Exemple #1
 public static CraftingTable CreateCraftingTableModel(CraftingTable _model)
     _model.CraftingTableId = currentCraftingTables.Count > 0 ? currentCraftingTables.LastOrDefault().Key + 1 : 1;
     currentCraftingTables.Add(_model.CraftingTableId, _model);
Exemple #2
        // ************************************************************
        // METHODS
        // ************************************************************

        // Transaction : deposit & withdrawal
        public void Transaction(DateTime date, double amount)
            // Update transaction records
            if (!_transactions.Keys.Contains(date))
                _transactions[date] = 0.0;
            _transactions[date] = _transactions[date] + amount;

            // Compute interest rates
            double   interestRate;
            DateTime previousDate = _balanceHistory.LastOrDefault().Key;

            if (_rate.Keys.Contains(previousDate))
                interestRate = _rate[previousDate];
                interestRate = _rate.LastOrDefault().Value;

            // Compute applicable time
            double yearFraction;

            yearFraction = _dayCounter.yearFraction(new Date(previousDate), new Date(date));

            // Update Balance
            _balanceHistory[date] = _balanceHistory.LastOrDefault().Value *(1.0 + interestRate * yearFraction) + amount;
            if (_balanceHistory[date] < (-1 * _maxBorrow))
                throw new ArgumentException("NegativeCashBalance", "Maximum borrowing level exceeded.");
Exemple #3
        private static void ToggleMenue()
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\nnull\tRun the latest solution\r\n--a\tRuns all \r\n--q\tQuit");
            var input = Console.ReadLine();

            if (input == "")
                PrintSingleResult(ResultDelegates.LastOrDefault().Value, ResultDelegates.LastOrDefault().Key);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..");
            else if (input == "--a")
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..");
            else if (input == "--q")
            goto Menu;
Exemple #4
        public void CifrarTexto(byte[] byteBuffer)
            var texto = string.Empty;

            foreach (char letra in byteBuffer)
                //se realiza la conversión de los caracteres
                var receptorValorOriginal = diccionarioOriginal.LastOrDefault(x => x.Key == Convert.ToString(letra)).Value;
                var receptorValorCifrado  = diccionarioCifrado.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value == receptorValorOriginal).Key;
                if (receptorValorOriginal == 0)
                    receptorValorCifrado = Convert.ToString(letra);

                texto += receptorValorCifrado;
            using (var writeStream = new FileStream(RutaUsuario + "\\..\\Files\\archivoCifradoCesar.cif", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream))
                    writer.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.End);
Exemple #5
 public static void WriteReceiveLogsInFile()
         if (!Directory.Exists("logs"))
         using (var sw = new StreamWriter(recfileName))
             foreach (var log in ReceiveLogs)
                 sw.WriteLine($"{log.Key}  :  {log.Value}");
             var firstLog        = ReceiveLogs.FirstOrDefault();
             var lastLog         = ReceiveLogs.LastOrDefault();
             var difference      = (DateTime.Parse(lastLog.Key) - DateTime.Parse(firstLog.Key)).TotalMilliseconds;
             var firstPublishLog = PublishLogs.FirstOrDefault();
             var diff            = (DateTime.Parse(lastLog.Key) - DateTime.Parse(firstPublishLog.Key));
             sw.WriteLine($" First message received on {firstLog.Key}  \n Last message received on {lastLog.Key} \n\n  Time Elaspse {difference}ms");
             sw.WriteLine($"\n\n Total time between first publish and last msg receive event is {diff.TotalMilliseconds}ms ~ {diff.TotalMinutes}minutes");
     catch (Exception ex)
         Console.WriteLine($"Exception WriteReceiveLogsInFile: {ex.StackTrace}");
Exemple #6
        public string Descompress(Dictionary <string, int> diccionario, List <byte> ASCII, int CantidadBitsRequeridos, string RutaArchivo)
            var           textoDescompreso          = string.Empty;
            var           caracterPrevioDiccionario = string.Empty;
            var           caracterActualDiccionario = string.Empty;
            var           AuxiliarBitsRequeridos    = string.Empty;
            var           numeroBinario             = string.Empty;
            LZWCompressor LZW        = new LZWCompressor();
            var           ASCIIABYTE = new List <int>();

            foreach (byte bit in ASCII)
                numeroBinario = Convert.ToString(bit, 2);
                numeroBinario = numeroBinario.PadLeft(8, '0');
                foreach (char caracter in numeroBinario)
                    AuxiliarBitsRequeridos += caracter;
                    if (AuxiliarBitsRequeridos.Length == CantidadBitsRequeridos)
                        int valor    = Convert.ToInt32(AuxiliarBitsRequeridos.Substring(0, CantidadBitsRequeridos), 2);
                        var receptor = diccionario.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value == valor).Key;
                        if (diccionario.Count() < valor)
                            valor    = diccionario.Count();
                            receptor = diccionario.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value == valor).Key;
                            receptor = receptor.Substring(0, 1);
                        foreach (char j in receptor)
                            caracterActualDiccionario += j;
                            if (!diccionario.ContainsKey(caracterActualDiccionario))
                                textoDescompreso += caracterPrevioDiccionario;
                                diccionario.Add(caracterActualDiccionario, diccionario.Count() + 1);
                                caracterActualDiccionario  = string.Empty;
                                caracterActualDiccionario += j;
                            caracterPrevioDiccionario = caracterActualDiccionario;
                        AuxiliarBitsRequeridos = string.Empty;

            if (caracterActualDiccionario != string.Empty)
                textoDescompreso += caracterActualDiccionario;
            using (var writeStream = new FileStream(RutaArchivo + "\\..\\Files\\archivoDescomprimido.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream))
            textoDescompreso = string.Empty;
Exemple #7
        public void ObtenerTextoArchivoOriginal(string archivoLeido)
            var bufferLength = 10000;

            string CarpetaCompress = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(CarpetaCompress, "CipherCesar2")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(CarpetaCompress, "CipherCesar2"));

            using (var writeStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(CarpetaCompress, "CipherCesar2", $"{RutaUsuario}.txt"), FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(writeStream))
                    using (var stream = new FileStream(archivoLeido, FileMode.Open))
                        using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
                            var byteBuffer = new byte[bufferLength];
                            //el buffer de lectura de archivo se utiliza indirectamente para la escritura del nuevo archivo tambien
                            while (reader.BaseStream.Position != reader.BaseStream.Length)
                                byteBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(bufferLength);

