Exemple #1
        public Task <GSResponse> RemoveConnectionAsync(GSObject @params)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GSResponse>();

            RemoveConnection(@params, new GSRespnseActionListener(tcs), null);
Exemple #2
        public Task <GSResponse> AddConnectionAsync(Activity activity, GSObject @params)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GSResponse>();

            AddConnection(activity, @params, new GSRespnseActionListener(tcs), null);
Exemple #3
        public Task <GSResponse> SendRequestAsync(string method, GSObject @params, bool useHTTPS)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GSResponse>();

            SendRequest(method, @params, useHTTPS, new GSRespnseActionListener(tcs), null);
Exemple #4
        private static GSObject GenerateIdentity(GSObject identity)
            identity.Put("providerUID", GenerateString(20));
            identity.Put("nickname", GenerateString(20));
            identity.Put("firstName", GenerateString(8));
            identity.Put("lastName", GenerateString(10));
            identity.Put("email", "user_"+GenerateString(16)+ "@" + GenerateString(6) + ".com");
            identity.Put("address", GenerateString(30));
            GSObject phone = new GSObject();
            GSArray phones = new GSArray();
            phone.Put("type", "mobile");
            phone.Put("number", GenerateString(9));
            phone = new GSObject();
            phone.Put("type", "home");
            phone.Put("number", GenerateString(9));
            phone = new GSObject();
            phone.Put("type", "work");
            phone.Put("number", GenerateString(9));

            identity.Put("phones", phones);

            return identity;
Exemple #5
        public Task <GSResponse> LoginAsync(Activity activity, GSObject @params, bool silent)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GSResponse>();

            Login(activity, @params, new GSRespnseActionListener(tcs), silent, null);
Exemple #6
        static void CastTester()
            MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
                IntField       = 10,
                IntProperty    = 11,
                StringField    = "ShacharField",
                StringProperty = "ShacharProperty",

            myClass.MyInnerClassProperty                     = new MyInnerClass();
            myClass.MyInnerClassProperty.IntField            = 12;
            myClass.MyInnerClassProperty.MyClassListProperty = new List <MyClass>();
            myClass.MyInnerClassProperty.MyClassListProperty.Add(new MyClass {
                IntField = 13
            GSObject gsObj = new GSObject(myClass);

            MyClass clone = gsObj.Cast <MyClass>();

            bool equals = AreEquals(myClass, clone);

            Debug.Assert(equals, "objects comparison failed");

            gsObj.Put("StringProperty", new GSObject(new GetUserInfoRequestParams()));
            clone = gsObj.Cast <MyClass>();
            bool serializeToString = clone.StringProperty.Equals(new GSObject(new GetUserInfoRequestParams()).ToString());

            Debug.Assert(serializeToString, "object to string serialize is not working");
Exemple #7
        public Task <GSResponse> SendRequestAsync(string method, GSObject @params, int timeoutMS)
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <GSResponse>();

            SendRequest(method, @params, new GSRespnseActionListener(tcs), null, timeoutMS);
Exemple #8
        static internal void HandleMessage(GSInstance gsInstance, GSObject messageData)
            var message = GSMessage.CreateMessageFromObject(gsInstance, messageData);

            if (_AllMessages != null)

Exemple #9
        public GSResponse Send(string uid, string apiKey, string secretKey, string apiMethod, string json, bool useHTTPS, string apiDomain, out string format)
            GSObject dict = new GSObject(json);

            dict.Put("uid", uid);
            format = dict.GetString("format", "json");
            GSRequest req = new GSRequest(apiKey, secretKey, apiMethod, dict, useHTTPS);

            req.APIDomain = "";
Exemple #10
        private void verifyResponseSignature(GSResponse res, string format)
            if (!format.Equals("xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                GSObject data = res.GetData();
                if (null != data)
                    if (cbMethods.Text.IndexOf("getUserInfo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        string uid          = data.GetString("UID", "");
                        string uidSig       = data.GetString("UIDSignature", "");
                        string sigTimestamp = data.GetString("signatureTimestamp", "");
                        if (SigUtils.ValidateUserSignature(uid, sigTimestamp, txtSecKey.Text, uidSig))
                            lblVerifiedSig.Text      = "Signature is verified";
                            lblVerifiedSig.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                            lblVerifiedSig.Text      = "Invalid signature !!!";
                            lblVerifiedSig.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                    if (cbMethods.Text.IndexOf("getFriendsInfo", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) > -1)
                        GSArray friends = data.GetArray("friends");
                        if (null != friends && friends.Length > 0)
                            GSObject firstFriend = friends.GetObject(0);
                            string   friendSig   = firstFriend.GetString("friendshipSignature");
                            string   tsSig       = firstFriend.GetString("signatureTimestamp");
                            string   friendUID   = firstFriend.GetString("UID");
                            if (SigUtils.ValidateFriendSignature(txtUID.Text, tsSig, friendUID, txtSecKey.Text, friendSig))
                                lblVerifiedSig.Text      = "1ST friend's signature is verified";
                                lblVerifiedSig.ForeColor = Color.Green;
                                lblVerifiedSig.Text      = "Invalid signature (1ST friend's) !!!";
                                lblVerifiedSig.ForeColor = Color.Red;
        public void LoadComments()
            var parameters = new GSObject();

            parameters["categoryID"] = "comments_demo";
            parameters["streamID"]   = "android";

            var pluginFragment = GSPluginFragment.NewInstance("comments.commentsUI", parameters);

            pluginFragment.Load  += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Comments UI has finished loading");
            pluginFragment.Event += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Received plugin event from Comments UI - " + e.Event.GetString("eventName", ""));
            pluginFragment.Error += (sender, e) => Console.WriteLine("Error in Comments UI - " + e.Error.GetInt("errorCode", -1));

            .Add(Resource.Id.comments_container, pluginFragment)
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Factory method which creates a strongly typed message from the object data provided.
        /// </summary>
        internal static GSMessage CreateMessageFromObject(GSInstance gsInstance, GSObject messageData)
            if (messageData.ContainsKey("extCode"))
                if (handlers.ContainsKey(messageData.Type + "_" + messageData.GetString("extCode")))
                    var message = handlers[messageData.Type + "_" + messageData.GetString("extCode")](messageData);
                    message.gsInstance = gsInstance;

            if (handlers.ContainsKey(messageData.Type))
                var message = handlers[messageData.Type](messageData);
                message.gsInstance = gsInstance;

        /// <summary>
        /// Call to accounts.getJWT to generate an id_token - a JWT to validate after
        /// </summary>
        public string GetJWT()
            var clientParams = new GSObject();

            clientParams.Put("fields", "profile.firstName,profile.lastName,email,data.userKey");
            clientParams.Put("targetUID", targetUID);

            var req = new GSRequest(
                APIDomain = apiDomain

            var res = req.Send();

