public bool PosTest1()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1:Invoke the method CopyTo in the KeyCollection 1");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         dic.Add("str1", "Test1");
         dic.Add("str2", "Test2");
         Dictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection keys = new Dictionary<string, string>.KeyCollection(dic);
         string[] TKeys = new string[SIZE];
         keys.CopyTo(TKeys, 0);
         string strKeys = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < TKeys.Length; i++)
             if (TKeys[i] != null)
                 strKeys += TKeys[i].ToString();
         if (TKeys[0].ToString() != "str1" || TKeys[1].ToString() != "str2" || strKeys != "str1str2")
             TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "the ExpecResult is not the ActualResult");
             retVal = false;
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("002", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
 public bool PosTest2()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest2:Invoke the method CopyTo in the ValueCollection 2");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         dic.Add("str1", "Test1");
         dic.Add("str2", "Test2");
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = new string[SIZE];
         values.CopyTo(TVals, 5);
         string strVals = null;
         for (int i = 0; i < TVals.Length; i++)
             if (TVals[i] != null)
                 strVals += TVals[i].ToString();
         if (TVals[5].ToString() != "Test1" || TVals[6].ToString() != "Test2" || strVals != "Test1Test2")
             TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("003", "the ExpecResult is not the ActualResult");
             retVal = false;
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("004", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
Exemple #3
 public void Dictionary_CopyTo_requires_destination_of_sufficient_size()
     IDictionary<int, string> dictionary = new Dictionary<int, string>();
     dictionary[1] = "foo";
     dictionary[2] = "foo";
     dictionary[3] = "foo";
     var destination = new KeyValuePair<int, string>[2];
     dictionary.CopyTo(destination, 0);
 public void CopyTo_KeyCollectionWithOneElementDictionary_FirstElementEqualsOne()
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     dictionary.Add(1, 1);
     var keyCollection = new Dictionary<int, int>.KeyCollection(dictionary);
     int[] keys = new int[1];
     keyCollection.CopyTo(keys, 0);
     Assert.Equal(1, keys[0]);
 public void CopyTo_KeyCollectionWithOneElementDictionary_FirstElementEqualsOne()
     var dictionary = new Dictionary<int, int>();
     dictionary.Add(1, 1);
     var valueCollection = new Dictionary<int, int>.ValueCollection(dictionary);
     int[] values = new int[1];
     valueCollection.CopyTo(values, 0);
     Assert.Equal(1, values[0]);
        public void copy_multiple_keys_that_all_exist_in_source()
            var source = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            source.Add("a", 1);
            source.Add("b", 2);
            source.Add("c", 3);

            var destination = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            source.CopyTo(destination, "a", "b", "c");

        public void copy_multiple_keys_with_some_misses()
            var source = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            source.Add("a", 1);
            //source.Add("b", 1);
            source.Add("c", 3);

            var destination = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            source.CopyTo(destination, "a", "b", "c");

    public bool PosTest1()
        bool retVal = true;

        // Add your scenario description here
        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest1: Verify method ICollection.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32) .");

            ICollection<KeyValuePair<String, String>> dictionary = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp1 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("txt", "notepad.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp2 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("bmp", "paint.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp3 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("dib", "paint.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp4 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("rtf", "wordpad.exe");


            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] kvpArray = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[dictionary.Count];

            dictionary.CopyTo(kvpArray, 0);

            bool actual = (kvpArray[0].Equals(kvp1)) && (kvpArray[1].Equals(kvp2)) &&
                          (kvpArray[2].Equals(kvp3)) && (kvpArray[3].Equals(kvp4));
            bool expected = true;

            if (actual != expected)
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001.1", "Method ICollectionCopyTo Err.");
                TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogInformation("WARNING [LOCAL VARIABLE] actual = " + actual + ", expected = " + expected);
                retVal = false;
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("001", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;

        return retVal;
 public void CopyToTest()
     var Test = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     var Test2 = new Dictionary<string, int>();
     Test.Add("Q", 4);
     Test.Add("Z", 2);
     Test.Add("C", 3);
     Test.Add("A", 1);
     string Value = "";
     int Value2 = 0;
     foreach (string Key in Test2.Keys.OrderBy(x => x))
         Value += Key;
         Value2 += Test2[Key];
     Assert.Equal("ACQZ", Value);
     Assert.Equal(10, Value2);
Exemple #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies all items present at the set to the specified array, starting at a specified index.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="array">one-dimensional array to copy to.</param>
 /// <param name="index">the zero-based index in array at which copying begins.</param>
 public void CopyTo(T[] array, int index)
     list.CopyTo(array, index);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// OK button clicked, process input
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>

