public void ToObjectEnumPropertyFromString()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "EnumProperty", "One" },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal(EnumType.One, value.EnumProperty);
        public void ToObjectPrimitiveProperties()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
        public void AsObjectUnknownProperty()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "UnknownProperty", "u" }

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
Exemple #4
    public void ToObjectUnknownProperty()
        var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
            { "StringProperty", "a" },
            { "IntProperty", 1 },
            { "UnknownProperty", "u" }

        var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>(TypeCache);

        Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
        Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
Exemple #5
        public void Single()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Id", "366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e" }

            // Act
            var actual = dict.ToObject <SingleData>();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e"), actual.Id);
        public void ToObjectSpatialV4()
            CustomConverters.RegisterTypeConverter(typeof(SpatialV4.GeographyPoint), V4.Adapter.TypeConverters.CreateGeographyPoint);
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "PointV4", SpatialV4.GeographyPoint.Create(SpatialV4.CoordinateSystem.Geography(100), 1, 2, null, null) },

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>();

            Assert.Equal(100, value.PointV4.CoordinateSystem.EpsgId);
            Assert.Equal(1d, value.PointV4.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(2d, value.PointV4.Longitude);
        public void ToObjectDynamicODataEntry()
            var _    = ODataDynamic.Expression;
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },

            dynamic value = dict.ToObject <ODataEntry>(null, true);

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
        public void ToObjectBaseType_Type()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { FluentCommand.AnnotationsLiteral, new ODataEntryAnnotations {
                      TypeName = "Northwind.Transport"
                  } },
                { "TransportID", 1 },

            var value = dict.ToObject <Transport>(_typeCache);

            Assert.Equal(1, value.TransportID);
        public void AsObjectField()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "StringField", "f" }

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            Assert.Equal(null, value.StringField);
        public void AsObjectPrivateSetter()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "StringPropertyPrivateSetter", "p" }

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            Assert.Equal("p", value.StringPropertyPrivateSetter);
        public void ToObjectField()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "StringField", "f" }

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>();

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
Exemple #12
        public void converts_property_names_to_camel_case()
            var d = new Dictionary <string, object> ()
                { "a", "1" },
                { "ab", "2" },
                { "abCd", "3" },

            var o = d.ToObject <GoodNames> ();

            Assert.AreEqual("1", o.A);
            Assert.AreEqual("2", o.Ab);
            Assert.AreEqual("3", o.AbCd);
        public void DifferentTypes()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Id", "11" }, // Should be a Guid
                { "Date", "1999-01-01" },
                { "Enum", "One" },
                { "Array", "1,2,3" },
                { "Text", "eleven" },

            // Act
            dict.ToObject <RecursiveData>();
        public void MissingProperty()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "Id", "366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e" },
                { "Date", "1999-01-01" },
                { "Enum", "One" },
                { "Text", "eleven" },
                { "Integer", "11" }, // There's no Integer

            // Act
            dict.ToObject <RecursiveData>();
        public void DifferentTypes()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "Id", 11 }, // Should be a Guid
                { "Date", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1) },
                { "Enum", Enumeration.One },
                { "Array", new[] { 1, 2, 3, } },
                { "Text", "eleven" },

            // Act
        public void ToObjectPrivateSetter()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "StringPropertyPrivateSetter", "p" }

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>();

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            Assert.Equal("p", value.StringPropertyPrivateSetter);
        public void DifferentTypes()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "Id", "11" }, // Should be a Guid
                { "Date", "1999-01-01" },
                { "Enum", "One" },
                { "Array", "1,2,3" },
                { "Text", "eleven" },

            // Act
        public void DifferentTypes()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Id", 11 }, // Should be a Guid
                { "Date", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1) },
                { "Enum", Enumeration.One },
                { "Array", new[] { 1, 2, 3, } },
                { "Text", "eleven" },

            // Act
            dict.ToObject <RecursiveData>();
            public void UsesNeo4jPropertyAttribute_WhenSettingProperties()
                var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "StringProperty", "a string" },
                    { "stringPropertyWithAttribute", "stringWithAttribute" },
                    { nameof(Foo.StringPropertyIgnored), "ignored" }

                var foo = dictionary.ToObject <Foo>();

                foo.StringProperty.Should().Be("a string");
        public void MissingProperty()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Id", new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e") },
                { "Date", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1) },
                { "Enum", Enumeration.One },
                { "Text", "eleven" },
                { "Array", new[] { 1, 2, 3, } },
                { "Integer", 11 }, // There's no Integer

