Exemple #1
        protected unsafe override LResult WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, MessageType message, WParam wParam, LParam lParam)
            switch (message)
            case MessageType.Create:
                _baseUnits = Windows.GetDialogBaseUnits();
                _btnWidth  = _baseUnits.Width * 8;
                _btnHeight = _baseUnits.Height * 4;

                // Create the owner-draw pushbuttons
                _hwndSmaller = Windows.CreateWindow("button", "",
                                                    WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                    new Rectangle(0, 0, _btnWidth, _btnHeight),
                                                    window, (MenuHandle)ID_SMALLER, ModuleInstance, IntPtr.Zero);

                _hwndLarger = Windows.CreateWindow("button", "",
                                                   WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                   new Rectangle(0, 0, _btnWidth, _btnHeight),
                                                   window, (MenuHandle)ID_LARGER, ModuleInstance, IntPtr.Zero);

            case MessageType.Size:
                _cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                _cyClient = lParam.HighWord;

                // Move the buttons to the new center
                    new Rectangle(_cxClient / 2 - 3 * _btnWidth / 2, _cyClient / 2 - _btnHeight / 2, _btnWidth, _btnHeight),
                    repaint: true);
                    new Rectangle(_cxClient / 2 + _btnWidth / 2, _cyClient / 2 - _btnHeight / 2, _btnWidth, _btnHeight),
                    repaint: true);

            case MessageType.Command:
                Rectangle rc = window.GetWindowRectangle();

                // Make the window 10% smaller or larger
                switch ((int)(uint)wParam)
                case ID_SMALLER:
                    rc.Inflate(rc.Width / -10, rc.Height / -10);

                case ID_LARGER:
                    rc.Inflate(rc.Width / 10, rc.Height / 10);

                window.MoveWindow(new Rectangle(rc.Left, rc.Top, rc.Right - rc.Left, rc.Bottom - rc.Top), repaint: true);

            case MessageType.DrawItem:
                DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pdis = (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam;

                // Fill area with white and frame it black
                using (DeviceContext dc = new DeviceContext(pdis->hDC))
                    Rectangle rect = pdis->rcItem;

                    dc.FillRectangle(rect, StockBrush.White);
                    dc.FrameRectangle(rect, StockBrush.Black);

                    // Draw inward and outward black triangles
                    int cx = rect.Right - rect.Left;
                    int cy = rect.Bottom - rect.Top;

                    Point[] pt = new Point[3];

                    switch ((int)pdis->CtlID)
                    case ID_SMALLER:
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    case ID_LARGER:
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    // Invert the rectangle if the button is selected
                    if ((pdis->itemState & OwnerDrawStates.Selected) != 0)

                    if ((pdis->itemState & OwnerDrawStates.Focus) != 0)
                        rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(
                            rect.Left + cx / 16,
                            rect.Top + cy / 16,
                            rect.Right - cx / 16,
                            rect.Bottom - cy / 16);


            return(base.WindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam));
Exemple #2
        private static LResult WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, MessageType message, WParam wParam, LParam lParam)
            switch (message)
            case MessageType.Create:
                s_baseUnits = Windows.GetDialogBaseUnits();
                s_btnWidth  = s_baseUnits.Width * 8;
                s_btnHeight = s_baseUnits.Height * 4;

                // Create the owner-draw pushbuttons
                var createMessage = new Message.Create(lParam);

                s_hwndSmaller = Windows.CreateWindow("button",
                                                     style: WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                     bounds: new Rectangle(0, 0, s_btnWidth, s_btnHeight),
                                                     parentWindow: window,
                                                     menuHandle: (MenuHandle)ID_SMALLER,
                                                     instance: createMessage.Instance);
                s_hwndLarger = Windows.CreateWindow("button",
                                                    style: WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                    bounds: new Rectangle(0, 0, s_btnWidth, s_btnHeight),
                                                    parentWindow: window,
                                                    menuHandle: (MenuHandle)ID_LARGER,
                                                    instance: createMessage.Instance);


            case MessageType.Size:
                s_cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                s_cyClient = lParam.HighWord;

                // Move the buttons to the new center
                    new Rectangle(s_cxClient / 2 - 3 * s_btnWidth / 2, s_cyClient / 2 - s_btnHeight / 2, s_btnWidth, s_btnHeight),
                    repaint: true);
                    new Rectangle(s_cxClient / 2 + s_btnWidth / 2, s_cyClient / 2 - s_btnHeight / 2, s_btnWidth, s_btnHeight),
                    repaint: true);

            case MessageType.Command:
                Rectangle rc = window.GetWindowRectangle();

                // Make the window 10% smaller or larger
                switch ((int)(uint)wParam)
                case ID_SMALLER:
                    rc.Inflate(rc.Width / -10, rc.Height / -10);

                case ID_LARGER:
                    rc.Inflate(rc.Width / 10, rc.Height / 10);

                window.MoveWindow(rc, repaint: true);

            case MessageType.DrawItem:

                var drawItemMessage = new Message.DrawItem(lParam);