        DialogResult ProcessInput()
            int           rgCount;                              // number of Rgroups
            List <Rgroup> rgList;                               // list of existing Rgroups

            bool[]        rgExists;                             // entry = true if rgroup exists in core
            Rgroup        rg;
            bool          oneD, twoD;                           // matrix dimensionality
            List <string> keys = null;
            Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > mElem; // matrix element dictionary

            List <RgroupSubstituent>[] rSubs;                   // substituents seen for each Rgroup
            Query        q, q0, q2;
            QueryTable   qt, qt2;
            QueryColumn  qc, qc2;
            MetaTable    mt, mt2;
            MetaColumn   mc, mc2;
            DataTableMx  dt;
            DataRowMx    dr;
            DialogResult dlgRslt;
            string       tok;
            int          ri, rii, si, qti, qci, bi, bi2;

            // Get core structure & list of R-groups

            MoleculeMx core = new MoleculeMx(MoleculeFormat.Molfile, SQuery.MolfileString);

            if (core.AtomCount == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("A Core structure with R-groups must be defined");

            if (!Structure.Checked && !Smiles.Checked && !Formula.Checked &&
                !Weight.Checked && !Index.Checked)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("At least one substituent display format must be selected.");

            mt = MetaTableCollection.GetWithException("Rgroup_Decomposition");
            qt = new QueryTable(mt);
            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Core");

            qc.MolString       = core.GetMolfileString();       // put core structure into table criteria
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "Substructure search (SSS)";
            qc.Criteria        = "CORE SSS SQUERY";

            qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("R1_Structure");
            if (ShowCoreStructure.Checked)
                qc.Label            = "R-group, Core\tChime=" + core.GetChimeString();      // reference core in query col header label
                qc.MetaColumn.Width = 25;

            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Structure", Structure.Checked);             // select for retrieval if checked
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Smiles", Smiles.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Formula", Formula.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_Weight", Weight.Checked);
            RgroupDecomposition.SetSelected(qt, "R1_SubstNo", Index.Checked);

            string terminateOption = "First mapping";             // terminate on first complete match

            qc                 = qt.GetQueryColumnByNameWithException("Terminate_Option");
            qc.Criteria        = qt.MetaTable.Name + " = " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);
            qc.CriteriaDisplay = "= " + Lex.AddSingleQuotes(terminateOption);

            QueryTable rgdQt = qt;             // keep a ref to it

            if (QbUtil.Query == null || QbUtil.Query.Tables.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No current query.");

            q0 = QbUtil.Query;          // original query this analysis is based on
            q  = q0.Clone();            // make copy of source query we can modify
            q.SingleStepExecution = false;

            qti = 0;
            while (qti < q.Tables.Count)             // deselect query columns that we don't want
                qt = q.Tables[qti];
                if (Lex.Eq(qt.MetaTable.Name, "Rgroup_Decomposition"))
                {                 // remove any rgroup decomp table

                mt = qt.MetaTable;
                if (mt.MultiPivot ||                                 // check for tables not allowed in underlying query
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.CalcField || // (called ShouldPresearchAndTransform previously)
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.MultiTable ||
                    mt.MetaBrokerType == MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp)
                    MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Multipivot/Rgroup table \"" + qt.ActiveLabel +
                                           "\" can't be included in an underlying Rgroup Matrix query");

                for (qci = 0; qci < qt.QueryColumns.Count; qci++)
                    qc = qt.QueryColumns[qci];
                    if (qc.MetaColumn == null)

                    switch (qc.MetaColumn.DataType)
                    case MetaColumnType.CompoundId:                             // keep only these
                    case MetaColumnType.Integer:
                    case MetaColumnType.Number:
                    case MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo:
                    case MetaColumnType.String:

                        qc.Selected = false;


            q.AddQueryTable(rgdQt);             // Add Rgroup decom table to end of cloned source query

            Progress.Show("Retrieving data...");
                dlgRslt = ToolHelper.ExecuteQuery(ref q, out keys);
                if (dlgRslt != DialogResult.OK)

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("Error executing query:\r\n" + ex.Message);

            if (keys == null || keys.Count == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No results were returned by the query.");

// Scan modified query to get list of rgroup indexes that are present

            rgExists = new bool[32];
            rgList   = new List <Rgroup>();

            QueryTable rgQt = q.GetQueryTableByName("Rgroup_Decomposition");

            foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in rgQt.QueryColumns)
                mc = qc0.MetaColumn;
                if (!(mc.Name.StartsWith("R") && mc.Name.EndsWith("_STRUCTURE") && qc0.Selected))
                    continue;                     // skip if not a selected Rgroup structure
                int len = mc.Name.Length - ("R" + "_STRUCTURE").Length;
                tok = mc.Name.Substring(1, len);
                if (!int.TryParse(tok, out ri))
                rgExists[ri - 1] = true;
                rg        = new Rgroup();
                rg.RIndex = ri;
                rg.VoPos  = qc0.VoPosition;

            for (bi = 1; bi < rgList.Count; bi++)
            {             // sort by increasing R index
                rg = rgList[bi];
                for (bi2 = bi - 1; bi2 >= 0; bi2--)
                    if (rg.RIndex >= rgList[bi2].RIndex)
                    rgList[bi2 + 1] = rgList[bi2];

                rgList[bi2 + 1] = rg;

            rgCount = rgList.Count;

            twoD = TwoD.Checked;
            if (rgCount == 1)
                twoD = false;                           // if only 1 rgroup can't do as 2d
            oneD = !twoD;

