private void AttackMethod() { if (warRoom.countriesAtWar.Count > 1) { var countryWars = warRoom.RandomCountries(); PointF attackPoint = new PointF(countryWars.x1, countryWars.y1); PointF defendPoint = new PointF(countryWars.x2, countryWars.y2); curveStart = attackPoint; curveEnd = defendPoint; CreateCurve(curveStart, curveEnd); float x = countryWars.x2 - 20; float y = countryWars.y2 - 20; var g = Graphics.FromImage(Background.BackgroundImage); if (ClearLinesCheckBox.Checked && drawLoop >= 1) { g.Clear(Color.Transparent); drawLoop = 0; } g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2); g.DrawCurve(pen, curvePointList.ToArray()); ExplosionPictureBox.Hide(); ExplosionPictureBox.Show(); ExplosionPictureBox.Location = new Point((int)x, (int)y); Background.Refresh(); drawLoop++; Thread ES = new Thread(() => MediaPlayer.ExplosionSound()); ES.Start(); } else { warTimer.Stop(); ExplosionPictureBox.Hide(); EndCredits endPage = new EndCredits(); endPage.GetWinCountry(warRoom.countriesAtWar[0].CountryName); if (endPage.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { Graphics.FromImage(Background.BackgroundImage).Clear(Color.Transparent); Background.Refresh(); PauseButton.Enabled = false; CustomizeGameBtn.Enabled = true; warRoom.countriesAtWar.Clear(); IsOn = !IsOn; } else { EnduranceListBox.DataSource = null; Close(); } } }
private void PauseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsPause = !IsPause; if (IsPause) { warTimer.Stop(); ExplosionPictureBox.Hide(); } if (!IsPause) { warTimer.Start(); } }
private void StartButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IsOn = !IsOn; if (IsOn) { //if the user havent visited the "customize" section the when pressed it will create a list of countries with default stats if (warRoom.countriesAtWar.Count == 0) { warRoom.CountryList(); PauseButton.Enabled = true; CustomizeGameBtn.Enabled = false; } //start the program using the list with stats from the "customize" section else { PauseButton.Enabled = true; CustomizeGameBtn.Enabled = false; } warTimer.Start(); } if (!IsOn) { //stops the war, when it says Stop also works as and reset the list warRoom.countriesAtWar.Clear(); ExplosionPictureBox.Hide(); PauseButton.Enabled = false; CustomizeGameBtn.Enabled = true; warTimer.Stop(); ExplosionPictureBox.Hide(); if (IsPause) { IsPause = !IsPause; } IsPause = IsPause; } Graphics.FromImage(Background.BackgroundImage).Clear(Color.Transparent); Background.Refresh(); warRoom.countriesAtWar.Sort(); ((CurrencyManager)EnduranceListBox.BindingContext[warRoom.countriesAtWar]).Refresh(); }