Exemple #1
        public byte[] Read(IntPtr address, int length)
            var info = new CopyMem();
            var buf  = new byte[length];

            info.SourcePid = 0;
            info.TargetPid = Pid;
            info.Size      = buf.Length;

            //todo: make param to specify if base is needed
            if (address == H.GameManager || address == H.Renderer || address == H.Interface || address == H.WeaponManager)
                info.Read = 2; //tell driver to get base address
                info.Read = 1;
            info.Addr  = address;
            info.Value = IntPtr.Zero;
            var bytes = 0;

            if (info.Read != 0 && address != IntPtr.Zero && (long)address > 0)
                var res = Win32.DeviceIoControl(Handle, CtlCode(0x00000022, 0x905, 2, 0), info, Marshal.SizeOf(info),
                                                buf, (uint)length, ref bytes, IntPtr.Zero);

Exemple #2
        private void WriteMem(IReadOnlyCollection <byte> bytes, IntPtr address)
            var info = new CopyMem();
            var buf  = new byte[bytes.Count];

            info.SourcePid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
            info.TargetPid = Pid;
            info.Size      = bytes.Count;
            info.Read      = 3; //todo: add another ctl code instead of passing different read value
            info.Addr      = address;
            var pinnedByteArr = GCHandle.Alloc(bytes, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            var addr          = pinnedByteArr.AddrOfPinnedObject();

            info.Value = addr;
            var bytes1 = 0;

            if (info.Read != 0 && address != IntPtr.Zero && (long)address > 0)
                var res = Win32.DeviceIoControl(Handle, CtlCode(0x00000022, 0x905, 2, 0), info, Marshal.SizeOf(info),
                                                buf, (uint)buf.Length, ref bytes1, IntPtr.Zero);