Exemple #1
 void Update()
     if (A && B && C)
         DebugUtil.DrawCircle(A.position.xz(), B.position.xz(), C.position.xz());
Exemple #2
    void Update()
        var from = From.position.xz();
        var c    = C.position.xz();
        var to   = To.position.xz();

        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(c, math.length(from - c), from, to);
Exemple #3
    void Update()
        var a = A.position.xz();
        var b = B.position.xz();

        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(a, R);
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(b, R);
        var r = TransformRect((a + b) / 2, new float2(2 * R, math.length(b - a)), Math.Angle(b - a));

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(C.position.xz(), D.position.xz());
        E.gameObject.SetActive(Intersect(r, C.position.xz(), D.position.xz()));

        // DebugUtil.DrawCircle(r.A, .5f);
        // DebugUtil.DrawCircle(r.B, .5f, Color.yellow);
        // DebugUtil.DrawCircle(r.C, .5f, Color.red);
Exemple #4
    void Update()
        var p1 = ((float3)A.position).xz;
        var p2 = ((float3)B.position).xz;
        var p3 = ((float3)C.position).xz;

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(p1.ToXxY(), p2.ToXxY());
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(p3, R, StartRot, Rot);

        var hits = new NativeList <float2>(Allocator.Persistent);

        IntersectSegCircleSeg(p1, p2, p3, R, NormalizeAngle(StartRot), NormalizeAngle(StartRot + Rot), hits);

        foreach (var hit in hits)
            DebugUtil.DrawPoint(hit, Color.magenta);

Exemple #5
    void Update()
        var p0 = C0.position.xz();
        var p1 = C1.position.xz();
        var c  = C.position.xz();
        var p  = P.position.xz();

        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(p0, R, Color.green);
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(p1, R, Color.red);
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(c, R);

        Math.GetOuterTangentRight(p0, p1, R, out var ol0, out var ol1);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(ol0, ol1, Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(ol0, Color.green);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(ol1, Color.red);

        Math.GetOuterTangentLeft(p0, p1, R, out var or0, out var or1);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(or0, or1, Color.white);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(or0, Color.green);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(or1, Color.red);

        Math.GetInnerTangentRight(p0, p1, R, out var il0, out var il1);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(il0, il1, Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(il0, Color.green);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(il1, Color.red);

        Math.GetInnerTangentLeft(p0, p1, R, out var ir0, out var ir1);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(ir0, ir1, Color.white);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(ir0, Color.green);
        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(ir1, Color.red);

        var left = Math.GetTangentLeft(p, c, R);

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(p, left, Color.white);

        var right = Math.GetTangentRight(p, c, R);

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(p, right, Color.black);
Exemple #6
    void Update()
        if (!_f.IsCreated)
            _f = new Funnel(64, Allocator.Persistent);

        var portals = Portals.Take(Amount == 0 ? Portals.Length : math.min(Amount, Portals.Length)).ToArray();

        foreach (var portal in portals)
            DebugUtil.DrawCircle(portal.position, Radius);

        for (int i = 2; i < portals.Length; i++)
            DebugUtil.DrawLine(portals[i - 2].position, portals[i - 1].position, Color.green);
            DebugUtil.DrawLine(portals[i - 2].position, portals[i].position);
            DebugUtil.DrawLine(portals[i - 1].position, portals[i].position);

            // if (i == 3 || i == 4)
            //     DebugUtil.DrawCircle(portals[i - 2].position.TakeXZ(), portals[i - 1].position.TakeXZ(), portals[i].position.TakeXZ(), i == 3 ? Color.black : Color.blue);

        // DebugUtil.DrawLine(V0.position, Portals[0].position);
        // DebugUtil.DrawLine(V0.position, Portals[1].position);

        var l1    = portals.Select(t => t.position.xz()).ToList();
        var start = Begin.position.xz();
        var l     = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Gate>();
        var b     = true;

        for (int j = 0; j < l1.Count - 1; j++)
            l.Add(b ? new Gate {
                Left = l1[j], Right = l1[j + 1]
            } : new Gate {
                Left = l1[j + 1], Right = l1[j]
            b = !b;

        var end = End.position.xz();
        var ll  = new List <Gate>(64, Allocator.Persistent);

        foreach (var portal in l)

        var result = new Deque <Funnel.Node>(10, Allocator.Persistent);

        _f.GetPath(ll, start, end, Radius, result);
        _waypoints = result.Count;

        var ra = new Funnel.Node[result.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
            ra[i] = result.FromFront(i);

