Exemple #1
		public FieldInfoMirror (TypeMirror parent, long id, string name, TypeMirror type, FieldAttributes attrs) : base (parent.VirtualMachine, id) {
			this.parent = parent;
			this.name = name;
			this.type = type;
			this.attrs = attrs;
			inited = true;
 public FieldDefinition(string name, TypeReference fieldType,
     FieldAttributes attrs)
     : base(name, fieldType)
     m_hasInfo = false;
     m_attributes = attrs;
Exemple #3
 public FieldWeaver(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, Type type, string fieldName = null, FieldAttributes? fieldAttributes = null)
     FieldType = type;
     this.fieldName = fieldName;
     this.typeBuilder = typeBuilder;
     this.fieldAttributes = fieldAttributes ?? FieldAttributes.Private;
Exemple #4
 public FieldKey(TypeKey typeKey, string type, string name, FieldAttributes fieldAttributes)
     this.typeKey = typeKey;
     this.type = type;
     this.name = name;
     this.fieldAttributes = fieldAttributes;
Exemple #5
 protected override JSVariableField CreateField(String name, FieldAttributes attributeFlags, Object value){
   if (!(this.parent is ActivationObject))
     return base.CreateField(name, attributeFlags, value);
   JSVariableField field = ((ActivationObject)this.parent).AddNewField(name+":"+this.scopeId, value, attributeFlags);
   field.debuggerName = name;
   return field;
 internal virtual JSVariableField AddNewField(string name, object value, FieldAttributes attributeFlags)
     JSVariableField field = this.CreateField(name, attributeFlags, value);
     this.name_table[name] = field;
     return field;
	public virtual void DefineGlobalVariable
				(String name, FieldAttributes attributes, 
				 byte[] signature, SymAddressKind addrKind,
				 int addr1, int addr2, int addr3)
				throw new NotSupportedException();
Exemple #8
		void RenderFieldAttributes (FieldAttributes source, FieldAttributes target, ApiChange change)
			// the visibility values are the same for MethodAttributes and FieldAttributes, so just use the same method.
			RenderVisibility ((MethodAttributes) source, (MethodAttributes) target, change);
			// same for the static flag
			RenderStatic ((MethodAttributes) source, (MethodAttributes) target, change);

			var srcLiteral = (source & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0;
			var tgtLiteral = (target & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0;

			if (srcLiteral) {
				if (tgtLiteral) {
					change.Append ("const ");
				} else {
					change.AppendRemoved ("const", true).Append (" ");
			} else if (tgtLiteral) {
				change.AppendAdded ("const", true).Append (" ");

			var srcInitOnly = (source & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0;
			var tgtInitOnly = (target & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0;
			if (srcInitOnly) {
				if (tgtInitOnly) {
					change.Append ("readonly ");
				} else {
					change.AppendRemoved ("readonly", false).Append (" ");
			} else if (tgtInitOnly) {
				change.AppendAdded ("readonly", true).Append (" ");
        public void DefineUninitalizedData_CreateGlobalFunctionsAlreadyCalled_ThrowsInvalidOperationException(FieldAttributes attributes)
            ModuleBuilder module = Helpers.DynamicModule();