                                var texto = new List <int>();
                                foreach (var letra in byteBuffer)
                                    int receptorValorOriginal;
                                    int receptorValorCifrado;

                                    if (diccionarioOriginal.ContainsKey(letra))
                                        receptorValorOriginal = diccionarioOriginal.LastOrDefault(x => x.Key == (letra)).Value;
                                        receptorValorCifrado  = diccionarioCifrado.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value == receptorValorOriginal).Key;
                                        if (receptorValorOriginal == 0)
                                            receptorValorCifrado = (letra);
                                        receptorValorCifrado = letra;

                                foreach (var item in texto)
Exemple #8
        private Dictionary <Station, DateTime> SetChangeTrainLineTime(Dictionary <Station, DateTime> stationTimeMap)
            Dictionary <Station, DateTime> stationTimeMapModified = new Dictionary <Station, DateTime>();
            var firstStation = stationTimeMap.FirstOrDefault();
            int skipCounter  = 0;

            foreach (var stations in stationTimeMap)
                if (skipCounter != 0)

                if (stations.Equals(firstStation))
                    stationTimeMapModified.Add(stations.Key, stations.Value);
                    firstStation = stations;

                if (firstStation.Key.TrainLineId != stations.Key.TrainLineId)
                    var firstTime        = firstStation.Value;
                    var secondTime       = stations.Value;
                    int minuteDifference = Math.Abs(firstStation.Value.Minute - stations.Value.Minute);
                    int compareResult    = DateTime.Compare(firstTime, secondTime);
                    if (compareResult == 0 || compareResult > 0)
                        var stationsToModify = stationTimeMap.Where(x => x.Key.TrainLineId == stations.Key.TrainLineId);
                        skipCounter = stationsToModify.Count();
                        IncreaseTime(firstStation, stationsToModify, stationTimeMapModified);
                        firstStation = stationTimeMapModified.LastOrDefault();
                    else if (compareResult < 0 && minuteDifference < 10)// chaning a train adds 10 minutes
                        var stationsToModify = stationTimeMap.Where(x => x.Key.TrainLineId == stations.Key.TrainLineId);
                        skipCounter = stationsToModify.Count();
                        IncreaseTime(firstStation, stationsToModify, stationTimeMapModified);
                        firstStation = stationTimeMapModified.LastOrDefault();
                        stationTimeMapModified.Add(stations.Key, stations.Value);
                        firstStation = stations;
                    stationTimeMapModified.Add(stations.Key, stations.Value);
                    firstStation = stations;
Exemple #9
        public Task <int> LastLogIndex()
            var lastLog = _log.LastOrDefault();

            if (lastLog.Value != null)

Exemple #10
         * TODO: First pass: parse out existing things, the place we're in and decorators
         * Second pass: search for places in the world to make links
         * Third pass: More robust logic to avoid extra merging later
        private IEnumerable <IDictata> ParseSpeech(IList <Tuple <string, bool> > words)
             * hello
             * hi there
             * did you go to the store
             * what are you doing there
             * I saw a red ball in the living room
            List <IDictata> returnList = new List <IDictata>();

            ILocation currentPlace = _actor.CurrentLocation.CurrentLocation();

            Dictionary <string, IDictata> brandedWords = BrandWords(words);

            string targetWord = string.Empty;

            //No valid nouns to make the target? Pick the last one
            if (!brandedWords.Any(ctx => ctx.Value == null))
                targetWord = brandedWords.LastOrDefault().Key;
                targetWord = brandedWords.LastOrDefault(ctx => ctx.Value == null).Key;


            List <IDictata> descriptors = new List <IDictata>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, IDictata> adjective in brandedWords.Where(ctx => ctx.Value == null ||
                                                                                     (ctx.Value != null && (ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Adjective ||
                                                                                                            ctx.Value.WordType == LexicalType.Adverb))))
                if (adjective.Value != null)
                    descriptors.Add(new Dictata()
                        Name = adjective.Key, WordType = LexicalType.Adjective


    public IEnumerator Hide()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTime));

        if (anim != null)
        isShowing = false;
        if (queue.Count > 0)
            Show(queue.LastOrDefault().Key, queue.LastOrDefault().Value);
Exemple #12
        public void Add(Driver Driver)
            if (Driver == null)

            if (FakeDaoDriver == null)

            using (StreamWriter files = new StreamWriter(_connectionString))
                var lastIndex = FakeDaoDriver.LastOrDefault().Key;
                if (lastIndex == 0)
                    Driver.Id = lastIndex;
                    FakeDaoDriver.Add(lastIndex++, Driver);