// Read data into mElem and rgroup substituents into rSubs.
// Matrix mElem is keyed on [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... RnSmiles, FieldName] for 1d and
// [R1Smiles, R2Smiles,... FieldName, RnSmiles] for 2d

            QueryManager     qm  = q.QueryManager as QueryManager;
            DataTableManager dtm = qm.DataTableManager;

            dt = qm.DataTable;

            mElem = new Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> >(); // matrix element dictionary
            rSubs = new List <RgroupSubstituent> [32];                  // list of substituents seen for each Rgroup
            for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++)                         // alloc substituent list for rgroup
                rSubs[rii] = new List <RgroupSubstituent>();

            int rowCount = 0;

            while (true)
            {             // scan data accumulating rgroup substituents and data values
                dr = dtm.FetchNextDataRow();
                if (dr == null)

                string cid = dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos] as string;
                string lastMapCid = "", rgroupKey = "", rgroupKeyLast = "";
                int    mapCount = 0;
                for (rii = 0; rii < rgCount; rii++)                 // for
                    MoleculeMx rSub = dr[rgList[rii].VoPos] as MoleculeMx;
                    if (rSub == null || rSub.AtomCount == 0)

                    ri = rgList[rii].RIndex;                     // actual R index in query
                    int subIdx = RgroupSubstituent.Get(rSub, rSubs[rii]);
                    //					if (ri == 1 && subIdx != 0) subIdx = subIdx; // debug
                    if (subIdx < 0)
                    string rKey = "R" + ri.ToString() + "_" + (subIdx + 1).ToString();

                    if (oneD || rii < rgCount - 1)
                        if (rgroupKey != "")
                            rgroupKey += "\t";
                        rgroupKey += rKey;

                        rgroupKeyLast = rKey;
                    lastMapCid = cid;

                if (lastMapCid == cid)                 // add the data if compound has a mapping
                    AccumulateMatrixElements(mElem, q, dr, rgroupKey, rgroupKeyLast, cid);

                if (Progress.IsTimeToUpdate)
                    Progress.Show("Retrieving data: " + StringMx.FormatIntegerWithCommas(rowCount) + " rows...");
            if (rowCount == 0)
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No data rows retrieved");

            if (twoD && (rSubs[rgCount - 1] == null || rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count == 0))
            {             // if 2D be sure we have at least one substituent for the last Rgroup
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No substituents found for R" + rgCount.ToString());

            // Create a MetaTable & DataTable for matrix results

            Progress.Show("Analyzing data...");

            mt = new MetaTable();             // create output table
            mt.Name           = "RGROUPMATRIX_" + MatrixCount;
            mt.Label          = "R-group Matrix " + MatrixCount;
            mt.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;

            mc =                       // use sequence for key
                 mt.AddMetaColumn("RgroupMatrixId", "No.", MetaColumnType.Integer, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 3);
            mc.ClickFunction = "None"; // avoid hyperlink on this key
            mc.IsKey         = true;

            int maxLeftR = rgCount;

            if (twoD)
                maxLeftR = rgCount - 1;
            for (ri = 0; ri < maxLeftR; ri++)
                string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString();
                if (Structure.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Str", rStr, MetaColumnType.Structure, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                    if (ri == 0 && ShowCoreStructure.Checked)                     // include core structure above R1 if requested
                        string chimeString = MoleculeMx.MolfileStringToSmilesString(SQuery.MolfileString);
                        mc.Label = "R1, Core\tChime=" + chimeString;
                        mc.Width = 25;
                if (Smiles.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Smi", rStr + " Smiles", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                if (Formula.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Mf", rStr + " Formula", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 8);
                if (Weight.Checked)
                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "MW", rStr + " Mol. Wt.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 6, ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal, 2);

                if (Index.Checked)
                    mc        = mt.AddMetaColumn(rStr + "Index", rStr + " Subst. Idx.", MetaColumnType.Number, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 4);
                    mc.Format = ColumnFormatEnum.Decimal;

            mc =             // add column to contain result type
                 mt.AddMetaColumn("ResultType", "Result Type", MetaColumnType.String, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);

            if (oneD)             // add just 1 column to contain results
                mc = mt.AddMetaColumn("Results", "Results", MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;                 // broker to do special col handling for cond formtting
                if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0)
                    mc.DetailsAvailable = true;

