, "History");

                _historyHintText = UIHelper.AddHintText(_historyButton.transform as RectTransform, "");

                #region Blacklist button
                // Blacklist button
                _blacklistButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMBlacklist", container, "PracticeButton", new Vector2(53f, 10f),
                                                           new Vector2(25f, 15f),
                                                           () =>
                    if (NumberOfCells() > 0)
                        void _onConfirm()
                            RequestBot.Blacklist(_selectedRow, isShowingHistory, true);
                            if (_selectedRow > 0)
                            confirmDialogActive = false;

                        // get song
                        var song = SongInfoForRow(_selectedRow).song;

                        // indicate dialog is active
                        confirmDialogActive = true;

                        // show dialog
                        YesNoModal.instance.ShowDialog("Blacklist Song Warning", $"Blacklisting {song["songName"].Value} by {song["authorName"].Value}\r\nDo you want to continue?", _onConfirm, () => { confirmDialogActive = false; });
                }, "Blacklist");

                UIHelper.AddHintText(_blacklistButton.transform as RectTransform, "Block the selected request from being queued in the future.");

                #region Skip button
                // Skip button
                _skipButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMSkip", container, "PracticeButton", new Vector2(53f, 0f),
                                                      new Vector2(25f, 15f),
                                                      () =>
                    if (NumberOfCells() > 0)
                        // get song
                        var song = SongInfoForRow(_selectedRow).song;

                        void _onConfirm()
                            // get selected song
                            currentsong = SongInfoForRow(_selectedRow);

                            // skip it

                            // select previous song if not first song
                            if (_selectedRow > 0)

                            // indicate dialog is no longer active
                            confirmDialogActive = false;

                        // indicate dialog is active
                        confirmDialogActive = true;

                        // show dialog
                        YesNoModal.instance.ShowDialog("Skip Song Warning", $"Skipping {song["songName"].Value} by {song["authorName"].Value}\r\nDo you want to continue?", _onConfirm, () => { confirmDialogActive = false; });
                }, "Skip");

                UIHelper.AddHintText(_skipButton.transform as RectTransform, "Remove the selected request from the queue.");

                #region Play button
                // Play button
                _playButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMPlay", container, "ActionButton", new Vector2(53f, -10f),
                                                      new Vector2(25f, 15f),
                                                      () =>
                    if (NumberOfCells() > 0)
                        currentsong = SongInfoForRow(_selectedRow);
                        RequestBot.WriteJSON(RequestBot.playedfilename, ref RequestBot.played);

                        RequestBot.Process(_selectedRow, isShowingHistory);
                        _selectedRow = -1;
                }, "Play");

                _playButton.interactable = ((isShowingHistory && RequestHistory.Songs.Count > 0) || (!isShowingHistory && RequestQueue.Songs.Count > 0));
                UIHelper.AddHintText(_playButton.transform as RectTransform, "Download and scroll to the currently selected request.");

                #region Queue button
                // Queue button
                _queueButton = UIHelper.CreateUIButton("SRMQueue", container, "PracticeButton", new Vector2(53f, -30f),
                                                       new Vector2(25f, 15f),
                                                       () =>
                    RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen = !RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen;
                    RequestBot.WriteQueueStatusToFile(RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen ? "Queue is open." : "Queue is closed.");
                    RequestBot.Instance.QueueChatMessage(RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen ? "Queue is open." : "Queue is closed.");
                }, RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen ? "Queue Open" : "Queue Closed");

                _queueButton.SetButtonUnderlineColor(RequestBotConfig.Instance.RequestQueueOpen ? Color.green : Color.red);
                UIHelper.AddHintText(_queueButton.transform as RectTransform, "Open/Close the queue.");

                // Set default RequestFlowCoordinator title
                RequestBot.SetTitle(isShowingHistory ? "Song Request History" : "Song Request Queue");
            base.DidActivate(firstActivation, addedToHierarchy, screenSystemEnabling);

            if (addedToHierarchy)
                _selectedRow = -1;

Exemple #40
        public virtual void init()
            // [ cliear ]


            // [ RectTransform ]

            var rectTransform = this.GetComponent <RectTransform>();


            // [ ScrollRect ]

            var scrollRect = this.GetComponent <ScrollRect>();

            scrollRect.horizontal        = this.direction == Direction.Horizontal;
            scrollRect.vertical          = this.direction == Direction.Vertical;
            scrollRect.scrollSensitivity = 15f;

            // [ ScrollRect / Viewport ]

            var viewportRect = new GameObject("Viewport", typeof(RectTransform), typeof(Mask), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            viewportRect.SetParent(scrollRect.transform, false);
            viewportRect.offsetMin = new Vector2(10f, 10f);
            viewportRect.offsetMax = new Vector2(-10f, -10f);
            var viewportImage = viewportRect.GetComponent <Image>();

            //viewportImage.sprite = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource<Sprite>("UI/Skin/UIMask.psd");
            viewportImage.type = Image.Type.Sliced;
            var viewportMask = viewportRect.GetComponent <Mask>();

            viewportMask.showMaskGraphic = false;
            scrollRect.viewport          = viewportRect;

            // [ ScrollRect / Viewport / Content ]

            var contentRect = new GameObject("Content", typeof(RectTransform)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            contentRect.SetParent(viewportRect, false);
            if (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal)
            var contentRectSize = contentRect.getSize();

            contentRect.setSize(contentRectSize - contentRectSize * 0.06f);
            scrollRect.content = contentRect;

