Exemple #1
        public static void DrawCircleAndOutline(float radius, EntityDrawContext context)
            float outlineRadius = radius + 1;

            // selected items get highlighted
            if (context.isSelected)
                // draw selection aura
                    2 * (outlineRadius + context.style.highlightStrength),
            else if (context.isUnexlored)
                // draw unexplored aura
                    2 * (outlineRadius + context.style.highlightStrength),

            // draw outline disc
            DrawSquareTexture(context.position, 2 * outlineRadius, Color.black, context.style.discImage);

            // draw entity disc
            Color entityColor = context.isTarget ? context.style.targetBackgroundColor : context.style.backgroundColor;

            DrawSquareTexture(context.position, 2 * radius, entityColor, context.style.discImage);
Exemple #2
        // draw content box background, outline and selection/unexplored aura
        public static void DrawBoxAndBackground(Rect contentRect, EntityDrawContext context)
            Rect outlineRect = contentRect.AddBorder(1);

            // selected items get highlighted
            if (context.isSelected)
                var auraRect = outlineRect.AddBorder(context.style.highlightStrength);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(auraRect, context.style.highlightColor);
            else if (context.isUnexlored)
                var auraRect = outlineRect.AddBorder(context.style.highlightStrength);
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(auraRect, context.style.unexploredColor);
                // draw shadow
                EditorGUI.DrawRect(outlineRect.Move(shadowOffset), context.style.shadowColor);

            // draw outline rect
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(outlineRect, Color.black);

            // draw content rect
            EditorGUI.DrawRect(contentRect, context.isTarget ? context.style.targetBackgroundColor : context.style.backgroundColor);
		public static void DrawCircleAndOutline( float radius, EntityDrawContext context )
			float outlineRadius = radius + 1;

			// selected items get highlighted
			if ( context.isSelected )
				// draw selection aura
					2 * ( outlineRadius + context.style.highlightStrength),
			else if ( context.isUnexlored )
				// draw unexplored aura
					2 * ( outlineRadius + context.style.highlightStrength),

			// draw outline disc
			DrawSquareTexture( context.position, 2 * outlineRadius, Color.black, context.style.discImage );

			// draw entity disc
			Color entityColor = context.isTarget ? context.style.targetBackgroundColor : context.style.backgroundColor;
			DrawSquareTexture( context.position, 2* radius, entityColor, context.style.discImage);
		// draw content box background, outline and selection/unexplored aura
		public static void DrawBoxAndBackground(Rect contentRect, EntityDrawContext context )
			Rect outlineRect = contentRect.AddBorder( 1 );

			// selected items get highlighted
			if ( context.isSelected )
				var auraRect = outlineRect.AddBorder( context.style.highlightStrength );
				EditorGUI.DrawRect( auraRect, context.style.highlightColor );
			else if ( context.isUnexlored )
				var auraRect = outlineRect.AddBorder( context.style.highlightStrength );
				EditorGUI.DrawRect( auraRect, context.style.unexploredColor );
				// draw shadow
				EditorGUI.DrawRect( outlineRect.Move( shadowOffset ), context.style.shadowColor );

			// draw outline rect
			EditorGUI.DrawRect( outlineRect, Color.black );

			// draw content rect
			EditorGUI.DrawRect( contentRect, context.isTarget ? context.style.targetBackgroundColor : context.style.backgroundColor );
Exemple #5
        // draw the content in a rect or circle widget, depending on context
        public static Rect DrawContent(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
            switch (context.widgetType)
            case EntityWidgetType.Circle:
                return(DrawCircleWidget(content, context));

            case EntityWidgetType.Rect:
                return(DrawRectWidget(content, context));
		// draw the content in a rect or circle widget, depending on context
		public static Rect DrawContent(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
			switch (context.widgetType)
				case EntityWidgetType.Circle:
					return DrawCircleWidget(content, context);

				case EntityWidgetType.Rect:
					return DrawRectWidget(content, context);
Exemple #7
        // draw content in rect widget
        public static Rect DrawRectWidget(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
            // determine the space required for drawing the content
            Vector2 contentExtents = context.style.contentStyle.CalcSize(content);
            Rect    labelRect      = Util.CenterRect(context.position, contentExtents);

            DrawBoxAndBackground(labelRect, context);

            // draw label
            content.tooltip = string.Empty;             // RI dll handles tooltip drawing
            GUI.Label(labelRect, content, context.style.contentStyle);

        // draw nodes representing scene root GameObject in a special color
        public override Rect DrawContent(ObjectNode entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
            if (!entity.IsSceneObject)
                return(DrawUtil.DrawContent(GetContent(entity), drawContext));

            var colorBackup = drawContext.style.backgroundColor;

            drawContext.style.backgroundColor = sceneNodeColor;
            var rect = DrawUtil.DrawContent(GetContent(entity), drawContext);

            drawContext.style.backgroundColor = colorBackup;
		// draw content in rect widget
		public static Rect DrawRectWidget(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
			// determine the space required for drawing the content
			Vector2 contentExtents = context.style.contentStyle.CalcSize(content);
			Rect labelRect = Util.CenterRect(context.position, contentExtents);