            else             // add col for each substituent for last rgroup
                string rStr = "R" + rgCount.ToString();
                for (si = 0; si < rSubs[rgCount - 1].Count; si++)
                    string            cName  = rStr + "_" + (si + 1).ToString();
                    string            cLabel = cName.Replace("_", ".");
                    RgroupSubstituent rgs    = rSubs[ri][si];  // get substituent info
                    if (Structure.Checked)                     // include structure
                        cLabel += "\tChime=" + rgs.Struct.GetChimeString();

                    else if (Smiles.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString();

                    else if (Formula.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolFormula;

                    else if (Weight.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + rgs.Struct.MolWeight;

                    else if (Index.Checked)
                        cLabel += " = " + (si + 1).ToString();

                    mc = mt.AddMetaColumn(cName, cLabel, MetaColumnType.QualifiedNo, ColumnSelectionEnum.Selected, 12);
                    mc.MetaBrokerType = MetaBrokerType.RgroupDecomp;
                    if (QbUtil.Query.UserObject.Id > 0)
                        mc.DetailsAvailable = true;

            MetaTableCollection.UpdateGlobally(mt); // add as a known metatable

            if (mElem.Count == 0)                   // be sure we have a matrix
                MessageBoxMx.ShowError("No matrix can be created because insufficient data was found.");

            // Build the DataTable

            Progress.Show("Building data table...");

            q2  = new Query();            // build single-table query to hold matrix
            qt2 = new QueryTable(q2, mt);
            dt  = DataTableManager.BuildDataTable(q2);

            Dictionary <string, List <QualifiedNumber> > .KeyCollection kc = mElem.Keys;
            string[] rgKeys = new string[mElem.Count];
            kc.CopyTo(rgKeys, 0);

            string[] rgKey = null, lastRgKey = null;
            int      rki   = 0;

            for (rki = 0; rki < rgKeys.Length; rki++)
                rgKey = rgKeys[rki].Split('\t');

                int riTop = rgCount + 1;                 // all r substituents & field name on left
                if (twoD)
                    riTop = rgCount;

                for (ri = 0; ri < riTop; ri++)                 // see if any changes in left side substituents or field name
                    if (lastRgKey == null || rgKey[ri] != lastRgKey[ri])
                if (ri < riTop || oneD)                 // if 2d then new row only if some change before last R
                    dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr[dtm.KeyValueVoPos + 1] = new NumberMx(dt.Rows.Count);                     // integer row key

                if (!HideRepeatingSubstituents.Checked)
                    ri = 0;                                                     // start at first if not hiding
                lastRgKey = rgKey;

                for (ri = ri; ri < riTop; ri++)                 // build row with these
                    string rgSub = rgKey[ri];                   // get substituent id or table.column name
                    if (rgSub == "")

                    if (ri < riTop - 1)
                    {                     // output substituent and/or smiles
                        string rStr = "R" + (ri + 1).ToString();
                        si = rgSub.IndexOf("_");
                        si = Int32.Parse(rgSub.Substring(si + 1)) - 1;                 // get substituent index
                        RgroupSubstituent rgs = rSubs[ri][si];                         // get substituent info

                        if (Structure.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Str");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = rgs.Struct;

                        if (Smiles.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Smi");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.GetSmilesString());

                        if (Formula.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mf");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(rgs.Struct.MolFormula);

                        if (Weight.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Mw");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(rgs.Struct.MolWeight);

                        if (Index.Checked)
                            qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(rStr + "Index");
                            dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new NumberMx(si + 1);

                    else                                // output field name
                        string[] sa = rgSub.Split('.'); // get field name
                        qt = q.GetQueryTableByName(sa[0]);
                        qc = qt.GetQueryColumnByName(sa[1]);
                        string fieldName = qc.ActiveLabel;
                        if (q0.Tables.Count >= 3)                         // qualify by table if 3 or more tables in original query
                            fieldName = qt.ActiveLabel + " - " + fieldName;

                        qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName("ResultType");
                        dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = new StringMx(fieldName);

                // Output value

                string cName;
                if (oneD)
                    cName = "Results";
                    cName = rgKey[rgCount];                  // get key for this substituent (e.g. R2_1)
                if (Lex.IsUndefined(cName))
                    continue;                                         // may be no substituent match
                qc2 = qt2.GetQueryColumnByName(cName);
                QualifiedNumber qn = SummarizeData(mElem[rgKeys[rki]]);                 // get summarized value
                dr[QcToDcName(qc2)] = qn;

            ToolHelper.DisplayData(q2, dt, true);

Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 游戏
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rm"></param>
        public void Game()
            while (true)
                int t = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < maxPlayer; i++)
                    if (isReady[i])
                if (t == maxPlayer)
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxPlayer; i++)

            while (!isFinish)
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                if (UpdateBehavious != null)
                    UpdateBehavious(Time, deltaTime);

                int    c      = 0;
                string data_1 = "BM";
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                    if (Players[i].msgQueue.Count > 0)
                        data_1 += Players[i].getMsg();
                if (c > 0)

                if (sendEventQueue.Count > 0)
                    string t_msg = "GE";
                    while (sendEventQueue.Count > 0)
                        Event_waitSend t = sendEventQueue.Dequeue();
                        t_msg += t.ToString();

                long currentTimeStamp = ServerFunction.getTimeStamp_milSeconds();
                if (answerEventList.Count > 0)
                    Dictionary <int, Event_waitAnswer> .KeyCollection keysCollect = null;
                    keysCollect = answerEventList.Keys;
                    int[] keys = new int[keysCollect.Count];
                    keysCollect.CopyTo(keys, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++)
                        Event_waitAnswer t = answerEventList[keys[i]];
                        if (currentTimeStamp > t.endTime)
                            if (t.getAnswerNum() > maxPlayer * 0.5f)
                                int    t_answer = t.Answer();
                                string t_data   = string.Format("EA {0}:{1}",, t_answer);

                string data = "PD ";
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                    data += (getPlayerData(i));
                    if (i != Players.Length - 1)
                        data += "#";

                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                    if (Players[i].client.isLink)

                if (j == maxPlayer)
                    Console.WriteLine(name + "_房间结束游戏");
                    isFinish = true;

                deltaTime = (currentTimeStamp - lastTime) / 1000.0f;
                lastTime  = currentTimeStamp;
                Time     += deltaTime;

                int t3 = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                    if (Players[i].isEnd)
                if (t3 == Players.Length)
                    Console.WriteLine(name + "_房间结束游戏");
                    string data_EG = getEndGameData();


            while (true)
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Players.Length; i++)
                    if (!Players[i].client.isLink && !Players[i].isLeftGameRoom)
                        Players[i].isLeftGameRoom = true;

                    if (Players[i].isLeftGameRoom)

                if (j == maxPlayer)
                    isFinish = true;

 public bool NegTest4()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("NegTest4:The number of elements in the source Dictionary.ValueCollection is greater than the available space from index to the end of the destination array");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         dic.Add("str1", "Test1");
         dic.Add("str1", "Test1");
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = new string[SIZE];
         int index = SIZE - 1;
         values.CopyTo(TVals, index);
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N007", "The ExpectResult should throw exception but the ActualResult not throw exception");
         retVal = false;
     catch (ArgumentException) { }
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N008", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
 public bool NegTest2()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("NegTest2:The argument index is less than zero");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = new string[SIZE];
         int index = -1;
         values.CopyTo(TVals, index);
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N003", "The argument index is less than zero but not throw exception");
         retVal = false;
     catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { }
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N004", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
 public bool PosTest3()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("PosTest3:Invoke the method CopyTo in the ValueCollection 3");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = new string[SIZE];
         values.CopyTo(TVals, 0);
         for (int i = 0; i < TVals.Length; i++)
             if (TVals[i] != null)
                 TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("005", "the ExpecResult is not the ActualResult");
                 retVal = false;
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("006", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
Exemple #16
 void ICollection <KeyValuePair <string, ParamValue> > .CopyTo(KeyValuePair <string, ParamValue>[] array, int arrayIndex)
     Dictionary.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
Exemple #17
    // Emit the CrstTypes.h output file.
    void WriteHeaderFile(string fileName)
        FileStream   stream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
        StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

        // Create a collection based on all the Crst types we've stored in the hash. We do this so we can sort
        // the Crst types we emit (lexically, based on type name).
        Dictionary <string, CrstType> .ValueCollection crstCollection = m_crsts.Values;
        CrstType[] crsts = new CrstType[crstCollection.Count];
        crstCollection.CopyTo(crsts, 0);

        // Emit the header. Contains copyright information, the usual goop to avoid multiple inclusion and a
        // header comment to discourage direct editing and point the user at the CrstTypes.def file instead
        // (where all will be explained in greater detail).
        writer.WriteLine("// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.");
        writer.WriteLine("// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.");
        writer.WriteLine("// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.");
        writer.WriteLine("#ifndef __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED");
        writer.WriteLine("#define __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED");
        writer.WriteLine("// **** THIS IS AN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED HEADER FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!!! ****");
        writer.WriteLine("// This file describes the range of Crst types available and their mapping to a numeric level (used by the");
        writer.WriteLine("// runtime in debug mode to validate we're deadlock free). To modify these settings edit the");
        writer.WriteLine("// file:CrstTypes.def file and run the clr\\bin\\CrstTypeTool utility to generate a new version of this file.");

