public ActionResult RemoveProfile(int id)
            string error = "";
            //SetViewBag();    // ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee update
            EmployeeViewBO employeeBO = bl.EditEmployee(id, out error);     //Gets all details for a particular Employee to edit

            //employeeBO.EmployeePaymentList = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(employeeBO);   //Gets payment list for a particular Employee
            if (bl.RemoveProfile(id, out error) == true)    //Successfully removed Profile
                    success = true,
                    errorMsg = error
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            else  //Failed to remove the Profile
                    success = false,
                    errorMsg = error
                }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
            //return View("CreateEditEmployee", employeeBO);
        public ActionResult ListPayment()
            var employeePaymentViewBO = new EmployeeViewBO();

            employeePaymentViewBO.EmployeePaymentList = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(employeePaymentViewBO); //Gets Payment List for a particular Employee
            return(PartialView("_EmployeePaymentList", employeePaymentViewBO.EmployeePaymentList));       //Partially returns "_EmployeePaymentList"
        public ActionResult EditEmployee(int id)
            string error = "";

            ViewBag.CurrentTab = "Employee";                                       //Sets the "Resource Details" tab as active
            SetViewBag();                                                          // ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee update
            EmployeeViewBO employeeBO = bl.EditEmployee(id, out error);            //Gets all fields values for a selected Employee

            if (employeeBO != null)                                                //When the selected Employee is exist
                employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO            = new ResourceSubMenuBO(); //Sets the values for "ResourceSubMenuBO" models
                employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.FName      = employeeBO.FirstName;
                employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.LName      = employeeBO.LastName;
                employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;

                employeeBO.EmployeePaymentBO   = new EmployeePaymentBO();                             //Gets the Employee Payment models values
                employeeBO.EmployeePaymentList = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(employeeBO);               //Gets the Payment List for a particular Employee

                employeeBO.WorkingPatternDetailsBO    = new Employee_WorkingPatternDetailsBO();       //Gets the Employee WorkingPattern models values
                employeeBO.EmployeeWorkingPatternList = bl.GetEmployeeWorkingPatternList(employeeBO); //Gets the WorkingPattern List for a particular Employee

                if (employeeBO.ProfilePhoto == null)                                                  //When the profile is not uploaded
                    return(View("CreateEditEmployee", employeeBO));
                employeeBO.PhotoString = "data: image / png; base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(employeeBO.ProfilePhoto); //Profile is uploaded then Binary Image converts to string for viewing purpose
            else                                                                                                         //When the selected Employee is not exist
                TempData["Error"] = error;
                return(RedirectToAction("Index"));    //Returns to the Index page
            return(View("CreateEditEmployee", employeeBO));
        public ActionResult CreateWorkingPattern()
            var empView = new EmployeeViewBO();

            empView.WorkingPatternDetailsBO    = new Employee_WorkingPatternDetailsBO();
            empView.EmployeeWorkingPatternList = bl.GetEmployeeWorkingPatternList(empView);     //Gets List of Working Pattern for a particular Employee
            return(PartialView("_CreateEditWorkingPattern", empView.WorkingPatternDetailsBO));  //Partially returns "_CreateEditWorkingPattern"
        public ActionResult CreatePayment()
            var empView = new EmployeeViewBO();

            empView.EmployeePaymentBO   = new EmployeePaymentBO();
            empView.EmployeePaymentList = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(empView);     //Gets List of Payment for a particular Employee
            SetViewBag();                                                         //ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee creation or update
            return(PartialView("_CreateEditPayment", empView.EmployeePaymentBO)); //Partially returns "_CreateEditPayment"
        public ActionResult EditWorkingPattern(int id)
            string error;
            var    empView = new EmployeeViewBO();

            empView.WorkingPatternDetailsBO    = bl.EditEmployeeWorkingPattern(id, out error); //Gets details for edit the Working Pattern
            empView.EmployeeWorkingPatternList = bl.GetEmployeeWorkingPatternList(empView);    //Gets Working Pattern List for a particular Employee
            SetViewBag();                                                                      //ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee creation or update
            return(PartialView("_CreateEditWorkingPattern", empView.WorkingPatternDetailsBO)); //Partially returns "_CreateEditWorkingPattern"
        public ActionResult EditPayment(int id)
            string error;
            var    empView = new EmployeeViewBO();

            empView.EmployeePaymentBO   = bl.EditEmployeePayment(id, out error);  //Gets details for Edit Payment
            empView.EmployeePaymentList = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(empView);     //Gets PaymentList for a particular Employee
            SetViewBag();                                                         //ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee creation or update
            return(PartialView("_CreateEditPayment", empView.EmployeePaymentBO)); //Partially returns "_CreateEditPayment"
        public ActionResult CreateEmployee()
            SetViewBag();   //ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee creation
            var employee = new EmployeeViewBO();

            employee.WorkingPatternDetailsBO    = new Employee_WorkingPatternDetailsBO();
            employee.AddressViewModel           = new AddressViewModel();
            employee.AddressViewModel.CountryID = addressBl.GetDefaultCountry();    //Sets the default country for Country's dropdown
            return(View("CreateEditEmployee", employee));
        public ActionResult CreateEmployee(EmployeeViewBO employeeBO, HttpPostedFileBase UploadFile)
            string error = "";