            // Act
            dict.ToObject <RecursiveData>();
Exemple #21
        public void ADictionary_Returns_ANewObject()
            // Arrange
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Name", "Name of the car" }

            // Act
            var result = dictionary.ToObject <Car>();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("Name of the car", result.Name);
            public void IgnoresExtraValuesInTheDictionary()
                var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                    { "StringProperty", "a string" },
                    { "stringPropertyWithAttribute", "stringWithAttribute" },
                    { nameof(Foo.StringPropertyIgnored), "ignored" },
                    { "Extra Value", "FooBar" }

                var foo = dictionary.ToObject <Foo>();

                foo.StringProperty.Should().Be("a string");
        public DotaPermanentBuffs[] LoadPermanentBuffs()
            string resultString;

            using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("OpenDotaApi.ref.permanent_buffs.json")))
                resultString = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
            if (resultString != null)
                       .Select(permanentBuffs => permanentBuffs.ToObject <DotaPermanentBuffs>())
Exemple #24
        public void ToObjectSpatialV3()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "PointV3", SpatialV3.GeographyPoint.Create(SpatialV3.CoordinateSystem.Geography(100), 1, 2, null, null) },

            var typeCache = TypeCaches.Global;

            typeCache.Converter.RegisterTypeConverter(typeof(SpatialV3.GeographyPoint), V3.Adapter.TypeConverters.CreateGeographyPoint);

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>(typeCache);

            Assert.Equal(100, value.PointV3.CoordinateSystem.EpsgId);
            Assert.Equal(1d, value.PointV3.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(2d, value.PointV3.Longitude);
Exemple #25
        public void Should_serialize_array()
            var doc = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                      .Array("PrimitiveStringArray", new[] { "one", "two", "three" })
                      .Array("PrimitiveIntArray", new[] { 1, 2, 3 })
                      .Array("GenericObjectArray", new[] {
                new Dummy {
                    Foo = "one", Bar = 1
                new Dummy {
                    Foo = "two", Bar = 2
                new Dummy {
                    Foo = "three", Bar = 3

            var entity = doc.ToObject <ArrayEntity>();

            // string array
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Size("PrimitiveStringArray"), entity.PrimitiveStringArray.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < doc.Size("PrimitiveStringArray"); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.Object <string[]>("PrimitiveStringArray")[i], entity.PrimitiveStringArray[i]);

            // int array
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Size("PrimitiveIntArray"), entity.PrimitiveIntArray.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < doc.Size("PrimitiveIntArray"); i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(doc.Object <int[]>("PrimitiveIntArray")[i], entity.PrimitiveIntArray[i]);

            // generic object array
            Assert.AreEqual(doc.Size("GenericObjectArray"), entity.GenericObjectArray.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < doc.Size("GenericObjectArray"); i++)
                var dummy = doc.Object <Dummy[]>("GenericObjectArray")[i];

                Assert.AreEqual(dummy.Foo, entity.GenericObjectArray[i].Foo);
                Assert.AreEqual(dummy.Bar, entity.GenericObjectArray[i].Bar);
        public void Single()
            // Arrange
            var expected = new SingleData {
                Id = new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e")
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "Id", new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e") },

            // Act
            var actual = dict.ToObject <SingleData>();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
Exemple #27
        public void Should_deserialize_document_to_generic_object_custom_attributes()
            var doc = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                      .String("Foo", "foo string value")
                      .String("myCustomField", "string value")
                      .String("IngnoredPropety", "should not be there")
                      .Object("NullProperty", null)
                      .String("NotNullProperty", "some string");

            var dummy = doc.ToObject <Dummy>();

            Assert.AreEqual("foo string value", dummy.Foo);
            Assert.AreEqual("string value", dummy.PropertyToBeAliased);
            Assert.AreEqual("string value", dummy.PropertyToBeAliased);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, dummy.NullProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual("some string", dummy.NotNullProperty);
            Assert.AreEqual(null, dummy.IngnoredPropety);
Exemple #28
        public void ToObjectStringArray()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "StringArrayProperty", new [] { "x", "y", "z" } }

