Exemple #1
        public void TestCustomHashTableAddExistingKey(string rawTestDict)
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable(TestSize);
            var testDict  = GetDictionaryFromString(rawTestDict);

            foreach (var dicItem in testDict)
                hashTable.Add(dicItem.Key, dicItem.Value);

                hashTable.Add(testDict.First().Key, new Random().Next());

            catch (HashTableElementPresenceException ex)

            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Method Add doesn't work correctly");

            Assert.Fail("Method Add doesn't work correctly");
Exemple #2
        public void AddTwoKeyValueAndRetrieveBoth()
            var customHashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, Person>();

            var person = new Person {
                Name = "Vaibhav", Age = 35

            customHashTable.Add(person.Name, person);

            var personTwo = new Person {
                Name = "Vaibhav Bali", Age = 35

            customHashTable.Add(personTwo.Name, personTwo);


            var element = customHashTable.GetElement(person.Name);


            Assert.AreEqual(person.Name, element.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(person.Age, element.Age);


            var secondElement = customHashTable.GetElement(personTwo.Name);


            Assert.AreEqual(personTwo.Name, secondElement.Name);
            Assert.AreEqual(personTwo.Age, secondElement.Age);
Exemple #3
            internal CustomHashTable GetPublicationParametersTable()
                CustomHashTable table = new CustomHashTable();

                table.Add(DPE_PublicationsDefinitions.DPE_PUBLICATION_HOSTNAME, System.Net.Dns.GetHostName());
                table.Add(DPE_PublicationsDefinitions.DPE_PUBLICATION_PORT, this._publicationSocketsServer.ListeningPort);
 public void ShouldAddCorrectNumberOfElements()
     var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
     table.Add(1, 3);
     table.Add(2, 5);
     table.Add(3, 7);
     Assert.AreEqual(3, table.Count);
Exemple #5
        public void ShouldAddNumberOfElementsCorrectly()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            table.Add(1, 1);
            table.Add(2, 2);
            table.Add(3, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, table.Count);
        public void ShouldAutoResizeInnerCollection()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>(1);
            table.Add(1, 113);
            table.Add(2, 411);
            table.Add(3, 231);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, table.Count);
Exemple #7
        public void ShouldAutoResizeInnerCollection()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>(1);

            table.Add(1, 111);
            table.Add(2, 211);
            table.Add(3, 131);

            Assert.AreEqual(3, table.Count);
Exemple #8
        public void Add_Test()
            var hashtable = new CustomHashTable <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 125; i++)

        public void Button7_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            CustomHashTable hashtable = new CustomHashTable();

            hashtable.Add(1, "hugo");
            hashtable.Add(2, "jose");
            hashtable.Add(3, 3);
            hashtable.Add(4, 32);
            SocketData dataSortedList = new SocketData("HASHTABLE_DATA", hashtable);
            SocketData data           = SocketData.ParseAndGet_SocketData_FromXMLDataString(dataSortedList.XMLDataString);

            this.txtDataSocketXMLString.Text = "";
            this.txtDataSocketXMLString.Text = data.XMLDataString;
Exemple #10
        public void AddSameKeyResultsInException()
            var customHashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, Person>();

            var person = new Person {
                Name = "Vaibhav", Age = 35
            var personTwo = new Person {
                Name = "Vaibhav", Age = 33

            customHashTable.Add(person.Name, person);
            customHashTable.Add(person.Name, personTwo);
        public void GivenAnElementWhenAddToHashTableThenGet()
            CustomHashTable <string> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string>();

            hashTable.Add(3, "teste 1");
            hashTable.Add(4378, "teste 2");
            hashTable.Add(999999999, "teste 3");

            var actual = hashTable.Search(4378);

            Assert.Equal("teste 2", actual);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var hashFunctions = new HashFunctions();
            var hashTable     = new CustomHashTable <string, string>(hashFunctions.HashObject);

            hashTable.Add("12", "Stefan Peev");
            hashTable.Add("abc", "Ivan Gabrovski");


            foreach (var item in hashTable)
                System.Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key}, {item.Value}");
Exemple #13
        public void TestCustomHashTableRemove(string rawTestDict)
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable(TestSize);
            var testDict  = GetDictionaryFromString(rawTestDict);

            foreach (var dicItem in testDict)
                hashTable.Add(dicItem.Key, dicItem.Value);

            foreach (var dictItem in testDict)

                    var dummy = hashTable[dictItem.Key];
                catch (HashTableElementAbsenceException ex)

                catch (Exception ex)
                    Assert.Fail("Method Remove doesn't remove hashteble item correctly");