            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => module.DefineUninitializedData("TestField", 1, attributes));
 internal FieldBuilder(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string fieldName, Type type, Type[] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalCustomModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
     int num;
     if (fieldName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldName");
     if (fieldName.Length == 0)
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), "fieldName");
     if (fieldName[0] == '\0')
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), "fieldName");
     if (type == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
     if (type == typeof(void))
         throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadFieldType"));
     this.m_fieldName = fieldName;
     this.m_typeBuilder = typeBuilder;
     this.m_fieldType = type;
     this.m_Attributes = attributes & ~FieldAttributes.ReservedMask;
     SignatureHelper fieldSigHelper = SignatureHelper.GetFieldSigHelper(this.m_typeBuilder.Module);
     fieldSigHelper.AddArgument(type, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers);
     byte[] signature = fieldSigHelper.InternalGetSignature(out num);
     this.m_fieldTok = TypeBuilder.DefineField(this.m_typeBuilder.GetModuleBuilder().GetNativeHandle(), typeBuilder.TypeToken.Token, fieldName, signature, num, this.m_Attributes);
     this.m_tkField = new FieldToken(this.m_fieldTok, type);
Exemple #11
        internal FieldBuilder(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, String fieldName, Type type, FieldAttributes attributes)
            if (fieldName==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldName");
			if (fieldName.Length == 0)
				throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), "fieldName");
            if (fieldName[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), "fieldName");
            if (type==null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");
            if (type == SystemVoid)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadFieldType"));
            m_fieldName = fieldName;
            m_typeBuilder = typeBuilder;
            m_fieldType = type;
            m_Attributes = attributes;
            SignatureHelper sigHelp = SignatureHelper.GetFieldSigHelper(m_typeBuilder.Module);
            int sigLength;
            byte[] signature = sigHelp.InternalGetSignature(out sigLength);
            m_tkField = new FieldToken(TypeBuilder.InternalDefineField(
                m_typeBuilder.Module), type);
 internal EnumDeclaration(Context context, IdentifierLiteral id, TypeExpression baseType, Block body, FieldAttributes attributes, CustomAttributeList customAttributes) : base(context, id, new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Enum, null)), new TypeExpression[0], body, attributes, false, false, true, false, customAttributes)
     this.baseType = (baseType != null) ? baseType : new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(Typeob.Int32, null));
     base.needsEngine = false;
     base.attributes &= TypeAttributes.NestedFamORAssem;
     TypeExpression expression = new TypeExpression(new ConstantWrapper(base.classob, base.context));
     AST ast = new ConstantWrapper(-1, null);
     AST ast2 = new ConstantWrapper(1, null);
     JSMemberField[] fields = base.fields;
     for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
         FieldInfo info = fields[i];
         JSVariableField field = (JSVariableField) info;
         field.attributeFlags = FieldAttributes.Literal | FieldAttributes.Static | FieldAttributes.Public;
         field.type = expression;
         if (field.value == null)
             field.value = ast = new Plus(ast.context, ast, ast2);
             ast = (AST) field.value;
         field.value = new DeclaredEnumValue(field.value, field.Name, base.classob);
Exemple #13
        [System.Security.SecurityCritical]  // auto-generated
        internal FieldBuilder(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, String fieldName, Type type, 
            Type[] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalCustomModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
            if (fieldName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("fieldName");

            if (fieldName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_EmptyName"), "fieldName");

            if (fieldName[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_IllegalName"), "fieldName");

            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("type");

            if (type == typeof(void))
                throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_BadFieldType"));

            m_fieldName = fieldName;
            m_typeBuilder = typeBuilder;
            m_fieldType = type;
            m_Attributes = attributes & ~FieldAttributes.ReservedMask;
            SignatureHelper sigHelp = SignatureHelper.GetFieldSigHelper(m_typeBuilder.Module);
            sigHelp.AddArgument(type, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers);

            int sigLength;
            byte[] signature = sigHelp.InternalGetSignature(out sigLength);
            m_fieldTok = TypeBuilder.DefineField(m_typeBuilder.GetModuleBuilder().GetNativeHandle(),
                typeBuilder.TypeToken.Token, fieldName, signature, sigLength, m_Attributes);

