Exemple #1
        public override AstNode Visit(FieldDeclaration node)
            // Get the field.
            FieldVariable field = (FieldVariable)node.GetVariable();

            // Get the field type.
            IChelaType fieldType = field.GetVariableType();

            if (!fieldType.IsConstant() || field.IsExternal())
                return(node); // Ignore not constant fields.
            // Get the initializer.
            Expression initializer = node.GetDefaultValue();

            if (initializer == null)
                Error(node, "constants must have initializers.");

            // Don't allow multiple definitions.
            if (constants.ContainsKey(field))
                Error(node, "multiples definitions of a constant.");

            // Store the constant.
            ConstantData data = new ConstantData(field, initializer);

            this.constants.Add(field, data);

            // Return the node.