            // [ ScrollRect / Viewport / Content / PrototypeItem ]


            // [ ScrollRect / Scrollbar ]

            var scrollbarName = this.direction == Direction.Horizontal ? "Scrollbar Horizontal" : "Scrollbar Vertical";
            var scrollbarRect = new GameObject(scrollbarName, typeof(Scrollbar), typeof(Image)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();

            scrollbarRect.SetParent(viewportRect, false);
            if (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal)
            scrollbarRect.SetParent(scrollRect.transform, true);

            var scrollbar = scrollbarRect.GetComponent <Scrollbar>();

            scrollbar.direction = (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal) ? Scrollbar.Direction.LeftToRight : Scrollbar.Direction.BottomToTop;
            if (this.direction == Direction.Horizontal)
                scrollRect.horizontalScrollbar = scrollbar;
                scrollRect.verticalScrollbar = scrollbar;

            // [ ScrollRect / Scrollbar / Image ]

            var scrollbarImage = scrollbarRect.GetComponent <Image>();

            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            scrollbarImage.sprite = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource <Sprite>("UI/Skin/Background.psd");
            scrollbarImage.color = new Color(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.5f);
            scrollbarImage.type  = Image.Type.Sliced;

            // [ ScrollRect / Scrollbar / slidingArea ]

            var slidingAreaRect = new GameObject("Sliding Area", typeof(RectTransform)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            slidingAreaRect.SetParent(scrollbarRect, false);

            // [ ScrollRect / Scrollbar / slidingArea / Handle ]

            var scrollbarHandleRect = new GameObject("Handle", typeof(Image)).GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            scrollbarHandleRect.SetParent(slidingAreaRect, false);
            var scrollbarHandleImage = scrollbarHandleRect.GetComponent <Image>();
            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            scrollbarHandleImage.sprite = UnityEditor.AssetDatabase.GetBuiltinExtraResource <Sprite>("UI/Skin/UISprite.psd");
            scrollbarHandleImage.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
            scrollbarHandleImage.type  = Image.Type.Sliced;
            scrollbar.handleRect       = scrollbarHandleRect;

            // [ ScrollRect / ScrollbarHandleSize ]

            var scrollbarHandleSize = scrollRect.GetComponent <ScrollbarHandleSize>();
            if (scrollbarHandleSize == null)
                scrollbarHandleSize         = scrollRect.gameObject.AddComponent <ScrollbarHandleSize>();
                scrollbarHandleSize.maxSize = 1.0f;
                scrollbarHandleSize.minSize = 0.1f;

            // [ Layer ]

            this.gameObject.setLayer(this.transform.parent.gameObject.layer, true);
    public virtual void AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions()
        if ((boatDummyBlockEntityData != null && boatDummyBlockEntityData.bHasTransform))
            DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: Found Boat BlockEntityData: positioning Dummy Boat Mesh");

            // Offset the dummy boat block mesh to the Y position of the boat vehicle
            Vector3 boatDummyPosVec3 = boatDummyPos.ToVector3();
            DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: before Offset: boatDummyPos = " + boatDummyPosVec3.ToString("0.000") + " | boat dummy transform pos = " + boatDummyBlockEntityData.transform.position.ToString("0.000") + " | boat vehicle pos = " + this.transform.position.ToString("0.000"));
            boatDummyPosVec3 = boatDummyBlockEntityData.transform.position;

            if (bNeedLoadAdjustments)
                boatDummyPosVec3.y = boatDummyPos_YOffset;
                //boatDummyPosVec3.y = this.transform.position.y;
                boatDummyPosVec3.y += 0.3f;  // In MP the current boat position is flaky, so I'm harcoding it for now.

            boatDummyPos = boatDummyBlockEntityData.pos; // for persistence
            boatDummyBlockEntityData.transform.position = boatDummyPosVec3;
            boatDummyPos_YOffset = boatDummyPosVec3.y;   // for persistence

            // Snap the boat vehicle to the boat dummy block XZ position
            Transform tmpOffsetTransform = new GameObject("tmp").transform;
            tmpOffsetTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            tmpOffsetTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(-0.5f, 0, -0.5f);

            this.transform.position = tmpOffsetTransform.position;

            if (player != null && !bNeedLoadAdjustments && !bSpawningBoatChassis && hasPlayerExitPos)
                Vector3 exitPos = tmpOffsetTransform.position + playerExitPos;
                player.transform.position = exitPos;
            bSpawningBoatChassis = false;

            if (tmpOffsetTransform != null)

            // Hide the dummy boat block mesh
            MeshRenderer[] meshRenderers = boatDummyBlockEntityData.transform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>(true);
            foreach (MeshRenderer mr in meshRenderers)
                mr.enabled = false;

            bNeedBoatDummyBlockOffset = false;
            failedAdjustBoatPosCount  = 0;
            if (bNeedLoadAdjustments)
                DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: Load Adjustments Done.");
                bNeedLoadAdjustments = false;
            if (boatDummyBlockEntityData != null)
                DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: Boat BlockEntityData does not have a transform");
            else if (boatDummyBlockEntityData == null)
                DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: Boat BlockEntityData is NULL.");
                DebugMsg("AdjustBoatAndDummyBoatBlockPositions: boatDummyBlockTransform is NULL.");
Exemple #42
        public IEnumerator ContactInteractorTargetStaysValidWhenTouchingAnyCollider([ValueSource(nameof(s_ContactInteractors))] Type interactorType)
            // This tests that an Interactable will stay as a valid target as long as
            // the Direct and Socket Interactor is touching any Collider associated with the Interactable,
            // and remains so if only some (but not all) of the Interactable colliders leaves.
            var manager = TestUtilities.CreateInteractionManager();
            XRBaseInteractor interactor = null;

            if (interactorType == typeof(XRDirectInteractor))
                interactor = TestUtilities.CreateDirectInteractor();
            else if (interactorType == typeof(XRSocketInteractor))
                interactor = TestUtilities.CreateSocketInteractor();