            Assert.IsTrue(res.GetErrorCode() == 0, "res.GetErrorCode() != 0");

Exemple #14
        static void TestGSObjectAndGSArray()
            // Test object
            string   st1   = "{'key1': 1.1, 'item1':'ITEM1', 'key2': {'item4':'ITEM4'}, 'array1':[1.3,'hello',{'item2':'ITEM2'},[11,12],[{'item3':'ITEM3'}]]}";
            GSObject gsObj = new GSObject(st1);

            st1 = gsObj.ToString();

            // Test array
            string  st2   = "[1, 1.2, 'hello', true, null, {}, {'key1':'val1'}, [11, 22, 33, 33.3, false, null, {}, {'key2':'val2', 'key3':[111,222,333]}]]";
            GSArray gsArr = new GSArray(st2);

            st2 = gsArr.ToString();

            // Test extracting values from object
            object y = gsObj.GetArray("array1").GetArray(4).GetObject(0);

            foreach (var item in gsObj.GetArray("array1"))
                object x = item.ToString();
        public async void InitGigya()
            GSAPI.Instance.Initialize(this, ApiKey);

            GSAPI.Instance.SocializeLogin += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Gigya logged in with " + e.Provider);
                User = e.User;

            GSAPI.Instance.SocializeLogout += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Gigya logged out");
                User = null;

            GSAPI.Instance.SocializeConnectionAdded += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine(e.Provider + " connection was added");

            GSAPI.Instance.SocializeConnectionRemoved += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine(e.Provider + " connection was removed");

            var response = await GSAPI.Instance.SendRequestAsync("socialize.getUserInfo", null);

            if (response.ErrorCode == 0)
                User = response.Data;
                User = null;
        private void PublishGigyaActions(User user, GSResponse res)
            GigyaHelpers.setCookie(res, this.ControllerContext);
            GigyaUserData userData = new GigyaUserData()
                City = user.City,
                CountryCode = user.CountryCode,
                Email = user.EMail,
                FirstName = user.FirstName,
                LastName = user.LastName,
                State = user.State
            GigyaUserDataInfo userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo()
                UID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None)
            GSObject userDataInfoObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDataInfo));
            //res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.setUserData", userDataInfoObj);
            res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("ids.setAccountInfo", userDataInfoObj);
            var returnCode = res.GetErrorCode();

            //Publish to Activity Feed
            List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>();
            actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) });
            List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>();
            mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) });
            UserAction action = new UserAction()
                actorUID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage,
                title = SNSTemplates.register_title,
                subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle),
                linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback),
                description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, user.FirstName),
                actionLinks = actionlinks,
                mediaItems = mediaItems

            GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "external");
            action.userMessage = String.Empty;
            action.title = String.Empty;
            action.mediaItems = null;
            GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "internal");

        public ActionResult Index(string id, string slug)
            var profiler = MiniProfiler.Current;
            ViewBag.sameUser = false;
            var isLoggedInUser = false;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) // id is empty
                if (MyUtility.isUserLoggedIn()) // if user is logged in, set id to the authenticated user.
                    id = User.Identity.Name;
                    isLoggedInUser = true;
                else // no id, no user is authenticated, redirect to homepage.
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            var context = new IPTV2Entities();
            Guid userId = new System.Guid();
                userId = new System.Guid(id); //Checks if the id parameter is in guid format to avoid exception error
            catch (FormatException)
                if (MyUtility.isUserLoggedIn()) // if user is logged in, set id to the authenticated user.
                    userId = new System.Guid(User.Identity.Name);
                else // no id, no user is authenticated, redirect to homepage.
                    return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");

            User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == userId);
            if (user != null) // If context returns a user, return view.
                var fullName = String.Format("{0} {1}", user.FirstName, user.LastName);
                var dbSlug = MyUtility.GetSlug(fullName);
                ViewBag.dbSlug = dbSlug;
                if (!isLoggedInUser)
                    if (String.Compare(dbSlug, slug, false) != 0)
                        return RedirectToActionPermanent("Index", new { id = id, slug = dbSlug });

                string gender = GigyaMethods.GetUserInfoByKey(userId, "gender");
                ViewBag.gender = gender;
                ViewBag.viewedUserUserId = userId;
                ViewBag.userName = MyUtility.GetFullName();
                ViewBag.userCity = user.City;
                ViewBag.userCountry = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Code == user.CountryCode).Description;

                ViewBag.UserData = MyUtility.GetUserPrivacySetting(user.UserId);

                if (userId.ToString() == User.Identity.Name)
                    ViewBag.sameUser = true;
                if (!Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("version"))
                        Dictionary<string, string> collection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                        GSObject obj = null;
                        GSResponse res = null;
                        using (profiler.Step("socialize.getFeed"))
                            collection.Add("uid", user.UserId.ToString());
                            collection.Add("feedID", "UserAction");
                            obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                            res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.getFeed", obj);
                            var resp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeedObj>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
                            ViewBag.FeedObj = resp;

                        //clear collection
                        using (profiler.Step("socialize.getUserInfo"))
                            collection.Add("uid", user.UserId.ToString());
                            obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                            res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.getUserInfo", obj);
                            var resp2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetUserInfoObj>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
                            ViewBag.UserInfoObj = resp2;
                    catch (Exception) { }
                    return View("Index2", user);
                return View(user);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Exemple #18
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new CustomResponse(response));
Exemple #19
        private static GSArray ReadFromFileRetrieveIdentities(string filename)
            string line;
            GSArray array = new GSArray();
            StreamReader file = new StreamReader(filename);
            while ((line = file.ReadLine()) != null)
                    GSObject temp = new GSObject(line);
                    GSArray tempArray = temp.GetArray("identities", new GSArray());
                    if (tempArray != null)

                catch { throw new GSException("incorrect input string"); }

            return array;
        public JsonResult _RegisterAndSubscribe(FormCollection fc)
            var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType()
                StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                StatusMessage = String.Empty,
                info = "Registration",
                TransactionType = "Registration"

            if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Invalid request";
                return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            bool isSourceAir = false;
            string url = Url.Action("Register", "User").ToString();
            var field_names = new string[] { "uid", "provider", "full_name", "pid", "cmd", "a1", "p1", "t1", "a3", "t3", "p3", "src", "item_name", "amount", "currency", "custom", "ip" };
                if (TempData["qs"] != null)
                    var qs = (NameValueCollection)TempData["qs"];
                    ViewBag.qs = qs;
                    TempData["qs"] = qs;

                DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]);
                bool isMissingRequiredFields = false;

                foreach (var x in tmpCollection)
                    if (!field_names.Contains(x.Key))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))
                            isMissingRequiredFields = true;

                if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form
                    var ip = Request.GetUserHostAddressFromCloudflare();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["ip"]))
                        ip = tmpCollection["ip"];

                    var location = MyUtility.GetLocationBasedOnIpAddress(ip);
                    string FirstName = tmpCollection["first_name"];
                    string LastName = tmpCollection["last_name"];

                    string EMail = tmpCollection["p_login_email"];
                    string ConfirmEmail = tmpCollection["p_login_email_c"];
                    string Password = tmpCollection["login_pass"];

                    //autodetect country, city, state
                    string CountryCode = location.countryCode;
                    string City = location.city;
                    string State = location.region;

                    string provider = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["provider"]) ? String.Empty : tmpCollection["provider"];
                    string uid = String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpCollection["uid"]) ? String.Empty : tmpCollection["uid"];
                    System.Guid userId = System.Guid.NewGuid();
                    string browser = Request.UserAgent;

                    if (FirstName.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "First Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";
                    if (LastName.Length > 32)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Last Name cannot exceed 32 characters.";
                    if (EMail.Length > 64)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address cannot exceed 64 characters.";
                    if (State.Length > 30)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State cannot exceed 30 characters.";
                    if (City.Length > 50)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "City cannot exceed 50 characters.";
                    if (String.Compare(EMail, ConfirmEmail, true) != 0)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email addresses do not match";

                    RegexUtilities util = new RegexUtilities();
                    //if (!MyUtility.isEmail(EMail))
                    if (!util.IsValidEmail(EMail))
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is invalid.";

                    var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                    User user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, EMail, true) == 0);
                    if (user != null)
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Email address is already taken.";

                    if (GlobalConfig.ExcludedCountriesFromRegistrationDropDown.Split(',').Contains(CountryCode)) // check if country is part of the exclusion list first
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist.";
                    else if (context.Countries.Count(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0) <= 0) // then check if country is part of the list                    
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Country does not exist.";
                    if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0) > 0)
                        if (context.States.Count(s => String.Compare(s.CountryCode, CountryCode, true) == 0 && (String.Compare(s.StateCode, State, true) == 0 || String.Compare(s.Name, State, true) == 0)) <= 0)
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "State is invalid for this country.";

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ReturnCode.StatusMessage))
                        return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

                    user = new User()
                        UserId = userId,
                        FirstName = FirstName,
                        LastName = LastName,
                        City = City,
                        State = State,
                        CountryCode = CountryCode,
                        EMail = EMail,
                        Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password),
                        GigyaUID = userId.ToString(),
                        RegistrationDate = registDt,
                        LastUpdated = registDt,
                        RegistrationIp = ip,
                        StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible,
                        ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        DateVerified = registDt

                        if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("tuid"))
                            user.RegistrationCookie = Request.Cookies["tuid"].Value;
                        else if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("regcook"))
                            user.RegistrationCookie = Request.Cookies["regcook"].Value;
                    catch (Exception) { }

                    ////check for cookie 
                        var dt = DateTime.Parse(Request.Cookies["rcDate"].Value);
                        if (registDt.Subtract(dt).Days < 45)
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "We have detected that you have already registered using this machine.";
                            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
                    catch (Exception) { }

                    string CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;
                    var country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0);
                    if (country != null)
                        CurrencyCode = country.CurrencyCode;
                    var wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                    if (wallet == null) // Wallet does not exist. Create new wallet for User.
                        wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(0, CurrencyCode, registDt);

                    var transaction = new RegistrationTransaction()
                        RegisteredState = user.State,
                        RegisteredCity = user.City,
                        RegisteredCountryCode = user.CountryCode,
                        Amount = 0,
                        Currency = CurrencyCode,
                        Reference = isSourceAir ? "New Registration (air)" : "New Registration",
                        Date = registDt,
                        OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                        UserId = user.UserId,
                        StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible

                    if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                        string verification_email = String.Format("{0}/User/Verify?key={1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, user.ActivationKey.ToString());
                        if (isSourceAir)
                                verification_email = String.Format("{0}&source=air", verification_email);
                                var template = MyUtility.GetUrlContent(GlobalConfig.ProjectAirEmailVerificationBodyTemplateUrl);
                                var htmlBody = String.Format(template, FirstName, EMail, verification_email);
                                if (!Request.IsLocal)
                                    try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your TFC.tv account", htmlBody, MailType.HtmlOnly, String.Empty); }
                                    catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); }
                            catch (Exception)
                                string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, FirstName, EMail, verification_email);
                                if (!Request.IsLocal)
                                    try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your TFC.tv account", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); }
                                    catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); }
                            string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, FirstName, EMail, verification_email);
                            if (!Request.IsLocal)
                                try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Activate your TFC.tv account", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); }
                                catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); }
                        GSResponse res = null;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(provider))
                            Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                            collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(uid));
                            collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", provider));
                            res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection));
                            if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                if (user != null)
                                    var UserId = user.UserId.ToString();
                                    user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account
                                    user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now;
                                    if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user))
                            var info = new GigyaUserInfo()
                                firstName = FirstName,
                                lastName = LastName,
                                email = EMail
                            var registrationInfo = new GigyaNotifyLoginInfo()
                                siteUID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                cid = "TFCTV - Registration",
                                sessionExpiration = 0,
                                newUser = true,
                                userInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info)
                            GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(registrationInfo));
                            res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyLogin", obj);


                        if (user != null)
                            if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible)
                                int freeTrialProductId = 0;
                                if (GlobalConfig.IsFreeTrialEnabled)
                                    freeTrialProductId = MyUtility.GetCorrespondingFreeTrialProductId();
                                    if (GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2StartDate < registDt && GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2EndDate > registDt)
                                        string UserCountryCode = user.CountryCode;
                                        if (!GlobalConfig.isUAT)
                                            try { UserCountryCode = MyUtility.GetCountryCodeViaIpAddressWithoutProxy(); }
                                            catch (Exception) { }

                                        var countryList = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2CountryWhiteList.Split(',');
                                        if (countryList.Contains(UserCountryCode) && String.Compare(user.CountryCode, UserCountryCode, true) == 0)
                                            freeTrialProductId = GlobalConfig.TfcTvFree2ProductId;
                                    PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, userId, freeTrialProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, userId, null);

                                //authenticate user

                                ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user);

                                //add uid cookie
                                HttpCookie uidCookie = new HttpCookie("uid");
                                uidCookie.Value = user.UserId.ToString();
                                uidCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30);