            m_tkField = new FieldToken(m_fieldTok, type);
Exemple #14
 internal JSMemberField AddOverload(FunctionObject func, FieldAttributes attributeFlags){
   JSMemberField last = this;
   while (last.nextOverload != null) last = last.nextOverload;
   JSMemberField f = last.nextOverload = new JSMemberField((ClassScope)this.obj, this.Name, func, attributeFlags);
   f.type = this.type;
   return f;
Exemple #15
 internal JSWithField(string name, FieldAttributes attributes)
     : base(name, null, attributes)
     // with-fields cannot be crunced because they might
     // need to reference a property on the with object
     CanCrunch = false;
	public virtual void DefineLocalVariable
				(String name, FieldAttributes attributes, 
				 byte[] signature, SymAddressKind addrKind, 
				 int addr1, int addr2, int addr3, 
				 int startOffset, int endOffset)
				// Nothing to do here.
 public void DefineUnitializedData_InvalidSize_ThrowsArgumentException(FieldAttributes attributes)
     ModuleBuilder module = Helpers.DynamicModule();
     foreach (int size in new int[] { -1, 0, 0x003f0000, 0x003f0000 + 1 })
         Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(null, () => module.DefineUninitializedData("TestField", size, attributes));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CilRuntimeField"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="module">The module.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name.</param>
 /// <param name="signature">The signature.</param>
 /// <param name="token">The token.</param>
 /// <param name="offset">The offset.</param>
 /// <param name="rva">The rva.</param>
 /// <param name="declaringType">Type of the declaring.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">The attributes.</param>
 public CilRuntimeField(ITypeModule module, string name, FieldSignature signature, Token token, uint offset, uint rva, RuntimeType declaringType, FieldAttributes attributes)
     : base(module, token, declaringType)
     this.Name = name;
     this.Signature = signature;
     base.Attributes = attributes;
     base.RVA = rva;
Exemple #19
		public void __SetDataAndRVA(byte[] data)
			attribs |= FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA;
			FieldRVATable.Record rec = new FieldRVATable.Record();
			rec.RVA = typeBuilder.ModuleBuilder.initializedData.Position;
			rec.Field = pseudoToken;
 public FieldMetadata(
     string name, 
     Type fieldType, 
     FieldAttributes fieldAttributes)
     : base(name)
     _fieldType = fieldType;
     _fieldAttributes = fieldAttributes;
	public virtual void DefineField
				(SymbolToken parent, String name,
				 FieldAttributes attributes, 
				 byte[] signature, 
				 SymAddressKind addrKind, 
				 int addr1, int addr2, int addr3)
				throw new NotSupportedException();
 public void TestWithStaticAndPublic(FieldAttributes attributes)
     ModuleBuilder module = Helpers.DynamicModule();
     FieldBuilder field = module.DefineInitializedData("MyField", new byte[] { 01, 00, 01 }, attributes);
     Assert.Equal((attributes & FieldAttributes.Public) != 0 , field.IsPublic);
     Assert.Equal((attributes & FieldAttributes.Private) != 0, field.IsPrivate);
     Assert.Equal(field.Name, "MyField");
 public FieldStructure(string name, FieldAttributes attr, TypeStructure dt, object def, bool isEnumField, FieldInfo info = null)
     Name = name;
     Attributes = attr;
     DataType = dt;
     DefaultValue = def;
     IsEnumField = isEnumField;
     Info = info;
Exemple #24
		void GetInfo () {
			if (inited)
			var info = vm.conn.Field_GetInfo (id);
			name = info.Name;
			parent = vm.GetType (info.Parent);
			type = vm.GetType (info.TypeId);
			attrs = (FieldAttributes)info.Attrs;
			inited = true;
		private void SetDataAndRvaImpl(byte[] data, ByteBuffer bb, int readonlyMarker)
			attribs |= FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA;
			FieldRVATable.Record rec = new FieldRVATable.Record();
			rec.RVA = bb.Position + readonlyMarker;
			rec.Field = pseudoToken;
Exemple #26
		internal FieldGen(TypeGen owner, string name, Type type, FieldAttributes attrs)
			_owner = owner;
			_attrs = attrs;
			Name = name;
			_type = type;

			_fb = owner.TypeBuilder.DefineField(name, type, attrs);
        public JsVariableField(JsFieldType fieldType, string name, FieldAttributes fieldAttributes, object value)
            m_referenceTable = new HashSet<IJsNameReference>();
            m_declarationTable = new HashSet<IJsNameDeclaration>();

            Name = name;
            Attributes = fieldAttributes;
            FieldValue = value;
 internal JSVariableField AddNewField(String name, FieldAttributes attributeFlags, FunctionObject func){
   if (this.nested_functions == null){
     this.nested_functions = new ArrayList();
     this.fields_for_nested_functions = new ArrayList();
   JSVariableField result = this.AddNewField(name, (Object)func, attributeFlags);
   return result;
Exemple #29
		public CorFieldInfo(CorType ownerType, uint token, string name, TypeSig fieldType, FieldAttributes attrs, object constant, CorElementType constantType, DebuggerBrowsableState? debuggerBrowsableState, bool compilerGeneratedAttribute) {
			this.OwnerType = ownerType;
			this.Token = token;
			this.Name = name;
			this.FieldType = fieldType;
			this.Attributes = attrs;
			this.Constant = constant;
			this.ConstantType = constantType;
			this.DebuggerBrowsableState = debuggerBrowsableState;
			this.CompilerGeneratedAttribute = compilerGeneratedAttribute;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="TypeBuilder">Type builder</param>
 /// <param name="Name">Name of the method</param>
 /// <param name="Attributes">Attributes for the field (public, private, etc.)</param>
 /// <param name="FieldType">Type for the field</param>
 public FieldBuilder(TypeBuilder TypeBuilder, string Name, Type FieldType, FieldAttributes Attributes)
     : base()
     this.Name = Name;
     this.Type = TypeBuilder;
     this.DataType = FieldType;
     this.Attributes = Attributes;
     Builder = Type.Builder.DefineField(Name, FieldType, Attributes);
        public void DefineUnitializedData_NullName_ThrowsArgumentNullException(FieldAttributes attributes)
            ModuleBuilder module = Helpers.DynamicModule();