            Assert.That(interactor, Is.Not.Null);

            var triggerCollider = interactor.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();

            Assert.That(triggerCollider, Is.Not.Null);
            Assert.That(triggerCollider.isTrigger, Is.True);

            var interactable = TestUtilities.CreateGrabInteractable();

            // Prevent the Interactable from being selected to allow the object to be moved freely
            interactable.interactionLayerMask = 0;
            var sphereCollider = interactable.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();

            sphereCollider.center = Vector3.zero;
            sphereCollider.radius = 0.5f;
            Assert.That(sphereCollider, Is.Not.Null);
            interactable.transform.position = Vector3.forward * 10f;

            // Create another Collider to have as part of the Interactable
            var boxColliderTransform = new GameObject("Box Collider", typeof(BoxCollider)).transform;

            boxColliderTransform.localPosition = Vector3.right;
            boxColliderTransform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
            var boxCollider = boxColliderTransform.GetComponent <BoxCollider>();

            boxCollider.center = Vector3.zero;
            boxCollider.size   = Vector3.one;


            interactable.enabled = false;
            interactable.enabled = true;

            Assert.That(manager.GetInteractableForCollider(sphereCollider), Is.EqualTo(interactable));
            Assert.That(manager.GetInteractableForCollider(boxCollider), Is.EqualTo(interactable));

            yield return(null);

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            var directOverlaps = Physics.OverlapSphere(triggerCollider.transform.position, triggerCollider.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);

            Assert.That(directOverlaps, Is.Empty);

            var validTargets = new List <XRBaseInteractable>();

            Assert.That(validTargets, Is.Empty);

            // Move the Interactable to the Direct Interactor so that it overlaps both colliders
            interactable.transform.position = Vector3.left * 0.5f;

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            yield return(null);

            directOverlaps = Physics.OverlapSphere(triggerCollider.transform.position, triggerCollider.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            Assert.That(directOverlaps, Is.EquivalentTo(new Collider[] { sphereCollider, boxCollider }));

            Assert.That(validTargets, Is.EqualTo(new[] { interactable }));

            // Move the Interactable some so one of the colliders leaves
            interactable.transform.position = Vector3.left * 2f;

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            yield return(null);

            directOverlaps = Physics.OverlapSphere(triggerCollider.transform.position, triggerCollider.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            Assert.That(directOverlaps, Is.EquivalentTo(new Collider[] { boxCollider }));

            Assert.That(validTargets, Is.EqualTo(new[] { interactable }));

            // Move the Interactable some so the other collider is the one being hovered
            // to test that colliders can re-enter after previously exiting
            interactable.transform.position = Vector3.right * 1f;

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            yield return(null);

            directOverlaps = Physics.OverlapSphere(triggerCollider.transform.position, triggerCollider.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            Assert.That(directOverlaps, Is.EquivalentTo(new Collider[] { sphereCollider }));

            Assert.That(validTargets, Is.EqualTo(new[] { interactable }));

            // Move the Interactable so all colliders exits the Direct Interactor
            interactable.transform.position = Vector3.forward * 10f;

            yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

            yield return(null);

            directOverlaps = Physics.OverlapSphere(triggerCollider.transform.position, triggerCollider.radius, -1, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore);
            Assert.That(directOverlaps, Is.Empty);

            Assert.That(validTargets, Is.Empty);
Exemple #43
    private GameObject CreateFromData(URDFData data)
        Transform actor = new GameObject(data.Name).transform;

        actor.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f);
        actor.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        List <Transform> Links  = new List <Transform>();
        List <Transform> Joints = new List <Transform>();

        //Create Link Transforms
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Links.Count; i++)
            Transform link = CreateGeometry(data.Links[i].Geometry).transform;
            link.name = data.Links[i].Name;
            link.SetParent(actor, false);

        //Create Joint Transforms
        for (int i = 0; i < data.Joints.Count; i++)
            Transform joint = new GameObject().transform;
            joint.name = data.Joints[i].Name;

        //Apply Parent-Child Relations
        for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Count; i++)
            Transform joint  = Joints[i];
            Transform parent = FindTransformByName(Links, data.GetJointData(joint.name).Parent);
            Transform child  = FindTransformByName(Links, data.GetJointData(joint.name).Child);

            Transform parentJoint = actor;
            string    parentName  = data.GetLinkData(parent.name).Name;
            for (int j = 0; j < Joints.Count; j++)
                if (data.GetJointData(Joints[j].name).Child == parentName)
                    parentJoint = Joints[j];


        Links  = GetOrderedTransforms(actor.root, Links, new List <Transform>());
        Joints = GetOrderedTransforms(actor.root, Joints, new List <Transform>());

        for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Count; i++)
            Transform joint = Joints[i];

            Vector3    angles   = -Mathf.Rad2Deg * ROSToUnity(data.GetJointData(joint.name).OriginRPY);
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(angles);
            joint.position = joint.parent.position + joint.parent.rotation * ROSToUnity(data.GetJointData(joint.name).OriginXYZ);
            joint.rotation = joint.parent.rotation * rotation;

        for (int i = 0; i < Links.Count; i++)
            Transform  link     = Links[i];
            Vector3    angles   = -Mathf.Rad2Deg * ROSToUnity(data.GetLinkData(link.name).RPY);
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.Euler(angles);
            link.localPosition += ROSToUnity(data.GetLinkData(link.name).XYZ);
            link.localRotation  = rotation * link.localRotation;

        //Initialize Links
        for (int i = 0; i < Links.Count; i++)
            //Nothing to do.