        _unique = ra.Distinct().Count();
        _path   = new StringBuilder().Concat(ra.SelectMany(r => new[] { r.From, r.To }));

        for (int i = 0; i < ra.Length; ++i)
            DebugUtil.DrawLine(ra[i].From.ToXxY(), ra[i].To.ToXxY(), Color.red);
Exemple #7
    void Update()
        inputVector.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
        inputVector.y = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

        Vector3 lookAtTarget = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);

        lookAtTarget.z = 0;

        // don't bother reorienting if we're right on top of our character
        Vector2 lookAtVector = lookAtTarget - transform.position;

        if (lookAtVector.magnitude > GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>().size.x)
            // We might normally use the code below in a 3D game but...
            // transform.LookAt(LookAtTarget); makes z face the target, therefore doesn't work in 2D
            transform.right = lookAtTarget - transform.position;

        Vector3 moveVector     = inputVector * playerSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
        int     directHitCount = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>().Cast(inputVector, directHits);

        if (directHitCount > 0)
            RaycastHit2D directHit = directHits[0];

            if (moveVector.magnitude >= directHit.distance)
                float   diameter       = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>().size.x;
                float   radius         = diameter / 2.0f;
                Vector2 positionAtWall = directHit.point + directHit.normal * radius;

                float wallBounceDistance = 0.001f;
                positionAtWall += (directHit.normal * wallBounceDistance);

                Vector2 previousPosition = transform.position;
                float   distanceSoFar    = (positionAtWall - previousPosition).magnitude;

                DebugUtil.DrawCircle(transform.position + moveVector, radius, Color.red);

                Vector2 wallTangent       = Vector3.Cross(Vector3.forward, directHit.normal);
                float   remainingDistance = moveVector.magnitude - distanceSoFar;

                float   dotForSign             = Vector3.Dot(wallTangent, moveVector);
                Vector2 directionalWallTangent = (wallTangent * dotForSign).normalized;
                Vector2 finalTangentOffset     = directionalWallTangent * remainingDistance;

                int tangentHitCount = Physics2D.CapsuleCast(positionAtWall, GetComponent <CapsuleCollider2D>().size, CapsuleDirection2D.Horizontal, 0, directionalWallTangent, obstructionsToPlayer, tangentHits);
                if (tangentHitCount > 0)
                    RaycastHit2D tangentHit = tangentHits[0];
                    if (remainingDistance >= tangentHit.distance)
                        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(positionAtWall + finalTangentOffset, radius, Color.magenta);
                        transform.position = tangentHit.point + tangentHit.normal * radius;

                Debug.DrawLine(positionAtWall, positionAtWall + directionalWallTangent);
                transform.position = positionAtWall + finalTangentOffset;

        transform.position += moveVector;
Exemple #8
    void Update()
        var a = A.position.xz();
        var b = B.position.xz();
        var c = C.position.xz();
        var s = S.position.xz();
        var g = G.position.xz();

        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(a, b, c, Color.black);

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(A.position.xz(), B.position.xz(), Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(B.position.xz(), C.position.xz(), Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(C.position.xz(), A.position.xz(), Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(S.position.xz(), G.position.xz());
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(S.position.xz(), R);
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle(G.position.xz(), R);

        foreach (var edge in GetEdges())
            DebugUtil.DrawLine(edge.Item1, edge.Item2, Color.red);


        void FindPath()
            var sg   = g - s;
            var perp = Math.PerpCcw(sg);
            var pd   = math.normalize(perp) * 2 * R;

            var sp = s + perp;
            var gp = g + perp;

            double2 bl = default;
            double2 tl = default;
            double2 br = default;
            double2 tr = default;

            var topFound    = false;
            var bottomFound = false;


            if (!bottomFound)
                bl = IntersectTri(false, s, sp);
                br = IntersectTri(false, g, gp);

            if (!topFound)
                tl = IntersectTri(true, s, sp);
                tr = IntersectTri(true, g, gp);

            void CheckVertex(double2 v)
                if (GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(s, sp, v) <= 0 && GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(g, gp, v) >= 0)
                    if (GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(s, g, v) > 0)
                        tl       = Math.ProjectLine(s, sp, v + pd);
                        tr       = Math.ProjectLine(g, gp, v + pd);
                        topFound = true;
                        bl          = Math.ProjectLine(s, sp, v - pd);
                        br          = Math.ProjectLine(g, gp, v - pd);
                        bottomFound = true;

            double2 IntersectTri(bool up, double2 l0, double2 l1)
                if (IntersectLineSeg(l0, l1, a, b, out var r))
                    var orient = GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(s, g, r);
                    if ((up ? orient > 0 : orient < 0) || orient == 0 && (up ? math.dot(sg, b - a) < 0 : math.dot(sg, b - a) > 0))
                        return(up ? r + pd : r - pd);

                if (IntersectLineSeg(l0, l1, b, c, out r))
                    var orient = GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(s, g, r);
                    if ((up ? orient > 0 : orient < 0) || orient == 0 && (up ? math.dot(sg, c - b) < 0 : math.dot(sg, c - b) > 0))
                        return(up ? r + pd : r - pd);

                if (IntersectLineSeg(l0, l1, c, a, out r))
                    var orient = GeometricPredicates.Orient2DFast(s, g, r);
                    if ((up ? orient > 0 : orient < 0) || orient == 0 && (up ? math.dot(sg, a - c) < 0 : math.dot(sg, a - c) > 0))
                        return(up ? r + pd : r - pd);

                throw new BreakDebuggerException();