                Assert.Fail("Method Remove doesn't remove hashteble item correctly");
        public void GivenAValidHashTableWhenSearchAInexistentKeyThenReturnEmpty()
            CustomHashTable <string> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string>();

            hashTable.Add(3, "teste 1");
            hashTable.Add(4378, "teste 2");
            hashTable.Add(999999999, "teste 3");
            hashTable.Add(28359889863, "document of person");

            var actual = hashTable.Search(4859540);

            Assert.Equal(null, actual);
        public void GivenAnValidKeyWhenAddToHashTableThenSearchKeyAValueIsFound()
            CustomHashTable <string> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string>();

            hashTable.Add(3, "teste 1");
            hashTable.Add(4378, "teste 2");
            hashTable.Add(999999999, "teste 3");
            hashTable.Add(28359889863, "document of person");

            var actual = hashTable.Search(28359889863);

            Assert.Equal("document of person", actual);
            internal void PostPublicationOnServer(DPE_ClientPublicationDefinition PublicationDefinition)
                //crates the publication definition into a P2PData to send to the server
                CustomHashTable varsToPublish = new CustomHashTable();
                string          variableName  = "";

                DPE_ServerDefs.PublicationVariableDataType variableDataType = default(DPE_ServerDefs.PublicationVariableDataType);
                string variableDataTypeAsString = "";

                IEnumerator enumm = PublicationDefinition.VariablesToPublishTable.GetEnumerator();

                while (enumm.MoveNext())
                    variableName             = System.Convert.ToString(((DictionaryEntry)enumm.Current).Key);
                    variableDataType         = (DPE_ServerDefs.PublicationVariableDataType)(((DictionaryEntry)enumm.Current).Value);
                    variableDataTypeAsString = DPE_ServerDefs.Get_String_FromPublicationVariableDataType(variableDataType);
                    varsToPublish.Add(variableName, variableDataTypeAsString);

                P2PData data = new P2PData(DPE_ServerDefs.DPE_CMD_CREATE_PUBLICATION, varsToPublish);

                data.DataAttributesTable.AddAttribute(DPE_PublicationsDefinitions.DPE_PUBLICATIONS_GROUP, PublicationDefinition.PublicationsGroup);
                data.DataAttributesTable.AddAttribute(DPE_PublicationsDefinitions.DPE_CLIENT_ID, this._STXDataSocketClient.ClientID);
                data.DataAttributesTable.AddAttribute(DPE_PublicationsDefinitions.DPE_PUBLICATION_NAME, PublicationDefinition.PublicationName);

                Services.P2PCommunicationsScheme.P2PPortClient p2pclient = default(Services.P2PCommunicationsScheme.P2PPortClient);
                    p2pclient = new Services.P2PCommunicationsScheme.P2PPortClient(this._STXDataSocketClient.DSSServerHostName, this._STXDataSocketClient.PublicationsPost_PortNumber);

                    //sends the information to the server in order to create it
                    p2pclient.SendData(P2PDataSendMode.SyncrhonicalSend, data);


                    //it the publication was created in the server then ists definition is saved in the publications posted manager
                    //in order to allow it to re create ii if needed

                    string msg = "Publication \'" + PublicationDefinition.PublicationName + "\'    ->    POSTED succesfully.";
                    CustomEventLog.WriteEntry(EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit, msg);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    catch (Exception)
                    string errMSg = "";
                    errMSg = "Error creating the publication \'" + PublicationDefinition.PublicationName + "\' : " + ex.Message;
                    throw (new Exception(errMSg));
        public void ShouldReturnDefaultValueWhenKey()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
            table.Add(1, 200);
            var result = 555;
            var found = table.Find(8, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(default(int), result);
        public void ShouldReturnCorrectValueByKey()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
            table.Add(1, 200);
            var result = 0;
            var found = table.Find(1, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(200, result);
Exemple #19
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Random rand = new Random();