        //Initialize Joints
        for (int i = 0; i < Joints.Count; i++)
            BioIK.KinematicJoint joint     = Joints[i].gameObject.AddComponent <BioIK.KinematicJoint>();
            URDFData.JointData   jointData = data.GetJointData(joint.name);

            if (jointData.Type == "fixed")
                //Nothing to do
                switch (jointData.Type)
                case "prismatic":

                case "revolute":

                case "continuous":

                Vector3 axis = ROSToUnity(jointData.Axis);
                if (joint.GetJointType() != BioIK.JointType.Prismatic)
                    axis = -axis;

                joint.SetOrientation(Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.right, axis).eulerAngles);

                BioIK.Motion motion = joint.GetXMotion();


        if (Errors == 0)
            Debug.Log("Successfully imported '" + actor.name + "'.");
            Debug.Log(Errors + " errors or warnings during importing '" + actor.name + "'.\n" + Output);
        Output = string.Empty;
        Errors = 0;

Exemple #44
    public void GenerateMap()
        currentMap = maps[mapIndex];
        tileMap    = new Transform[currentMap.mapSize.x, currentMap.mapSize.y];

        System.Random prng = new System.Random(currentMap.seed);

        // Generating coords
        allTilesCoords = new List <Coord>();

        for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.mapSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.mapSize.y; y++)
                allTilesCoords.Add(new Coord(x, y));

        shuffledTileCoords = new Queue <Coord>(Utility.ShuffleArray <Coord>(allTilesCoords.ToArray(), currentMap.seed));

        // Create map holder obj
        string holderName = "Generated Map";

        if (transform.Find(holderName))

        Transform mapHolder = new GameObject(holderName).transform;

        // Spawning tiles
        for (int x = 0; x < currentMap.mapSize.x; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < currentMap.mapSize.y; y++)
                Vector3   tilePosition = CoordToPosition(x, y);
                Transform newTile      = Instantiate <Transform>(tilePrefab, tilePosition, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.right * 90));
                newTile.localScale = Vector3.one * (1 - outlinePercent) * tileSize;
                tileMap[x, y]      = newTile.transform;

        // Spawing obstacles
        bool[,] obstacleMap = new bool[(int)currentMap.mapSize.x, (int)currentMap.mapSize.y];

        int          obstacleCount        = (int)(currentMap.mapSize.x * currentMap.mapSize.y * currentMap.obstaclePercent);
        int          currentObstacleCount = 0;
        List <Coord> allOpenCoords        = new List <Coord>(allTilesCoords);

        for (int i = 0; i < obstacleCount; i++)
            Coord randomCoord = GetRandomCoord();
            obstacleMap[randomCoord.x, randomCoord.y] = true;
            if (randomCoord != currentMap.mapCentre && MapIsFullyAccessible(obstacleMap, currentObstacleCount))
                float   obstacleHeight   = Mathf.Lerp(currentMap.minObstacleHeight, currentMap.maxObstacleHeight, (float)prng.NextDouble());
                Vector3 obstaclePosition = CoordToPosition(randomCoord.x, randomCoord.y);

                Transform newObstacle = Instantiate <Transform>(obstaclePrefab, obstaclePosition + Vector3.up * obstacleHeight / 2f, Quaternion.identity);
                newObstacle.localScale = new Vector3((1 - outlinePercent) * tileSize, obstacleHeight, (1 - outlinePercent) * tileSize);

                Renderer obstacleRenderer = newObstacle.GetComponent <Renderer>();
                Material obstacleMaterial = new Material(obstacleRenderer.sharedMaterial);

                float colorPercent = randomCoord.y / (float)currentMap.mapSize.y;
                obstacleMaterial.color = Color.Lerp(currentMap.foregroundColor, currentMap.backgroundColor, colorPercent);

                obstacleRenderer.sharedMaterial = obstacleMaterial;

                obstacleMap[randomCoord.x, randomCoord.y] = false;

        shuffledOpenTileCoords = new Queue <Coord>(Utility.ShuffleArray <Coord>(allOpenCoords.ToArray(), currentMap.seed));

        mapFloor.localScale = new Vector3(currentMap.mapSize.x * tileSize, currentMap.mapSize.y * tileSize);

        navMeshFloor.localScale = new Vector3(maxMapSize.x, maxMapSize.y) * tileSize;
        if (navMeshSurface == null)
            navMeshSurface = GetComponent <NavMeshSurface>();
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
            if (firstActivation && type == ActivationType.AddedToHierarchy)
                _beatmapCharacteristics = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <BeatmapCharacteristicSO>();

                _songTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First(x => (x.name == "LevelListTableCell"));

                _searchButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(-20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () => { SearchPressed?.Invoke(); }, "Search");

