public string emailsend(Emailclass ec)
            var adminlist = context.Admins.ToList();

            foreach (var admin in adminlist)
                if (ec.ProjectName == admin.ProjectName)
                    if (admin.Designation == "Manager")
                        ManagerEmail = admin.Email;
                    if (admin.Role == "Team Lead")
                        // Email= admin.Email;
            string To       = ManagerEmail;
            string Cc       = ec.From;
            string body     = ec.Body;
            string subject  = ec.Subject;
            string from     = ec.From;
            string Password = ec.Password;

            MailMessage mm = new MailMessage();

            mm.From = new MailAddress(from);

            mm.Subject = subject;
            mm.Body    = body;
            // mm.Cc = CC;

            mm.IsBodyHtml = false;

            SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("");

            smtp.Port = 587;
            smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
            smtp.EnableSsl             = true;
            smtp.Credentials           = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(ec.From, ec.Password);
            return("The Mail Has Been Sent To" + To.ToString());
Exemple #2
        private async Task Run()
            await Task.Run(async() =>
                const string hostelastic = "";
                string hostName          = "";
                int port        = 110;
                bool useSsl     = false;
                string userName = "******";
                string password = "******";
                using (var client = new Pop3Client())
                    client.Connect(hostName, port, useSsl);
                    client.Authenticate(userName, password);
                    for (int i = 0; i < client.Count; i++)
                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            progress.Text = i + " out of: " + client.Count + " emails processed. :)";

                        var uID      = client.GetMessageUid(i);
                        var message  = client.GetMessage(i);
                        var subject  = message.Subject;
                        var addrfrom = message.From;
                        //  MessageBox.Show(message.TextBody.Trim());
                        excerpt = "";

                        // update the ui thread asynchronously

                        //if (
                        //message.TextBody.Trim() == null) {

                        //    excerpt = message.HtmlBody.Trim();
                        //} else {
                        //    excerpt = message.TextBody.Trim();
                        //        }
                        var debug = message.TextBody;
                        if (message.TextBody == null)
                            excerpt = message.HtmlBody.Trim();
                            excerpt = message.TextBody.Trim();
                        var cid   = "";
                        var match = Regex.Match(excerpt, "Emmarescid###(.*)###");
                        cid       = match.Groups[1].Value; // Campaign ID
                        excerpt   = Regex.Replace(excerpt, @"\r\n?|\n", " ");
                        excerpt   = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "&#x10C;", "Č");
                        excerpt   = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "&zwnj;", "");

                        /*string pattern0 = "(?<= style)(.*)(?= style)";
                         * Regex rgx0 = new Regex(pattern0);
                         * excerpt = rgx0.Replace(excerpt, "");*/
                        string pattern0s = "<script(?:\r|\n|.)+</script>";
                        Regex rgx0s      = new Regex(pattern0s);
                        excerpt          = rgx0s.Replace(excerpt, "");
                        string pattern0  = "<style(?:\r|\n|.)+</style>";
                        Regex rgx0       = new Regex(pattern0);
                        excerpt          = rgx0.Replace(excerpt, "");
                        string pattern   = "<[^<>]+>";
                        //  string pattern = "<[^>]*> ";
                        Regex rgx       = new Regex(pattern);
                        excerpt         = rgx.Replace(excerpt, "");
                        string pattern2 = "{[^{}]+}";
                        Regex rgx2      = new Regex(pattern2);
                        excerpt         = rgx2.Replace(excerpt, "");
                        excerpt         = rgx2.Replace(excerpt, "");
                        string pattern3 = "#.*? ";
                        Regex rgx3      = new Regex(pattern3);
                        excerpt         = rgx3.Replace(excerpt, "");

                        /* string pattern4 = "\\..*? ";
                         * Regex rgx4 = new Regex(pattern4);
                         * excerpt = rgx4.Replace(excerpt, "");*/

                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "<", " ");
                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, ">", " ");
                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "/", " ");

                        // excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "\\\\<*>", " ");
                        // excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, ">", " ");
                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, "\"", "'");

                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, @"\t", " ");
                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, @"\r", " ");
                        excerpt = Regex.Replace(excerpt, @"\s+", " ");

                        if (subject != null)
                            subject = Regex.Replace(subject, "\"", "'");
                            subject = Regex.Replace(subject, @"\t", " ");

                        float score = 0.0F;
                        // Exception handling.
                        var messageId = message.MessageId;
                        if (message.MessageId == null | message.Subject == null)

