public async Task <string> DownloadMp4(string videoUrl)
             * Get the available video formats.
             * We'll work with them in the video and audio download examples.
            Console.WriteLine("Getting Download URL");
            IEnumerable <VideoInfo> videoInfos = await DownloadUrlResolver.GetVideoUrlsAsync(videoUrl, info => info.Resolution == 0);

            VideoInfo video = videoInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            Console.WriteLine("Got it... getting videoType mp4 and resolution0");

            /*VideoInfo video = videoInfos
             *  .FirstOrDefault(info => info.VideoType == VideoType.Mp4 && info.Resolution == 0);*/

             * If the video has a decrypted signature, decipher it
            if (video.RequiresDecryption)
                Console.WriteLine("Video requires decryption... decrypting");
                Console.WriteLine("Finished decrypting");

            var downloadPath = Path.Combine(@"D:\Downloads\miesmuschel\", RemoveIllegalPathCharacters(video.Title + video.VideoExtension));

            Console.WriteLine("Downloadpath will be: " + downloadPath);
            if (!File.Exists(downloadPath))
                Console.WriteLine("Downloading audio...");
                HttpClient web      = new HttpClient();
                Stream     response = await web.GetStreamAsync(video.DownloadUrl);

                using (FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(downloadPath, FileMode.Create))
                    //copy the content from response to filestream
                    await response.CopyToAsync(fileStream);
                Console.WriteLine("Finished Download");
                Console.WriteLine("Skipping download, file already exists...");