private async Task VerifyAsync(string test)
            // Arrange
            var expectedLocation = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 9, 9);
            var expectedFix      =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class PetController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetPetId()
        return Ok();
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(expectedLocation, actualDiagnostics);
            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
Exemple #2
    public static TestSource Read(string rawSource)
        var testInput = new TestSource();
        var lines     = rawSource.Split(new[] { "\n", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

        for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
            var line = lines[i];

            while (true)
                var markerStartIndex = line.IndexOf(MarkerStart, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (markerStartIndex == -1)

                var markerEndIndex = line.IndexOf(MarkerEnd, markerStartIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                var markerName     = line.Substring(markerStartIndex + 2, markerEndIndex - markerStartIndex - 2);
                var markerLocation = new DiagnosticLocation(i + 1, markerStartIndex + 1);
                if (testInput.DefaultMarkerLocation == null)
                    testInput.DefaultMarkerLocation = markerLocation;

                testInput.MarkerLocations.Add(markerName, markerLocation);
                line = line.Substring(0, markerStartIndex) + line.Substring(markerEndIndex + MarkerEnd.Length);

            lines[i] = line;

        testInput.Source = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines);
        public async Task VerifyCodeFixWillNotRemoveTriviaAsync()
            var testCode = @"
                class TestClass
                    public void TestMethod()
                        /* do nothing */ ;

            var fixedCode = @"
                class TestClass
                    public void TestMethod()
                        /* do nothing */

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(6, 42);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(testCode, expected);
            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(fixedCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults);
            await VerifyCodeFixAsync(testCode, fixedCode);
Exemple #4
        public static Diagnostic ToDiagnostic(this DiagnosticLocation location)
            var tags = new List <DiagnosticTag>();

            foreach (var tag in location?.Tags ?? Array.Empty <string>())
                if (tag == "Unnecessary")
                if (tag == "Deprecated")
            return(new Diagnostic()
                // We don't have a code at the moment
                // Code = quickFix.,
                Message = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(location.Text) ? location.Text : location.Id,
                Range = location.ToRange(),
                Severity = ToDiagnosticSeverity(location.LogLevel),
                Code = location.Id,
                // TODO: We need to forward this type though if we add something like Vb Support
                Source = "csharp",
                Tags = tags,
        public async Task DiagnosticsAndCodeFixes_WhenApiControllerActionDoesNotHaveAttribute()
            // Arrange
            var expectedLocation = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 8, 16);
            var test             =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class PetController : Controller
    public int GetPetId() => 0;
            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class PetController : Controller
    public int GetPetId() => 0;
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(expectedLocation, actualDiagnostics);
            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
Exemple #6
        public async Task Pubternal_type_in_nested_namespace_field___warning_GF0001()
            string library = @"
namespace gfoidl.Internal.Services
    public class Bar
        public void Do() { }

            TestSource code = TestSource.Read(@"
using gfoidl.Internal.Services;

namespace MyProgram
    internal class Worker
        private /*MM*/Bar _bar = new Bar();
            Diagnostic[] diagnostics    = await this.GetDiagnosticsWithProjectReference(code.Source, library);
            DiagnosticLocation expected = code.DefaultMarkerLocation;

            Assert.Multiple(() =>
                Assert.AreEqual(1, diagnostics.Length);

                Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostics[0];
                Assert.AreEqual("GF0001", diagnostic.Id);
                Assert.That(diagnostic.Location, Is.EqualTo(expected));
Exemple #7
        public async Task CodeFix_ProducesFullyQualifiedNamespaces()
            // Arrange
            var location = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 6, 18);
            var test     =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class HomeController : Controller
    public async void Index() => await Response.Body.FlushAsync();
            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class HomeController : Controller
    public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Index() => await Response.Body.FlushAsync();
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(location, actualDiagnostics);
            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
Exemple #8
        public async Task DiagnosticsAreReturned_WhenActionMethodIsExpressionBodied()
            // Arrange
            var location = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 7, 18);
            var test     =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class HomeController : Controller
    public async void Index() => await Response.Body.FlushAsync();
            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class HomeController : Controller
    public async Task Index() => await Response.Body.FlushAsync();
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(location, actualDiagnostics);
            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
Exemple #9
    public static void DiagnosticLocation(DiagnosticLocation expected, Location actual)
        var actualSpan         = actual.GetLineSpan();
        var actualLinePosition = actualSpan.StartLinePosition;

        // Only check line position if there is an actual line in the real diagnostic
        if (actualLinePosition.Line > 0)
            if (actualLinePosition.Line + 1 != expected.Line)
                throw new DiagnosticLocationAssertException(
                          $"Expected diagnostic to be on line \"{expected.Line}\" was actually on line \"{actualLinePosition.Line + 1}\"");

