void LateUpdate()
        //try {

        if (zmq != null)
            if (zmq.getNewestData(out output))
                //Expect righthand, X front, Z up coordinate system
                m_position = CoordinateTransformations.VectorToGameEngine(new Vector3(output.px, output.py, output.pz));
                m_rotation = CoordinateTransformations.QuaternionToGameEngine(new Quaternion(output.qx, output.qy, output.qz, output.qw));

                //update height if walking on ground
                if (WalkOnGround)
                    //trace from new x,z coordinates and old height, with height = new height
                    m_position = FallToGround(m_position, m_position.y);
        transform.position = m_position;
        transform.rotation = m_rotation;

        //trigger position update
        TriggerPositionUpdate(m_position, m_rotation);
    void doUpdate()
        //try {

        if (zmq != null)
            if (zmq.getNewestData(out output))
                //Expect righthand, X front, Z up coordinate system
                pos = CoordinateTransformations.VectorToGameEngine(new Vector3(output.px, output.py, output.pz));
                ori = CoordinateTransformations.QuaternionToGameEngine(new Quaternion(output.qx, output.qy, output.qz, output.qw));

                m_rotation = ori;

                //update height if walking on ground
                if (WalkOnGround)
                    //trace from new x,z coordinates and old height, with height = new height
                    m_position = FallToGround(new Vector3(pos.x, m_position.y, pos.z), pos.y);
                    m_position = pos;
            Invoke("doUpdate", updateTime);
            Invoke("doUpdate", 1f);

        //trigger position update
        TriggerPositionUpdate(m_position, m_rotation);