Exemple #1
 private static void InitializeDatabase(bool isTestMode, DocCollectionSettings collectionSettings)
     // create shared document client for this collection. If you had multiple collections
     // we could refactor the settings a little (since the connection keys would be the same)
     // Can also share the connection across collections. But we only have one..
     if (!isTestMode)
         collectionSettings.DocumentClient = new DocumentClient(new Uri(collectionSettings.EndpointUri), collectionSettings.AccessKey);
Exemple #2
        private void ConfigureDataConnection(IServiceCollection services)
            var isTestMode = Configuration.GetValue <bool>("Testing:TestMode", false);

            var cosmosAccountName = Configuration.GetValue <string>("Cosmos:volunteer:AccountName");
            var primaryAccessKey  = Configuration.GetValue <string>("Cosmos:volunteer:AccountKey");

            // use dev database when using local SPA. Local SPA currently points to the Test Tier
            var isTestTier = Configuration.GetValue <bool>("Cosmos:volunteer:TestTier", false);

            if (isTestTier)
                cosmosAccountName = "vol-dev";
                primaryAccessKey  = "ZFo6oKcYVMlTjM4nosQg94Z12qscna0lvBOlhnpKbmlIs0pDzqt0yiZs50qFsWyFYA2kadhISB8wOvrdSYZFnw==";

            var endpointUri = $"https://{cosmosAccountName}.documents.azure.com:443/";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cosmosAccountName))
                throw new Exception("cosmosAccountName empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(primaryAccessKey))
                throw new Exception("primaryAccessKey empty");

            var databaseId    = Configuration.GetValue <string>("Cosmos:volunteer:DatabaseId");
            var volCollection = Configuration.GetValue <string>("Cosmos:volunteer:Volunteer:Collection");
            var partitionKey  = Configuration.GetValue <string>("Cosmos:volunteer:Volunteer:PartitionKey");
            var throughput    = Configuration.GetValue <int>("Cosmos:volunteer:Volunteer:Throughput");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(databaseId))
                throw new Exception("databaseId empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(volCollection))
                throw new Exception("collection empty");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partitionKey))
                throw new Exception("partitionKey empty");

            // Volunteer collection settings, these will get injected into the DocCollection singleton
            // migrating to this pattern of having each collection manage/factory its repos,
            // manage its migrations for stored procs, and other collection-level stuff
            // ...
            // need to figure out how a muti-collection app can use this pattern...
            // ...
            // might have it!
            // ...
            // in order to create different DocCollection objects (one for each collection) that can still be injected as singletons, we could
            // create a generic DocCollection concept somehow? How can we associate a collection with an instance of a generic? We could create
            // unique DocCollectionSettings with inheritence, like so..
            // ...
            // Church congregant service has multiple collections and uses a DataAdapter (ex: ICongregantInfoDataAdapter)
            // Not sure at this time if we want multiple collections or not. Using one for now, if we find we want more, copy their pattern.
            // https://blackbaud.visualstudio.com/Products/Products%20Team/_git/chu-congregant-svc?path=%2Fsrc%2FBlackbaud.Church.CongregantService%2FStartup.cs&version=GBmaster&line=53&lineEnd=54&lineStartColumn=1&lineEndColumn=1&lineStyle=plain
            var collectionSettings = new DocCollectionSettings()
                AccessKey               = primaryAccessKey,
                DatabaseId              = databaseId,
                EndpointUri             = endpointUri,
                CollectionId            = volCollection,
                PartitionPath           = $"/{partitionKey}",
                DocumentClient          = null,
                InitializeAutomatically = false

            // Create Wrapper Object for Document Client
            var collectionClient = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpointUri), primaryAccessKey);

            var partitionPaths = new Collection <string>();


            var partitionKeyDef = new PartitionKeyDefinition()
                Paths = partitionPaths

            if (!isTestMode)
                var collectionWithThroughput = collectionClient.CreateDocumentCollectionIfNotExistsAsync(
                    new DocumentCollection
                    Id = volCollection,

                    PartitionKey = partitionKeyDef,

                    // This allows us to do range queries against the dateTime props
                    IndexingPolicy = new IndexingPolicy(new RangeIndex(DataType.String)
                        Precision = -1
                    new RequestOptions {
                    OfferThroughput = throughput
                updateThroughput(collectionClient, collectionWithThroughput.Result.Resource.SelfLink, throughput);

            var collectionUri = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(databaseId, volCollection);
            var clientHolder  = new DocumentClientHolder()
                Client = collectionClient,
                VolunteerCollectionUri = collectionUri

            Console.WriteLine("collectionSettings instantiated");

            InitializeDatabase(isTestMode, collectionSettings);

            // Set up a Cache for services

            // now register a singleton for this specifc collection type's settings
            services.AddSingleton <DocCollectionSettings>(collectionSettings);
            services.AddSingleton <DocumentClientHolder>(clientHolder);

            // add more settings types here, for each collection... but we only have one. Ok, take it easy!

            // now register a singletons of a DocCollections that takes an associated settings type.
            // this syntax says "if a type of IDocCollection<fooSettings> is requested cough up DocCollection<fooSettings> as a singleton
            // so each collection gets its own singleton, with its own settings! Sweet.
            if (!isTestMode)
                services.AddSingleton(typeof(IDocCollection <>), typeof(DocCollection <>));
                services.AddSingleton(typeof(IDocCollection <>), typeof(TestDocCollection <>));