Exemple #1
        //private static string _lastBuffCast = string.Empty;
        //private static System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch _castTimer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a behavior to cast a buff by name, with special requirements, on a specific unit. Returns
        ///   RunStatus.Success if successful, RunStatus.Failure otherwise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   Created 5/2/2011.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name = "name">The name of the buff</param>
        /// <param name = "myBuff">Check for self debuffs or not</param>
        /// <param name = "onUnit">The on unit</param>
        /// <param name = "requirements">The requirements.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Composite Buff(string name, bool myBuff, UnitSelectionDelegate onUnit, SimpleBooleanDelegate requirements, params string[] buffNames)
            //if (name == _lastBuffCast && _castTimer.IsRunning && _castTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds < 250)
            //    return new Action(ret => RunStatus.Success);

            //if (name == _lastBuffCast && StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting)
            //    _castTimer.Reset();
            //    _castTimer.Start();
            //    return new Action(ret => RunStatus.Success);

                (new Decorator(
                     ret => onUnit(ret) != null && !DoubleCastPreventionDict.ContainsKey(name) &&
                     buffNames.All(b => myBuff ? !onUnit(ret).HasMyAura(b) : !onUnit(ret).HasAura(b)),
                     new Sequence(
                         // new Action(ctx => _lastBuffCast = name),
                         Cast(name, onUnit, requirements),
                         new DecoratorContinue(
                             ret => SpellManager.Spells[name].CastTime > 0,
                             new Sequence(
                                 new WaitContinue(
                                     ret => StyxWoW.Me.IsCasting,
                                     new Action(ret => UpdateDoubleCastDict(name))))
        public static void UpdateDoubleCastDict(string spellName, GameObject unit)
            if (unit == null)

            SpellData spellData;

            ActionManager.CurrentActions.TryGetValue(spellName, out spellData);

            if (spellData == null)

            DateTime expir = DateTime.UtcNow + spellData.AdjustedCastTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3);
            string   key   = DoubleCastKey(unit.ObjectId, spellName);

            if (DoubleCastPreventionDict.ContainsKey(key))
                DoubleCastPreventionDict[key] = expir;

            DoubleCastPreventionDict.Add(key, expir);
Exemple #3
        private static void UpdateDoubleCastDict(string spellName)
            if (DoubleCastPreventionDict.ContainsKey(spellName))
                DoubleCastPreventionDict[spellName] = DateTime.UtcNow;

            DoubleCastPreventionDict.Add(spellName, DateTime.UtcNow);