Exemple #1
    void SetGraphZoom()
        if (CheckBounds() == false)
        var    graph = GetComponent <GraphChart>();
        double x1, y1;
        double x2, y2;

        if (graph.PointToClient(mStart, out x1, out y1))
            if (graph.PointToClient(mPointer.ScreenPosition, out x2, out y2))
                mIsZoomed = true;
                graph.DataSource.AutomaticHorizontalView = false;
                graph.DataSource.AutomaticVerticallView  = false;

                DoubleVector2 min = new DoubleVector2(Math.Min(x1, x2), Math.Min(y1, y2));
                DoubleVector2 max = new DoubleVector2(Math.Max(x1, x2), Math.Max(y1, y2));
                graph.HorizontalScrolling             = min.x;
                graph.VerticalScrolling               = min.y;
                graph.DataSource.HorizontalViewSize   = max.x - min.x;
                graph.DataSource.VerticalViewSize     = max.y - min.y;
                graph.DataSource.HorizontalViewOrigin = 0;
                graph.DataSource.VerticalViewOrigin   = 0;
 public void Deconstruct(out PolyNode SourcePolyNode, out PolyNode DestinationPolyNode, out DoubleVector2 SourceCrossoverPoint, out DoubleVector2 DestinationCrossoverPoint)
     SourcePolyNode = this.SourcePolyNode;
      DestinationPolyNode = this.DestinationPolyNode;
      SourceCrossoverPoint = this.SourceCrossoverPoint;
      DestinationCrossoverPoint = this.DestinationCrossoverPoint;
 public CrossoverJob(PolyNode sourcePolyNode, PolyNode destinationPolyNode, DoubleVector2 sourceCrossoverPoint, DoubleVector2 destinationCrossoverPoint)
     SourcePolyNode = sourcePolyNode;
      DestinationPolyNode = destinationPolyNode;
      SourceCrossoverPoint = sourceCrossoverPoint;
      DestinationCrossoverPoint = destinationCrossoverPoint;
Exemple #4
        public void Update(GraphChartBase graphChart)
            if (graphChart == null || points == null || points.Count == 0)
            if (index >= points.Count)
            float leapTime = totalTime / (float)points.Count;

            if (next == -1f)
                next = leapTime * 2;
            next += Time.deltaTime;
            if (next >= leapTime)
                int totalLeaps = (int)(next / (leapTime));

                for (int i = 0; i < totalLeaps && index < points.Count; i++)
                    DoubleVector2 point = points[index];
                    graphChart.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime(category, point.x, point.y, leapTime);
                next -= leapTime * totalLeaps;
Exemple #5
        public void Vector3Cast()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var b = new Vector3(1, 2, 0);

            Assert.IsTrue((Vector3)a == b);
Exemple #6
        public void Substract()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 1);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(2, 2);
            var c = a - b;

            Assert.AreEqual(c.x, -1);
            Assert.AreEqual(c.y, -1);
Exemple #7
        public void Multiply()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(2, 2);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(3, 3);
            var c = a * b;

            Assert.AreEqual(c.x, 6);
            Assert.AreEqual(c.y, 6);
Exemple #8
        public void Division()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(8, 8);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(2, 2);
            var c = a / b;

            Assert.AreEqual(c.x, 4);
            Assert.AreEqual(c.y, 4);
Exemple #9
        public void OperatorEqual()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var c = new DoubleVector2(2, 3);

            Assert.IsTrue(a == b);
            Assert.IsFalse(a == c);
Exemple #10
        public void OperatorDifferent()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var c = new DoubleVector2(2, 3);

            Assert.IsFalse(a != b);
            Assert.IsTrue(a != c);
Exemple #11
        public void Equals()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var c = new DoubleVector2(2, 3);

Exemple #12
        public void Add()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 1);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(2, 2);
            var c = a + b;

            Assert.AreEqual(c.x, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(c.y, 3);
Exemple #13
 private static void RenderRandomVisualizationFrames()
     for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++)
         var(p, segments) = RandomInput();
         p        = new DoubleVector2(bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Height / 2);
         segments = segments.Where(s => GeometryOperations.Clockness(p.X, p.Y, s.X1, s.Y1, s.X2, s.Y2) == Clockness.Clockwise).ToArray();
         RenderVisualizationFrame(p, segments);
Exemple #14
        public new void GetHashCode()
            var a = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var b = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);
            var c = new DoubleVector2(1, 2);

            var hashSet = new HashSet <DoubleVector2> ();