                        GigyaHelpers.setCookie(res, this.ControllerContext);
                        GigyaUserData2 userData = new GigyaUserData2()
                            city = user.City,
                            country = user.CountryCode,
                            email = user.EMail,
                            firstName = user.FirstName,
                            lastName = user.LastName,
                            state = user.State

                        //GigyaUserDataInfo userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo()
                        //    UID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                        //    data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None)

                        TFCTV.Helpers.UserData privacyData = new UserData() { IsExternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsInternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsProfilePrivate = "false" };

                        GigyaUserDataInfo2 userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo2()
                            UID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                            profile = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None),
                            data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(privacyData, Formatting.None)

                        GSObject userDataInfoObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDataInfo));
                        //res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.setUserData", userDataInfoObj);
                        res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("ids.setAccountInfo", userDataInfoObj);
                        var returnCode = res.GetErrorCode();

                        //Publish to Activity Feed
                        List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>();
                        actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) });
                        List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>();
                        mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) });
                        UserAction action = new UserAction()
                            actorUID = userId.ToString(),
                            userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage,
                            title = SNSTemplates.register_title,
                            subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle),
                            linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback),
                            description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, FirstName),
                            actionLinks = actionlinks,
                            mediaItems = mediaItems

                        GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "external");
                        action.userMessage = String.Empty;
                        action.title = String.Empty;
                        action.mediaItems = null;
                        GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, userId, "internal");

                        TempData["qs"] = null; // empty the TempData upon successful registration

                        ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                        ReturnCode.info7 = user.EMail;
                        if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible)
                            ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Your 7-Day Free Trial Starts Now!";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Congratulations! You are now registered to TFC.tv.";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = "Pwede ka nang manood ng mga piling Kapamilya shows at movies!";
                            ReturnCode.info3 = user.UserId.ToString();

                            //Change to social registration
                            ReturnCode.info = "SocialRegistration";
                            ReturnCode.TransactionType = "SocialRegistration";
                            ReturnCode.StatusHeader = "Email verification sent!";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Congratulations! You are one step away from completing your registration.";
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage2 = "An email has been sent to you.<br> Verify your email address to complete your registration.";
                        TempData["ErrorMessage"] = ReturnCode;
                        if (Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("xoom"))
                            var userPromo = new UserPromo();
                            userPromo.UserId = user.UserId;
                            userPromo.PromoId = GlobalConfig.Xoom2PromoId;
                            userPromo.AuditTrail.CreatedOn = registDt;

                        return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); // successful registration
                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Please fill in all required fields.";

                url = String.Format("{0}?{1}", Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath, MyUtility.DictionaryToQueryString(tmpCollection));
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); }
            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        public ActionResult Socialize()
            var retUrl = String.Empty;

                NameValueCollection qs = Request.QueryString;
                string gigyaUID = Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]);
                bool isRequestValid = SigUtils.ValidateUserSignature(gigyaUID, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["timestamp"]), GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["signature"]));
                if (isRequestValid)
                    using (var context = new IPTV2Entities())
                        User user = null;
                        bool isSiteUID = Convert.ToBoolean(qs["isSiteUID"]);
                        if (isSiteUID) //Old user. Signin to site
                            var UserId = new Guid(gigyaUID);
                            user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == UserId);
                            if (user != null)
                                if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible)
                                        if (TempData["RedirectUrl"] != null)
                                            retUrl = (string)TempData["RedirectUrl"];
                                    catch (Exception) { }

                                    ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user);
                                        //redirect to RedirectUrl
                                        //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl))
                                        //    return Redirect(retUrl);
                                        //var referrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
                                        //return Redirect(referrerUrl);

                                        if (MyUtility.isTVECookieValid())
                                            return RedirectToAction("RegisterToTFCEverywhere", "User");
                                        if (this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Cookies.AllKeys.Contains("redirectaintone"))
                                            HttpCookie tempCookie = new HttpCookie("redirectaintone");
                                            tempCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                                            return RedirectToAction("Details", "Subscribe", new { id = "aintone" });
                                        //redirect to RedirectUrl
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl))
                                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                                    retUrl = new Uri(retUrl).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                                            catch (Exception) { }
                                            return Redirect(retUrl);

                                        var referrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                            referrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                                        return Redirect(referrerUrl);
                                    catch (Exception) { }
                                else //user is not active in the database, put code here                                
                                    TempData["LoginErrorMessage"] = "Social networking account is not verified in our system.";
                            else //user does not exist on database, put code here                            
                                TempData["LoginErrorMessage"] = "Social networking account does not exist in our system.";
                        else //New user. allow user to register
                            bool createUser = true;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["email"]))
                                string email = qs["email"];
                                user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, email, true) == 0);
                                if (user != null) // link account
                                    Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                    collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                                    collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]));
                                    collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", qs["provider"]));

                                    GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                                    GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", obj);
                                    if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                            if (TempData["RedirectUrl"] != null)
                                                retUrl = (string)TempData["RedirectUrl"];
                                        catch (Exception) { }

                                        var UserId = user.UserId.ToString();
                                        user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account
                                        user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now;
                                        if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user))
                                            //redirect to RedirectUrl
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl))
                                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                                        retUrl = new Uri(retUrl).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                                                catch (Exception) { }
                                                return Redirect(retUrl);

                                            var referrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.PathAndQuery;
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                                referrerUrl = Request.UrlReferrer.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                                            return Redirect(referrerUrl);
                                        catch (Exception) { }

                            if (createUser)
                                TempData["qs"] = qs;
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                    return Redirect("/WatchNow");
                                //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Air");

                                //redirect to RedirectUrl
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl))
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                                            retUrl = new Uri(retUrl).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                                    catch (Exception) { }
                                    return Redirect(retUrl);

                                return RedirectToAction("Register", "User");

