     * Pass in the Display Text
    private void AddTab(string tabName)
        string prefabName    = tabName + " Tab";
        string tabCustomName = tabName;
        string xmlTabName    = tabName.Replace(" ", "_") + "Tab";
        string xml           = "<data></data>";

        //Debug.Log (gData.resourcesPath + "Prefabs/Tabs/" + prefabName + "/" + prefabName.Replace (" ", string.Empty));
        GameObject test = Resources.Load(gData.resourcesPath + "/Prefabs/Tabs/" + prefabName + "/" + prefabName.Replace(" ", string.Empty)) as GameObject;

        if (test == null)
            Debug.Log("Cannot load tab prefab");
        ds.AddData(tm.getCurrentSection(), xmlTabName, tabCustomName, xml);

        GameObject newTab = Resources.Load(gData.resourcesPath + "/Prefabs/TabButton") as GameObject;

        TextMeshProUGUI[] children = newTab.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI> ();
        foreach (TextMeshProUGUI child in children)
            if (child.name.Equals("TabButtonLinkToText"))                //Where the button links to
                child.text = xmlTabName;
            else if (child.name.Equals("TabButtonDisplayText"))                  //What the button displays
                child.text = tabCustomName;
        //The button's position
        newTab      = Instantiate(newTab, tm.TabButtonContentPar.transform);
        newTab.name = tabCustomName.Replace(" ", "_") + "Button";
        if (tabName.Equals("Background Info"))
Exemple #2
     * Adds a tab from the TabSelectorBG
     * Pass in the display name
    public void addTab(TextMeshProUGUI tabName)
         * tabCustomName = tabName
         * xmlTabName = tabType
         * tabName.text = displayed name
        if (!ds.IsValidName(tabName.text, "Tab"))
            //ds.ShowMessage("Tab name not valid. Cannot use:\n*, &, <, >, or //", true);
            ds.ShowMessage("Name not valid: Please rename your tab", true);
            throw new System.Exception("Name not valid: Please rename your tab");
        var tabTemplate = FindSelected();

        if (tabTemplate == null)
            ds.ShowMessage("A tab template must be selected.", true);
            throw new System.Exception("A tab template must be selected");

        string        tabCustomName;
        List <string> tempTabList = ds.GetData(tm.getCurrentSection()).GetTabList();

        //Do not remove last compare below. It's looking for a zero width space (unicode 8203 / Alt+200B)
        if (tabName.text == null || tabName.text.Equals("") || tabName.text.ToCharArray()[0].Equals(GlobalData.EMPTY_WIDTH_SPACE))
            tabCustomName = tabTemplate.text;//.Replace(" ", "_") + "Tab";
            if (tabToSpawn != null)
                tabName.text = tabToSpawn.text;
            tabCustomName = tabName.text;//.Replace(" ", "_") + "Tab";
        tabCustomName = tabCustomName.Replace(GlobalData.EMPTY_WIDTH_SPACE + "", "");
        //Debug.Log(tabCustomName + "--------------");
        //tabName = "Test History";

        if (tempTabList.Contains(tabCustomName))
            ds.ShowMessage("Cannot name two tabs the same in one step!", true);
            throw new System.Exception("Cannot name two tabs the same in one step!");

        string selected   = tabTemplate.text;
        string prefabName = selected;

        print("Selected: " + selected);
        System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Instructions/" + tabsFileName);
        string[] split;
        split = reader.ReadLine().Split(splitChar); //Skip the first line
        while (!reader.EndOfStream)
            split = reader.ReadLine().Split(splitChar);
            if (split.Length < 3)
            //print ("split 1: " + split[DISPLAY]);
            if (split[DISPLAY].Equals(selected))
                //print ("split 2: " + split[PREFAB]);
                prefabName = split[PREFAB];

        string xmlTabName = prefabName;//.Replace (" ", "_") + "Tab";
        string xml        = "<data></data>";