            Assert.AreEqual(hashSet.Count, 1);
Exemple #15
            public static List <(DoubleVector2, double, bool)> LoadPlan(string path)
                var text  = File.ReadAllText(path);
                var lines = text.Trim().Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                return(lines.Map(line => line.Split(',').Map(tok => tok.Trim('(', ' ', ')', ',')))
                       .Where(tokens => tokens[0] != "[" && tokens[0] != "]" && !tokens[0].StartsWith("//"))
                       .Map(tokens => {
                    var p = new DoubleVector2(double.Parse(tokens[0]), MapHeight - double.Parse(tokens[1]) - 15);
                    var theta = -double.Parse(tokens[2]);
                    var isRoi = bool.Parse(tokens[3].ToLower());
                    return (p, theta, isRoi);
    public void ApplyLimits()
        DoubleVector2 v2l = LimitedPositionMovements();

        /* float dist = Vector2.Distance(pos1.position.XY() - v2l.pos1, center);
         * if (dist < Vector2.Distance(pos1.position.XY(), center))
         * {
         *   pos1.position -= v2l.pos1.XYZ(0);
         *   pos2.position -= v2l.pos2.XYZ(0);
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *   pos1.position += v2l.pos1.XYZ(0);
         *   pos2.position += v2l.pos2.XYZ(0);
         * }
         *   lastFrameLength = getChainLength();*/
Exemple #17
    public void AppendRealtimeWithDownSampling(double x, double y, double slideTime = 0f)
        if (graph == null)
        bool show = false;

        if (mData.Count == 0)
            show = true;
            double viewX = mData[mData.Count - 1].x;
            double pageStartThreshold = currentPagePosition - mCurrentPageSizeFactor;
            double pageEndThreshold   = currentPagePosition + mCurrentPageSizeFactor - graph.DataSource.HorizontalViewSize;
            if (viewX >= pageStartThreshold && viewX <= pageEndThreshold)
                show = true;
        var v = new DoubleVector2(x, y);

        if (show)
            if (currentDownSampleCount >= RealtimeDownSampleCount)
                graph.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime(Category, x, y, slideTime);
            DownSampleSum += v.ToDoubleVector3();
            var avarage = DownSampleSum * 1.0 / (double)currentDownSampleCount;
            if (currentDownSampleCount != 1)
                graph.DataSource.UpdateLastPointInCategoryRealtime(Category, avarage.x, avarage.y, slideTime);
 public void Update(GraphChartBase graphChart)
     if (graphChart == null || points == null || points.Count == 0)
     if (index >= points.Count)
     next -= Time.deltaTime;
     if (next <= 0)
         next = totalTime / (float)points.Count;
         DoubleVector2 point = points[index];
         graphChart.DataSource.AddPointToCategoryRealtime(category, point.x, point.y, next);
Exemple #19
        // public static bool TryFindSector(this TerrainSnapshot terrainSnapshot, IntVector3 queryWorld, out SectorSnapshot result) {
        //    return TryFindSector(terrainSnapshot, queryWorld.ToDoubleVector3(), out result);
        // }

        // public static bool TryFindSector(this TerrainSnapshot terrainSnapshot, DoubleVector3 queryWorld, out SectorSnapshot result) {
        //    return terrainSnapshot.SectorSnapshots.TryFindFirst(sectorSnapshot => {
        //       var queryLocal = sectorSnapshot.WorldToLocal(queryWorld);
        //       var localBoundary = sectorSnapshot.StaticMetadata.LocalBoundary;
        //       return localBoundary.X <= queryLocal.X && queryLocal.X <= localBoundary.Right &&
        //              localBoundary.Y <= queryLocal.Y && queryLocal.Y <= localBoundary.Bottom;
        //    }, out result);
        // }

        // public static bool IsInHole(this SectorSnapshotGeometryContext sectorSnapshotGeometryContext, IntVector3 query) {
        //    var punchedLandPolytree = sectorSnapshotGeometryContext.PunchedLand;
        //    punchedLandPolytree.AssertIsContourlessRootHolePunchResult();
        //    PolyNode pickedNode;
        //    bool isHole;
        //    punchedLandPolytree.PickDeepestPolynode(query.XY, out pickedNode, out isHole);
        //    return isHole;
        // }

        /// <summary>
        /// Note: Containment definition varies by hole vs terrain: Containment for holes
        /// does not include the hole edge, containment for terrain includes the terrain edge.
        /// This is important, else e.g. knockback + terrain push placing an entity on an edge
        /// would potentially infinite loop.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool FindNearestLandPointAndIsInHole(this LocalGeometryView localGeometryView, DoubleVector2 query, out DoubleVector2 nearestLandPoint)
            var punchedLandPolytree = localGeometryView.PunchedLand;