        // Emit the CrstType enum to define a value for each crst type (along with the kNumberOfCrstTypes
        // constant).
        writer.WriteLine("// Each Crst type is declared as a value in the following CrstType enum.");
        writer.WriteLine("enum CrstType");
        for (int i = 0; i < crsts.Length; i++)
            writer.WriteLine("    Crst" + crsts[i].Name + " = " + i.ToString() + ",");
        writer.WriteLine("    kNumberOfCrstTypes = " + crsts.Length.ToString());

        // This is the end of the regular part of the header included by most files.
        writer.WriteLine("#endif // __CRST_TYPES_INCLUDED");

        // There is a second section of the header intended for inclusion only by vm\Crst.cpp. This contains
        // some data tables used to map crst type to rank or name. We could instead define two separate
        // headers, but on the whole it seems simpler to do it this way.
        writer.WriteLine("// Define some debug data in one module only -- vm\\crst.cpp.");
        writer.WriteLine("#if defined(__IN_CRST_CPP) && defined(_DEBUG)");

        // Emit the crst type to rank mapping table.
        writer.WriteLine("// An array mapping CrstType to level.");
        writer.WriteLine("int g_rgCrstLevelMap[] =");
        foreach (CrstType crst in crsts)
            writer.WriteLine("    " + crst.Level + ",\t\t\t// Crst" + crst.Name);

        // Emit the crst type to name mapping table.
        writer.WriteLine("// An array mapping CrstType to a stringized name.");
        writer.WriteLine("LPCSTR g_rgCrstNameMap[] =");
        foreach (CrstType crst in crsts)
            writer.WriteLine("    \"Crst" + crst.Name + "\",");

        // Emit the constant Crst.cpp uses to record an unordered rank.
        writer.WriteLine("// Define a special level constant for unordered locks.");
        writer.WriteLine("#define CRSTUNORDERED (-1)");

        // Emit a couple of inline helpers to map type to rank or name (and validate the type while they're at
        // it).
        writer.WriteLine("// Define inline helpers to map Crst types to names and levels.");
        writer.WriteLine("inline static int GetCrstLevel(CrstType crstType)");
        writer.WriteLine("    LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT;");
        writer.WriteLine("    _ASSERTE(crstType >= 0 && crstType < kNumberOfCrstTypes);");
        writer.WriteLine("    return g_rgCrstLevelMap[crstType];");
        writer.WriteLine("inline static LPCSTR GetCrstName(CrstType crstType)");
        writer.WriteLine("    LIMITED_METHOD_CONTRACT;");
        writer.WriteLine("    _ASSERTE(crstType >= 0 && crstType < kNumberOfCrstTypes);");
        writer.WriteLine("    return g_rgCrstNameMap[crstType];");

        // And that's the end of the second section of the header file.
        writer.WriteLine("#endif // defined(__IN_CRST_CPP) && defined(_DEBUG)");

Exemple #18
            public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair <string, object>[] array, int arrayIndex)
                IDictionary <string, object> intermediate = new Dictionary <string, object>(_underlying.ExtensionData.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => (object)i.Value));

                intermediate.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
Exemple #19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected async override Task <ExchangeOrderResult> OnPlaceOrderAsync(ExchangeOrderRequest order)
            //	"market": "XRP-PERP",
            //  "side": "sell",
            //  "price": 0.306525,
            //  "type": "limit",
            //  "size": 31431.0,
            //  "reduceOnly": false,
            //  "ioc": false,
            //  "postOnly": false,
            //  "clientId": null

            IEnumerable <ExchangeMarket> markets = await OnGetMarketSymbolsMetadataAsync();

            ExchangeMarket market = markets.Where(m => m.MarketSymbol == order.MarketSymbol).First();

            var payload = await GetNoncePayloadAsync();

            var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
                { "market", market.MarketSymbol },
                { "side", order.IsBuy ? "buy" : "sell" },
                { "type", order.OrderType.ToStringLowerInvariant() },
                { "size", order.RoundAmount() }

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(order.ClientOrderId))
                parameters.Add("clientId", order.ClientOrderId);

            if (order.IsPostOnly != null)
                parameters.Add("postOnly", order.IsPostOnly);

            if (order.OrderType != OrderType.Market)
                int precision = BitConverter.GetBytes(decimal.GetBits((decimal)market.PriceStepSize)[3])[2];

                if (order.Price == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(order.Price));

                parameters.Add("price", Math.Round(order.Price.Value, precision));
                parameters.Add("price", null);



            var response = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/orders", null, payload, "POST");