            // DebugUtil.DrawLine(bl, br);
            // DebugUtil.DrawLine(br, tr);
            // DebugUtil.DrawLine(tr, tl);
            // DebugUtil.DrawLine(tl, bl);
    void Update()
        var a  = ((float3)A.position).xz;
        var b  = ((float3)B.position).xz;
        var c  = ((float3)C.position).xz;
        var s1 = ((float3)S1.position).xz;
        var s2 = ((float3)S2.position).xz;
        var v  = ((float3)V.position).xz;

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(s1, s2, Color.red);
        Math.CircleFromPoints(a, b, c, out var p, out var r);
        DebugUtil.DrawCircle((float2)p, (float)r);

        var ba = a - b;
        var bc = c - b;
        var validBacProjection = Math.ProjectSeg(a, c, b, out var bac);

        if (validBacProjection)
            var bbac = bac - b;

            var bbaca = Math.Angle(bbac);
            var lba   = math.length(ba);
            var lbc   = math.length(bc);

            float2 shortestEdge;
            float  clearance;

            if (lba <= lbc)
                shortestEdge = ba;
                clearance    = lba;
                shortestEdge = bc;
                clearance    = lbc;

            var angle    = Math.Angle(bbac, shortestEdge);
            var startRot = bbaca + angle;
            var rot      = bbaca - angle - startRot;
            DebugUtil.DrawCircle(b, clearance, startRot, rot);
            DebugUtil.DrawCircle(b + (c - 2 * bac + a), clearance, startRot, rot);

            // todo check all edges crossing traversal zones to find s1, s2
            var validBsProjection = Math.ProjectSeg(s1, s2, b, out var bi);
            clearance = math.min(clearance, math.length(bi - b));

            if (validBsProjection)
                var s12 = s2 - s1;

                // The paper says R is delimited by a line parallel to s passing by b.
                // When cl(a, b, c) == dist(b, a) and dist(b, a) < dist(b, s) this allows
                // for vertices in R violating definition 3.4: dist(v, s) < cl(a, b, c).
                // R will be delimited by a line parallel to s with distance cl(a, b, c)
                // Technially r1 should be at the intersection point with bc, but as bc
                // is enclosed in the Delaunay circle of triangle abc this is irrelevant.

                // R is triangle r1, r2, c
                var r1 = bi + math.normalize(b - bi) * clearance;
                DebugUtil.DrawLine(r1, r1 + s12);

                var ac  = c - a;
                var aco = Math.PerpCw(ac);
                DebugUtil.DrawLine(c, c + aco);

                var s12o = Math.PerpCw(s12);
                DebugUtil.DrawLine(c, c + s12o);

                var r2 = Math.Angle(aco, s12o) < 0
                    ? Math.IntersectLineLine(r1, r1 + s12, c, c + aco)
                    : Math.IntersectLineLine(r1, r1 + s12, c, c + s12o);

                DebugUtil.DrawPoint(r1, Color.magenta);
                DebugUtil.DrawPoint(r2, Color.magenta);

                if (Math.TriContains(r1, r2, c, v))
                    // todo check all edges crossing R to find v, e and u
                    // todo check v is not shared by _two_ collinear constraints
                    var e = c;
                    var u = b;

                    var vi  = Math.ProjectLine(s1, s2, v);
                    var lvs = math.length(vi - v);
                    var lve = math.length(e - v);

                    if (lvs < lve)
                        Assert.IsTrue(lvs <= clearance); // , $"lvs: {lvs} <= clearance: {clearance}");
                        Math.CircleFromPoints(u, v, e, out var centre, out var radius);
                        var t = Math.IntersectLineCircle(s1, s2, centre, radius, out var x1, out var x2);
                        Assert.IsTrue(t == 2);
                        var pRef = (x1 + x2) / 2;
                        DebugUtil.DrawPoint(pRef, Color.magenta);

        DebugUtil.DrawLine(a, b, Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(b, c, Color.black);
        DebugUtil.DrawLine(c, a, Color.black);