                    FakeDaoDriver.Add(++lastIndex, Driver);
                    Driver.Id = lastIndex;

                foreach (var driver in FakeDaoDriver.Values)
                    files.WriteLine($"{driver.Id} {driver.LastName} {driver.FistName} {driver.MiddleName}");
Exemple #13
 public static void Create(FactionInteractive _model)
     _model.InteractiveID = currentFactionInteractives.Count > 0 ? currentFactionInteractives.LastOrDefault().Key + 1 : 1;
     _model.LabelOnMap    = API.shared.createTextLabel(_model.Name, _model.Position, 15, 1, false, _model.Dimension);
     currentFactionInteractives.Add(_model.InteractiveID, _model);
Exemple #14
        private static string TopologicalSort()
            var res = new List <string>();

            while (dependencies.Count > 0)
                string nodeDelete;
                if (dependencies.Where(x => x.Value == 0).Count() > 1)
                    nodeDelete = dependencies.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value == 0).Key;
                    nodeDelete = dependencies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == 0).Key;

                foreach (var child in graph[nodeDelete])


            return(string.Join(" ", res));
Exemple #15
        public Guid GetWindowID(UIElement element, string elementID)
            var window = Window.GetWindow(element);

            if (window == null)
                var lastWindow = myReferencedWindows.LastOrDefault();
                if (lastWindow.Key == null)

            Guid guid;

            if (!myReferencedWindows.TryGetValue(window, out guid))
                guid = IsMainWindow(window) ? Guid.Empty : Guid.NewGuid();
                myReferencedWindows.Add(window, guid);
                window.SizeChanged     += WindowSizeChanged;
                window.LocationChanged += WindowLocationChanged;
                window.Deactivated     += WinDeactivated;
                window.Activated       += WinActivated;
                window.Closed          += WindowClosed;
Exemple #16
        public static void CreateHouse(House _model)
            _model.HouseId           = CurrentHousesDict.Count > 0 ? CurrentHousesDict.LastOrDefault().Key + 1 : 1;
            _model.InteriorDimension = _model.HouseId;
            HouseMarkerColor hmc = new HouseMarkerColor();

            _model.LabelOnMap  = API.shared.createTextLabel(_model.Name, _model.EntrancePosition, 10, 1, false, _model.EntranceDimension);
            _model.MarkerOnMap = API.shared.createMarker(_model.MarkerType, _model.EntrancePosition, new Vector3(), _model.EntranceRotation, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 255,
                                                         _model.IsSelling ? hmc.SaleColor.Red : hmc.NormalColor.Red,
                                                         _model.IsSelling ? hmc.SaleColor.Green : hmc.NormalColor.Green,
                                                         _model.IsSelling ? hmc.SaleColor.Blue : hmc.NormalColor.Blue,
            while (true)
                    CurrentHousesDict.Add(_model.HouseId, _model);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (ex.GetType() == typeof(TargetInvocationException))

            //CurrentHousesDict.Add(_house, API.shared.createMarker(_house.MarkerType, _house.EntrancePosition, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 255, hmc.SaleColor.Red, hmc.SaleColor.Green, hmc.SaleColor.Blue, _house.EntranceDimension));
Exemple #17
        //        public List<ExamProccessLog> ReadSubjectLog(int ClassId, int MainExamId, int SubjectId,int SectionId)
//        {
//            string strSQL = @"select epl.*,m.MainExamName,S.SectionName,t.Name TermName,c.ClassName,ss.SubjectName from dbo.Res_ExamProccessLog epl
//INNER JOIN dbo.Res_MainExam m on m.MainExamId=epl.MainExamId
//INNER JOIN dbo.Res_Terms T on T.TermId=m.TermId
//Inner JOin dbo.Ins_ClassInfo c on c.ClassId=epl.ClassId
//Inner JOin dbo.Ins_Section  S on S.SectionId =epl.SectionId
//Inner JOin dbo.Res_SubjectSetup ss on ss.SubID=epl.SubjectId WHERE epl.ClassId = " + ClassId + " AND epl.MainExamId = " + MainExamId + " AND epl.SubjectId = " + SubjectId + "AND epl.SectionId =" + SectionId;

//            strSQL = strSQL + " ORDER BY LogId desc";
//            List<ExamProccessLog> lstlog = new List<ExamProccessLog>();
//            DataTable dtResults = new DataTable();
//            try
//            {

//                dtResults = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(ConStr, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
//                if (dtResults.Rows.Count > 0)
//                {
//                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtResults.Rows)
//                    {
//                        ExamProccessLog Log = new ExamProccessLog();
//                        Log.LogId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LogId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MainExamId"]);
//                        Log.SessionId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SessionId"]);
//                        Log.ClassId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ClassId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamName = dr["MainExamName"].ToString();
//                        Log.TermName = dr["TermName"].ToString();
//                        Log.ClassName = dr["ClassName"].ToString();
//                        Log.SubjectName = dr["SubjectName"]==null ? string.Empty : dr["SubjectName"].ToString();
//                        Log.PId = dr["PId"].ToString();
//                        Log.Msg = dr["Msg"].ToString();
//                        Log.LogTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LogTime"].ToString());
//                        Log.SectionName = dr["SectionName"].ToString();
//                        lstlog.Add(Log);
//                    }
//                }
//                return lstlog;
//            }
//            catch (Exception ex)
//            {
//                throw ex;
//            }
//        }
//        public List<ExamProccessLog> ReadClassLog(int ClassId, int MainExamId,int SectionId)
//        {
//            string strSQL = @"select epl.*,m.MainExamName,S.SectionName,t.Name TermName,c.ClassName,ss.SubjectName from dbo.Res_ExamProccessLog epl
//INNER JOIN dbo.Res_MainExam m on m.MainExamId=epl.MainExamId
//INNER JOIN dbo.Res_Terms T on T.TermId=m.TermId
//Inner JOin dbo.Ins_ClassInfo c on c.ClassId=epl.ClassId
//Inner JOin dbo.Ins_Section  S on S.SectionId =epl.SectionId
//            left JOin dbo.Res_SubjectSetup ss on ss.SubID=epl.SubjectId WHERE epl.SubjectId=0 and epl.ClassId = " + ClassId + " AND epl.MainExamId = " + MainExamId + "AND epl.SectionId =" + SectionId;

