Exemple #1
        public int EnumErrorBreakpoints(enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE bpErrorType, out IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 ppEnum)
            if (_deleted)
                ppEnum = null;

            ppEnum = new EnumDebugErrorBreakpoints(_errorBreakpoints);
        public int EnumErrorBreakpoints(enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE bpErrorType, out IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 ppEnum)
            if (_deleted)
                ppEnum = null;
                return AD7Constants.E_BP_DELETED;

            ppEnum = new EnumDebugErrorBreakpoints(_errorBreakpoints);
            return VSConstants.S_OK;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this pending breakpoint can bind to a code location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ppErrorEnum">
        /// [out] Returns an IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 object that contains a list of IDebugErrorBreakpoint2
        /// objects if there could be errors.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If successful, returns S_OK. Returns S_FALSE if the breakpoint cannot bind, in which case the errors
        /// are returned by the ppErrorEnum parameter. Otherwise, returns an error code. Returns E_BP_DELETED if
        /// the breakpoint has been deleted.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is called to determine what would happen if this pending breakpoint was bound. Call the
        /// IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::Bind method to actually bind the pending breakpoint.
        /// </remarks>
        public int CanBind(out IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 ppErrorEnum)
            if (_deleted)
                ppErrorEnum = null;
                return AD7Constants.E_BP_DELETED;

            string fileName = RequestLocation.DocumentPosition.GetFileName();
            int lineNumber = RequestLocation.DocumentPosition.GetRange().iStartLine + 1;
            bool errorNotFirstOnLine = false;

            IEnumerable<JavaDebugProgram> programs = DebugEngine.Programs.ToArray();
            foreach (var program in programs)
                if (!program.IsLoaded)

                IVirtualMachine virtualMachine = program.VirtualMachine;
                ReadOnlyCollection<IReferenceType> classes = virtualMachine.GetAllClasses();
                foreach (var @class in classes)
                    if ([email protected]())

                    ReadOnlyCollection<ILocation> locations = @class.GetLocationsOfLine(@class.GetDefaultStratum(), Path.GetFileName(fileName), lineNumber);
                    ILocation bindLocation = locations.OrderBy(i => i.GetCodeIndex()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (bindLocation != null)
                        if (IsFirstOnLine())
                            ppErrorEnum = null;
                            return VSConstants.S_OK;
                            errorNotFirstOnLine = true;

                if (errorNotFirstOnLine)

            foreach (var program in programs)
                JavaDebugThread thread = null;
                IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext = new DebugDocumentCodeContext(RequestLocation.DocumentPosition);
                BreakpointResolutionLocation location = new BreakpointResolutionLocationCode(codeContext);
                string message = "The class is not yet loaded, or the location is not present in the debug symbols for this document.";
                if (errorNotFirstOnLine)
                    message = "Only breakpoints on the first statement on a line can be bound at this time.";

                DebugErrorBreakpointResolution resolution = new DebugErrorBreakpointResolution(program, thread, enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE, location, enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE.BPET_GENERAL_WARNING, message);
                DebugErrorBreakpoint errorBreakpoint = new DebugErrorBreakpoint(this, resolution);

                DebugEvent debugEvent = new DebugBreakpointErrorEvent(enum_EVENTATTRIBUTES.EVENT_ASYNCHRONOUS, errorBreakpoint);
                program.Callback.Event(DebugEngine, program.Process, program, null, debugEvent);

            if (_errorBreakpoints.Count == 0)
                JavaDebugProgram program = null;
                JavaDebugThread thread = null;
                IDebugCodeContext2 codeContext = new DebugDocumentCodeContext(RequestLocation.DocumentPosition);
                BreakpointResolutionLocation location = new BreakpointResolutionLocationCode(codeContext);
                string message = "The binding process is not yet implemented.";