            ExchangeOrderResult result = new ExchangeOrderResult
                OrderId       = response["id"].ToStringInvariant(),
                ClientOrderId = response["clientId"].ToStringInvariant(),
                OrderDate     = CryptoUtility.ToDateTimeInvariant(response["createdAt"]),
                Price         = CryptoUtility.ConvertInvariant <decimal>(response["price"]),
                AmountFilled  = CryptoUtility.ConvertInvariant <decimal>(response["filledSize"]),
                AveragePrice  = CryptoUtility.ConvertInvariant <decimal>(response["avgFillPrice"]),
                Amount        = CryptoUtility.ConvertInvariant <decimal>(response["size"]),
                MarketSymbol  = response["market"].ToStringInvariant(),
                IsBuy         = response["side"].ToStringInvariant() == "buy"

Exemple #20
 public static string[] ToArray <T>(this Dictionary <string, T> .KeyCollection collection)
     string[] keys = new string[collection.Count];
     collection.CopyTo(keys, 0);
Exemple #21
    void Start()
        Dictionary <int, string> myDic = new Dictionary <int, string>();

        myDic.Add(0, "Night");
        myDic.Add(1, "NF");
        myDic.Add(3, "Feather");
        myDic.Add(5, "LF");
        myDic.Add(7, "NightFeather");
        myDic.Add(13, "Light");
        myDic.Add(30, "LightFeather");



        int count = myDic.Count;


        //檢查字典中 是否包含指定Key
        bool b = myDic.ContainsKey(2);


        //檢查字典中 是否包含指定Value
        bool c = myDic.ContainsValue("TA");


        //嘗試取指定的Key 所對應的Values
        string str;

        myDic.TryGetValue(5, out str);

        //特別的方式 示範轉為一維數組
        Dictionary <int, string> .KeyCollection   keyCollection   = myDic.Keys;
        Dictionary <int, string> .ValueCollection valueCollection = myDic.Values;

        //數組大小先決定好 CopyTo 目標 與 原本的第幾個開始復製
        keyCollection.CopyTo(arrayInt, 0);

        foreach (var item in keyCollection)

        valueCollection.CopyTo(arrayStr, 0);

        foreach (var item in valueCollection)

        for (int i = 0; i < arrayStr.Length; i++)
Exemple #22
 public static void exec(Dictionary <long, object> .ValueCollection items, System.Type InKeyType, System.Type InValueType)
     object[] array = new object[items.Count];
     items.CopyTo(array, 0);
     exec(array, InKeyType, InValueType);
 void ICollection <KeyValuePair <TKey, TItem> > .CopyTo(KeyValuePair <TKey, TItem>[] array, int arrayIndex) => Dictionary.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
        public void DictionaryAsIDictionaryWorks()
            IDictionary <int, string> d = new Dictionary <int, string> {
                { 1, "a" }, { 2, "b" }

            // IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
            Assert.AreEqual("a", d[1], "Getter[1]");
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { var r = d[3]; }, "Getter[3] should fail");

            d[1] = "aa";
            Assert.AreEqual("aa", d[1], "Getter[1] after setter");
            d[3] = "cc";
            Assert.AreEqual("cc", d[3], "Getter[3] after setter");

            Assert.True(d.Remove(3), "Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, d.Count, "Count after Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual("aa", d[1], "Getter[1] after Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", d[2], "Getter[2] after Remove(3)");

            Assert.False(d.Remove(4), "Remove(4)");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, d.Count, "Count after Remove(4)");
            Assert.AreEqual("aa", d[1], "Getter[1] after Remove(4)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", d[2], "Getter[2] after Remove(4)");

            Assert.True(d.Remove(1), "Remove(1)");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, d.Count, "Count after Remove(1)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", d[2], "Getter[2] after Remove(1)");

            Assert.True(d.Remove(2), "Remove(2)");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count, "Count after Remove(2)");

            d.Add(2, "b");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, d.Count, "Count after Add(2)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", d[2], "Getter[1] after Add(2)");

            d.Add(1, "a");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, d.Count, "Count after Add(1)");
            Assert.AreEqual("a", d[1], "Getter[1] after Add(1)");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { d.Add(2, "c"); }, "Add(2) should fail");

            var keys = d.Keys;

            Assert.True((object)keys is ICollection <int>, "Keys is ICollection<int>");
            Assert.True((object)keys is IEnumerable <int>, "Keys is IEnumerable<int>");
            Assert.True((object)keys is IEnumerable, "Keys is IEnumerable");

            int count = 0;

            foreach (var key in d.Keys)
                Assert.True(key == 1 || key == 2, "Expected key " + key);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "Keys count");

            var values = d.Values;

            Assert.True((object)values is ICollection <string>, "Values is ICollection<string>");
            Assert.True((object)values is IEnumerable <string>, "Values is IEnumerable<string>");
            Assert.True((object)values is IEnumerable, "Values is IEnumerable");

            count = 0;
            foreach (var value in d.Values)
                Assert.True(value == "a" || value == "b", "Expected value " + value);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, count, "Values count");

            Assert.True(d.ContainsKey(1), "ContainsKey(1)");
            Assert.False(d.ContainsKey(3), "ContainsKey(3)");

            string v;