        // Only check column position if there is an actual column position in the real diagnostic
        if (actualLinePosition.Character > 0)
            if (actualLinePosition.Character + 1 != expected.Column)
                throw new DiagnosticLocationAssertException(
                          $"Expected diagnostic to start at column \"{expected.Column}\" was actually on column \"{actualLinePosition.Character + 1}\"");
Exemple #10
 public DiagnosticLocationAssertException(
     DiagnosticLocation expected,
     Location actual,
     string message)
     : base(expected, actual)
     Message = message;
        public async Task TestMemberAsync(string declaration)
            var testCode  = declaration + ";";
            var fixedCode = declaration;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(1, declaration.Length + 1);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(testCode, expected);
            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(fixedCode, EmptyDiagnosticResults);
            await VerifyCodeFixAsync(testCode, fixedCode);
Exemple #12
        public async Task AG0030_WhenDynamicInInterface_ShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				interface TestInterface {
					dynamic TestMethod1();
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(3, 6);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
Exemple #13
 public bool Equals(IncrementalStubGenerationContext?other)
     return(other is not null &&
            StubEnvironment.AreCompilationSettingsEqual(Environment, other.Environment) &&
            SignatureContext.Equals(other.SignatureContext) &&
            ContainingSyntaxContext.Equals(other.ContainingSyntaxContext) &&
            StubMethodSyntaxTemplate.Equals(other.StubMethodSyntaxTemplate) &&
            JSExportData.Equals(other.JSExportData) &&
            DiagnosticLocation.Equals(DiagnosticLocation) &&
            GeneratorFactoryKey.Equals(other.GeneratorFactoryKey) &&
        public async Task DiagnosticsAndCodeFixes_WhenModelStateIsInElseIf()
            // Arrange
            var expectedLocation = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 13, 9);

            var test =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class PetController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetPetId()
        if (User == null)
            return Unauthorized();
        else if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            return BadRequest(ModelState);

        return Ok();
            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class PetController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetPetId()
        if (User == null)
            return Unauthorized();

        return Ok();
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(expectedLocation, actualDiagnostics);
            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
 private void AssertDiagnostic(DiagnosticLocation expectedLocation, Diagnostic[] actualDiagnostics)
     // Assert
         diagnostic =>
         Assert.Equal(DiagnosticDescriptor.Id, diagnostic.Id);
         Assert.Same(DiagnosticDescriptor, diagnostic.Descriptor);
         AnalyzerAssert.DiagnosticLocation(expectedLocation, diagnostic.Location);
Exemple #16
        public async Task Issue_1_used_to_hide_pubternals___warning_GF0001()
            string library = @"
namespace gfoidl.Internal
    public abstract class Base
        private static readonly Bar s_bar = new Bar();

        public static Bar Default => s_bar;

        public abstract void Do();

    public sealed class Bar : Base
        public override void Do() { }

            TestSource code = TestSource.Read(@"
using gfoidl.Internal;

namespace MyProgram
    internal class Worker
        public void Work()
}", "M0", "M1");
            Diagnostic[] diagnostics      = await this.GetDiagnosticsWithProjectReference(code.Source, library);
            DiagnosticLocation expectedM0 = code.MarkerLocations["M0"];
            DiagnosticLocation expectedM1 = code.MarkerLocations["M1"];

            Assert.Multiple(() =>
                Assert.AreEqual(2, diagnostics.Length);

                Diagnostic diagnostic = diagnostics[0];
                Assert.AreEqual("GF0001", diagnostic.Id);
                Assert.That(diagnostic.Location, Is.EqualTo(expectedM0));