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>(new StaticTypeCache());

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                Assert.Equal((dict["StringArrayProperty"] as IList <string>)[index], value.StringArrayProperty[index]);
        public void ToObjectBaseType_SubType()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { FluentCommand.AnnotationsLiteral, new ODataEntryAnnotations {
                      TypeName = "Northwind.Ship"
                  } },
                { "TransportID", 1 },
                { "ShipName", "Sloop John B" },

            var value = dict.ToObject <Transport>(_typeCache);
            var ship  = value as Ship;

            Assert.Equal(1, ship.TransportID);
            Assert.Equal("Sloop John B", ship.ShipName);
        public void ToObjectCompoundProperty()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "CompoundProperty", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                      { "StringProperty", "z" }, { "IntProperty", 0 }
                  } }

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>(_typeCache);

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            Assert.Equal("z", value.CompoundProperty.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(0, value.CompoundProperty.IntProperty);
Exemple #31
        public void ToObjectDynamicODataEntry()
            var _    = ODataDynamic.Expression;
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },

            var typeCache = TypeCaches.Global;

            typeCache.Register <ODataEntry>();

            dynamic value = dict.ToObject <ODataEntry>(typeCache, true);

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
        public void ToObjectIntCollection()
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" },
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "IntCollectionProperty", new [] { 1, 2, 3 } }

            var value = dict.ToObject <ClassType>();

            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                Assert.Equal((dict["IntCollectionProperty"] as IList <int>)[index], value.IntCollectionProperty[index]);
Exemple #33
        public void ToObject_GivenDictionary_ShouldReturnObject()
            // Arrange
            var data = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Id", 1 },
                { "Name", "Name Value" },
                { "Discarded", "Discarded" }

            // Act
            var result = data.ToObject <TestType>();

            // Assert
            Assert.IsType <TestType>(result);
            Assert.Equal((int)data["Id"], result.Id);
            Assert.Equal(data["Name"].ToString(), result.Name);
Exemple #34
        public void Test_Dictionary_ToObject()
            // Arrange
            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "PropA", "test" },
                { "PropB", 1 },
                { "PropC", true },
                { "PropD", new SubItem {
                      PropE = "PropE",
                      PropF = new List <int> {
                          1, 2, 3
                  } }
            var objToDictionary = new Test
                PropA = "test",
                PropB = 1,
                PropC = true,
                PropD = new SubItem
                    PropE = "PropE",
                    PropF = new List <int> {
                        1, 2, 3

            // Act
            var objTest = dictionary.ToObject <Test>();
            var dict    = objToDictionary.AsDictionary();

            // Assert

Exemple #35
        public void ADictionary_Returns_ANewComplexObject()
            // Arrange
            var owner = new Owner
                FirstName = "Freddy",
                LastName  = "Mercury"

            var dictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Name", "Name of the car" },
                { "Owner", owner }

            // Act
            var result = dictionary.ToObject <Car>();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal("Name of the car", result.Name);
            Assert.Same(owner, result.Owner);
        public void Single()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { "Id", "366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e" } };

            // Act
            var actual = dict.ToObject<SingleData>();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e"), actual.Id);
        public void MissingProperty()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "Id", "366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e" },
                { "Date", "1999-01-01" },
                { "Enum", "One" },
                { "Text", "eleven" },
                { "Integer", "11" }, // There's no Integer

            // Act
        public void NestedDictionary()
            var expected = new RecursiveData
                Id = new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e"),
                Date = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1),
                Enum = Enumeration.One,
                Text = "level 1",
                Array = new[] { 1, 2, 3, },
                Nested = new RecursiveData
                    Id = new Guid("e591be31-289f-4a99-ba67-288ea24b7d7e"),
                    Date = new DateTime(1999, 2, 2),
                    Enum = Enumeration.Two,
                    Text = "level 2",
                    Array = new[] { 4, 5, 6, },
                    Nested = null,