//            strSQL = strSQL + " ORDER BY LogId desc";
//            List<ExamProccessLog> lstlog = new List<ExamProccessLog>();
//            DataTable dtResults = new DataTable();
//            try
//            {
//                dtResults = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(ConStr, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
//                if (dtResults.Rows.Count > 0)
//                {
//                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtResults.Rows)
//                    {
//                        ExamProccessLog Log = new ExamProccessLog();
//                        Log.LogId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LogId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MainExamId"]);
//                        Log.SessionId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SessionId"]);
//                        Log.ClassId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ClassId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamName = dr["MainExamName"].ToString();
//                        Log.MainExamName = dr["TermName"].ToString();
//                        Log.MainExamName = dr["ClassName"].ToString();
//                        Log.PId = dr["PId"].ToString();
//                        Log.Msg = dr["Msg"].ToString();
//                        Log.LogTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LogTime"].ToString());
//                        Log.SectionName = dr["SectionName"].ToString();
//                        lstlog.Add(Log);
//                    }
//                }
//                return lstlog;
//            }
//            catch (Exception ex)
//            {
//                throw ex;
//            }
//        }
//        public List<ExamProccessLog> ReadLog(int ShiftId, int MainExamId, string pid)
//        {
//            //string Sql = @"UPDATE Res_Tabulation SET ExamName = '" + NewExamName + "' WHERE ExamName = '" + OldExam + "'";
//            string strSQL = @"SELECT top 25 * FROM Res_ExamProccessLog WHERE ShiftId = " +ShiftId+ " AND MainExamId = " + MainExamId;
//            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid))
//               // Sql = Sql + " AND  MainExamId =  " + ExamId;
//                strSQL = strSQL +  " AND PId = '" + pid +"'";
//            strSQL = strSQL + " ORDER BY LogId desc";
//        List <ExamProccessLog> lstlog =  new List<ExamProccessLog>();
//            DataTable dtResults = new DataTable();
//            try
//            {

//                dtResults = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(ConStr, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
//                if(dtResults.Rows.Count>0)
//                {
//                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtResults.Rows)
//                    {
//                        ExamProccessLog Log = new ExamProccessLog();
//                        Log.LogId = Convert.ToInt32( dr["LogId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MainExamId"]);
//                        Log.SessionId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SessionId"]);
//                        Log.ShiftID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ShiftID"]);
//                        Log.ClassId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ClassId"]);
//                        Log.PId = dr["PId"].ToString();
//                        Log.Msg = dr["Msg"].ToString();
//                        Log.LogTime = Convert.ToDateTime( dr["LogTime"].ToString());
//                        lstlog.Add(Log);
//                    }
//                }
//                return lstlog;
//            }
//            catch (Exception ex)
//            {
//                throw ex;
//            }
//        }
//        public List<ExamProccessLog> ReadLogGrand(int ShiftId,  int ClassId,int GroupId)
//        {
//            string strSQL = @"SELECT * FROM Res_ExamProccessLog WHERE ShiftId = " + ShiftId  +
//                " AND ClassId = " + ClassId + " AND GroupId = " + GroupId  + " AND PId = 'G' ";
//            strSQL = strSQL + " ORDER BY LogId desc";
//            List<ExamProccessLog> lstlog = new List<ExamProccessLog>();
//            DataTable dtResults = new DataTable();
//            try
//            {
//                dtResults = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(ConStr, CommandType.Text, strSQL);
//                if (dtResults.Rows.Count > 0)
//                {
//                    foreach (DataRow dr in dtResults.Rows)
//                    {
//                        ExamProccessLog Log = new ExamProccessLog();
//                        Log.LogId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["LogId"]);
//                        Log.MainExamId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MainExamId"]);
//                        Log.SessionId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["SessionId"]);
//                        Log.ShiftID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ShiftID"]);
//                        Log.ClassId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["ClassId"]);
//                        Log.PId = dr["PId"].ToString();
//                        Log.Msg = dr["Msg"].ToString();
//                        Log.LogTime = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["LogTime"].ToString());
//                        lstlog.Add(Log);
//                    }
//                }
//                return lstlog;
//            }
//            catch (Exception ex)
//            {
//                throw ex;
//            }
//        }
        /// <summary>
        /// Dynamic Update Table by Raw Query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ShiftId"></param>
        /// <param name="ClassId"></param>
        /// <param name="GroupId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdateBySql(string TableName, Dictionary <string, string> Columns, Dictionary <string, string> WhereClauses, params SqlParameter[] sqlParameterlist)
            string strSQL = @"UPDATE " + TableName + " SET ";

            foreach (var item in Columns)
                strSQL += " " + item.Key + " = " + item.Value + " ,";
            strSQL  = strSQL.Trim(',');
            strSQL += " WHERE ";//  Set Where Clause

            foreach (var item in WhereClauses)
                strSQL += " " + item.Key + " = " + item.Value;
                if (!WhereClauses.LastOrDefault().Equals(item))
                    strSQL += " AND ";
                int Res = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(ConStr, CommandType.Text, strSQL, sqlParameterlist);
                return(Res > 0);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
Exemple #18
        public PeanutsUserGroupMembershipStatistics(UserGroupMembership member, IList <Peanut> allPeanutsInGroup, IList <PeanutParticipation> peanutParticipationsOfMember)
            TotalPeanutsInGroup        = allPeanutsInGroup.Count;
            CanceledPeanutsInGroup     = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => p.IsCanceled);
            PeanutsCreatedByMember     = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => p.CreatedBy.Equals(member.User));
            CurrentPeanutCount         = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => p.PeanutState != PeanutState.Canceled && p.PeanutState != PeanutState.Realized);
            AvarageParticipationsCount =
                allPeanutsInGroup.Where(p => p.PeanutState != PeanutState.Canceled).Average(p => p.Participations.Count(part => part.ParticipationState == PeanutParticipationState.Confirmed));
            DonePeanutsInGroup = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => p.PeanutState == PeanutState.Realized);

