public static void OutputObjectGraphToFile(DiContainer container, string outputPath)
            #if !UNITY_WEBPLAYER
            // Output the entire object graph to file
            var graph = container.CalculateObjectGraph<IDependencyRoot>();

            var resultStr = "digraph { \n";

            foreach (var entry in graph)
                // ignore these to clean up the graph
                if (entry.Key == typeof(EntryPointInitializer) || entry.Key == typeof(KernelInitializer))

                foreach (var dependencyType in entry.Value)
                    // ignore factory dependency to clean up graph
                    if (dependencyType == typeof(DiContainer))

                    resultStr += GetFormattedTypeName(entry.Key) + " -> " + GetFormattedTypeName(dependencyType) + "; \n";

            resultStr += " }";

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputPath, resultStr);