                DebugErrorBreakpointResolution resolution = new DebugErrorBreakpointResolution(program, thread, enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE, location, enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE.BPET_GENERAL_ERROR, message);
                DebugErrorBreakpoint errorBreakpoint = new DebugErrorBreakpoint(this, resolution);

            ppErrorEnum = new EnumDebugErrorBreakpoints(_errorBreakpoints);
            return VSConstants.S_FALSE;
Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this pending breakpoint can bind to a code location.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ppErrorEnum">
        /// [out] Returns an IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 object that contains a list of IDebugErrorBreakpoint2
        /// objects if there could be errors.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// If successful, returns S_OK. Returns S_FALSE if the breakpoint cannot bind, in which case the errors
        /// are returned by the ppErrorEnum parameter. Otherwise, returns an error code. Returns E_BP_DELETED if
        /// the breakpoint has been deleted.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is called to determine what would happen if this pending breakpoint was bound. Call the
        /// IDebugPendingBreakpoint2::Bind method to actually bind the pending breakpoint.
        /// </remarks>
        public int CanBind(out IEnumDebugErrorBreakpoints2 ppErrorEnum)
            if (_deleted)
                ppErrorEnum = null;

            string fileName            = RequestLocation.DocumentPosition.GetFileName();
            int    lineNumber          = RequestLocation.DocumentPosition.GetRange().iStartLine + 1;
            bool   errorNotFirstOnLine = false;

            IEnumerable <JavaDebugProgram> programs = DebugEngine.Programs.ToArray();

            foreach (var program in programs)
                if (!program.IsLoaded)

                IVirtualMachine virtualMachine = program.VirtualMachine;
                ReadOnlyCollection <IReferenceType> classes = virtualMachine.GetAllClasses();
                foreach (var @class in classes)
                    if ([email protected]())

                    ReadOnlyCollection <ILocation> locations = @class.GetLocationsOfLine(@class.GetDefaultStratum(), Path.GetFileName(fileName), lineNumber);
                    ILocation bindLocation = locations.OrderBy(i => i.GetCodeIndex()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (bindLocation != null)
                        if (IsFirstOnLine())
                            ppErrorEnum = null;
                            errorNotFirstOnLine = true;

                if (errorNotFirstOnLine)

            foreach (var program in programs)
                JavaDebugThread              thread      = null;
                IDebugCodeContext2           codeContext = new DebugDocumentCodeContext(RequestLocation.DocumentPosition);
                BreakpointResolutionLocation location    = new BreakpointResolutionLocationCode(codeContext);
                string message = "The class is not yet loaded, or the location is not present in the debug symbols for this document.";
                if (errorNotFirstOnLine)
                    message = "Only breakpoints on the first statement on a line can be bound at this time.";

                DebugErrorBreakpointResolution resolution      = new DebugErrorBreakpointResolution(program, thread, enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE, location, enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE.BPET_GENERAL_WARNING, message);
                DebugErrorBreakpoint           errorBreakpoint = new DebugErrorBreakpoint(this, resolution);

                DebugEvent debugEvent = new DebugBreakpointErrorEvent(enum_EVENTATTRIBUTES.EVENT_ASYNCHRONOUS, errorBreakpoint);
                program.Callback.Event(DebugEngine, program.Process, program, null, debugEvent);

            if (_errorBreakpoints.Count == 0)
                JavaDebugProgram             program     = null;
                JavaDebugThread              thread      = null;
                IDebugCodeContext2           codeContext = new DebugDocumentCodeContext(RequestLocation.DocumentPosition);
                BreakpointResolutionLocation location    = new BreakpointResolutionLocationCode(codeContext);
                string message = "The binding process is not yet implemented.";

                DebugErrorBreakpointResolution resolution      = new DebugErrorBreakpointResolution(program, thread, enum_BP_TYPE.BPT_CODE, location, enum_BP_ERROR_TYPE.BPET_GENERAL_ERROR, message);
                DebugErrorBreakpoint           errorBreakpoint = new DebugErrorBreakpoint(this, resolution);

            ppErrorEnum = new EnumDebugErrorBreakpoints(_errorBreakpoints);