                _sortByButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(0f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Sort By");

                _modeButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Mode");

                _defButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(-20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>


                _newButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(0f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Newest");


                _diffButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                }, "Difficulty");


                _stdButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(-20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                    ModePressed?.Invoke(_beatmapCharacteristics.First(x => x.characteristicName == "Standard"));


                _oneSbrButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(0f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                    ModePressed?.Invoke(_beatmapCharacteristics.First(x => x.characteristicName == "One Saber"));
                }, "One Saber");


                _noArrButton = this.CreateUIButton("CreditsButton", new Vector2(20f, 36.25f), new Vector2(20f, 6f), () =>
                    ModePressed?.Invoke(_beatmapCharacteristics.First(x => x.characteristicName == "No Arrows"));
                }, "No Arrows");


                _pageUpButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageUpButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -12f);
                (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 6f);
                _pageUpButton.interactable = true;
                _pageUpButton.interactable = false;

                _pageDownButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().First(x => (x.name == "PageDownButton")), rectTransform, false);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 6f);
                (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(40f, 6f);
                _pageDownButton.interactable = true;
                _pageDownButton.interactable = false;

                RectTransform container = new GameObject("Content", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                container.anchorMin        = new Vector2(0.3f, 0.5f);
                container.anchorMax        = new Vector2(0.7f, 0.5f);
                container.sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 60f);
                container.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -3f);

                _songsTableView = new GameObject("CustomTableView").AddComponent <TableView>();
                _songsTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                _songsTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                _songsTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                _songsTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);

                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                (_songsTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f);

                ReflectionUtil.SetPrivateField(_songsTableView, "_pageUpButton", _pageUpButton);
                ReflectionUtil.SetPrivateField(_songsTableView, "_pageDownButton", _pageDownButton);

                _songsTableView.didSelectRowEvent += SongsTableView_DidSelectRow;
                _songsTableView.dataSource         = this;

                _hostIsSelectingSongText           = BeatSaberUI.CreateText(rectTransform, "Host is selecting song...", new Vector2(0f, 0f));
                _hostIsSelectingSongText.fontSize  = 8f;
                _hostIsSelectingSongText.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.Center;
                _hostIsSelectingSongText.rectTransform.sizeDelta = new Vector2(120f, 6f);

Exemple #46
        private void TryBuild(Entity entity, GameObject prefab, GameObject instance, string directory, string prefabPath, IDictionary <int, IDictionary <int, Sprite> > folders)
            var controllerPath = string.Format("{0}/{1}.controller", directory, entity.name);
            var animator       = instance.GetComponent <Animator> ();      //Fetches the prefab's Animator

            if (animator == null)
                animator = instance.AddComponent <Animator> ();                              //Or creates one if it doesn't exist
            AnimatorController controller = null;

            if (animator.runtimeAnimatorController != null)                              //The controller we use is hopefully the controller attached to the animator
                controller = animator.runtimeAnimatorController as AnimatorController ?? //Or the one that's referenced by an OverrideController
            if (controller == null)               //Otherwise we have to check the AssetDatabase for our controller
                controller = (AnimatorController)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(controllerPath, typeof(AnimatorController));
                if (controller == null)
                    controller = AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPath(controllerPath);                      //Or create a new one if it doesn't exist.
                animator.runtimeAnimatorController = controller;
            var transforms = new Dictionary <string, Transform> ();       //All of the bones and sprites, identified by TimeLine.name, because those are truly unique

            transforms ["rootTransform"] = instance.transform;            //The root GameObject needs to be part of this hierarchy as well
            var defaultBones   = new Dictionary <string, SpatialInfo> (); //These are basically the object states on the first frame of the first animation
            var defaultSprites = new Dictionary <string, SpriteInfo> ();  //They are used as control values in determining whether something has changed
            var animBuilder    = new AnimationBuilder(ProcessingInfo, folders, transforms, defaultBones, defaultSprites, prefabPath, controller);
            var firstAnim      = true;                                    //The prefab's graphic will be determined by the first frame of the first animation