            ParticipationsOnCanceledPeanutsInGroup =
                peanutParticipationsOfMember.Count(part => part.ParticipationState == PeanutParticipationState.Confirmed && part.Peanut.IsCanceled);
            PeanutParticipationCountTotal      = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => !p.IsCanceled);
            ParticipationsOnDonePeanutsInGroup = allPeanutsInGroup.Count(p => p.PeanutState == PeanutState.Realized);
            ParticipationsByType = peanutParticipationsOfMember
                                   .Where(part => !part.Peanut.IsCanceled)
                                   .GroupBy(part => part.ParticipationType)
                                   .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());

            PriceDevelopment = CalculatePriceDevelopment(member, allPeanutsInGroup);

            Dictionary <Peanut, double> orderedByPrice = PriceDevelopment.OrderBy(dev => dev.Value.Price).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.Value.Price);

            MinPrice = orderedByPrice.FirstOrDefault();
            MaxPrice = orderedByPrice.LastOrDefault();
Exemple #19
        public T Get <T>()
            var implementationType =
                _typeImplementationDependencies.LastOrDefault(serviceDescriptor => serviceDescriptor.Key == typeof(T) || serviceDescriptor.Value == typeof(T)).Value;

            if (implementationType == null)
                throw new Exception($"The implementation for the {typeof(T)} wasn't found");

            var constructorParameters = implementationType.GetConstructors()[0].GetParameters();
            var importedProperties    = implementationType.GetProperties()
                                        .Where(prop => prop.GetCustomAttribute <ImportAttribute>() != null).ToList();

            if (constructorParameters.Length > 0)
                return(GetImplementationForTypeWithConstructor <T>(implementationType, constructorParameters));

            if (importedProperties.Any())
                return(GetImplementationForTypeWithImportedProperties <T>(implementationType, importedProperties));

Exemple #20
        public void Add(WorkItem workItem)
            if (workItem == null)

            if (FakeDaoWorkItem == null)

            using (StreamWriter files = new StreamWriter(_connectionString))
                var lastIndex = FakeDaoWorkItem.LastOrDefault().Key;
                if (lastIndex == 0)
                    workItem.Id = lastIndex;
                    FakeDaoWorkItem.Add(lastIndex++, workItem);
                    FakeDaoWorkItem.Add(++lastIndex, workItem);
                    workItem.Id = lastIndex;

                foreach (var item in FakeDaoWorkItem.Values)
                    files.WriteLine($"{item.Id} {item.WorkDate.Date:MM/dd/yyyy} " +
                                    $"{item.Driver.FistName} {item.Driver.MiddleName} {item.Driver.LastName} " +
        public static void LoadTimedMail()
            string filePath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + "configs/TimedMail.bytes";

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))

            using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(filePath))
                byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
                stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                //for (int i = 0; i < stream.Length; ++i)
                //    buffer[i] = (byte)(buffer[i] ^ 0x37);

                using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(buffer)))
                    string json = reader.ReadString();
                    m_dicTimedMails = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <int, STTimedMail> >(json);

                    m_dicTimedMails = m_dicTimedMails.OrderBy(o => o.Key).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, p => p.Value);
                    _nextId         = m_dicTimedMails.LastOrDefault().Key + 1;
Exemple #22
    void Update()
        if (MLHands.IsStarted)
            _statusText.text = $"Hand tracking has started...";

            AddAndUpdateHandKeyPoint(new FingerKeyPoint[]
                new FingerKeyPoint {
                    Name = $"HandLeft.{nameof(MLHands.Left.Index)}", KeyPoint = MLHands.Left.Index.KeyPoints[0]
                new FingerKeyPoint {
                    Name = $"HandRight.{nameof(MLHands.Right.Index)}", KeyPoint = MLHands.Right.Index.KeyPoints[0]

            if (cacheKeyPoints.Count > 0)
                leftHandFinger  = cacheKeyPoints.FirstOrDefault().Value;
                rightHandFinger = cacheKeyPoints.LastOrDefault().Value;

                // update source and target line
                measureLine.SetPosition(0, leftHandFinger.transform.position);
                measureLine.SetPosition(1, rightHandFinger.transform.position);

                distanceText.text = $"DISTANCE: {(Vector3.Distance(leftHandFinger.transform.position, rightHandFinger.transform.position) * measurementFactor).ToString("F2")} in";

            _statusText.text = $"Hand Key Points: {string.Join(",", cacheKeyPoints.Keys.Select(s => s).ToArray())}";
            _statusText.text = $"Hand tracking has not started...";
        // Managers

        private async Task <IConnection> GetOrCreateConnection(bool forceCreation = false)
            IConnection conn;
            var         poolItem = _connPool.LastOrDefault(x => x.Value.Count() < _connConfig.ChannelsPerConnection);

            // Prevent returning a closed connection
            if (!IsNull(poolItem) && !poolItem.Key.IsOpen)
                await RemoveConnection(poolItem.Key);

                poolItem = default;

            if (IsNull(poolItem) || forceCreation)
                var connFactory = _connConfig.CreateConnectionFactory();
                conn = await connFactory.CreateConnectionAsync();