            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); }

            if (MyUtility.isTVECookieValid())
                return RedirectToAction("RegisterToTFCEverywhere", "User");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(retUrl))//redirect to RedirectUrl
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["source"]))
                        retUrl = new Uri(retUrl).GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
                catch (Exception) { }
                return Redirect(retUrl);

            return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
 public ActionResult GenerateSig(string method, string url, string qs)
     GSObject dictionaryParams = new GSObject();
     string baseString = SigUtils.CalcOAuth1Basestring(method, url, dictionaryParams);
     return Content(SigUtils.CalcSignature(baseString, GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey), "text/plain");
Exemple #23
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new AroundMeLeaderboardResponse_SCORE_LEADERBOARD(response));
Exemple #24
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new AroundMeLeaderboardResponse_LeaderboardRating(response));
 public PartialViewResult AboutMe(User user)
         Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
         collection.Add("UID", user.UserId.ToString());
         collection.Add("fields", "about");
         GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
         GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.getUserData", obj);
     catch (Exception) { }
     return PartialView();
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// This is a utility method for generating a base string for calculating the OAuth1 cryptographic signature.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="httpMethod">"POST" or "GET"</param>
        /// <param name="url">the full url without params</param>
        /// <param name="requestParams">list of params in the form of a GSObject</param>
        /// <returns>the base string to act on for calculating the OAuth1 cryptographic signature</returns>
        public static string CalcOAuth1Basestring(string httpMethod, string url, GSObject requestParams)
            // Normalize the URL per the OAuth requirements
            StringBuilder normalizedUrlSB = new StringBuilder();
            Uri u = new Uri(url);

            if ((u.Scheme == "HTTP" && u.Port != 80) || (u.Scheme == "HTTPS" && u.Port != 443))

            // Create a sorted list of query parameters
            StringBuilder querystring = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (string key in requestParams.GetKeys())
                if (requestParams.GetString(key) != null)
                    querystring.Append(GSRequest.UrlEncode(requestParams.GetString(key) ?? String.Empty));
            if (querystring.Length > 0) querystring.Length--;	// remove the last ampersand

            // Construct the base string from the HTTP method, the URL and the parameters 
            string basestring = 
                httpMethod.ToUpperInvariant() + "&" + 
                GSRequest.UrlEncode(normalizedUrlSB.ToString()) + "&" + 
            return basestring;

 void IGSLoginUIListener.OnLogin(string provider, GSObject user, Java.Lang.Object context)
     Console.WriteLine("Gigya loginUI has logged in");
 public PartialViewResult GetFriends(User user)
         Dictionary<string, string> collection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         collection.Add("uid", user.UserId.ToString());
         GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
         GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.getFriendsInfo", obj);
         var resp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GigyaFriendsInfo>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
         return PartialView(resp);
     catch (Exception) { }
     return PartialView();
        public PartialViewResult GetFeed(User user, FeedObj feedObj, bool useTabTemplate = false, string group = "friends")
                if (feedObj != null)
                    ViewBag.group = group;
                    if (useTabTemplate)
                        return PartialView("GetFeedTab", feedObj);
                        return PartialView(feedObj);

                Dictionary<string, string> collection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                collection.Add("uid", user.UserId.ToString());
                collection.Add("feedID", "UserAction");
                GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.getFeed", obj);
                var resp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FeedObj>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
                if (useTabTemplate)
                    ViewBag.group = group;
                    return PartialView("GetFeedTab", resp);
                return PartialView(resp);
            catch (Exception) { }
            if (useTabTemplate)
                ViewBag.group = group;
                return PartialView("GetFeedTab");
            return PartialView();
        public ActionResult _MobileSocialize(FormCollection fc)
            var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType()
                            StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                            StatusMessage = String.Empty,
                            info = "Registration",
                            TransactionType = "Registration"
            var field_names = new string[] { "uid", "provider", "full_name" };
                DateTime registDt = DateTime.Now;
                Dictionary<string, string> tmpCollection = fc.AllKeys.ToDictionary(k => k, v => fc[v]);
                bool isMissingRequiredFields = false;

                foreach (var x in tmpCollection)
                    if (!field_names.Contains(x.Key))
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Value))
                            isMissingRequiredFields = true;

                if (!isMissingRequiredFields) // process form
                    var qs = fc;

                    string gigyaUID = Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]);
                    bool isRequestValid = SigUtils.ValidateUserSignature(gigyaUID, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["timestamp"]), GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["signature"]));
                    isRequestValid = true;
                    if (isRequestValid)
                        string FirstName = qs["first_name"];
                        string LastName = qs["last_name"];
                        //string ip = qs["ip"];
                        string ip = Request.GetUserHostAddressFromCloudflare();
                        var location = MyUtility.GetLocationBasedOnIpAddress(ip);
                        string City = location.city;
                        string CountryCode = location.countryCode;
                        string State = (String.Compare(CountryCode, GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry, true) == 0) ? location.region : location.regionName;
                        string EMail = qs["email"];
                        string Password = Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 3);
                        string provider = qs["provider"];
                        GSResponse res = null;
                        using (var context = new IPTV2Entities())
                            User user = null;
                            bool isSiteUID = Convert.ToBoolean(qs["isSiteUID"]);
                            bool IsUserCreateSuccessful = false;
                            if (isSiteUID) //Old user. Signin to site
                                var UserId = new Guid(gigyaUID);
                                user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == UserId);
                                if (user != null)
                                    if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible) //User found login user
                                        ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user);
                                        ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Successful login.";
                                    else //user is not active in the database, put code here                                
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Social networking account is not verified in our system.";
                                else //user does not exist on database, put code here
                                    //Social networking account does not exist in our system;
                                    //Create user                                    
                                    user = new User()
                                        UserId = UserId,
                                        FirstName = FirstName,
                                        LastName = LastName,
                                        City = City,
                                        State = State,
                                        CountryCode = CountryCode,
                                        EMail = EMail,
                                        Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password),
                                        GigyaUID = gigyaUID,
                                        RegistrationDate = registDt,
                                        LastUpdated = registDt,
                                        RegistrationIp = MyUtility.GetClientIpAddress(),
                                        StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible,
                                        ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                        DateVerified = registDt
                                    if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user))
                                        if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                            IsUserCreateSuccessful = true;
                                            ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Enabled account on database.";

                            else //New user. allow user to register
                                bool createUser = true;
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["email"]))
                                    string email = qs["email"];
                                    user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, email, true) == 0);
                                    if (user != null) // link account
                                        Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                        collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                                        collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]));
                                        collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", qs["provider"]));

                                        GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                                        res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", obj);
                                        if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                            var UserId = user.UserId.ToString();
                                            user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account
                                            user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now;
                                            if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user))

                                if (createUser) //user not found on database. create new user
                                    System.Guid UserId = System.Guid.NewGuid();
                                    user = new User()
                                        UserId = UserId,
                                        FirstName = FirstName,
                                        LastName = LastName,
                                        City = City,
                                        State = State,
                                        CountryCode = CountryCode,
                                        EMail = EMail,
                                        Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password),
                                        GigyaUID = UserId.ToString(),
                                        RegistrationDate = registDt,
                                        LastUpdated = registDt,
                                        RegistrationIp = MyUtility.GetClientIpAddress(),
                                        StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible,
                                        ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                        DateVerified = registDt
                                    Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                    collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                                    collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]));
                                    collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", qs["provider"]));