            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                // 1st level
                { "Id", expected.Id },
                { "Date", expected.Date },
                { "Enum", expected.Enum },
                { "Text", expected.Text },
                { "Array", expected.Array },

                // 2nd level
                    new Dictionary<string, object>
                        { "Id", expected.Nested.Id },
                        { "Date", expected.Nested.Date },
                        { "Enum", expected.Nested.Enum },
                        { "Text", expected.Nested.Text },
                        { "Array", expected.Nested.Array },
                        { "Nested", expected.Nested.Nested },

            var actual = dict.ToObject<RecursiveData>();

            // 1st level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Date, actual.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Enum, actual.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Text, actual.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Array, actual.Array);

            // 2nd level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Id, actual.Nested.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Date, actual.Nested.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Enum, actual.Nested.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Text, actual.Nested.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Array, actual.Nested.Array);
        public void MissingProperty()
            // Arrange
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "Id", new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e") },
                { "Date", new DateTime(1999, 1, 1) },
                { "Enum", Enumeration.One },
                { "Text", "eleven" },
                { "Array", new[] { 1, 2, 3, } },
                { "Integer", 11 }, // There's no Integer

            // Act
        public void ToObjectCompoundProperty()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "CompoundProperty", new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "StringProperty", "z" }, { "IntProperty", 0 } }  }

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            Assert.Equal("z", value.CompoundProperty.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(0, value.CompoundProperty.IntProperty);
        public void Single()
            // Arrange
            var expected = new SingleData { Id = new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e") };
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Id", new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e") }, };

            // Act
            var actual = dict.ToObject<SingleData>();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
Exemple #42
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BaseCaseTermStrategy"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userConnection">The user connection.</param>
 /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
 protected BaseCaseTermStrategy(UserConnection userConnection, Dictionary <string, object> args)
     : this(userConnection) {
     BaseStrategyDataItem = args.ToObject <BaseStrategyData>();
 public void MapsFromDictionaryNonGeneric()
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "PublicProperty", "Public Property" }, { "IgnoreMe", "la la la" } };
     var testClass = dictionary.ToObject(typeof(TestClass)) as TestClass;
     Assert.AreEqual("Public Property", testClass.PublicProperty);
 public void MapsFromDictionary()
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "PublicProperty", "Public Property" }, { "IgnoreMe", "la la la"} };
     var testClass = dictionary.ToObject<TestClass>();
     Assert.AreEqual("Public Property", testClass.PublicProperty);
        public void ToObjectClassWithoutDefaultCtor()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "Data", new ClassNoDefaultConstructor("test") },

            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => dict.ToObject<ClassNoDefaultConstructor>());
        public void ToObjectDynamicODataEntry()
            var _ = ODataDynamic.Expression;
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },

            dynamic value = dict.ToObject<ODataEntry>(true);
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
        public void ToObjectODataEntry()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ODataEntry>(false);
            Assert.Equal("a", value["StringProperty"]);
            Assert.Equal(1, value["IntProperty"]);
        public void ToObjectCompoundCollectionProperty()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "CompoundCollectionProperty", new[]
                        new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "StringProperty", "x" }, { "IntProperty", 1 } }, 
                        new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "StringProperty", "y" }, { "IntProperty", 2 } },
                        new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "StringProperty", "z" }, { "IntProperty", 3 } },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                var kv = (dict["CompoundCollectionProperty"] as IList<IDictionary<string, object>>)[index];
                Assert.Equal(kv["StringProperty"], value.CompoundCollectionProperty[index].StringProperty);
                Assert.Equal(kv["IntProperty"], value.CompoundCollectionProperty[index].IntProperty);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CaseTermStrategyByPriority"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userConnection">The user connection.</param>
 /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param>
 protected CaseTermStrategyByPriority(UserConnection userConnection, Dictionary <string, object> args)
     : base(userConnection)
     StrategyDataItem = args.ToObject <StrategyData>();
        public void LengthyTest()
            var expected = new RecursiveData
                Id = new Guid("366f4bd3-6717-4b14-9c79-70515296df7e"),
                Date = new DateTime(1999, 1, 1),
                Enum = Enumeration.One,
                Text = "level 1",
                Array = new[] { 1, 2, 3, },
                Nested = new RecursiveData
                    Id = new Guid("e591be31-289f-4a99-ba67-288ea24b7d7e"),
                    Date = new DateTime(1999, 2, 2),
                    Enum = Enumeration.Two,
                    Text = "level 2",
                    Array = new[] { 4, 5, 6, },
                    Nested = new RecursiveData
                        Id = null,
                        Date = null,
                        Enum = null,
                        Text = null,
                        Nested = new RecursiveData
                            Id = new Guid("3bfdd62f-8b31-4aa2-931d-46535f291b0e"),
                            Date = new DateTime(1999, 4, 4),
                            Enum = Enumeration.Four,
                            Text = "level 4",
                            Array = new[] { 10, 11, 12, },
                            Nested = null,