            Assert.True(d.TryGetValue(2, out v), "TryGetValue(2)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", v, "TryGetValue(2) value");
            Assert.False(d.TryGetValue(0, out v), "TryGetValue(0)");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, v, "TryGetValue(0) value");

            // IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>

            var en = d.GetEnumerator();

            // #2541
            var el = en.Current;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, el.Key, "Enumerable initial key");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, el.Value, "Enumerable initial value");
            Assert.True(en.MoveNext(), "Enumerable MoveNext true");
#if false
            el = en.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, el.Key, "Enumerable first key");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", el.Value, "Enumerable first value");
            Assert.True(en.MoveNext(), "Enumerable MoveNext true");
            el = en.Current;
            Assert.AreEqual(1, el.Key, "Enumerable second key");
            Assert.AreEqual("a", el.Value, "Enumerable second value");
            Assert.False(en.MoveNext(), "Enumerable MoveNext false");

            // ICollection<T>

            Assert.AreEqual(2, d.Count, "Count");
            Assert.False(d.IsReadOnly, "IsReadOnly");

            d.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(3, "c"));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, d.Count, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Count after Add(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual("c", d[3], "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Getter[3] after Add(3)");
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => { d.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "d")); }, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Add(1) should fail");

            Assert.True(d.Remove(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(3, "c")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, d.Count, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Count after Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual("a", d[1], "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Getter[1] after Remove(3)");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", d[2], "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Getter[2] after Remove(3)");

            var cta = new KeyValuePair <int, string> [3];
            d.CopyTo(cta, 0);

#if false
            Assert.AreEqual(2, cta[0].Key, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[0] Key");
            Assert.AreEqual("b", cta[0].Value, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[0] Value");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, cta[1].Key, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[1] Key");
            Assert.AreEqual("a", cta[1].Value, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[1] Value");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, cta[2].Key, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[2] Key");
            Assert.AreEqual(null, cta[2].Value, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> CopyTo Getter[2] Value");

            Assert.True(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "a")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Contains(1, \"a\")");
            Assert.True(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(2, "b")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Contains(2, \"b\")");
            Assert.False(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(1, "b")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Contains(1, \"b\")");
            Assert.False(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(3, "a")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Contains(3, \"a\")");
            Assert.False(d.Contains(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(0, "a")), "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Contains(0, \"a\")");

            Assert.AreEqual(0, d.Count, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Count after Clear");
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => { var a = d[1]; }, "ICollection<KeyValuePair> Getter[1] should fail after clear");
    public bool NegTest1()
        bool retVal = true;

        TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("NegTest1: ArgumentNullException is not thrown when array is null ref.");

            ICollection<KeyValuePair<String, String>> dictionary = new Dictionary<String, String>();

            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp1 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("txt", "notepad.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp2 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("bmp", "paint.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp3 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("dib", "paint.exe");
            KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp4 = new KeyValuePair<String, String>("rtf", "wordpad.exe");


            KeyValuePair<string, string>[] kvpArray = null;
            dictionary.CopyTo(kvpArray, 0);

            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("101.1", "ArgumentNullException is not thrown.");
            retVal = false;
        catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
        catch (Exception e)
            TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("101.2", "Unexpected exception: " + e);
            retVal = false;

        return retVal;
Exemple #26
 void ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index)
     Dictionary.CopyTo((KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>[])array, index);
 public bool NegTest1()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("NegTest1:The argument array is null");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = null;
         values.CopyTo(TVals, 0);
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N001", "The argument array is null but not throw exception");
         retVal = false;
     catch (ArgumentNullException) { }
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N002", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
 public DictionaryEnumerator(Dictionary <ulong, T> .ValueCollection values)
     data = new T[values.Count];
     values.CopyTo(data, 0);
 public bool NegTest3()
     bool retVal = true;
     TestLibrary.TestFramework.BeginScenario("NegTest3:The argument index is larger than array length");
         Dictionary<string, string> dic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
         dic.Add("str1", "Test1");
         Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection values = new Dictionary<string, string>.ValueCollection(dic);
         string[] TVals = new string[SIZE];
         int index = SIZE + 1;
         values.CopyTo(TVals, index);
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N005", "The argument index is larger than array length but not throw exception");
         retVal = false;
     catch (ArgumentException) { }
     catch (Exception e)
         TestLibrary.TestFramework.LogError("N006", "Unexpect exception:" + e);
         retVal = false;
     return retVal;
Exemple #30
 public void CopyTo(KeyValuePair <TKey, TValue>[] array, int arrayIndex)
     Dictionary.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
Exemple #31
 public void CopyTo(T[] array, int arrayIndex)
     keys.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
Exemple #32
        public void CopyToException()
            var array = new System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair <int, string> [5];

            dictionary.CopyTo(array, 4);