            PolyNode pickedNode;
            bool     isHole;

            punchedLandPolytree.PickDeepestPolynode(query.LossyToIntVector2(), out pickedNode, out isHole);

            // If query point not in a hole, nearest land point is query point
            if (!isHole)
                nearestLandPoint = query;

            // Else, two cases to consider: nearest point is on an island inside this hole, alternatively
            // and (only if the hole has a contour), nearest point is on the hole contour.
            nearestLandPoint = DoubleVector2.Zero;
            double bestDistance = double.PositiveInfinity;

            if (pickedNode.Contour.Any())
                // the hole has a contour; that is, it's a hole inside of a landmass
                var result = GeometryOperations.FindNearestPointOnContour(pickedNode.Contour, query);
                bestDistance     = result.Distance;
                nearestLandPoint = result.NearestPoint;

            foreach (var childLandNode in pickedNode.Childs)
                var result = GeometryOperations.FindNearestPointOnContour(childLandNode.Contour, query);
                if (result.Distance < bestDistance)
                    bestDistance     = result.Distance;
                    nearestLandPoint = result.NearestPoint;
Exemple #20
 public bool TryIntersect(ref IntLineSegment2 segment, out DoubleVector2 p)
     if (!Bounds.ContainsOrIntersects(ref segment))
         p = default(DoubleVector2);
     if (First != null)
         return(First.TryIntersect(ref segment, out p) || Second.TryIntersect(ref segment, out p));
     for (var i = SegmentsStartIndexInclusive; i < SegmentsEndIndexExclusive; i++)
         if (GeometryOperations.TryFindSegmentSegmentIntersection(ref Segments[i], ref segment, out p))
     p = default(DoubleVector2);
Exemple #21
        private static void RenderVisualizationFrame(DoubleVector2 p, IntLineSegment2[] segments, int eventLimit = -1)
            var canvas = host.CreateAndAddCanvas(frameCounter++);
            var vp     = VisibilityPolygon.Create(p, segments, eventLimit);

            vp = new VisibilityPolygon(p);
            foreach (var seg in segments)
//         vp.Insert(new IntLineSegment2(p.LossyToIntVector2() + new IntVector2(50, -20), p.LossyToIntVector2() + new IntVector2(50, 20)));

            canvas.BatchDraw(() => {
                canvas.DrawVisibilityPolygon(vp, 0, new FillStyle(Color.FromArgb(120, Color.Cyan)));
                foreach (var s in segments)
                    canvas.DrawLine(s.First, s.Second, StrokeStyle.BlackHairLineSolid);
                canvas.DrawPoint(p, StrokeStyle.RedThick5Solid);
        public static void DrawVisibilityPolygon(this IDebugCanvas debugCanvas, VisibilityPolygon avss, double z = 0.0, FillStyle fillStyle = null, StrokeStyle angleBoundaryStrokeStyle = null, StrokeStyle visibleWallStrokeStyle = null)
            fillStyle = fillStyle ?? DefaultFillStyle;
            var oxy = avss.Origin;

            foreach (var range in avss.Get().Where(range => range.Id != VisibilityPolygon.RANGE_ID_INFINITELY_FAR && range.Id != VisibilityPolygon.RANGE_ID_INFINITESIMALLY_NEAR))
                var rstart = DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(100, range.ThetaStart);
                var rend   = DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(100, range.ThetaEnd);

                var           s = range.Segment;
                var           s1 = s.First.ToDoubleVector2();
                var           s2 = s.Second.ToDoubleVector2();
                DoubleVector2 visibleStart, visibleEnd;
                if (!GeometryOperations.TryFindLineLineIntersection(oxy, oxy + rstart, s1, s2, out visibleStart) ||
                    !GeometryOperations.TryFindLineLineIntersection(oxy, oxy + rend, s1, s2, out visibleEnd))

                debugCanvas.FillTriangle(oxy, visibleStart, visibleEnd, fillStyle);

                    new DoubleVector3(oxy.X, oxy.Y, z),
                    new DoubleVector3(visibleStart.X, visibleStart.Y, z),
                    angleBoundaryStrokeStyle ?? DefaultAngleBoundaryStrokeStyle);

                    new DoubleVector3(oxy.X, oxy.Y, z),
                    new DoubleVector3(visibleEnd.X, visibleEnd.Y, z),
                    angleBoundaryStrokeStyle ?? DefaultAngleBoundaryStrokeStyle);