            AssertExtensions.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("name", () => module.DefineUninitializedData(null, 1, attributes));
Exemple #32
        public FieldBuilder __DefineField(string fieldName, Type type, CustomModifiers customModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
            FieldBuilder fb = new FieldBuilder(this, fieldName, type, customModifiers, attributes);

Exemple #33
 public CorFieldInfo(CorType ownerType, uint token, string name, TypeSig fieldType, FieldAttributes attrs, object constant, CorElementType constantType, DebuggerBrowsableState?debuggerBrowsableState, bool compilerGeneratedAttribute)
     this.OwnerType                  = ownerType;
     this.Token                      = token;
     this.Name                       = name;
     this.FieldType                  = fieldType;
     this.Attributes                 = attrs;
     this.Constant                   = constant;
     this.ConstantType               = constantType;
     this.DebuggerBrowsableState     = debuggerBrowsableState;
     this.CompilerGeneratedAttribute = compilerGeneratedAttribute;
Exemple #34
 static bool IsVisible(FieldAttributes att)
     return(((att & FieldAttributes.Public) == FieldAttributes.Public) ||
            ((att & FieldAttributes.Family) == FieldAttributes.Family) ||
            ((att & FieldAttributes.FamORAssem) == FieldAttributes.FamORAssem));
Exemple #35
 public FieldBuilder DefineField(string name, Type fieldType, FieldAttributes attribs)
     return(DefineField(name, fieldType, null, null, attribs));
        internal FieldBuilder(TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string fieldName, Type type,
                              Type[]?requiredCustomModifiers, Type[]?optionalCustomModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
            if (fieldName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldName));

            if (fieldName.Length == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_EmptyName, nameof(fieldName));

            if (fieldName[0] == '\0')
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_IllegalName, nameof(fieldName));

            if (type == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type));

            if (type == typeof(void))
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Argument_BadFieldType);

            m_fieldName   = fieldName;
            m_typeBuilder = typeBuilder;
            m_fieldType   = type;
            m_Attributes  = attributes & ~FieldAttributes.ReservedMask;

            SignatureHelper sigHelp = SignatureHelper.GetFieldSigHelper(m_typeBuilder.Module);

            sigHelp.AddArgument(type, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers);

            byte[] signature = sigHelp.InternalGetSignature(out int sigLength);

            ModuleBuilder module = m_typeBuilder.GetModuleBuilder();

            m_fieldTok = TypeBuilder.DefineField(new QCallModule(ref module),
                                                 typeBuilder.TypeToken, fieldName, signature, sigLength, m_Attributes);
Exemple #37
 public FieldDefinition(string name, FieldAttributes attributes, TypeReference fieldType)
     : base(name, fieldType)
     this.attributes = (ushort)attributes;
Exemple #38
 bool GetFlagValue(FieldAttributes flag) => (Attributes & flag) != 0;
Exemple #39
 public FieldBuilder DefineUninitializedData(string name, int size, FieldAttributes attributes)
     return(DefineInitializedData(name, new byte[size], attributes));
        public static StringBuilder AppendFieldAttributes(StringBuilder sb, FieldAttributes attributes, bool all = true)
            string visibility;

            switch (attributes & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask)
            case FieldAttributes.PrivateScope: visibility = "privatescope"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.Private: visibility = "private"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.FamANDAssem: visibility = "famandassem"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.Assembly: visibility = "assembly"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.Family: visibility = "family"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.FamORAssem: visibility = "famorassem"; break;

            case FieldAttributes.Public: visibility = "public"; break;

                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            sb.Append((attributes & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0 ? " static" : " instance");