                _connPool[conn] = new List <IModel>();
                conn = poolItem.Key;

Exemple #24
        private string GetFullUrl(string url, Dictionary <string, object> query = null)
            StringBuilder fullUrl = new StringBuilder(this.m_serverUrl);


            // dictionary key value pair to query string
            StringBuilder encodedQuery = new StringBuilder();

            if (query != null)
                foreach (var kvp in query)
                    if (query.FirstOrDefault().Key == kvp.Key)
                    fullUrl.AppendFormat("{0}={1}", kvp.Key, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(kvp.Value.ToString()));
                    if (query.LastOrDefault().Key != kvp.Key)

Exemple #25
        private Dictionary <string, XDocument> GetAssemblesWithDocuments(XDocument xmlDocument)
            var documents = new Dictionary <string, XDocument>();

            foreach (var member in xmlDocument.Elements("doc").Elements("members").Elements("member"))
                var memberName = member.Attribute("name");
                if (memberName != null && memberName.Value.Contains("T:"))
                    var assembleyName = member.Attribute("name").Value.Split('.')[1];
                    documents.Add(assembleyName, new XDocument(new XElement("doc",
                                                                            new XElement("assembly", new XElement("name", assembleyName)),
                                                                            new XElement("members", member)

                var document = documents.LastOrDefault();

                var members = document.Value.Elements("doc").Elements("members").FirstOrDefault();
                if (members != null)

Exemple #26
 public static void Create(Business _model)
     _model.BusinessId = currentBusiness.Count > 0 ? currentBusiness.LastOrDefault().Value.BusinessId + 1 : 1;
     _model.LabelOnMap = API.shared.createTextLabel(_model.BusinessName, _model.Position, 10, 1, true, _model.Dimension);
     currentBusiness.Add(_model.BusinessId, _model);
        public decimal GetTaxResult(decimal income)
            var maxLevel = _percentLookup.LastOrDefault(m => m.Key < income);

            return(maxLevel.Key == _percentLookup.First().Key
                ? maxLevel.Value * income
                : maxLevel.Value *(income - maxLevel.Key) + GetTaxResult(maxLevel.Key));
 public void Add(TKey key, TValue value)
     if (!_sorted)
         _order.Add(key, _order.LastOrDefault().Value + 1);
     _internalList.Add(key, value);
Exemple #29
        private void ProcessManifest(string data, string filename)
            JsonDocument jdoc  = JsonDocument.Parse(data);
            JsonElement  jroot = jdoc.RootElement;

            string  packageName    = string.Empty;
            string  packageDesc    = string.Empty;
            string  packageAuthor  = string.Empty;
            Version packageVersion = new Version(0, 0, 0);

            if (jroot.TryGetProperty("Name", out JsonElement nameProp))
                packageName = nameProp.GetString();
            if (jroot.TryGetProperty("Description", out JsonElement descProp))
                packageDesc = descProp.GetString();
            if (jroot.TryGetProperty("Author", out JsonElement authorProp))
                packageAuthor = authorProp.GetString();
            if (jroot.TryGetProperty("Version", out JsonElement versionProp))
                packageVersion = new Version(versionProp.GetString());

            if (manifestHeaders.ContainsKey(packageName))
                Log.WriteError($"Manifest with name {packageName} is already loaded. Aborting read operation.");

            Log.WriteLine($"Loading manifest: {packageName} by {packageAuthor} (v {packageVersion.ToString(3)}), {packageDesc}");

            string relativePath = Path.GetRelativePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory, filename);

            relativePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(relativePath);

            JsonElement   resElement      = jroot.GetProperty("Resources");
            List <string> validResHeaders = new List <string>();

            foreach (JsonElement ele in resElement.EnumerateArray())
                ProcessManifestEntry(ele, relativePath, ref validResHeaders);

                ResourceHeader lastHeader = headers.LastOrDefault().Value;
                if (lastHeader != null && !lastHeader.manifests.Contains(packageName)) //check is necessary since an entry can be discarded if malformed.

            ManifestHeader manifestHeader = new ManifestHeader(packageName, packageAuthor, packageDesc, packageVersion, validResHeaders.ToArray(), filename);

            manifestHeaders.Add(manifestHeader.name, manifestHeader);
            Log.WriteLine("Manifest " + manifestHeader.name + " loaded. " + manifestHeader.headerNames.Length + " headers processed.");
Exemple #30
        public object GetNativeId(Security security)
            if (security == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(security));

            return(_nativeIdSecurities.LastOrDefault(p => p.Value == security).Key);
        private Dictionary<DateTime, decimal> Process(DateTime fromDate)
             * Unfortunately because EMA's rely on previous ema processed data and the first EMA is aways the SMA
             * we always have to process the entire data set every time so it remains consistent for partial updates

            var orderedClosingPrices = this.closingPrices.OrderBy(p => p.Key);
            var startingEmaValue = Math.Round(orderedClosingPrices.Take(this.timePeriod).Average(e => e.Value), 2);
            var startingEmaDate = orderedClosingPrices.Skip(timePeriod - 1).First().Key;

            var multiplier = (decimal)2 / (decimal)(this.timePeriod + 1);
            var ema = new Dictionary<DateTime, decimal> { { startingEmaDate, startingEmaValue } };

            var closingPricesToWorkWith = this.closingPrices.Where(e => e.Key > startingEmaDate).OrderBy(e => e.Key);

            foreach (var closingPrice in closingPricesToWorkWith)
                var yesterdayEma = ema.LastOrDefault();
                ema.Add(closingPrice.Key, Math.Round(((closingPrice.Value - yesterdayEma.Value) * multiplier + yesterdayEma.Value), 2));

            return ema.Where(d => d.Key >= fromDate).ToDictionary(d => d.Key, d => d.Value);
        /// <summary>
        /// average Data By Week
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conductivityData">conductivity Data</param>
        /// <param name="sourceNumber">source Number</param>
        private void AverageDataByWeek(Dictionary<DateTime, Tuple<int, int>> conductivityData, int sourceNumber)
                DateTime firstDate = new DateTime();
                if (conductivityData != null && conductivityData.Count > 0)
                    firstDate = conductivityData.FirstOrDefault().Key;
                DateTime lastDate = new DateTime();
                if (conductivityData != null && conductivityData.Count > 0)
                    lastDate = conductivityData.LastOrDefault().Key;
                int weeks = Convert.ToInt32(((lastDate - firstDate).TotalDays / 7) + 1);