        //Debug.Log (GlobalData.resourcePath + "Prefabs/Tabs/" + prefabName + " Tab" + "/" + prefabName.Replace (" ", string.Empty) + "Tab");
        GameObject test = Resources.Load(GlobalData.resourcePath + "/Prefabs/Tabs/" + prefabName + " Tab" + "/" + prefabName.Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "Tab") as GameObject;

        if (test == null)
            Debug.Log("Cannot load tab prefab " + prefabName);
            Debug.Log(GlobalData.resourcePath + "Prefabs/Tabs/" + prefabName + " Tab" + "/" + prefabName.Replace(" ", string.Empty) + "Tab");
        Debug.Log("-----: " + xmlTabName + ", " + tabCustomName);
        ds.AddData(tm.getCurrentSection(), xmlTabName, tabCustomName, xml);

        GameObject newTab = Resources.Load(GlobalData.resourcePath + "/Prefabs/TabButton") as GameObject;

        TextMeshProUGUI[] children = newTab.GetComponentsInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>();
        foreach (TextMeshProUGUI child in children)
            if (child.name.Equals("TabButtonLinkToText"))   //Where the button links to
                child.text = tabCustomName;
            else if (child.name.Equals("TabButtonDisplayText")) //What the button displays
                child.text = tabCustomName;                     //.Replace("_", " ").Substring(0, tabCustomName.Length - 3);
                                                                //This converts the custom name back to display format since tabName.text can be left blank
        //The button's position
        newTab      = Instantiate(newTab, TabButtonContentPar.transform);
        newTab.name = tabCustomName /*.Replace(" ", "_")*/ + "TabButton";
        if (tabName.text.Equals("Background Info") || tabName.text.Equals("Case Overview"))
            if (!BGInfoOption)
                BGInfoOption = ds.transform.Find("TabSelectorBG/TabSelectorPanel/Content/ScrollView/Viewport/Content/BackgroundInfoTabPanel");

            if (!OverviewInfoOption)
                OverviewInfoOption = ds.transform.Find("TabSelectorBG/TabSelectorPanel/Content/ScrollView/Viewport/Content/CaseOverviewTab");
            //tm.SwitchTab (xmlTabName + tabCount);
        //Debug.Log (xmlTabName);
        //tm.SwitchTab (xmlTabName);
Exemple #3
     * Adds the active tab to the dictionary
    public void AddToDictionary()
        //GetSectionImages ();

        //If another tab has specified another AddToDictionary method, use that one
        if (MethodToCall != null)
            if (!sameTab)
                MethodToCall = null;
            if (currentTab == null)

            string xml       = "<data>";
            string imageData = "<images>";
            int    imgCount  = 0;

            //string customName = ds.GetData (currentSection).getTabInfo (currentTab.name + currentTab.GetComponent<Text>().text).customName;
            //xml += "<customName>" + customName + "</customName><data>";

            //Sets up the XML string to be passed into the dictionary
            allChildren = currentTab.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>();
            Transform nextChild = null;
            string    UID       = "";
            foreach (Transform child in allChildren)
                if (child != null)
                    if (child.tag.Equals("Image"))   //Handle images
                        Sprite img = child.GetComponent <Image>().sprite;
                        imageData += "<image" + imgCount + ">";

                        UID        = child.GetComponent <OpenImageUploadPanelScript>().GetGuid();
                        imageData += "<key>" + UID + "</key>";
                        //imageData += "<key>" + currentSection + currentTab.transform.Find ("TabButtonLinkToText").GetComponent<Text>().text + "</key>";
                        string imgRef;
                        if ((imgRef = ds.GetImage(currentSection + currentTab.transform.Find("TabButtonLinkToText").GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>().text).referenceName) != null)
                            imageData += imgRef;
                            imageData += "<width>" + img.texture.width + "</width><height>" + img.texture.height + "</height>";
                            Texture2D dictTexture = img.texture;
                            Texture2D newTexture  = new Texture2D(dictTexture.width, dictTexture.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
                            newTexture.SetPixels(0, 0, dictTexture.width, dictTexture.height, dictTexture.GetPixels());
                            byte[] bytes      = newTexture.EncodeToPNG();
                            string base64Data = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                            imageData += "<data>" + base64Data + "</data>";
                        imageData += "</image" + imgCount + ">";
                    else if (child.GetComponent <HistoryFieldManagerScript>() != null)
                        xml += child.GetComponent <HistoryFieldManagerScript>().getData();
                        Transform tempChild = child;
                        while (nextChild == null)
                            if (tempChild.GetSiblingIndex() + 1 == tempChild.parent.childCount)
                                tempChild = tempChild.parent;
                                nextChild = tempChild.parent.GetChild(tempChild.GetSiblingIndex() + 1);
                    else if (nextChild == null && (child.name.ToLower().EndsWith("value") || child.name.ToLower().EndsWith("toggle") || child.tag.Equals("Value")))     //Input object/field
                        if (child.gameObject.GetComponent <Toggle>() != null)
                            if (true)  // || child.gameObject.GetComponent<Toggle> ().isOn) { //Leaving as true for now. May change later
                                xml += "<" + child.name + ">";
                                xml += child.gameObject.GetComponent <Toggle>().isOn;
                                xml += "</" + child.name + ">";
                        else if (child.name.ToLower().EndsWith("toggle") || child.name.ToLower().EndsWith("radio"))
                            xml += "<" + child.name + ">";