            foreach (var animation in entity.animations)
                var timeLines = new Dictionary <int, TimeLine> ();
                foreach (var timeLine in animation.timelines)                 //TimeLines hold all the critical data such as positioning and graphics used
                    timeLines [timeLine.id] = timeLine;
                foreach (var key in animation.mainlineKeys)
                    var parents = new Dictionary <int, string> ();      //Parents are referenced by different IDs V_V
                    parents [-1] = "rootTransform";                     //This is where "-1 == no parent" comes in handy
                    var boneRefs = new Queue <Ref> (key.boneRefs ?? new Ref[0]);
                    while (boneRefs.Count > 0)
                        var bone     = boneRefs.Dequeue();
                        var timeLine = timeLines [bone.timeline];
                        parents [bone.id] = timeLine.name;
                        if (!transforms.ContainsKey(timeLine.name))                            //We only need to go through this once, so ignore it if it's already in the dict
                            if (parents.ContainsKey(bone.parent))                              //If the parent cannot be found, it will probably be found later, so save it
                                var parentID = parents [bone.parent];
                                var parent   = transforms [parentID];
                                var child    = parent.Find(timeLine.name);           //Try to find the child transform if it exists
                                if (child == null)                                   //Or create a new one
                                    child = new GameObject(timeLine.name).transform;
                                transforms [timeLine.name] = child;
                                var spatialInfo = defaultBones [timeLine.name] = ArrayUtility.Find(timeLine.keys, x => x.id == bone.key).info;
                                if (!spatialInfo.processed)
                                    SpatialInfo parentInfo;
                                    defaultBones.TryGetValue(parentID, out parentInfo);
                                child.localPosition = new Vector3(spatialInfo.x, spatialInfo.y, 0f);
                                child.localRotation = spatialInfo.rotation;
                                child.localScale    = new Vector3(spatialInfo.scale_x, spatialInfo.scale_y, 1f);
                    foreach (var oref in key.objectRefs)
                        var timeLine = timeLines [oref.timeline];
                        if (!transforms.ContainsKey(timeLine.name))                            //Same as above
                            var parentID = parents [oref.parent];
                            var parent   = transforms [parentID];
                            var child    = parent.Find(timeLine.name);
                            if (child == null)
                                child = new GameObject(timeLine.name).transform;
                            transforms [timeLine.name] = child;
                            var swapper = child.GetComponent <TextureController> ();                            //Destroy the Sprite Swapper, we'll make a new one later
                            if (swapper != null)
                            var renderer = child.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();                            //Get or create a Sprite Renderer
                            if (renderer == null)
                                renderer = child.gameObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
                            var spriteInfo = defaultSprites [timeLine.name] = (SpriteInfo)ArrayUtility.Find(timeLine.keys, x => x.id == 0).info;
                            renderer.sprite = folders [spriteInfo.folder] [spriteInfo.file];
                            if (!spriteInfo.processed)
                                SpatialInfo parentInfo;
                                defaultBones.TryGetValue(parentID, out parentInfo);
                            child.localPosition    = new Vector3(spriteInfo.x, spriteInfo.y, oref.z_index);                           //Z-index helps determine draw order
                            child.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(0f, 0f, spriteInfo.angle);                                           //The reason I don't use layers or layer orders is because
                            child.localScale       = new Vector3(spriteInfo.scale_x, spriteInfo.scale_y, 1f);                         //There tend to be a LOT of body parts, it's better to treat
                            var color = renderer.color;                                                                               //The entity as a single sprite for layer sorting purposes.
                            color.a        = spriteInfo.a;
                            renderer.color = color;
                            if (!firstAnim)
                                child.gameObject.SetActive(false);                                          //Disable the GameObject if this isn't the first frame of the first animation
                    if (firstAnim)
                        firstAnim = false;
                try {
                    animBuilder.Build(animation, timeLines);                      //Builds the currently processed AnimationClip, see AnimationBuilder for more info
                catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("Unable to build animation '{0}' for '{1}', reason: {2}", animation.name, entity.name, e);
            if (instance.GetComponent <EntityRenderer> () == null)
                instance.AddComponent <EntityRenderer> ();                                                              //Adds an EntityRenderer if one is not already present
            PrefabUtility.ReplacePrefab(instance, prefab, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);
            DestroyImmediate(instance);              //Apply the instance's changes to the prefab, then destroy the instance.
        public static Transform CheckForIndividualFiltersAndSkins(GameObject gameObjectToCheck, int menuButtonIndex = -1, bool isNetworked = true)
            bool       hasMeshFilter = false;
            MeshFilter filter        = default;

            bool hasSkinnedRenderer             = false;
            SkinnedMeshRenderer skinnedRenderer = default;

            //Access what components are available
            filter = gameObjectToCheck.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if (filter != null)
                hasMeshFilter = true;
            skinnedRenderer = gameObjectToCheck.GetComponent <SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
            if (skinnedRenderer != null)
                hasSkinnedRenderer = true;
            var animationComponent = gameObjectToCheck.GetComponent <Animation>();

            if (animationComponent)
                animationComponent.animatePhysics = true;

            //to avoid selecting different anim references between checking
            if (hasMeshFilter || hasSkinnedRenderer)
                //  create new parent to be a pivot of object to deform correctly when grabbing
                Transform newParent = new GameObject().transform;

                //set new parent with sibling pos and scale
                newParent.SetParent(gameObjectToCheck.transform.parent, true);
                newParent.localPosition = gameObjectToCheck.transform.localPosition;
                newParent.localScale    = gameObjectToCheck.transform.localScale;

                if (hasMeshFilter)
                    //set the parent as a child to set pivot in correct location
                    newParent.SetParent(gameObjectToCheck.transform, true);

                    newParent.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;

                    //set grab tag
                    newParent.gameObject.tag = TagList.interactable;

                    BoxCollider tempCollider = newParent.gameObject.AddComponent <BoxCollider>();

                    tempCollider.size       = filter.mesh.bounds.size;
                    newParent.localPosition = filter.mesh.bounds.center;

                    if (isNetworked)
                        NetworkedObjectsManager.Instance.CreateNetworkedGameObject(newParent.gameObject, menuButtonIndex);
                else if (hasSkinnedRenderer) // NOTE(david): animated objects are considered to have skinned mesh renderers and given whole collider
                    //set anim objects as one whole object
                    if (skinnedRenderer.rootBone)
Exemple #48
        /// <summary>
        /// VRMを構成するコンポーネントをコピーする。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="go">コピー元</param>
        /// <param name="root">コピー先</param>
        /// <param name="map">コピー元とコピー先の対応関係</param>
        static void CopyVRMComponents(GameObject go, GameObject root,
                                      Dictionary <Transform, Transform> map)
                // blendshape
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
                if (src != null)
                    var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMBlendShapeProxy>();
                    dst.BlendShapeAvatar = src.BlendShapeAvatar;

                var secondary = go.transform.Find("secondary");
                if (secondary == null)
                    secondary = go.transform;

                var dstSecondary = root.transform.Find("secondary");
                if (dstSecondary == null)
                    dstSecondary = new GameObject("secondary").transform;
                    dstSecondary.SetParent(root.transform, false);