                DateTime previousDate = new DateTime();
                if (conductivityData != null && conductivityData.Count > 0)
                    previousDate = conductivityData.FirstOrDefault().Key;
                int nextWeek = 0;
                if (conductivityData != null && conductivityData.Count > 0)
                    nextWeek = WeekNumberCalculator(conductivityData.LastOrDefault().Key.AddDays(7));
                List<int>[] groupedWeekCondData = new List<int>[weeks];

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var entry in conductivityData)
                    int currentWeek = WeekNumberCalculator(entry.Key);
                    int average;
                    if (currentWeek != nextWeek && !this.dataForWeekToAverage.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                        this.dataForWeekToAverage.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value);
                        List<int> valuesForWeek = new List<int>();
                        foreach (var condVal in this.dataForWeekToAverage.Values)

                        if (this.dataForWeekToAverage.Count == 0)

                        groupedWeekCondData[i] = valuesForWeek;
                        average = Convert.ToInt32(valuesForWeek.Average());
                        Tuple<int, int, List<int>> weekCondVal = new Tuple<int, int, List<int>>(currentWeek, average, groupedWeekCondData[i]);
                        if (!this.weeklyAverageCondDataSource1.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                            if (sourceNumber == 1)
                                this.weeklyAverageCondDataSource1.Add(entry.Key, weekCondVal);
                                this.weeklyAverageCondDataSource2.Add(entry.Key, weekCondVal);
                        nextWeek = WeekNumberCalculator(entry.Key.AddDays(7));
                    previousDate = entry.Key;
        private bool loadAndCheckArguments(string[] args)
            if (args == null || args.Length == 0)
                return false;

            // Parsing Arguments
            file_with_list = null;
            dest_dir = null;
            flags = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            string[] empty_flags = new string[] { "i", "interface" };

            foreach (var arg in args)
                var last = flags.LastOrDefault();
                if (flags.Count > 0 && last.Value == null && !empty_flags.Any(x => x == last.Key))
                    flags[last.Key] = arg;

                // Flag
                if (arg.StartsWith("-"))
                    flags[arg.Substring(1).ToLower()] = null;
                    if (file_with_list == null) file_with_list = arg;
                    else if (dest_dir == null) dest_dir = arg;

            //Process flags
            for (var i = 0; i < flags.Count; i++)
                var flag = flags.ElementAt(i);
                switch (flag.Key)
                    case "threads":
                    case "t":
                        int c;
                        flags["threads"] = int.TryParse(flag.Value.ToString(), out c) ? c : -1;
                    case "interface":
                    case "i":
                        //without value
                        flags["interface"] = null;

            //Interface call
            if (flags.ContainsKey("interface"))
                var result = ParamsForm.OpenDialog();

                if (result != null)
                    file_with_list = null;
                    file_list = result.Links.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();
                    dest_dir = result.DestinationFolder;
                    flags["threads"] = result.ThreadCount;
                else if (file_with_list == null)
                    return false;

            //Check file list and load links
            if (file_list == null && !File.Exists(file_with_list))
                print_text(string.Format("Error: File \"{0}\" doesn't exists.", file_with_list));
                return false;
            else if (file_list == null)
                file_list = File.ReadAllLines(file_with_list).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToArray();

            //Output parameter
                if (!Directory.Exists(dest_dir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(dest_dir);
                dest_dir = ".";
            dest_dir = Path.GetFullPath(dest_dir);

            return true;
Exemple #34
        public static IList<ApTimeLine> GetPlayerApTimeline(Player p, string patch, int matchId, int teamId)
                IList<ApTimeLine> timelines = new List<ApTimeLine>();
                var orderedTime = p.ItemTimeLine.OrderBy(a => a.TimeStamp).ToList();
                IDictionary<int, double> apPerMin = new Dictionary<int, double>();
                var items = new List<Item>();
                var groups = orderedTime.GroupBy(a => (int)Math.Truncate((double)a.TimeStamp / 60000));

                var runesAp = p.Runes.Sum(r => r.Ap);
                var runesApPerLv = p.Runes.Sum(r => r.ApPerLevel);
                var runesMr = p.Runes.Sum(r => r.MagicResist);
                var runesMrPerLv = p.Runes.Sum(r => r.MagicResistPerLevel);
                foreach (var group in groups)
                        var t = new ApTimeLine();
                        t.Minute = group.Key;
                        var lv = p.TimeLine[t.Minute].Level;
                        t.PlayerId = p.ParticipantId;
                        t.MatchId = matchId;
                        t.TeamId = teamId;

                        foreach (var itemTimeline in group)
                            Item item;
                            if (patch.StartsWith("5.11"))
                                item = ItemsCache.GetItemV511(itemTimeline.ItemId);
                                item = ItemsCache.GetItemV514(itemTimeline.ItemId);

                            double itemAp = 0;
                            if (itemTimeline.EventType == "ITEM_PURCHASED")