                        messageId                 = Regex.Replace(messageId, "\"", "");
                        messageId                 = Regex.Replace(messageId, "/", "");
                        var preview               = message.TextBody;
                        var campaignname          = "nocampaignname";
                        var descriptionofcampaign = "nodescriptionofcampaign";
                        var publisher             = "nopublisher";
                        var fieldofinterests      = "fieldofinterests";
                        var region                = "noregion";
                        var contenttype           = "nocontenttype";
                        var optin                 = "";
                        var optout                = "";
                        var affiliatelink         = "";
                        var enddate               = message.To.ToString();
                        string[] enddate1         = enddate.Split(new string[] { "-enddate-" }, StringSplitOptions.None); //[email protected]
                        string[] enddate2         = enddate1.Length > 1 ? enddate1[1].Split(new string[] { "@emmares" }, StringSplitOptions.None) : new string[] { DateTime.Today.AddYears(2).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") };
                        // enddate = 2 leti od dneva vpisa
                        enddate        = enddate2[0]; //"2019-12-09";
                        string content = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.HtmlBody) ? message.HtmlBody : message.TextBody;
                        // addr "n" <*****@*****.**> -> [email protected]

                        var urlwithoutsecureprotocol = "" + messageId;
                        await WaitForItToWork(urlwithoutsecureprotocol, messageId + ".jpg", "test");
                        string addrfrom2 = addrfrom.ToString();
                        if (addrfrom2.Contains("<"))
                            string[] addrsplit = addrfrom2.Split('<');
                            addrfrom2          = addrsplit[1];
                            addrfrom2          = addrfrom2.Replace(">", "");

                        if (cid != "")
                            WebClient savetodb = new WebClient();
                                var addressuri  = "";
                                var datacidaddr = "CampaignID=" + cid + "&Sender_Email=" + addrfrom2;
                                string method   = "POST";
                                savetodb.DownloadString(addressuri + datacidaddr);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                if (!ex.Message.ToLower().Contains("violation"))
                                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                        MessageBox.Show("error:     " + ex);
                        string mailelastic = "";

                        /*WebClient wc = new WebClient();
                         * try
                         * { mailelastic = wc.DownloadString(hostelastic + "/blacklist/_search?q=" + addrfrom.ToString() + "&"); }
                         * catch { mailelastic = "Do not use \", (, ), : and other special characters"; }*/
                        string json   = "{\"query\": {\"term\": {\"email\": \"" + addrfrom2 + "\" }}}";
                        WebClient wc2 = new WebClient();
                        wc2.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
                            mailelastic = wc2.UploadString(hostelastic + "/blacklist/_search?", json);
                            mailelastic = "Error";

                        string mailelastic2 = "";
                        string jsonw        = "{\"query\": {\"term\": {\"email\": \"" + addrfrom2 + "\" }}}";
                        WebClient wc3       = new WebClient();
                        wc3.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
                            mailelastic2 = wc3.UploadString(hostelastic + "/whitelist/_search?", json);
                            mailelastic2 = "Error";
                            var xblacklist = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(mailelastic);
                            var emailclass = new Emailclass();
                            emailclass     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Emailclass>(mailelastic);

                            if (emailclass.Hits.Total != 0)
                                // MessageBox.Show("ta mail je na blacklisti " + emailclass.Hits.HitsHits[0]?.Source.Email.ToString()); //.Query.Term.Email.ToString());
                                // MessageBox.Show(Regex.Replace(excerpt, @"\r\n?|\n", " "));
                                    var xwhitelist    = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(mailelastic2);
                                    var emailclass2   = new Emailclass();
                                    emailclass2       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Emailclass>(mailelastic2);
                                    string todaysdate = DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                    var htmlDoc       = new HtmlDocument();
                                    var htmlNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//a");
                                    if (htmlNodes != null)
                                        for (int i2 = htmlNodes.Count - 1; i2 >= 0; --i2)
                                            if (htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("unsubscribe") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("opt out") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("subscription") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("naročnine") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("odjavi") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("subscriber options") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("uredi profil") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("manage email preferences") ||
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml.ToLower().Contains("posodobi želje"))
                                                htmlNodes[i2].InnerHtml = " ";
                                    using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter())
                                        content = writer.ToString();