                // Fill area with white and frame it black
                using (DeviceContext dc = drawItemMessage.DeviceContext)
                    Rectangle rect = drawItemMessage.ItemRectangle;

                    dc.FillRectangle(rect, StockBrush.White);
                    dc.FrameRectangle(rect, StockBrush.Black);

                    // Draw inward and outward black triangles
                    int cx = rect.Right - rect.Left;
                    int cy = rect.Bottom - rect.Top;

                    Point[] pt = new Point[3];

                    switch ((int)drawItemMessage.ControlId)
                    case ID_SMALLER:
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    case ID_LARGER:
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 7 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].Y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].X = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].Y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].X = 1 * cx / 8; pt[2].Y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    // Invert the rectangle if the button is selected
                    if ((drawItemMessage.ItemState & OwnerDrawStates.Selected) != 0)

                    if ((drawItemMessage.ItemState & OwnerDrawStates.Focus) != 0)
                        rect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(
                            rect.Left + cx / 16,
                            rect.Top + cy / 16,
                            rect.Right - cx / 16,
                            rect.Bottom - cy / 16);


            case MessageType.Destroy:

            return(Windows.DefaultWindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam));
Exemple #3
        static unsafe LRESULT WindowProcedure(WindowHandle window, WindowMessage message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
            switch (message)
            case WindowMessage.Create:
                baseUnits = Windows.GetDialogBaseUnits();
                btnWidth  = baseUnits.cx * 8;
                btnHeight = baseUnits.cy * 4;

                // Create the owner-draw pushbuttons
                CREATESTRUCT *create = (CREATESTRUCT *)lParam;

                hwndSmaller = Windows.CreateWindow("button", "",
                                                   WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                   0, 0, btnWidth, btnHeight,
                                                   window, (IntPtr)ID_SMALLER, create->Instance, IntPtr.Zero);
                hwndLarger = Windows.CreateWindow("button", "",
                                                  WindowStyles.Child | WindowStyles.Visible | (WindowStyles)ButtonStyles.OwnerDrawn,
                                                  0, 0, btnWidth, btnHeight,
                                                  window, (IntPtr)ID_LARGER, create->Instance, IntPtr.Zero);


            case WindowMessage.Size:
                cxClient = lParam.LowWord;
                cyClient = lParam.HighWord;

                // Move the buttons to the new center
                hwndSmaller.MoveWindow(cxClient / 2 - 3 * btnWidth / 2, cyClient / 2 - btnHeight / 2,
                                       btnWidth, btnHeight, true);
                hwndLarger.MoveWindow(cxClient / 2 + btnWidth / 2, cyClient / 2 - btnHeight / 2,
                                      btnWidth, btnHeight, true);

            case WindowMessage.Command:
                RECT rc = window.GetWindowRectangle();

                // Make the window 10% smaller or larger
                switch ((int)(uint)wParam)
                case ID_SMALLER:
                    rc.left   += cxClient / 20;
                    rc.right  -= cxClient / 20;
                    rc.top    += cyClient / 20;
                    rc.bottom -= cyClient / 20;

                case ID_LARGER:
                    rc.left   -= cxClient / 20;
                    rc.right  += cxClient / 20;
                    rc.top    -= cyClient / 20;
                    rc.bottom += cyClient / 20;

                window.MoveWindow(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top, true);

            case WindowMessage.DrawItem:
                DRAWITEMSTRUCT *pdis = (DRAWITEMSTRUCT *)lParam;

                // Fill area with white and frame it black
                using (DeviceContext dc = pdis->DeviceContext)
                    RECT rect = pdis->rcItem;

                    dc.FillRectangle(rect, StockBrush.White);
                    dc.FrameRectangle(rect, StockBrush.Black);

                    // Draw inward and outward black triangles
                    int cx = rect.right - rect.left;
                    int cy = rect.bottom - rect.top;

                    POINT[] pt = new POINT[3];

                    switch ((int)pdis->CtlID)
                    case ID_SMALLER:
                        pt[0].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 7 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 7 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 1 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 1 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    case ID_LARGER:
                        pt[0].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 1 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 7 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 5 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 4 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 7 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);
                        pt[0].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[0].y = 3 * cy / 8;
                        pt[1].x = 3 * cx / 8; pt[1].y = 5 * cy / 8;
                        pt[2].x = 1 * cx / 8; pt[2].y = 4 * cy / 8;
                        Triangle(dc, pt);

                    // Invert the rectangle if the button is selected
                    if ((pdis->itemState & OwnerDrawStates.Selected) != 0)

                    if ((pdis->itemState & OwnerDrawStates.Focus) != 0)
                        rect.left   += cx / 16;
                        rect.top    += cy / 16;
                        rect.right  -= cx / 16;
                        rect.bottom -= cy / 16;


            case WindowMessage.Destroy:

            return(Windows.DefaultWindowProcedure(window, message, wParam, lParam));