            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0)
                sb.Append(" initonly");
            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0)
                sb.Append(" literal");
            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) != 0)
                sb.Append(" notserialized");
            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.SpecialName) != 0)
                sb.Append(" specialname");
            if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.RTSpecialName) != 0)
                sb.Append(" rtspecialname");

            if (all)
                if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl) != 0)
                    sb.Append(" pinvokeimpl");
                if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.HasFieldMarshal) != 0)
                    sb.Append(" marshal");
                if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.HasDefault) != 0)
                    sb.Append(" default");
                if ((attributes & FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA) != 0)
                    sb.Append(" rva");

Exemple #41
        public static FieldDefinition InjectFieldDefinition(TypeDefinition tdef, string name, TypeReference fieldType, FieldAttributes attributes)
            var fdef = new FieldDefinition(name, attributes, fieldType);

Exemple #42
        private void PosTest(FieldInfo fi, FieldAttributes expected, string id)
            FieldAttributes actual = fi.Attributes;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Exemple #43
 public static bool HasFlag(this FieldDefinition fieldDefinition, FieldAttributes attribute) => (fieldDefinition.Attributes & attribute) == attribute;
Exemple #44
 internal void SetRVAData(byte[] data)
     attrs    = attrs | FieldAttributes.HasFieldRVA;
     rva_data = (byte[])data.Clone();
        static public FieldDefinition Field <T>(this TypeDefinition type, string name, FieldAttributes attributes, T constant)
            var _field = new FieldDefinition(name, attributes | FieldAttributes.Literal, type.Module.Import(typeof(T)));

            _field.Constant = constant;
            _field.Attribute <CompilerGeneratedAttribute>();
            _field.Attribute(() => new DebuggerBrowsableAttribute(DebuggerBrowsableState.Never));
Exemple #46
 public FieldDefinitionProjection(FieldDefinition field, FieldDefinitionTreatment treatment)
     Attributes = field.Attributes;
     Treatment  = treatment;
 public FieldBuilder DefineUninitializedData(string name, int size, FieldAttributes attributes)
     return(DefineDataImpl(name, size, attributes & ~FieldAttributes.ReservedMask));
        /// <summary>
        /// 生成代理类型的字段
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="typeBuilder">类型生成器</param>
        /// <param name="fieldName">字段名称</param>
        /// <param name="type">字段类型</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static FieldBuilder BuildField(this TypeBuilder typeBuilder, string fieldName, Type type)
            const FieldAttributes filedAttribute = FieldAttributes.Private | FieldAttributes.InitOnly;

            return(typeBuilder.DefineField(fieldName, type, filedAttribute));
Exemple #49
 public static FieldBuilder DefineField <T>(this TypeBuilder @this, string fieldName, FieldAttributes attributes)
     return(@this.DefineField(fieldName, typeof(T), attributes));
Exemple #50
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ByteFieldMetadata"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldName">Name of the field.</param>
 /// <param name="minValue">The minimum value.</param>
 /// <param name="maxValue">The maximum value.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">Additional attributes of the field.</param>
 public ByteFieldMetadata(string fieldName, byte minValue, byte maxValue, FieldAttributes attributes = FieldAttributes.None)
     : base(fieldName, minValue, maxValue, attributes)
        public void DefineUninitalizedData_CreateGlobalFunctionsAlreadyCalled_ThrowsInvalidOperationException(FieldAttributes attributes)
            ModuleBuilder module = Helpers.DynamicModule();


            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => module.DefineUninitializedData("TestField", 1, attributes));
Exemple #52
 // Create a new field within this scope.
 protected override JSVariableField CreateField
     (String name, FieldAttributes attributes, Object value)
     return(base.CreateField(name, attributes, value));
        public FieldBuilder DefineField(string fieldName, Type type, Type[] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalCustomModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
            FieldBuilder fb = new FieldBuilder(this, fieldName, type, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers, attributes);