                            //Handle reading the child
                            if (child.gameObject.GetComponent <InputField>() != null)
                                xml += UnityWebRequest.EscapeURL(child.gameObject.GetComponent <InputField>().text);
                            else if (child.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>() != null)
                                xml += UnityWebRequest.EscapeURL(child.gameObject.GetComponent <Text>().text);
                            else if (child.gameObject.GetComponent <Dropdown>() != null)
                                xml += UnityWebRequest.EscapeURL(child.gameObject.GetComponent <Dropdown>().captionText.text);
                            else if (child.name.Equals("DialoguePin") || child.name.Equals("QuizPin") || child.name.Equals("FlagPin") || child.name.Equals("EventPin"))
                                Transform uniqueParent = child;
                                string    path         = "";
                                while (uniqueParent.parent != null && !uniqueParent.parent.name.Equals("Content"))
                                    uniqueParent = uniqueParent.parent;
                                path = uniqueParent.name;
                                while (!uniqueParent.name.EndsWith("Tab"))  //Once you hit the Tab container
                                    uniqueParent = uniqueParent.parent;
                                    path         = uniqueParent.name + "/" + path;
                                path = getCurrentSection() + "/" + path;

                                //If the dialogue entry has been moved, adjust the dictionary accordingly
                                if (child.name.Equals("DialoguePin") && ds.GetDialogues().ContainsKey(path))
                                    string dialogueXML = ds.GetDialogues()[path]; //Dialogue data
                                    ds.AddDialogue(path, dialogueXML);

                                    xml += dialogueXML;
                                else if (child.name.Equals("DialoguePin"))
                                    xml = xml.Substring(0, xml.Length - ("<" + child.name + ">").Length);

                                //If the quiz entry has been moved, adjust the dictionary accordingly
                                if (child.name.Equals("QuizPin") && ds.GetQuizes().ContainsKey(path))
                                    string quizXML = ds.GetQuizes()[path]; //Quiz data
                                    ds.AddQuiz(path, quizXML);
                                    xml += quizXML;
                                else if (child.name.Equals("QuizPin"))
                                    xml = xml.Substring(0, xml.Length - ("<" + child.name + ">").Length);

                                if (child.name.Equals("FlagPin") && ds.GetFlags().ContainsKey(path))
                                    string flagXML = ds.GetFlags()[path]; //Dialogue data
                                    ds.AddFlag(path, flagXML);

                                    xml += flagXML;
                                else if (child.name.Equals("FlagPin"))
                                    xml = xml.Substring(0, xml.Length - ("<" + child.name + ">").Length);

                            xml += "</" + child.name + ">";
                    if (child == nextChild)
                        nextChild = null;
            imageData += "</images>";
            xml       += "</data>";

            //Add the current Tab to the Dictionary. Replace any existing tab if it exists
            if (ds == null)
                ds = GameObject.Find("GaudyBG").GetComponentInChildren <DataScript>();
            //ds.AddData (currentSection, tabName, xml);
            ds.AddData(currentSection, currentTab.name.Substring(0, currentTab.name.Length - 3), xml);
            Debug.Log("Saved value: " + xml);