			DrawBoxAndBackground( labelRect, context );

			// draw label
			content.tooltip = string.Empty; // RI dll handles tooltip drawing
			GUI.Label( labelRect, content, context.style.contentStyle );

			return labelRect;
Exemple #10
        // draw content in circle widget
        public static Rect DrawCircleWidget(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
            float contentSize = 2 * context.style.widgetRadius;
            float radius      = context.style.widgetRadius * sqrt2;

            DrawCircleAndOutline(radius, context);

            // draw content icon, if any
            if (content.image != null)
                Rect contentRect = Util.CenterRect(context.position, new Vector2(contentSize, contentSize));
                GUI.DrawTexture(contentRect, content.image, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);

            return(Util.CenterRect(context.position, new Vector2(radius * 2, radius * 2)));
Exemple #11
        // draw the node widget (the icon sprite makes this complicated)
        public static Rect DrawSpriteContent(string label, Sprite icon, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
            var labelContent = new GUIContent(label);

            // fall back to the default widget where there's no icon or the user wants cirles
            if (icon == null || drawContext.widgetType == EntityWidgetType.Circle)
                return(DrawUtil.DrawContent(labelContent, drawContext));

            // calculate layout for icon and label, then draw them
            var iconExtents    = new Vector2(25, 25);
            var padding        = new Vector2(4, 4);
            var contentExtents = drawContext.style.contentStyle.CalcSize(labelContent);
            var widgetExtents  = new Vector2(3 * padding.x + iconExtents.x + contentExtents.x, 2 * padding.y + iconExtents.y);

            var widgetRect = Util.CenterRect(drawContext.position, widgetExtents);

            // draw the widget outer box
            DrawUtil.DrawBoxAndBackground(widgetRect, drawContext);

            // draw the icon
            var iconOrigin = widgetRect.GetOrigin() + padding;

            DrawTextureGUI(iconOrigin, icon, iconExtents);

            // draw the label
            var contentRectOrigin = new Vector2
                widgetRect.xMin + 2 * padding.x + iconExtents.x,
                widgetRect.yMin + (widgetExtents.y - contentExtents.y) / 2);

            var contentRect = new Rect(contentRectOrigin.x, contentRectOrigin.y, contentExtents.x, contentExtents.y);

            GUI.Label(contentRect, labelContent, drawContext.style.contentStyle);

        public override Rect DrawContent(object entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
            var  asWaveSpec   = entity as WaveSpecifics;
            var  asSpawner    = entity as WaveSyncroPrefabSpawner;
            bool disabledNode =
                (asWaveSpec != null && asWaveSpec.enableWave == false) ||
                (asSpawner != null && asSpawner.activeMode == LevelSettings.ActiveItemMode.Never);

            if (disabledNode)
                var backupBgColor        = drawContext.style.backgroundColor;
                var backendTargetBgColor = drawContext.style.targetBackgroundColor;
                drawContext.style.backgroundColor = drawContext.style.targetBackgroundColor = inactiveColor;
                var rect = base.DrawContent(entity, drawContext);
                drawContext.style.backgroundColor       = backupBgColor;
                drawContext.style.targetBackgroundColor = backendTargetBgColor;
                return(base.DrawContent(entity, drawContext));
Exemple #13
 // draw content
 public Rect DrawContent(Object entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
     return(DrawUtil.DrawContent(GetContent(entity), drawContext));
        }                                                                    // do nothing


        #region content drawing

        // DrawContent is responsible for rendering entity information
        // it returns the Rect that it filled
        public virtual Rect DrawContent(T entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
            return(DrawUtil.DrawContent(GetContent(entity), drawContext));
 // DrawContent is responsible for rendering entity information
 // it returns the Rect that it filled
 public virtual Rect DrawContent(T entity, EntityDrawContext drawContext)
     return(DrawUtil.DrawContent(new GUIContent(entity.name), drawContext));
Exemple #16
		// draw content in circle widget
		public static Rect DrawCircleWidget(GUIContent content, EntityDrawContext context)
			float contentSize = 2 * context.style.widgetRadius;
			float radius = context.style.widgetRadius * sqrt2;

			DrawCircleAndOutline( radius, context );

			// draw content icon, if any
			if (content.image != null)
				Rect contentRect = Util.CenterRect(context.position, new Vector2(contentSize, contentSize));
				GUI.DrawTexture(contentRect, content.image, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);

			return Util.CenterRect(context.position, new Vector2(radius * 2, radius * 2));