            var dict =
                new Dictionary<string, object>()
                    // 1st level
                    { "Id", expected.Id },
                    { "Date", expected.Date },
                    { "Enum", expected.Enum },
                    { "Text", expected.Text },
                    { "Array", expected.Array },

                    // 2nd level
                    { "Nested.Id", expected.Nested.Id },
                    { "Nested.Date", expected.Nested.Date },
                    { "Nested.Enum", expected.Nested.Enum },
                    { "Nested.Text", expected.Nested.Text },
                    { "Nested.Array", expected.Nested.Array },

                    // 3rd level
                    { "Nested.Nested.Id", expected.Nested.Nested.Id },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Date", expected.Nested.Nested.Date },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Enum", expected.Nested.Nested.Enum },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Text", expected.Nested.Nested.Text },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Array", expected.Nested.Nested.Array },

                    // 4th level
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Id", expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Id },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Date", expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Date },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Enum", expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Enum },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Text", expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Text },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Array", expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Array },

                    // 5th level
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested.Id", null },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested.Date", null },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested.Enum", null },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested.Text", null },
                    { "Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested.Array", null },

            var actual = dict.ToObject<RecursiveData>();

            // 1st level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Date, actual.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Enum, actual.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Text, actual.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Array, actual.Array);

            // 2nd level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Id, actual.Nested.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Date, actual.Nested.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Enum, actual.Nested.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Text, actual.Nested.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Array, actual.Nested.Array);

            // 3rd level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Id, actual.Nested.Nested.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Date, actual.Nested.Nested.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Enum, actual.Nested.Nested.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Text, actual.Nested.Nested.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Array, actual.Nested.Nested.Array);

            // 4th level
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Id, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Id);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Date, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Date);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Enum, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Enum);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Text, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Text);
            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expected.Nested.Nested.Nested.Array, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Array);

            // 5th level
            Assert.AreEqual(null, actual.Nested.Nested.Nested.Nested);
        public void ToObjectCombinedEnumPropertyFromInt()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "EnumProperty", EnumType.One | EnumType.Two },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal(EnumType.Three, value.EnumProperty);
        public void ToObjectIntCollection()
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "StringProperty", "a" }, 
                { "IntProperty", 1 },
                { "IntCollectionProperty", new [] {1, 2, 3}  }

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal("a", value.StringProperty);
            Assert.Equal(1, value.IntProperty);
            for (var index = 0; index < 3; index++)
                Assert.Equal((dict["IntCollectionProperty"] as IList<int>)[index], value.IntCollectionProperty[index]);
        public void ToObjectSpatialV4()
            CustomConverters.RegisterTypeConverter(typeof(SpatialV4.GeographyPoint), V4.Adapter.TypeConverters.CreateGeographyPoint);
            var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>()
                { "PointV4", SpatialV4.GeographyPoint.Create(SpatialV4.CoordinateSystem.Geography(100), 1, 2, null, null) },

            var value = dict.ToObject<ClassType>();
            Assert.Equal(100, value.PointV4.CoordinateSystem.EpsgId);
            Assert.Equal(1d, value.PointV4.Latitude);
            Assert.Equal(2d, value.PointV4.Longitude);
        public void ToObject_WhenDictionaryContainsDataWhichCannotBeMatched2_MustThrowInvalidOperationException()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Name", "Marbach" }, { "Street", "Elsewhere" }};

            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => dictionary.ToObject<Input>());