Exemple #54
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses property name used for serialization.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name found in serialization stream or returned by <B>__sleep</B>.</param>
        /// <param name="typeName">Will receive the name of the declaring type or <B>null</B> if no
        /// type information is embedded in the property <paramref name="name"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="visibility">Will receive the assumed visibility of the property.</param>
        /// <returns>The bare (unmangled) property name.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Names of protected properties might be prepended with \0*\0, names of private properties might be
        /// prepended with \0declaring_class_name\0
        /// (see <A href="http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=26737">http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=26737</A>)
        /// </remarks>
        public static string /*!*/ ParseSerializedPropertyName(string /*!*/ name, out string typeName, out FieldAttributes visibility)
            if (name.Length >= 3 && name[0] == '\0')
                if (name[1] == '*' && name[2] == '\0')
                    // probably a protected field
                    visibility = FieldAttributes.Family;
                    typeName   = null;
                    // probably a private property
                    int index = name.IndexOf('\0', 2);
                    if (index > 0)
                        visibility = FieldAttributes.Private;
                        typeName   = name.Substring(1, index - 1); // TODO
                        return(name.Substring(index + 1));

            visibility = FieldAttributes.Public;
            typeName   = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a new foreign key field metadata.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fieldName">The foreign key field.</param>
 /// <param name="relatedField">The metadata describing the related field.</param>
 /// <param name="attributes">Additional attributes of the field.</param>
 public ForeignKeyFieldMetadata(string fieldName, FieldMetadata relatedField, FieldAttributes attributes = FieldAttributes.None)
     : base(fieldName, (relatedField is IntegerFieldMetadata) ? ((IntegerFieldMetadata)relatedField).MinimumValue : 0,
            (relatedField is IntegerFieldMetadata) ? ((IntegerFieldMetadata)relatedField).MaximumValue : Int32.MaxValue, attributes)
     RelatedField = relatedField;
 public override JsVariableField CreateField(string name, object value, FieldAttributes attributes)
     return(new JsVariableField(JsFieldType.WithField, name, attributes, null));
 public void GetFieldDefProps(int mdToken, out FieldAttributes fieldAttributes)
     _GetFieldDefProps(m_metadataImport2, mdToken, out int _fieldAttributes);
     fieldAttributes = (FieldAttributes)_fieldAttributes;
Exemple #58
 internal static extern void SetValue(RtFieldInfo field, object obj, object value, RuntimeType fieldType, FieldAttributes fieldAttr, RuntimeType declaringType, ref bool domainInitialized);
Exemple #59
        // FilterAttribute
        //  This method will search for a member based upon the attribute passed in.
        //  filterCriteria -- an Int32 representing the attribute
        internal virtual bool FilterAttribute(MemberInfo m, Object filterCriteria)
            // Check that the criteria object is an Integer object
            if (filterCriteria == null)
                throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException(Environment.GetResourceString("RFLCT.FltCritInt"));

            switch (m.MemberType)
            case MemberTypes.Constructor:
            case MemberTypes.Method: {
                MethodAttributes criteria = 0;
                try {
                    int i = (int)filterCriteria;
                    criteria = (MethodAttributes)i;
                catch {
                    throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException(Environment.GetResourceString("RFLCT.FltCritInt"));

                MethodAttributes attr;
                if (m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Method)
                    attr = ((MethodInfo)m).Attributes;
                    attr = ((ConstructorInfo)m).Attributes;

                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) != (criteria & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask))
                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.Static) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.Static) == 0)
                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.Final) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.Final) == 0)
                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.Virtual) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.Virtual) == 0)
                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.Abstract) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.Abstract) == 0)
                if (((criteria & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) != 0) && (attr & MethodAttributes.SpecialName) == 0)

            case MemberTypes.Field:
                FieldAttributes criteria = 0;
                try {
                    int i = (int)filterCriteria;
                    criteria = (FieldAttributes)i;
                catch {
                    throw new InvalidFilterCriteriaException(Environment.GetResourceString("RFLCT.FltCritInt"));

                FieldAttributes attr = ((FieldInfo)m).Attributes;
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask) != (criteria & FieldAttributes.FieldAccessMask))
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.Static) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.Static) == 0)
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.InitOnly) == 0)
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.Literal) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.Literal) == 0)
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.NotSerialized) == 0)
                if (((criteria & FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl) != 0) && (attr & FieldAttributes.PinvokeImpl) == 0)

Exemple #60
 public FieldBuilder DefineField(string fieldName, Type type, Type[] requiredCustomModifiers, Type[] optionalCustomModifiers, FieldAttributes attributes)
     return(__DefineField(fieldName, type, CustomModifiers.FromReqOpt(requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers), attributes));