Exemple #1
        public virtual async Task <FindStoresQueryResult> GetStoresAsync(GetStoresParam getStoresParam)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(getStoresParam.Scope))
                throw new ArgumentException("scope");

            var cacheKey = new CacheKey(CacheConfigurationCategoryNames.Store)
                Scope = getStoresParam.Scope


            var request = new FindStoresRequest
                ScopeId = getStoresParam.Scope,
                Query   = new Query
                    StartingIndex     = 0,
                    MaximumItems      = int.MaxValue,
                    IncludeTotalCount = false,
                    Filter            = new FilterGroup
                        Filters = GetStoreFilters()

            var stores = await CacheProvider.GetOrAddAsync(cacheKey, () => OvertureClient.SendAsync(request))

            // TODO: Remove this as soon as the FindStoresRequest returns localized display names.
            if (stores.Results.Any(s => s.DisplayName != null))
            // Try get DisplayNames
            if (getStoresParam.IncludeExtraInfo)
                var ids             = stores.Results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var extraStoresInfo = await GetExtraStoresInfoAsync(ids, getStoresParam).ConfigureAwait(false);

                for (var index = 0; index < stores.Results.Count; index++)
                    var    store       = stores.Results[index];
                    var    extraInfo   = extraStoresInfo[index];
                    object displayName = null;
                    extraInfo?.PropertyBag.TryGetValue("DisplayName", out displayName);
                    if (displayName != null)
                        store.DisplayName = displayName as Overture.ServiceModel.LocalizedString;

Exemple #2
        public virtual async Task <FindStoresQueryResult> GetStoresAsync(GetStoresParam param)
            if (param == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(param));
            if (param.CultureInfo == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(GetMessageOfNull(nameof(param.CultureInfo)), nameof(param));
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param.Scope))
                throw new ArgumentException(GetMessageOfNullWhiteSpace(nameof(param.Scope)), nameof(param));

            var cacheKey = new CacheKey(CacheConfigurationCategoryNames.Store)
                Scope = param.Scope


            var request = new FindStoresRequest
                ScopeId            = param.Scope,
                IncludeChildScopes = true,
                CultureName        = param.CultureInfo.Name,
                Query = new Query
                    StartingIndex     = 0,
                    MaximumItems      = int.MaxValue,
                    IncludeTotalCount = false,
                    Filter            = new FilterGroup
                        Filters = GetStoreFilters()

            var stores = await CacheProvider.GetOrAddAsync(cacheKey, () => OvertureClient.SendAsync(request)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // TODO: Remove this as soon as the FindStoresRequest returns localized display names.
            if (stores.Results.Any(s => s.DisplayName != null))
            // Try get DisplayNames
            if (param.IncludeExtraInfo)
                var ids             = stores.Results.Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                var extraStoresInfo = await GetExtraStoresInfoAsync(ids, param).ConfigureAwait(false);

                extraStoresInfo?.ForEach(extraStoreInfo => {
                    extraStoreInfo.PropertyBag.TryGetValue("DisplayName", out object displayName);
                    if (displayName == null)

                    var store = stores.Results.FirstOrDefault(st => st.Id == extraStoreInfo.Id);
                    if (store == null)
                    store.DisplayName = displayName as Overture.ServiceModel.LocalizedString;
