private Dictionary <string, ComponentValue> CheckValueConflict(Dictionary <string, ComponentValue> preAnsDict, KeyValuePair <string, ComponentValue> item)
            var list = preAnsDict.ToList();
            //var index = list.IndexOf(item);
            //if (index == list.Count-1) return preAnsDict;
            int index = -1;

            for (int i = index + 1; i < list.Count; i++)
                //var newAnsList = list.GetRange(0, i);
                //var newAnsDict = new Dictionary<string, ComponentValue>();
                //newAnsList.ForEach(t => newAnsDict.Add(t.Key, t.Value));
                //var avaiCompValues = FIlterCV.Filter(list[i].Key, CVs, _restrictedList, newAnsDict);
                var avaiCompValues = FIlterCV.Filter(list[i].Key, CVs, _restrictedList, preAnsDict);
                if (!avaiCompValues.Contains(list[i].Value))
            // find the index of current Commponent (in dict) (actually, why using index? Forget about performance, just scan through the whole list
            // check the values afterwards in dict (with larger index), if these values is in PossibleValueList?
            // foreach (var comp nam o phia sau)
            // create newPreAnsDict, store values from this key to the start of dict.
            // availableCompValues = FilterCV.Filter(key, CVs, restrictedList, newDict)
            // if value correspond to that doesn't belong to the list => remove it
        public MainWindow()
            //Categories = new List<string>();
            //Components = new List<string>();
            //CVs = new List<string>();

            //ParserDefinition.CategoryList.ForEach(t => Categories.Add(t.Name));
            //ParserDefinition.ComponentList.ForEach(t => Components.Add(t.Name));
            //ParserDefinition.CVList.ForEach(t => CVs.Add(t.Value));

            #region Data Access
            Categories = new List <Category>();
            Components = new List <Component>();
            CVs        = new List <ComponentValue>();

            Categories = ParserDefinition.CategoryList;
            Components = ParserDefinition.ComponentList;
            CVs        = ParserDefinition.CVList;

            _restrictedList = ParserConstraint.Restriction;


            #region View Model (before)
            //CategoriesVM = new List<CategoryVM>();
            //Categories.ForEach(t => CategoriesVM.Add(new CategoryVM(t)));

            //ComponentsVM = new List<ComponentVM>();
            //foreach (var cat in CategoriesVM)
            //    ComponentsVM.AddRange(cat.Components);

            //CVsVM = new List<CV_VM>();
            //foreach (var comp in ComponentsVM)
            //    CVsVM.AddRange(comp.CVs_VM);


            var viewModel = new TreeViewModel();
            _previousAnsCollection   = new ObservableCollection <PreviousAnsModel>();
            MainTreeView.DataContext = viewModel;

            _preAnsDict = new Dictionary <string, ComponentValue>();
            _modelItem  = new TreeModel();
            MainTreeView.SelectedItemChanged += delegate(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <object> e)
                _modelItem = e.NewValue as TreeModel;
                if (!_modelItem.Type.Equals(EnumComponentType.Component) || _modelItem == null)
                viewModel.SelectedModel = _modelItem;

                var list = FIlterCV.Filter(viewModel.SelectedModel.Name, viewModel.ComponentValueChoices.ToList(), _restrictedList, _preAnsDict);
                _compValuesAvail = new ObservableCollection <ComponentValue>(list);

                ComboBox_CV.ItemsSource       = _compValuesAvail;
                ComboBox_CVContent.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
            ComboBox_CV.SelectionChanged += ComboBox_CV_SelectionChanged;