                            double totalAp = items.Sum(i => ItemStats.GetTotalAP(i,t.Minute,p.SelectedChampion)) + runesAp + runesApPerLv * lv;
                            if (items.Any(i => i.Name == "Rabadon's Deathcap"))
                                if (patch.StartsWith("5.11"))
                                    totalAp = totalAp * 1.30;
                                    totalAp = totalAp * 1.35;

                            if (apPerMin.ContainsKey(t.Minute))
                                apPerMin[t.Minute] = totalAp;
                                apPerMin.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, double>(t.Minute, totalAp));

                        t.Items = items.ToList();

                        t.CurrentGold = p.TimeLine[t.Minute].CurrentGold;
                        t.GoldSpent = items.Sum(i => i.GoldCost);

                        t.TotalMr = items.Sum(i => i.ItemStats.MR) + p.SelectedChampion.Stat.MagicResist + p.SelectedChampion.Stat.MagicResistPerLv * lv + runesMr + runesMrPerLv * lv; ;
                        t.TotalAp = apPerMin.LastOrDefault().Value;
                    catch {
                return timelines;
            catch {
Exemple #35
        public static Obj_AI_Minion NearestWard()
            if (!ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Minion>().Where(ward => ward.IsAlly && ward.Name.ToLower().Contains("ward") && Geometry.Distance(ward.ServerPosition, Game.CursorPos) < 1900 && Geometry.Distance(Player.ServerPosition, ward.ServerPosition) <= Program.W.Range).Any()) return null;

               Dictionary<Obj_AI_Minion, float> Distances = new Dictionary<Obj_AI_Minion, float>();
               Vector3 Mousepos = Game.CursorPos;

               int i = new int();
               i = 0;

               foreach (Obj_AI_Minion Ward in ObjectManager.Get<Obj_AI_Minion>().Where(ward => ward.IsAlly && ward.Name.ToLower().Contains("ward") && Geometry.Distance(ward.ServerPosition, Game.CursorPos) < 1900 && Geometry.Distance(Player.ServerPosition, ward.ServerPosition) <= Program.W.Range))
               if (i != 0 && Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos) <= Distances.LastOrDefault().Value)//If the new ward is at a shorter distance.
                   Distances.Remove(Distances.LastOrDefault().Key);//Remove the last ward.
                   Distances.Add(Ward, Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos));//Here, we add the new ward to the dictionary.
               else if (i != 0 && Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos) >= Distances.LastOrDefault().Value)//If the new ward is at a greater distance. we don't do nothing.

               else//First ward found in the loop.
                   Distances.Add(Ward, Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos));//As a first ward, we simply add it.

               i += 1;

               if (Distances.LastOrDefault().Key.IsValid) return Distances.LastOrDefault().Key;
               else return null;
        public Result SearchK2(int N, double delta)
            Dictionary<int, double> K2_dic = new Dictionary<int, double>();
            K2_dic.Add(100, 1.0);
            K2_dic.Add(200, 1.03);
            K2_dic.Add(300, 1.06);
            K2_dic.Add(500, 1.09);
            K2_dic.Add(700, 1.14);
            K2_dic.Add(900, 1.20);
            K2_dic.Add(1000, 1.32);
            K2_dic.Add(2000, 1.49);
            K2_dic.Add(3000, 1.55);
            K2_dic.Add(4000, 1.65);
            K2_dic.Add(5000, 1.77);
            K2_dic.Add(10000, 1.90);
            K2_dic.Add(20000, 2.03);
            K2_dic.Add(30000, 2.16);
            K2_dic.Add(40000, 2.35);
            K2_dic.Add(50000, 2.90);
            K2_dic.Add(60000, 3.0);
            K2_dic.Add(80000, 3.0);
            K2_dic.Add(100000, 3.0);

            Result result = new Result();

            var maximum = K2_dic.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key > N);

            if (maximum.Key == 0)
                Result max = new Result();
                max.key = 100000;
                max.value = 3;

                //return max;

            var minimum = K2_dic.LastOrDefault(x => x.Key < N);

            Result bottom = new Result();
            bottom.key = minimum.Key;
            bottom.value = minimum.Value;

            Result upper = new Result();
            upper.key = maximum.Key;
            upper.value = maximum.Value;

            result.key = ((upper.key + bottom.key) / 2.0);
            result.value = ((upper.value + bottom.value) / 2.0);

            while (Math.Abs(N - result.key) > delta)
                if (N < result.key)
                    upper = result;
                    bottom = result;

                result.key = ((upper.key + bottom.key) / 2.0);
                result.value = ((upper.value + bottom.value) / 2.0);

            return result;
Exemple #37
        public static Obj_AI_Minion NearestWard(IEnumerable<Obj_AI_Minion> Wards)
            if (!Wards.Any()) return null;

               Dictionary<Obj_AI_Minion, float> Distances = new Dictionary<Obj_AI_Minion, float>();
               Vector3 Mousepos = Game.CursorPos;

               int i = new int();
               i = 0;

               foreach (Obj_AI_Minion Ward in Wards)
               if (i != 0 && Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos) <= Distances.LastOrDefault().Value)//If the new ward is at a shorter distance.
                   Distances.Remove(Distances.LastOrDefault().Key);//Remove the last ward.
                   Distances.Add(Ward, Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos));//Here, we add the new ward to the dictionary.
               else if (i != 0 && Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos) >= Distances.LastOrDefault().Value)//If the new ward is at a greater distance. we don't do nothing.

               else//First ward found in the loop.
                   Distances.Add(Ward, Geometry.Distance(Ward.ServerPosition, Mousepos));//As a first ward, we simply add it.

               i += 1;

               if (Distances.LastOrDefault().Key.IsValid) return Distances.LastOrDefault().Key;
               else return null;