                                    GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                                    res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", obj);
                                    if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                        if (!ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user))
                                            if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                                IsUserCreateSuccessful = true;
                                                ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "User registration successful.";

                                if (IsUserCreateSuccessful)
                                    if (user != null)
                                        if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible)
                                            int freeTrialProductId = 0;
                                            if (GlobalConfig.IsFreeTrialEnabled)
                                                freeTrialProductId = MyUtility.GetCorrespondingFreeTrialProductId();
                                                PaymentHelper.PayViaWallet(context, user.UserId, freeTrialProductId, SubscriptionProductType.Package, user.UserId, null);
                                        PublishGigyaActions(user, res);
                                        string emailBody = String.Format(GlobalConfig.EmailVerificationBodyTextOnly, FirstName, EMail, String.Format("Your new TFC.tv password is {0}", Password));
                                        if (!Request.IsLocal)
                                            try { MyUtility.SendEmailViaSendGrid(EMail, GlobalConfig.NoReplyEmail, "Your new TFC.tv password", emailBody, MailType.TextOnly, emailBody); }
                                            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e, "Unable to send email via SendGrid"); }
                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Request is not valid.";
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); }
            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Exemple #31
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new LeaderboardDataResponse_HIGH_SCORE(response));
Exemple #32
            private void RunAsync(bool secure, Action <TestRunResult> cb, Action <TestRunResult> onDone)
                try {
                    var ret = new TestRunResult();
                    ret.RunStarted = DateTime.Now;
                    ret.Results    = new List <MethodResult>();

                    var methods = this.Methods;
                    if (!this.RunAll)
                        methods = this.Methods.Where(m => m.Include).ToList();

                    foreach (var method in methods)
                        try {
                            if (method.Params == null)
                                method.Params = string.Empty;

                            var methodRes = new MethodResult();
                            methodRes.RunStarted      = DateTime.Now;
                            methodRes.TestName        = method.TestName;
                            methodRes.TestDescription = method.TestDescription;

                            var dict = new GSObject();
                            if (Program.MainForm.chkPreEncodeParams.Checked)

                            dict.Put("uid", dict.GetString("uid", null));

                            if (GetSecure().HasValue)
                                secure = GetSecure().Value;

                            GSRequest g = new GSRequest(this.APIKey, this.SecKey, method.Name, dict, secure);

                            var req = new GSRequest(this.APIKey, this.SecKey, method.Name, dict, secure);
                            var res = req.Send();

                            methodRes.Request          = req;
                            methodRes.Response         = res;
                            methodRes.SchemaValidation = new SchemaValidation("http://socialize.api.gigya.com/schema");

                            if (dict.GetString("format").Equals("xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                var xc = new XmlComparer();
                                xc.Compare(method.Expected, res.GetResponseText(), method.Schema);
                                methodRes.Differences = xc.Differences;

                                var xdoc    = XDocument.Parse(res.GetResponseText());
                                var xroot   = (xdoc.Document.FirstNode as XContainer);
                                var errCode = xroot.Element(XName.Get("errorCode", "urn:com:gigya:api"));

                                int iErrCode;
                                if (errCode != null && int.TryParse(errCode.Value, out iErrCode))
                                    methodRes.ErrorCode = iErrCode;

                                    var errMsg = xroot.Element(XName.Get("errorMessage", "urn:com:gigya:api"));
                                    methodRes.ErrorMessage = errMsg == null ? string.Empty : errMsg.Value;

                                    methodRes.ErrorCode    = 0;
                                    methodRes.ErrorMessage = "";

                                if (methodRes.Differences.Count > 0 && methodRes.ErrorCode == 0)
                                    methodRes.ErrorCode = -1;

                                var statusCode = xroot.Element(XName.Get("statusCode", "urn:com:gigya:api"));
                                int iStatusCode;

                                if (statusCode != null && int.TryParse(statusCode.Value, out iStatusCode))
                                    methodRes.StatusCode = iStatusCode;
                                    methodRes.StatusCode = 200;

                                var sr = new StringReader(res.GetResponseText());
                                methodRes.Validation = methodRes.SchemaValidation.Validate(sr);
                                var jc = new JsonComparer();
                                jc.Compare(method.Expected, res.GetResponseText(), method.Schema);
                                methodRes.Differences = jc.Differences;

                                if (methodRes.Differences.Count > 0 && res.GetErrorCode() == 0)
                                    methodRes.ErrorCode = -1;
                                    methodRes.ErrorCode = res.GetErrorCode();

                                methodRes.ErrorMessage = res.GetErrorMessage();
                                methodRes.StatusCode   = res.GetData().GetInt("statusCode", 200);
                                methodRes.Validation   = true;

                            methodRes.RunEnded = DateTime.Now;

                            //invoke the callback under the UI thread.
                            Program.MainForm.Invoke(cb, ret);
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.Message);

                    //invoke the callback under the UI thread.
                    Program.MainForm.Invoke(cb, ret);

                    //invoke the callback under the UI thread.
                    Program.MainForm.Invoke(onDone, ret);

                    ret.RunEnded = DateTime.Now;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.Message);
        public JsonResult GetUser(string id)
            UserObj obj = new UserObj() { code = ErrorCode.UnidentifiedError };
                Guid UserId;
                    UserId = Guid.Parse(id);
                catch (Exception) { throw new Exception("UserId is invalid"); }
                var context = new IPTV2Entities();
                var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == UserId);
                if (user != null)
                    obj.user = new UserO
                        City = user.City,
                        CountryCode = user.CountryCode,
                        UserId = user.UserId,
                        DateVerified = user.DateVerified.HasValue ? user.DateVerified.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt") : String.Empty,
                        EMail = user.EMail,
                        FirstName = user.FirstName,
                        IsTVEverywhere = user.IsTVEverywhere
                        LastName = user.LastName,
                        RegistrationDate = user.RegistrationDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"),
                        State = user.State
                    obj.code = ErrorCode.Success;