                    new DoubleVector3(visibleStart.X, visibleStart.Y, z),
                    new DoubleVector3(visibleEnd.X, visibleEnd.Y, z),
                    visibleWallStrokeStyle ?? DefaultVisibleWallStrokeStyle);
Exemple #23
 public bool TryIntersect(IntLineSegment2 segment, out DoubleVector2 p)
     return(TryIntersect(ref segment, out p));
Exemple #24
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            Environment.CurrentDirectory = @"V:\my-repositories\miyu\derp\RoboticsMotionPlan\Assets";
            //MapPolygonizerForm.Run(@"C:\Users\Warty\occ.txt", "sieg_floor3.poly", "sieg_plan.plan");
            //MapPolygonizerForm.Run("gates.png", "gates.poly", "gates.plan");
            MapPolygonizerForm.Run("de_dust2.png", "de_dust2.poly", "de_dust2.plan");
            //         MapPolygonizerForm.Run("gates.png", "gates.poly");

            var(landPolys, holePolys) = FileLoader.LoadMap("gates.poly");
            var tsm = new TerrainStaticMetadata {
                LocalBoundary         = new Rectangle(0, 0, MapWidth, MapHeight),
                LocalIncludedContours = landPolys.Map(p => new Polygon2(p, true)),
                LocalExcludedContours = holePolys.Map(p => new Polygon2(p.Select(x => x).Reverse().ToList(), true)),

            var start         = FileLoader.LoadPoints("start.csv").First();
            var goodWaypoints = FileLoader.LoadPoints("good_waypoints.csv");
            var badWaypoints  = FileLoader.LoadPoints("bad_waypoints.csv");
            var holeMetadata  = new SphereHoleStaticMetadata {
                Radius = 13

            var gf = new GameFactory();

            gf.GameCreated += (s, game) => {
                var debugger = GameDebugger.AttachToWithSoftwareRendering(game);
                var snd = game.TerrainService.CreateSectorNodeDescription(tsm);

                foreach (var hsm in badWaypoints)
                    var hd = game.TerrainService.CreateHoleDescription(holeMetadata);
                    hd.WorldTransform = Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(hsm.X, hsm.Y, 0);

                debugger.RenderHook += (_, canvas) => {
                    var snapshot = game.TerrainService.SnapshotCompiler.CompileSnapshot();

                    // uneroded network
                    var unerodedOverlayNetwork = snapshot.OverlayNetworkManager.CompileTerrainOverlayNetwork(0);
                    Trace.Assert(unerodedOverlayNetwork.TerrainNodes.Count == 1);
                    var unerodedTerrainNode = unerodedOverlayNetwork.TerrainNodes.First();

                    // eroded network
                    var overlayNetwork = snapshot.OverlayNetworkManager.CompileTerrainOverlayNetwork(15); //1 unit = 0.02m
                    Trace.Assert(overlayNetwork.TerrainNodes.Count == 1);
                    var terrainNode = overlayNetwork.TerrainNodes.First();

                    // draw uneroded map
                    canvas.DrawPolyNode(unerodedTerrainNode.LocalGeometryView.PunchedLand, StrokeStyle.BlackHairLineSolid, StrokeStyle.RedHairLineSolid);

                    // draw eroded map
                    canvas.DrawPolyNode(terrainNode.LocalGeometryView.PunchedLand, new StrokeStyle(Color.Gray), new StrokeStyle(Color.DarkRed));

                    // draw waypoints
                    canvas.DrawPoints(goodWaypoints, new StrokeStyle(Color.Blue, 25));
                    canvas.DrawPoints(badWaypoints, new StrokeStyle(Color.Red, 25));

                    void DrawThetaedPoint(DoubleVector2 p, double theta, bool highlight)
                        canvas.DrawPoint(p, highlight ? StrokeStyle.OrangeThick35Solid : StrokeStyle.BlackThick25Solid);
                            p + DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(50, theta),
                            new StrokeStyle(Color.Magenta, 3));

                    var emittedPoints = new List <(DoubleVector2, double, bool)>();

                    // find big waypoints
                    var bigWaypoints = new List <(DoubleVector2, bool)>();
                    for (var i = 0; i < goodWaypoints.Count; i++)
                        var from = i == 0 ? start : goodWaypoints[i - 1];
                        var to   = goodWaypoints[i];