                                    Regex r5  = new Regex(@"(?i)unsubscribe.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r5.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r6  = new Regex(@"(?i)opt out.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r6.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r7  = new Regex(@"(?i)subscription.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r7.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r8  = new Regex(@"(?i)odjavi.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r8.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r11 = new Regex(@"publish.*[email protected]");
                                    content   = r11.Replace(content, "");
                                    Regex r12 = new Regex(@"(?i)uredi profil.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r12.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r13 = new Regex(@"(?i)posodobi želje .*?</a>");
                                    content   = r13.Replace(content, " ");
                                    Regex r14 = new Regex(@"(?i)manage email preferences.*?</a>");
                                    content   = r14.Replace(content, " ");
                                    if (!addrfrom.ToString().Contains("@emmares"))
                                        Regex r9  = new Regex(@"Emmares Emmares");
                                        content   = r9.Replace(content, "Reader");
                                        Regex r10 = new Regex(@"Emmares");
                                        content   = r10.Replace(content, "Reader");

                                    if (emailclass2.Hits.Total != 0 && emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Publish == "true")
                                        // MessageBox.Show("ta mail je na whitelisti " + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0]?.Source.Email.ToString()); //.Query.Term.Email.ToString());
                                        //upload to elasticsearch
                                        if (emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Duration != null)
                                            enddate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Duration)).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                                        //MessageBox.Show("main enddate " + enddate);
                                        excerpt = excerpt.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
                                        // MessageBox.Show(emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source.Email + " o " + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source.Optin + " p " + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source.Publish);
                                        string jsonbody = "{ \"subject\" : \"" + subject + "\", \"addrfrom\" : \"" + addrfrom2 + "\", \"excerpt\" : \"" + excerpt + "\", \"score\" : \"0.0\", \"messageid\" : \"" + messageId + "\", \"preview\" : \"!!!preview!!!\", \"campaignname\" : \"Campaign name\", \"descriptionofcampaign\" : \"Description of campaign\", \"publisher\" : \"publisher1\", \"fieldofinterest\" : \"News\", \"region\" : \"Europe\", \"contenttype\" : \"Newsletter\", \"optin\" : \"" + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0]?.Source.Optin + "\", \"optout\" : \"" + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0]?.Source.Optout + "\", \"affiliatelink\" : \"" + emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0]?.Source.Affiliatelink + "\", \"enddate\" : \"" + enddate + "\", \"date\" : \"" + todaysdate + "\" }   ";
                                        WebClient wc4   = new WebClient();
                                        wc4.Encoding    = Encoding.UTF8;

                                        wc4.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");
                                            var debug2 = hostelastic + "/emmares_search_test/_doc/" + jsonbody;
                                            wc4.UploadString(hostelastic + "/emmares_search_test/_doc", jsonbody);
                                            //delete from pop
                                            string potdomaila = "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/App_Data/pages/";
                                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(potdomaila + messageId + ".html", content, Encoding.UTF8);
                                        catch (Exception ex)
                                            //   MessageBox.Show("Error on uploading to es (Main) " + ex);
                                            string logerror = "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/App_Data/errors/";
                                            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(logerror + messageId + ".txt", jsonbody, Encoding.UTF8);
                                        string potdomaila = "C:/inetpub/wwwroot/App_Data/pages/";
                                        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(potdomaila + messageId + ".html", content, Encoding.UTF8);
                                        string url = "" + messageId + "\n";
                                        //MessageBox.Show("To je nov mail, ni na nobeni list ali pa je na whitelisti ampak se še ne objavi avtomatsko");
                                        string white_email     = "";
                                        string white_optin     = "";
                                        string white_optout    = "";
                                        string white_affiliate = "";
                                        string white_duration  = "730";
                                        // string white_publish = "false";

                                        if (emailclass2.Hits.Total != 0)
                                            white_email     = emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source.Email;
                                            white_optin     = emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Optin;
                                            white_optout    = emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Optout;
                                            white_affiliate = emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Affiliatelink;
                                            white_duration  = emailclass2.Hits.HitsHits[0].Source?.Duration;
                                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                            string urless = message.MessageId;

                                            // Testing async screenshot taking.
                                            number.Text = numbering.ToString() + "/" + client.Count;
                                            dataForConfirmation.Add(new NameValueObjectList {
                                                subject = subject, excerpt = excerpt, messageId = messageId, addrfrom2 = addrfrom2, white_email = white_email, white_optin = white_optin, white_optout = white_optout, white_affiliate = white_affiliate, uID = uID, enddate = enddate, white_duration = white_duration

                                            // mailwindow Mailwindow = new mailwindow(subject, excerpt, messageId, addrfrom2, white_email, white_optin, white_optout, white_affiliate, uID, enddate, white_duration);
                                            // Mailwindow.ShowDialog();
                                            // Mailwindow.Objavi_btn_Click(this, null);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                            Mails_number.Content = client.Count.ToString();