                // 揺れモノ
                foreach (var src in go.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>())
                    var dst = map[src.transform];
                    var dstColliderGroup = dst.gameObject.AddComponent <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>();
                    dstColliderGroup.Colliders = src.Colliders.Select(y =>
                        var offset = dst.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint(src.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(y.Offset));
                        return(new VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup.SphereCollider
                            Offset = offset,
                            Radius = y.Radius

                foreach (var src in go.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <VRMSpringBone>())
                    // Copy VRMSpringBone
                    var dst = dstSecondary.gameObject.AddComponent <VRMSpringBone>();
                    dst.m_comment        = src.m_comment;
                    dst.m_stiffnessForce = src.m_stiffnessForce;
                    dst.m_gravityPower   = src.m_gravityPower;
                    dst.m_gravityDir     = src.m_gravityDir;
                    dst.m_dragForce      = src.m_dragForce;
                    if (src.m_center != null)
                        dst.m_center = map[src.m_center];

                    dst.RootBones   = src.RootBones.Select(x => map[x]).ToList();
                    dst.m_hitRadius = src.m_hitRadius;
                    if (src.ColliderGroups != null)
                        dst.ColliderGroups = src.ColliderGroups
                                             .Select(x => map[x.transform].GetComponent <VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup>()).ToArray();

#pragma warning disable 0618
                // meta(obsolete)
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMMetaInformation>();
                if (src != null)
#pragma warning restore 0618

                // meta
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMMeta>();
                if (src != null)
                    var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMMeta>();
                    dst.Meta = src.Meta;

                // firstPerson
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMFirstPerson>();
                if (src != null)
                    src.CopyTo(root, map);

                // humanoid
                var dst = root.AddComponent <VRMHumanoidDescription>();
                var src = go.GetComponent <VRMHumanoidDescription>();
                if (src != null)
                    dst.Avatar      = src.Avatar;
                    dst.Description = src.Description;
                    var animator = go.GetComponent <Animator>();
                    if (animator != null)
                        dst.Avatar = animator.avatar;
Exemple #49
        protected override void DidActivate(bool firstActivation, ActivationType type)
                if (firstActivation)
                    _songListTableCellInstance = Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <LevelListTableCell>().First(x => (x.name == "LevelListTableCell"));

                    RectTransform container = new GameObject("CustomListContainer", typeof(RectTransform)).transform as RectTransform;
                    container.SetParent(rectTransform, false);
                    container.sizeDelta = new Vector2(60f, 0f);

                    var newGameObj = new GameObject("CustomListTableView");
                    // Disable the new gameobject containing the tableview to avoid HMUI.Init error spam in the output_log
                    _customListTableView = newGameObj.AddComponent <TableView>();
                    _customListTableView.gameObject.AddComponent <RectMask2D>();
                    _customListTableView.transform.SetParent(container, false);

                    (_customListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMin        = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
                    (_customListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchorMax        = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
                    (_customListTableView.transform as RectTransform).sizeDelta        = new Vector2(0f, 60f);
                    (_customListTableView.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f);

                    _customListTableView.SetPrivateField("_preallocatedCells", new TableView.CellsGroup[0]);
                    _customListTableView.SetPrivateField("_isInitialized", false);
                    _customListTableView.dataSource = this;

                    _customListTableView.didSelectCellWithIdxEvent += _customListTableView_didSelectRowEvent;

                    if (includePageButtons)
                        if (_pageUpButton == null)
                            _pageUpButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageUpButton")), container, false);
                            (_pageUpButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, 30f);
                            _pageUpButton.interactable = true;

                        if (_pageDownButton == null)
                            _pageDownButton = Instantiate(Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Button>().Last(x => (x.name == "PageDownButton")), container, false);
                            (_pageDownButton.transform as RectTransform).anchoredPosition = new Vector2(0f, -30f);
                            _pageDownButton.interactable = true;
                base.DidActivate(firstActivation, type);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("EXCEPTION IN CustomListViewController.DidActivate: " + e);
        private void Initialize(VehicleDef def, int[] colors = null)
            Definition = def;

            if (colors != null && colors[0] != -1)
                var defaultClrs = CarColors.GetCarDefaults(Definition.ModelName);

                if (defaultClrs != null)
                    SetColors(defaultClrs[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, defaultClrs.Count)]);
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("No colours defined for {0}!", def.GameName);

            name = Definition.GameName;

            _geometryParts = LoadGeometryParts(Definition);

            _frames = _geometryParts.AttachFrames(transform, MaterialFlags.Vehicle);

            var wheelFrame = _frames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "wheel");

            if (wheelFrame == null)
                Debug.LogWarningFormat("No wheels defined for {0}!", def.GameName);

            var engineFrame = _frames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "engine");

            if (engineFrame != null)
                this.EngineTransform = engineFrame.transform;

            var petrolcapFrame = _frames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "petrolcap");

            if (petrolcapFrame != null)
                this.PetrolcapTransform = petrolcapFrame.transform;

            foreach (var frame in _frames)
                if (!frame.Name.StartsWith("wheel_"))
                if (!frame.Name.EndsWith("_dummy"))

                var childFrames = _frames.Where(x => x.ParentIndex == frame.Index);