                        var ok = game.PathfinderCalculator.TryFindPath(terrainNode, from, terrainNode, to, out var roadmap);
                        var actions   = roadmap.Plan.OfType <MotionRoadmapWalkAction>().ToArray();
                        var waypoints = new[] { actions[0].Source.ToDoubleVector2() }
                        .Concat(actions.Map(a => a.Destination.ToDoubleVector2())).ToArray();
                        bigWaypoints.AddRange(waypoints.Map((w, ind) => (w, ind == waypoints.Length - 1)));

                    var thetas = bigWaypoints.Zip(bigWaypoints.Skip(1), (a, b) => Math.Atan2(b.Item1.Y - a.Item1.Y, b.Item1.X - a.Item1.X))
                    var chamferSpacing          = 10;
                    var chamferSpacingThreshold = 100;
                    for (var i = 0; i < thetas.Length; i++)
                        var(src, srcIsRoi) = bigWaypoints[i];
                        var(dst, dstIsRoi) = bigWaypoints[i + 1];
                        var srcToDstTheta = thetas[i];

                        // if close or last goal, don't chamfer
                        if (i + 1 == thetas.Length)
                            emittedPoints.Add((dst, srcToDstTheta, dstIsRoi));

                        var dstToFollowingTheta = thetas[i + 1];
                        if (src.To(dst).Norm2D() < chamferSpacingThreshold)
                            emittedPoints.Add((dst, dstToFollowingTheta, dstIsRoi));
                        var chamfer1 = dst - DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(chamferSpacing, dstToFollowingTheta) - DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(chamferSpacing, srcToDstTheta);
                        var chamfer2 = dst + DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(chamferSpacing, dstToFollowingTheta) + 2 * DoubleVector2.FromRadiusAngle(chamferSpacing, srcToDstTheta);
                        emittedPoints.Add((chamfer1, srcToDstTheta, false));
                        if (dstIsRoi)
                            emittedPoints.Add((dst, srcToDstTheta, true));
                        emittedPoints.Add((chamfer2, dstToFollowingTheta, false));

                    for (var i = 0; i < emittedPoints.Count - 1; i++)
                        canvas.DrawLine(emittedPoints[i].Item1, emittedPoints[i + 1].Item1, StrokeStyle.CyanThick3Solid);

                    void PrintPoint(DoubleVector2 p) => Console.Write("(" + p.X.ToString("F3") + ", " + (MapHeight - p.Y).ToString("F3") + ")");

                    for (var i = 0; i < emittedPoints.Count; i++)
                        var(p, theta, isRoi) = emittedPoints[i];
                        DrawThetaedPoint(p, theta, isRoi);
                        Console.Write(", ");
                        Console.Write(", ");
                        Console.Write(isRoi ? "True" : "False");
                        if (i + 1 != emittedPoints.Count)
                            Console.Write(", ");
Exemple #25
 public static DoubleVector3 LocalToWorld(this SectorNodeDescription snd, DoubleVector2 local)
     return(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3((float)local.X, (float)local.Y, 0), snd.WorldTransform).ToOpenMobaVector());
Exemple #26
 private static DoubleVector3 ToDV3(DoubleVector2 p) => new DoubleVector3(p);
Exemple #27
 public static void DrawLine(this IDebugCanvas canvas, DoubleVector2 p1, DoubleVector2 p2, StrokeStyle strokeStyle)
     canvas.DrawLine(ToDV3(p1), ToDV3(p2), strokeStyle);
        public virtual void ConfigureTransformForAnnotationObject(MapView sender, IAnnotation annotation, DoubleVector2 offset, Transform transform)
            // The map view needs to know where the annotation lives on the texture.
            // We used a plane for the texture, which has dimensions of 10x10.
            // The offset in the call tells us where the annotation sits on the texture
            // surface, from extents 0,0 to 1,1. We need to convert these values to
            // a location on the plane itself.

            Vector3 pos =
                (float)offset.X * MapX - (MapX / 2) +
                (IsAnnotationSelected(annotation) ? SelectedAnnotationElevation : DefaultAnnotationElevation) +
                (float)offset.Y * MapY - (MapY / 2);

            //Vector3((float)offset.X * 10.0f - 5f, dy, (float)offset.Y * 10.0f - 5f);

            transform.localPosition = pos;
 public bool NN(TriangulationIsland island, DoubleVector2 destination, out (int, int[]) res)
Exemple #30
 public static void FillTriangle(this IDebugCanvas canvas, DoubleVector2 p1, DoubleVector2 p2, DoubleVector2 p3, FillStyle fillStyle)
     canvas.FillTriangle(ToDV3(p1), ToDV3(p2), ToDV3(p3), fillStyle);