            List <Player> players = new List <Player>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)

                players.Add(new Player()
                    playerId = i

            List <Salary> salaries = new List <Salary>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i)
                if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)

                salaries.Add(new Salary()
                    playerId = i

            // Hash Join -> TEMP HashTable 이용 == List를 순회하면서 hash table에 저장
            // NL과의 차이 : hash table의 생성 여부
            //Dictionary<int, Salary> hash = new Dictionary<int, Salary>();
            CustomHashTable hash = new CustomHashTable();

            foreach (Salary s in salaries)

            List <int> result = new List <int>();

            foreach (Player p in players)
                if (hash.Find(p.playerId))
        public void ShouldReturnDefaultValueWhenKey()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            table.Add(1, 111);
            var result = 555;
            var found  = table.Find(8, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(default(int), result);
        public void ShouldReturnDefaultValueAfterElementIsRemoved()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
            table.Add(7, 7);
            int result;

            Assert.IsTrue(table.Find(7, out result));
            Assert.IsFalse(table.Find(7, out result));
            Assert.AreEqual(default(int), result);
Exemple #22
        public void ShouldReturnCorrectValueByKey()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            table.Add(1, 111);
            var result = 0;
            var found  = table.Find(1, out result);

            Assert.AreEqual(111, result);
        public void ShouldReturnKeysCorrectly()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
            var keys = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

            foreach (int key in keys)
                table.Add(key, key * 100);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(keys, table.Keys);
Exemple #24
        public void TestCustomHashTableAdd(string rawTestDict)
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable(TestSize);
            var testDict  = GetDictionaryFromString(rawTestDict);

            foreach (var dicItem in testDict)
                hashTable.Add(dicItem.Key, dicItem.Value);

            Assert.IsTrue(CheckHashTableContainsDict(hashTable, testDict));
Exemple #25
        public void AddOneKeyValue()
            var customHashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, Person>();

            var person = new Person {
                Name = "Vaibhav", Age = 35

            customHashTable.Add(person.Name, person);

Exemple #26
        public void ShouldReturnDefaultValueAfterElementIsRemoved()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            table.Add(7, 7);
            int result;

            Assert.IsTrue(table.Find(7, out result));
            Assert.IsFalse(table.Find(7, out result));
            Assert.AreEqual(default(int), result);
Exemple #27
        public void ShouldReturnKeysCorrectly()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();
            var keys  = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

            foreach (int key in keys)
                table.Add(key, key * 100);

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(keys, table.Keys);
Exemple #28
        public static void Main()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, string>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                table.Add(i, i.ToString());

Exemple #29
        public static void Main()
            var table = new CustomHashTable <int, string>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                table.Add(i, i.ToString());

Exemple #30
        private CustomHashTable GetCFHashTable()
            CustomHashTable table = new CustomHashTable();
            int             i     = 0;
            string          key   = "";

            for (i = 0; i <= 10; i++)
                key = this._client.ClientName + System.Convert.ToString(i);
                table.Add(key, i);
    static void Main()
        CustomHashTable<int, int> hassTable = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            hassTable.Add(i, i + 1);

        Console.WriteLine(hassTable.Find(6)); // should print 7

        public void AddALotsOfIntegerItems_ItemsAreInTheDictionary()
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            for (var index = 1; index <= 1000; index++)
                hashTable.Add(index, index);
            for (var index = 1; index <= 1000; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual(index, hashTable[index]);
        public void Contains_SomeElement_ReturnFalse()
            CustomHashTable <string, int> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, int>();

            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                hashTable.Add(index.ToString(), index);
            for (var index = 100; index <= 200; index++)
                var containsItem = hashTable.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, int>(index.ToString(), 35));
        public void AddALotsOfStringItems_ItemsAreInTheDictionary()
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, string>();

            for (var index = 1; index <= 1000; index++)
                hashTable.Add($"Key_{index}", $"Value_{index}");

            for (var index = 1; index <= 1000; index++)
                Assert.AreEqual($"Value_{index}", hashTable[$"Key_{index}"]);
        public void Remote_Element_ReturnFalse()
            CustomHashTable <string, int> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <string, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                hashTable.Add(i.ToString(), i);

            for (int i = 100; i < 200; i++)
                var isRemote = hashTable.Remove(i.ToString(), i);
        public void CopyTo_ArrayContainItemsWithHashTable_ReturnTrue()
            CustomHashTable <int, char> hashTable = new CustomHashTable <int, char>();