                diagnostic = diagnostics[1];
                Assert.AreEqual("GF0001", diagnostic.Id);
                Assert.That(diagnostic.Location, Is.EqualTo(expectedM1));
Exemple #17
 public bool Equals(IncrementalStubGenerationContext?other)
     return(other is not null &&
            StubEnvironment.AreCompilationSettingsEqual(Environment, other.Environment) &&
            SignatureContext.Equals(other.SignatureContext) &&
            ContainingSyntaxContext.Equals(other.ContainingSyntaxContext) &&
            StubMethodSyntaxTemplate.Equals(other.StubMethodSyntaxTemplate) &&
            LibraryImportData.Equals(other.LibraryImportData) &&
            DiagnosticLocation.Equals(DiagnosticLocation) &&
            ForwardedAttributes.SequenceEqual(other.ForwardedAttributes, (IEqualityComparer <AttributeSyntax>)SyntaxEquivalentComparer.Instance) &&
            GeneratorFactoryKey.Equals(other.GeneratorFactoryKey) &&
 public static Diagnostic ToDiagnostic(this DiagnosticLocation location)
     return(new Diagnostic()
         // We don't have a code at the moment
         // Code = quickFix.,
         Message = location.Text,
         Range = location.ToRange(),
         Severity = ToDiagnosticSeverity(location.LogLevel),
         // TODO: We need to forward this type though if we add something like Vb Support
         Source = "csharp",
Exemple #19
        public async Task AG0030_WhenMethodReturnsDynamic_ShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				class TestClass {
					public dynamic TestMethod2() {
						return 1;
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(3, 6);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
Exemple #20
        public async Task AG0030_WhenDynamicVariableDeclared_ShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				class TestClass {
					public void TestMethod1() {
						dynamic instance = 1;
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(4, 7);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AG0030_WhenClassHasDynamicAsOneOfManyGenericParameters_ShouldShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				class TestClass<T1, T2, T3> {
					public void TestMethod1() {
						 var test = new TestClass<bool, dynamic, int>();
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(4, 23);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AG0030_WhenMethodHasDynamicAsGenericParameter_ShouldShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				class TestClass {
                    public void GenericMethod<T>() { }
                    public void TestMethod1() {
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(6, 8);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task AG0030_WhenMethodHasDynamicAsOneOfManyGenericParameters_ShouldShowWarning()
            var code = @"
				class TestClass {
                    public void GenericMethod<T1, T2, T3, T4>() { }
                    public void TestMethod1() {
						 GenericMethod<bool, long, dynamic, int>();
			"            ;

            var expected = new DiagnosticLocation(6, 8);

            await VerifyDiagnosticsAsync(code, expected);
        public async Task DiagnosticsAreReturned_WhenActionReturnsAsyncIActionResult()
            // Arrange
            var expectedLocation = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 8, 18);

            var test =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class PetController:  ControllerBase
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetPet()
        await Task.Delay(0);
        return Ok(new Pet());
public class Pet {}";

            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class PetController:  ControllerBase
    public async Task<ActionResult<Pet>> GetPet()
        await Task.Delay(0);
        return Ok(new Pet());
public class Pet {}";
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act & Assert
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(expectedLocation, actualDiagnostics);

            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
Exemple #25
        protected Project CreateProjectFromFile([CallerMemberName] string fileName = "")
            var solutionDirectory = TestPathUtilities.GetSolutionRootDirectory("Mvc");
            var projectDirectory  = Path.Combine(solutionDirectory, "test", GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name);

            var filePath = Path.Combine(projectDirectory, "TestFiles", fileName + ".cs");

            if (!File.Exists(filePath))
                throw new FileNotFoundException($"TestFile {fileName} could not be found at {filePath}.", filePath);

            const string MarkerStart = "/*MM";
            const string MarkerEnd   = "*/";

            var lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);

            for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                var line             = lines[i];
                var markerStartIndex = line.IndexOf(MarkerStart, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                if (markerStartIndex != -1)
                    var markerEndIndex = line.IndexOf(MarkerEnd, markerStartIndex, StringComparison.Ordinal);
                    var markerName     = line.Substring(markerStartIndex + 2, markerEndIndex - markerStartIndex - 2);
                    var resultLocation = new DiagnosticLocation(i + 1, markerStartIndex + 1);;

                    if (DefaultMarkerLocation == null)
                        DefaultMarkerLocation = resultLocation;

                    MarkerLocations[markerName] = resultLocation;
                    line = line.Substring(0, markerStartIndex) + line.Substring(markerEndIndex + MarkerEnd.Length);

                lines[i] = line;

            var inputSource = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines);

        public async Task DiagnosticsAreReturned_WhenActionsReturnIActionResult()
            // Arrange
            var expectedLocation = new DiagnosticLocation("Test.cs", 9, 12);
            var test             =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class Pet {}

public class PetController:  ControllerBase
    public IActionResult GetPet()
        return Ok(new Pet());
            var expectedFix =
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class Pet {}

public class PetController:  ControllerBase
    public ActionResult<Pet> GetPet()
        return Ok(new Pet());
            var project = CreateProject(test);

            // Act
            var actualDiagnostics = await GetDiagnosticAsync(project);

            AssertDiagnostic(expectedLocation, actualDiagnostics);

            var actualFix = await ApplyCodeFixAsync(project, actualDiagnostics);