                // disable all children of wheel dummies
                foreach (var childFrame in childFrames)

                var wheelAlignment = GetWheelAlignment(frame.Name);

                Wheel inst;

                // see if this wheel dummy has a wheel child
                var wheel = childFrames.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "wheel");

                if (wheel == null)
                    var copy = Instantiate(wheelFrame.transform);
                    copy.SetParent(frame.transform, false);

                    _wheels.Add(inst = new Wheel
                        Alignment = wheelAlignment,
                        Parent    = frame.transform,
                        Child     = copy,
                    // all children of wheel dummies get set to inactive so activate this one

                    _wheels.Add(inst = new Wheel
                        Alignment = wheelAlignment,
                        Parent    = frame.transform,
                        Child     = wheel.transform,

                if (inst.IsLeftHand)
                    frame.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180.0f);

                inst.Complement = _wheels.FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                         (x.Alignment & WheelAlignment.LeftRightMask) != (inst.Alignment & WheelAlignment.LeftRightMask) &&
                                                         (x.Alignment & WheelAlignment.FrontMidRearMask) == (inst.Alignment & WheelAlignment.FrontMidRearMask));

                if (inst.Complement != null)
                    inst.Complement.Complement = inst;


            this.Health = this.MaxHealth = Mathf.Pow(this.HandlingData.Mass, VehicleManager.Instance.massToHealthExponent);


            var frontSeat = GetPart("ped_frontseat");
            var backSeat  = GetPart("ped_backseat");

            if (frontSeat != null)
                var frontSeatMirror = new GameObject("ped_frontseat").transform;
                frontSeatMirror.SetParent(frontSeat.parent, false);
                frontSeatMirror.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(frontSeat.localPosition, new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f));

                if (frontSeat.localPosition.x > 0f)
                    AttachSeat(frontSeat, SeatAlignment.FrontRight);
                    AttachSeat(frontSeatMirror, SeatAlignment.FrontLeft);
                    AttachSeat(frontSeatMirror, SeatAlignment.FrontRight);
                    AttachSeat(frontSeat, SeatAlignment.FrontLeft);

                DriverTransform = GetSeat(SeatAlignment.FrontLeft).Parent;

            if (backSeat != null)
                var backSeatMirror = new GameObject("ped_backseat").transform;
                backSeatMirror.SetParent(backSeat.parent, false);
                backSeatMirror.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(backSeat.localPosition, new Vector3(-1f, 1f, 1f));

                if (backSeat.localPosition.x > 0f)
                    AttachSeat(backSeat, SeatAlignment.BackRight);
                    AttachSeat(backSeatMirror, SeatAlignment.BackLeft);
                    AttachSeat(backSeatMirror, SeatAlignment.BackRight);
                    AttachSeat(backSeat, SeatAlignment.BackLeft);

            // Add vehicle damage

             * var dam = gameObject.AddComponent<VehicleDamage>();
             * dam.damageParts = new Transform[] { transform.GetChild(0).Find("engine") };
             * dam.deformMeshes = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
             * dam.displaceParts = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().Where(x => x.GetComponent<Frame>() != null || x.GetComponent<FrameContainer>() != null).ToArray();
             * dam.damageFactor = VehicleAPI.constDamageFactor;
             * dam.collisionIgnoreHeight = -.4f;
             * dam.collisionTimeGap = .1f;
             * //OptimizeVehicle();
             * dam.deformColliders = gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshCollider>();


 void LocateBackLink(LinkScript link, bool allowCreate = false)
     NodeInstance from = link.GetComponentInParent<NodeInstance>();
     NodeInstance to = link.to;
     link.backLink = to.GetComponentsInChildren<LinkScript>().ToList().FirstOrDefault(other => {
         if (other.to != from) {
             return false;
         var testObject = new GameObject("TestObject").transform;
         var otherParent = other.transform.parent;
         testObject.SetParent(to.transform, worldPositionStays: false);
         other.transform.SetParent(testObject, worldPositionStays: true);
         testObject.SetParent(link.transform, worldPositionStays: false);
         var result = Extensions.Close(other.transform, from.transform);
         other.transform.SetParent(otherParent, worldPositionStays: false);
         return result;
     if (link.backLink == null) {
         if (!allowCreate) {
             Debug.LogError(string.Format("No backlink detected: {0} {1}", from.name, link.name));
         } else {
             Debug.LogFormat(string.Format("No backlink detected: {0} {1}", from.name, link.name));
             var backlinkObject = new GameObject(GenerateLinkName(link.to, from) + " (backlink)");
             var backlink = backlinkObject.AddComponent<LinkScript>();
             backlink.to = from;
             backlinkObject.transform.SetParent(link.transform, worldPositionStays: true);
             var linkFolder = LinkFolder(link.to);
             backlinkObject.transform.SetParent(linkFolder, worldPositionStays: false);
             link.backLink = backlink;
             Debug.LogFormat("Backlink created: {0} {1} - {2} {3}", from.name, link.name, to.name, link.backLink.name);
             backlink.backLink = link;
             Debug.LogFormat("Backlink set: {0} {1} - {2} {3}", to.name, link.backLink.name, from.name, link.name);
     } else {
         Debug.LogFormat("Backlink set: {0} {1} - {2} {3}", from.name, link.name, to.name, link.backLink.name);