            KeyValuePair <int, char>[] array = new KeyValuePair <int, char> [100];
            for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
                hashTable.Add(i, i.ToString()[0]);
            hashTable.CopyTo(array, 0);

            foreach (var item in array)
                Assert.AreEqual(item.Value, hashTable[item.Key]);
        public void ChangeItems_SetAnotherValue_GetFalse()
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                hashTable.Add(index, index);
            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                hashTable[index] = 101;
            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                Assert.IsFalse(index == hashTable[index]);
        public void Remote_ElementNotFound_ReturnTrue()
            var hashTable = new CustomHashTable <int, int>();

            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                hashTable.Add(index, index);

            for (var index = 1; index <= 100; index++)
                var isRemote  = hashTable.Remove(index);
                var isElement = hashTable.ContainsKey(index);

                Assert.AreEqual(isRemote, !isElement);
Exemple #39
        public void TestIfAddingNewPairsWorksCorrectly()
            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>(new List<KeyValuePair<int, int>>()
                new KeyValuePair<int, int>(5, 6),
                new KeyValuePair<int, int>(98, 6),
                new KeyValuePair<int, int>(8, 56),
                new KeyValuePair<int, int>(10, 45)
            table.Add(87, 89);
            table.Add(57, 189);
            table.Add(51, 89);
            table.Add(512, 189);
            table.Add(52, 819);
            table.Add(145, 89);

            Assert.AreEqual(10, table.Count);
Exemple #40
        static void Main()
            //IList<object> firstInput = new List<object>();

            //IList<object> secondInput = new List<object>()
            //    5.5, 3.487362, 345.0, -323232, 3, 3, -3, 6.7, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 8.909, 5, 7

            //IList<object> thirdInput = new List<object>()
            //    5.4, 6.6, 6.6, 6.6, 6.7, 7.6, 7.6, 7, 6.5

            //IList<object> stringInput = new List<object>()
            //    "C#", "SQL", "PHP", "PHP", "SQL", "SQL"

            //// 1. Write a program that counts in a given array of double values the number of occurrences of each value.
            //// This checks if the validation is ok
            //// It should throw exeption
            ////var numberOfOccurrenciesCrash = FindNumberOfOccurencies(firstInput);

            //var numberOfOccurrencies = FindNumberOfOccurencies(secondInput);
            //foreach (var pair in numberOfOccurrencies)
            //    if (pair.Value != 1)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1} times", pair.Key, pair.Value);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("{0} -> 1 time", pair.Key);
            //    }

            //// 2. Write a program that extracts from a given sequence of strings all elements that present in it odd number of times.
            //IList<object> oddlyOccuredStrings = ExtractPresentedOddNumberOfTimes(stringInput);
            //foreach (var text in oddlyOccuredStrings)
            //    Console.WriteLine(text);

            //// 3. Write a program that counts how many times each word from given text file words.txt appears in it.
            //string filepath = "../../text.txt";
            //IList<KeyValuePair<string, int>> countedInText = CountWordNumberInText(filepath);
            //Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            //foreach (var pair in countedInText)
            //    if (pair.Value != 1)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("{0} -> {1} times", pair.Key, pair.Value);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("{0} -> 1 time", pair.Key);
            //    }

            var testHashTable = new CustomHashTable<int, string>();
            testHashTable.Add(7, "ebalosie");
            testHashTable.Add(8, "tuionui");
            testHashTable.Add(9, "mamata");
            testHashTable.Add(10, "tintirimitiri");
            testHashTable.Add(23, "ebadsadasdalosie");

            foreach (var pair in testHashTable)
                Console.WriteLine("Key: {0} -> Value: {1}", pair.Key, pair.Value);
        public void ShouldIterateCorrectly()
            var result = new List<KeyValuePair<int, int>>();
            var keys = new[] { 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 };
            var values = new[] { 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 };

            var table = new CustomHashTable<int, int>();
            foreach (var key in keys)
                table.Add(key, key * 10);

            foreach (var pair in table)

            Assert.AreEqual(keys, result.Select(x => x.Key));
            Assert.AreEqual(values, result.Select(x => x.Value));