            SetViewBag();   // ViewBag values set for all dropdowns in the Employee creation
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (employeeBO.EmployeeID == 0)                                     //Creates a new Employee
                    if (bl.SaveEmployee(employeeBO, out error, UploadFile) == true) //Successfully saved
                        TempData["Success"] = error;
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index"));   //Returns to the Index page
                    else  //Failed to save Employee
                        TempData["Error"] = error;
                else                                                                  //Updates a particular Employee
                    if (bl.UpdateEmployee(employeeBO, out error, UploadFile) == true) //Successfully updated
                        TempData["Success"] = error;
                        //return RedirectToAction("Index");   //Returns to the Index page
                    else  //Failed to Employee update
                        TempData["Error"] = error;
                    employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO            = new ResourceSubMenuBO(); //Sets the values for "ResourceSubMenuBO" models
                    employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.FName      = employeeBO.FirstName;
                    employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.LName      = employeeBO.LastName;
                    employeeBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;

                    employeeBO.EmployeePaymentList        = bl.GetEmployeePaymentList(employeeBO);        //Gets the EmployeePayment list for a particular Employee
                    employeeBO.EmployeeWorkingPatternList = bl.GetEmployeeWorkingPatternList(employeeBO); //Gets the EmployeeWorkingPattern list for a particular Employee
                    employeeBO.PhotoFileType = bl.GetPhotoFileTypeVal(employeeBO);
                    employeeBO.ProfilePhoto  = bl.GetImageFromDataBase(employeeBO.EmployeeID, out error);
                    if (employeeBO.ProfilePhoto == null)    //When the profile is not uploaded
                        return(View("CreateEditEmployee", employeeBO));
                    employeeBO.PhotoString = "data: image / png; base64," + Convert.ToBase64String(employeeBO.ProfilePhoto);    //Profile is uploaded then Binary Image converts to string for viewing purpose

            return(View("CreateEditEmployee", employeeBO));
        public ActionResult SkillsIndex(int id)
            string error;

            ViewBag.CurrentTab = "Skill";                               //Sets the "Skills" tab as active
            EmployeeViewBO employeeBO = bl.EditEmployee(id, out error); //Gets the EmployeeID for update the Skills

            var employeeSkillViewBO = new EmployeeSkillViewBO();

            employeeSkillViewBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;                     //Gets EmployeeID

            employeeSkillViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO            = new ResourceSubMenuBO(); //Sets the values for "ResourceSubMenuBO" models
            employeeSkillViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.FName      = employeeBO.FirstName;
            employeeSkillViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.LName      = employeeBO.LastName;
            employeeSkillViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;

            employeeSkillViewBO.SkillCategoryList = bl.GetSkillCategoryList(id);    //Gets the list of Skills for a particular Employee

        /// <summary>
        /// Displays an Index page for "Resource Experience"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id: EmployeeID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ExperienceIndex(int id)
            string error;

            ViewBag.CurrentTab = "Experience";                          //Sets the "Experience" tab as active
            EmployeeViewBO employeeBO = bl.EditEmployee(id, out error); //Gets the EmployeeID for update the Experience for a particular Employee

            var employeeExperienceViewBO = new EmployeeExperienceViewBO();

            employeeExperienceViewBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;        //Gets EmployeeID

            employeeExperienceViewBO.EmployeeExperienceViewModels            = new EmployeeExperienceViewModels();
            employeeExperienceViewBO.EmployeeExperienceViewModels.ResourceID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;                                       //Sets the EmployeeID to update the "Experience"
            employeeExperienceViewBO.EmployeeExpereienceList = bl.GetExperienceList(employeeExperienceViewBO.EmployeeExperienceViewModels); //Gets List of all Experience for a particular Employee

            employeeExperienceViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO            = new ResourceSubMenuBO();                                                //Sets the values for "ResourceSubMenuBO" models
            employeeExperienceViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.FName      = employeeBO.FirstName;
            employeeExperienceViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.LName      = employeeBO.LastName;
            employeeExperienceViewBO.ResourceSubMenuBO.EmployeeID = employeeBO.EmployeeID;