                    Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                    collection.Add("UID", user.UserId.ToString());
                    GSObject gsObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                    GSRequest req = new GSRequest(Global.GSapikey, Global.GSsecretkey, "socialize.getUserInfo", gsObj, true); ;
                    GSResponse res = req.Send();
                    obj.gUser = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GetUserInfoObj>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
                catch (Exception) { }
            catch (Exception e) { obj.message = e.Message; }
            return this.Json(obj, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Exemple #34
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new AroundMeLeaderboardResponse_HighScoreLB(response));
 public static GSRequest createRequest(string method, GSObject obj)
     return new GSRequest(GlobalConfig.GSapikey, GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey, method, obj, true);
        public JsonResult GSocialize()
            var ReturnCode = new SocializeReturnCodeObj()
                StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
                StatusMessage = String.Empty

            var registDt = DateTime.Now;
            var skipValidation = false;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sv"]))
                    var svTemp = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["sv"]);
                    if (svTemp == 1)
                        skipValidation = true;

            catch (Exception) { }
                NameValueCollection qs = Request.QueryString;
                string gigyaUID = Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]);
                bool isRequestValid = SigUtils.ValidateUserSignature(gigyaUID, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["timestamp"]), GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey, Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["signature"]));
                if (isRequestValid || skipValidation)
                    using (var context = new IPTV2Entities())
                        User user = null;
                        bool isSiteUID = Convert.ToBoolean(qs["isSiteUID"]);
                        if (isSiteUID) //Old user. Signin to site
                            var UserId = new Guid(gigyaUID);
                            user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == UserId);
                            if (user != null)
                                if (user.StatusId == GlobalConfig.Visible) //Successful Login
                                    ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Account is not verified in our system.";
                                //ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Social networking account does not exist in our system.";
                                //Create user                                
                                string FirstName = qs["first_name"];
                                string LastName = qs["last_name"];
                                string EMail = qs["login_email"];
                                string uid = qs["uid"];
                                string provider = qs["provider"];
                                string Password = Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 2);
                                string City = String.Empty;
                                string State = String.Empty;
                                string CountryCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry;
                                var id = UserId;
                                var ip = qs["ip"];

                                    var location = MyUtility.GetLocationBasedOnIpAddress(ip);
                                    City = location.city;
                                    CountryCode = location.countryCode;
                                    State = String.Compare(CountryCode, GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry, true) == 0 ? location.region : location.regionName;
                                catch (Exception) { }

                                user = new User()
                                    UserId = id,
                                    FirstName = FirstName,
                                    LastName = LastName,
                                    City = City,
                                    State = State,
                                    CountryCode = CountryCode,
                                    EMail = EMail,
                                    Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password),
                                    GigyaUID = id.ToString(),
                                    RegistrationDate = registDt,
                                    LastUpdated = registDt,
                                    RegistrationIp = ip ?? MyUtility.GetClientIpAddress(),
                                    DateVerified = registDt,
                                    StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible,
                                    ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid()

                                var CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;
                                var country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0);
                                if (country != null)
                                    CurrencyCode = country.CurrencyCode;

                                var wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                                if (wallet == null)
                                    wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(0, CurrencyCode, registDt);

                                var transaction = new RegistrationTransaction()
                                    RegisteredState = user.State,
                                    RegisteredCity = user.City,
                                    RegisteredCountryCode = user.CountryCode,
                                    Amount = 0,
                                    Currency = CurrencyCode,
                                    Reference = "New Registration (AIR PLUS)",
                                    Date = registDt,
                                    OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                                    UserId = user.UserId,
                                    StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible


                                if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                    ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                    GSResponse res = null;

                                    GigyaUserData2 userData = new GigyaUserData2()
                                        city = user.City,
                                        country = user.CountryCode,
                                        email = user.EMail,
                                        firstName = user.FirstName,
                                        lastName = user.LastName,
                                        state = user.State

                                    TFCTV.Helpers.UserData privacyData = new UserData() { IsExternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsInternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsProfilePrivate = "false" };
                                    GigyaUserDataInfo2 userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo2()
                                        UID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                        profile = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None),
                                        data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(privacyData, Formatting.None)

                                    GSObject userDataInfoObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDataInfo));                                    //res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.setUserData", userDataInfoObj);
                                    res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("ids.setAccountInfo", userDataInfoObj);

                                    //Publish to Activity Feed
                                    List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>();
                                    actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) });
                                    List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>();
                                    mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) });
                                    UserAction action = new UserAction()
                                        actorUID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                        userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage,
                                        title = SNSTemplates.register_title,
                                        subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle),
                                        linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback),
                                        description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, FirstName),
                                        actionLinks = actionlinks,
                                        mediaItems = mediaItems

                                    GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "external");
                                    action.userMessage = String.Empty;
                                    action.title = String.Empty;
                                    action.mediaItems = null;
                                    GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "internal");
                        else //New user. allow user to register
                            bool createUser = true;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qs["email"]))
                                string email = qs["email"];
                                user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => String.Compare(u.EMail, email, true) == 0);
                                if (user != null) // link account
                                    Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                    collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                                    collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(qs["UID"]));
                                    collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", qs["provider"]));

                                    GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                                    GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", obj);
                                    if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                        createUser = false;
                                        var UserId = user.UserId.ToString();
                                        user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account
                                        user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now;
                                        if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                            ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Create user failed";
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = res.GetErrorMessage();

                            if (createUser)
                                string FirstName = qs["first_name"];
                                string LastName = qs["last_name"];
                                string EMail = qs["login_email"];
                                string uid = qs["uid"];
                                string provider = qs["provider"];
                                string Password = Membership.GeneratePassword(10, 2);
                                string City = String.Empty;
                                string State = String.Empty;
                                string CountryCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry;
                                var id = Guid.NewGuid();
                                var ip = qs["ip"];

                                    var location = MyUtility.GetLocationBasedOnIpAddress(ip);
                                    City = location.city;
                                    CountryCode = location.countryCode;
                                    State = String.Compare(CountryCode, GlobalConfig.DefaultCountry, true) == 0 ? location.region : location.regionName;
                                catch (Exception) { }

                                user = new User()
                                    UserId = id,
                                    FirstName = FirstName,
                                    LastName = LastName,
                                    City = City,
                                    State = State,
                                    CountryCode = CountryCode,
                                    EMail = EMail,
                                    Password = MyUtility.GetSHA1(Password),
                                    GigyaUID = id.ToString(),
                                    RegistrationDate = registDt,
                                    LastUpdated = registDt,
                                    RegistrationIp = ip ?? MyUtility.GetClientIpAddress(),
                                    ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid()

                                var CurrencyCode = GlobalConfig.DefaultCurrency;
                                var country = context.Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => String.Compare(c.Code, CountryCode, true) == 0);
                                if (country != null)
                                    CurrencyCode = country.CurrencyCode;

                                var wallet = user.UserWallets.FirstOrDefault(w => String.Compare(w.Currency, CurrencyCode, true) == 0);
                                if (wallet == null)
                                    wallet = ContextHelper.CreateWallet(0, CurrencyCode, registDt);

                                var transaction = new RegistrationTransaction()
                                    RegisteredState = user.State,
                                    RegisteredCity = user.City,
                                    RegisteredCountryCode = user.CountryCode,
                                    Amount = 0,
                                    Currency = CurrencyCode,
                                    Reference = "New Registration (AIR PLUS)",
                                    Date = registDt,
                                    OfferingId = GlobalConfig.offeringId,
                                    UserId = user.UserId,
                                    StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible


                                if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                    GSResponse res = null;
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uid) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(provider))
                                        Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                                        collection.Add("siteUID", user.UserId);
                                        collection.Add("uid", Uri.UnescapeDataString(uid));
                                        collection.Add("cid", String.Format("{0} - New User", provider));
                                        res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyRegistration", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection));
                                        if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0) //Successful link
                                            if (user != null)
                                                var UserId = user.UserId.ToString();
                                                user.StatusId = GlobalConfig.Visible; //activate account
                                                user.DateVerified = DateTime.Now;
                                                if (context.SaveChanges() > 0)
                                                    ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;
                                        ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Missing parameters uid & provider";
                                    //    var info = new GigyaUserInfo()
                                    //    {
                                    //        firstName = FirstName,
                                    //        lastName = LastName,
                                    //        email = EMail
                                    //    };

                                    //    var registrationInfo = new GigyaNotifyLoginInfo()
                                    //    {
                                    //        siteUID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                    //        cid = "TFCTV - Registration",
                                    //        sessionExpiration = 0,
                                    //        newUser = true,
                                    //        userInfo = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(info)
                                    //    };
                                    //    GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(registrationInfo));
                                    //    res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.notifyLogin", obj);
                                    //    ReturnCode.StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.Success;

                                    if (ReturnCode.StatusCode == (int)ErrorCodes.Success)
                                        GigyaUserData2 userData = new GigyaUserData2()
                                            city = user.City,
                                            country = user.CountryCode,
                                            email = user.EMail,
                                            firstName = user.FirstName,
                                            lastName = user.LastName,
                                            state = user.State

                                        TFCTV.Helpers.UserData privacyData = new UserData() { IsExternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsInternalSharingEnabled = "true,false", IsProfilePrivate = "false" };

                                        GigyaUserDataInfo2 userDataInfo = new GigyaUserDataInfo2()
                                            UID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                            profile = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userData, Formatting.None),
                                            data = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(privacyData, Formatting.None)

                                        GSObject userDataInfoObj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(userDataInfo));                                    //res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("gcs.setUserData", userDataInfoObj);
                                        res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("ids.setAccountInfo", userDataInfoObj);

                                        //Publish to Activity Feed
                                        List<ActionLink> actionlinks = new List<ActionLink>();
                                        actionlinks.Add(new ActionLink() { text = SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_text, href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_actionlink_href) });
                                        List<MediaItem> mediaItems = new List<MediaItem>();
                                        mediaItems.Add(new MediaItem() { type = SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_type, src = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.AssetsBaseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_src), href = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_mediaitem_href) });
                                        UserAction action = new UserAction()
                                            actorUID = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                            userMessage = SNSTemplates.register_usermessage,
                                            title = SNSTemplates.register_title,
                                            subtitle = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_subtitle),
                                            linkBack = String.Format("{0}{1}", GlobalConfig.baseUrl, SNSTemplates.register_linkback),
                                            description = String.Format(SNSTemplates.register_description, FirstName),
                                            actionLinks = actionlinks,
                                            mediaItems = mediaItems

                                        GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "external");
                                        action.userMessage = String.Empty;
                                        action.title = String.Empty;
                                        action.mediaItems = null;
                                        GigyaMethods.PublishUserAction(action, user.UserId, "internal");

                        if (ReturnCode.StatusCode == (int)ErrorCodes.Success)
                            ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Success!";

                            SynapseUserInfo uInfo = new SynapseUserInfo() { firstName = user.FirstName, lastName = user.LastName, email = user.EMail };
                            Dictionary<string, object> collection = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                            collection.Add("client_id", GlobalConfig.GSapikey);
                            collection.Add("client_secret", GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey);
                            collection.Add("grant_type", "none");
                            collection.Add("x_siteUID", user.UserId);
                            collection.Add("x_sessionExpiration", 0);
                            collection.Add("x_userInfo", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(uInfo));
                            GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.getToken", GigyaHelpers.buildParameter(collection));
                            SynapseCookie cookie = new SynapseCookie()
                                cookieName = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName,
                                cookiePath = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath,
                                cookieDomain = FormsAuthentication.CookieDomain

                            if (res.GetErrorCode() == 0)
                                HttpCookie authCookie = SetCookie(user.UserId.ToString());
                                cookie.cookieValue = authCookie.Value;
                                ContextHelper.SaveSessionInDatabase(context, user, authCookie.Value);
                                SynapseToken token = new SynapseToken()
                                    uid = user.UserId.ToString(),
                                    token = res.GetString("access_token", String.Empty),
                                    expire = res.GetInt("expires_in", 0),

                                ReturnCode.tk = token;
                                ReturnCode.gs = cookie;
                                ReturnCode.StatusCode = res.GetErrorCode();
                                ReturnCode.StatusMessage = res.GetErrorMessage();
                    ReturnCode.StatusMessage = "Request is not valid";
            catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); ReturnCode.StatusMessage = String.Format("Exception: {0} | Inner Exception: {1}", e.Message, e.InnerException.Message); }
            return this.Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 public static GSResponse createAndSendRequest(string method, GSObject obj)
     GSRequest req = new GSRequest(GlobalConfig.GSapikey, GlobalConfig.GSsecretkey, method, obj, true);
     return req.Send();
 public JsonResult RemoveConnection(FormCollection fc)
     var ReturnCode = new TransactionReturnType()
         StatusCode = (int)ErrorCodes.UnknownError,
         StatusMessage = String.Empty
         if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
             using (var context = new IPTV2Entities())
                 var user = context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == new Guid(User.Identity.Name));
                 if (user != null)
                     Dictionary<string, string> collection = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                     collection.Add("uid", user.UserId.ToString());
                     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fc["provider"]))
                         collection.Add("provider", fc["provider"]);
                     collection.Add("format", "json");
                     GSObject obj = new GSObject(Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(collection));
                     GSResponse res = GigyaHelpers.createAndSendRequest("socialize.removeConnection", obj);
                     var resp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<DeleteAccountObj>(res.GetData().ToJsonString());
                     ReturnCode.StatusCode = resp.errorCode;
     catch (Exception e) { MyUtility.LogException(e); }
     return Json(ReturnCode, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new LeaderboardDataResponse_highscore(response));
Exemple #40
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new LogChallengeEventResponse(response));
Exemple #41
 protected override GSTypedResponse BuildResponse(GSObject response)
     return(new LeaderboardDataResponse_LEADERBOARD(response));