            Assert.Equal(expectedFix, actualFix, ignoreLineEndingDifferences: true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to VerifyDiagnosticResult that checks the location of a diagnostic and compares it with the location in the expected DiagnosticResult.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="analyzer">The analyzer that was being run on the sources</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostic">The diagnostic that was found in the code</param>
        /// <param name="actual">The Location of the Diagnostic found in the code</param>
        /// <param name="expected">The DiagnosticResultLocation that should have been found</param>
        private static void VerifyDiagnosticLocation(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer, Diagnostic diagnostic, Location actual, DiagnosticLocation expected)
            FileLinePositionSpan actualSpan = actual.GetLineSpan();

            Assert.True(actualSpan.Path == expected.Span.Path || (actualSpan.Path != null && actualSpan.Path.Contains("Test0.") && expected.Span.Path.Contains("Test.")),
                        string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Expected diagnostic to be in file \"{0}\" was actually in file \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                      expected.Span.Path, actualSpan.Path, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));

            Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.LinePosition actualLinePosition = actualSpan.StartLinePosition;

            // Only check line position if there is an actual line in the real diagnostic
            if (expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Line + 1 != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line)
                                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Expected diagnostic to be on line \"{0}\" was actually on line \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                              expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line, actualLinePosition.Line + 1, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));

            // Only check column position if there is an actual column position in the real diagnostic
            if (actualLinePosition.Character > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Character + 1 != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character)
                                string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Expected diagnostic to start at column \"{0}\" was actually at column \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                              expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character, actualLinePosition.Character + 1, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to VerifyDiagnosticResult that checks the location of a diagnostic and compares it with the location in the expected DiagnosticResult.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="analyzer">The analyzer that was being run on the sources</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostic">The diagnostic that was found in the code</param>
        /// <param name="actual">The Location of the Diagnostic found in the code</param>
        /// <param name="expected">The DiagnosticResultLocation that should have been found</param>
        private static void VerifyDiagnosticLocation(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer, Diagnostic diagnostic, Location actual, DiagnosticLocation expected)
            var actualSpan = actual.GetLineSpan();

            Assert.True(actualSpan.Path == expected.Span.Path || (actualSpan.Path != null && actualSpan.Path.Contains("Test0.") && expected.Span.Path.Contains("Test.")),
                        $"Expected diagnostic to be in file \"{expected.Span.Path}\" was actually in file \"{actualSpan.Path}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)}\r\n");

            var actualLinePosition = actualSpan.StartLinePosition;

            // Only check line position if there is an actual line in the real diagnostic
            if (actualLinePosition.Line > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Line != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line)
                    Assert.True(false, $"Expected diagnostic to be on line \"{expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line + 1}\" was actually on line \"{actualLinePosition.Line + 1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)}\r\n");

            // Only check column position if there is an actual column position in the real diagnostic
            if (actualLinePosition.Character > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Character != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character)
                    Assert.True(false, $"Expected diagnostic to start at column \"{expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character + 1}\" was actually at column \"{actualLinePosition.Character + 1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)}\r\n");
Exemple #29
        /// <param name="isAssertEnabled">Indicates that unit test assertions are enabled for non-matches.</param>
        /// <returns>True if actual matches expected, false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool VerifyDiagnosticLocation(DiagnosticAnalyzer analyzer, Diagnostic diagnostic, Location actual, DiagnosticLocation expected, bool isAssertEnabled)
            FileLinePositionSpan actualSpan = actual.GetLineSpan();

            if (isAssertEnabled)
                Assert.True(actualSpan.Path == expected.Span.Path || (actualSpan.Path != null && actualSpan.Path.Contains("Test0.") && expected.Span.Path.Contains("Test.")),
                            string.Format("Expected diagnostic to be in file \"{0}\" was actually in file \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                          expected.Span.Path, actualSpan.Path, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));
            else if (!(actualSpan.Path == expected.Span.Path || (actualSpan.Path != null && actualSpan.Path.Contains("Test0.") && expected.Span.Path.Contains("Test."))))

            Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text.LinePosition actualLinePosition = actualSpan.StartLinePosition;

            // Only check line position if there is an actual line in the real diagnostic
            if (expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Line != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line)
                    if (isAssertEnabled)
                                    string.Format("Expected diagnostic to be on line \"{0}\" was actually on line \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                                  expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Line + 1, actualLinePosition.Line + 1, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));

            // Only check column position if there is an actual column position in the real diagnostic
            if (expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character > 0)
                if (actualLinePosition.Character != expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character)
                    if (isAssertEnabled)
                                    string.Format("Expected diagnostic to start at column \"{0}\" was actually at column \"{1}\"\r\n\r\nDiagnostic:\r\n    {2}\r\n",
                                                  expected.Span.StartLinePosition.Character + 1, actualLinePosition.Character + 1, FormatDiagnostics(analyzer, diagnostic)));

            // Matches.